The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 190 My brother should be Yao and Shun

When Wang Yan saw Sun Fugui's despicable appearance, he didn't know that Zhou Miaotong had bought it.

"Let's go take a look..." He immediately stood up and said, "Is there anything unexpected on the way?"

"I heard from the brothers who came back that when I left, there was a hundred households of Jin Yiwei who followed me for a while, but they didn't do anything. I don't know what they were thinking. I guess I have something to do with this Zhou Miaotong." Sun Fugui followed Wang Yan. Behind him: "But, Sir, don't tell me, your vision is good, and your appearance is indeed enough. I remember that you have never been to the capital, right? Where did you know such a person?"

There is no respect for Jin Yiwei in his words. Not only that his men are there, but that Jin Yiwei is not what he used to be. He has long lost the power that he used to scare people with sleepless nights just by his name.

Now Niu Bi is Dongchang, and Jin Yiwei is just his subordinate dog. After all, the commanders of the Jinyi Guards are all Wei Zhongxian's younger brothers. Everyone in the world knows that in this Ming Dynasty, apart from the emperor, he is the most powerful person who is nine thousand years old.

"I can do calculations, but I'll find out five hundred years later, where have I been?" Wang Yan said nonsensically: "Old Sun, you are still far behind."

Sun Fugui smiled and said nothing, just treating General Wang as a childish braggart. As for where he knew such a woman, it was just a simple question, which was not important at all.

The school grounds are still some distance from the general's residence. Along the way, Sun Fugui and Wang Yan talked about some recent developments.

The supplies have been inventoried. According to their standards, after excluding the construction funds for the secret guards, they can support more than 10,000 people, which is far from the full strength of 20,000. This does not include the training of other reserve military households, increased training expenditures for head combatants, upgrades and innovations of armor, research and development and application of steam engines, smelting, manufacturing and application of flintlock muskets, etc., that is all. The white money was thrown in desperately.

Of course, General Wang has always been thoughtful, so he had expected this situation and had a suspicion in his mind. Now if his Jinzhou City wants to develop, it depends on two things, one is population and the other is productivity technology.

He has the technology, but what he lacks is the population. Now here in Jinzhou, apart from soldiers and military households, there are basically no civilian households. And with a large population of civilians, there is a labor force, a market, and with the market, there is money. With money, there will be technological upgrades, and there will be machine guns and cannons...

As for population, it’s not a big problem. Ming Dynasty is now starving to death, freezing to death, and dying of poverty. Too many people are bullied to death, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Han people on the other side waiting for his rescue. He has completely straightened out Jinzhou during this period, and the population should be in place.

While talking, the two of them arrived at the General's Mansion. When they reached the backyard, Sun Fugui stopped and said, "Sir, I won't go in. The brothers also bought the maids who served her, and bought them from Ren Yazi. I bought a few girls there to take care of your daily life."

Wang Yan looked at Sun Fugui in surprise: "This brother who is doing this is so clever. I will reward you with ten taels of silver later." He did not expect that a bunch of rough guys who were fighting and killing would have such exquisite thoughts and considerations. So thoughtful.

Sun Fugui laughed and said, "They are all well-trained by adults, haha..."

"That's okay if you want to say that." Wang Yan laughed and said, "Okay, don't come to me if you have nothing to do. I'm busy today."

"I understand, I understand, sir, you are busy."

"Go to hell."

After giving Sun Fugui a symbolic kick, Wang Yan waved his hand and walked into the backyard with a smile.

"grown ups."

Seeing Wang Yan come in, several girls of thirteen or fourteen who had been taught the rules bowed and saluted.

"Well, no courtesy." Wang Yan nodded and said, "Is anyone in there?"

"My lord, Miss Zhou has just taken a bath and is dressing up inside." The closed door opened, and another little girl came out: "My lord, please wait a moment until Miss Zhou is dressed up before I greet you."

Is this a sequelae of being a prostitute? Do you still think he is a top brand or something?

But it should be said that the brothels inside this Jiaofangsi are indeed different from the brothels outside. The Jiaofangsi are basically all girls from well-to-do families. The other leading brothels and famous prostitutes are mostly tools trained by professionals since childhood. Different natures, two different things.

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, not used to that stupid disease, so he walked straight in: "Close the door."

"Sir, you can't go in, sir..."

Stopped at the door, Wang Yan looked at the little girl calmly: "I said close the door, do you understand?"

Looking at Wang Yan's emotionless eyes, and thinking about what she had learned from the soldiers on the way here, the little girl was frightened. Even if her contract was not in the hands of this person, they wanted to deal with her in a small way. Isn't it easy to be a personal maid?

"Ah...yes...yes, sir."

The little girl quickly lowered her head and stepped aside to let the door open.

After scaring the child, Wang Yanren said "close the door" and walked in.

Entering the house, Zhou Miaotong had already heard the commotion. Seeing Wang Yan show up, he immediately bowed: "Miaotong has met you, sir. Xiaoqiu is young and ignorant, so she bumped into you. My daughter took her to apologize to you. I hope you won’t be surprised.”

As she spoke, she secretly glanced at the unspectacular young man in front of her. It was difficult for her to compete with the legendary victorious battlefield warrior.

What she couldn't even imagine was how such a general guarding the border knew about her and how he redeemed her and sent her all the way to Liaodong.

Although the reputation of military generals is not well known at this time, Wang Yan's name has been spread for a while because of people like Wang Yan who have won battles for the country and the court's intention to add fuel to the flames. Moreover, Wang Yan is still young, so being able to achieve such an achievement today is even more legendary. As for Zhou Miaotong, there was a lot of mixed news in that place, and it was not unusual to know that there were many things to say.

"Well, get up." Wang Yan nodded: "Are you getting used to it here? If there is anything missing, just send someone to tell the soldiers outside."

When watching the movie, Zhou Miaotong looked very delicate and artificial, but now in the real world, she looks much more pleasing to the eye. She is completely the image of a weak little woman who cannot control her own destiny, has experienced misery, and is helpless. Of course, summarizing it in one sentence is still a death sentence. But looking at the scene in the same movie, she definitely has two ways to die.

"Thank you sir, everything is fine."

"Okay, I'll tell you first." Wang Yan said: "As for me, I just need to keep myself safe. There are not so many rules. You are the only woman at the moment. You can do whatever you like on weekdays."

"Although this Jinzhou City is not as good as the capital city, there is nothing new, but it is still a different scene. You don't have to stay in this mansion all day, take your maid out for a walk when you have nothing to do. The security inside and outside the city is It’s guaranteed, there are no gangsters here who tease people in broad daylight.”

"Do you have anything else to say?"

Zhou Miaotong also lived in the world of mortals, so he naturally knew what he was going to do next. He immediately shook his head and said softly: "I hope you will take pity on me..."

Wang Yan didn't say anything, just picked him up and walked to the bed at the back...

After all, this is a man's world, and women depend on men for their lives. It doesn't matter what Zhou Miaotong thinks. She's already here, and she's not seeking death or survival, which says a lot.

As for the young master of the Yan family whose best friend had his hand cut off by Shen Lian? Four words, meaning ruthless. Perhaps in Zhou Miaotong's heart, there are not so many things like this and that. Who can redeem her from the Nuanxiang Pavilion where Jian Tian'er receives guests so that she can have fewer men? Who can lead her life, that is her husband. …

The look of death he puts on all day long is nothing more than a sign of his powerlessness over his own destiny. Maybe there are professional reasons, after all, it is easy to arouse men's natural protective desire...

Just like modern times, ancient times also had indicators and performance requirements, and they were even more ruthless. Therefore, anyone who can stand out in a brothel, such as a top card, famous prostitute, etc., has a serious way of playing with men. Not to mention playing with women, where there are so many cousins, just think about it.

The next day, Wang Yan sat in the government office in the city feeling refreshed.

I had been holding it in for more than a year, but once I released it, how could I feel so comfortable? Zhou Miaotong should seriously take a rest. Even if she can live, it will be in vain, mainly because the gun is too sharp...

Sun Fugui came forward with a smile: "Sir, how do you feel?"

"That feels so good." Wang Yan laughed and said to the younger brother in charge of money and food on the side: "Old Zhang, please remember, I will deduct one month's share of Old Sun."

Lao Zhang looked at the stiff-faced Sun Fugui and laughed: "Yes, sir."

Sun Fugui wanted to explain, but his original intention was to laugh at Wang Yan. He also knew that if he spoke again, he would be deducted for two months. He immediately glanced angrily at Lao Zhang, who was keeping the accounts, and went back to sit down honestly.

"Do you still care about how I feel?"

"Sir, as you said, we also care about you, old man." Seeing Wang Yan looking over, the man quickly waved his hand: "No more, no more, we don't care at all..."

After glancing around, he saw everyone sitting upright and nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's get down to business."

"Sir, the population has been calculated." The civil servant cupped his hands and said, "There are soldiers in the city now..."

Next, a group of people including Sun Fugui reported various statistics in Jinzhou City.

The most important ones are the number of soldiers, households, and how much money they have. Sun Fugui had already reported the money and material situation yesterday. More than 5,000 people came with him, including the military households' wives, children, and family members, which amounted to less than 10,000 people. There were originally more than 14,000 soldiers and horses in the city, and the military households and their families had another 15,000 people. About a thousand people. The total population of this huge Jinzhou City is less than 40,000.

Among them, the real combatable soldiers were the more than a thousand people who followed him to the end of the battle, and the remaining foundation was basically destroyed. Therefore, there is no way to send troops to launch an attack in a short period of time. No matter what, we have to have 3,000 capable troops in hand before we can act.

The top priority now is to make money and build construction.

Wang Yan made some further plans based on the situation, and then assigned the tasks. The whole morning passed.

Development and construction cannot be rushed. Besides, there's no point in being anxious. He can't change people, turn money, or use equipment. He can only develop slowly and steadily step by step.

After everyone dispersed, Wang An came over and said, "Sir, we have already found out about Hokusai."

"Yes." Wang Yan nodded, indicating to continue.

"She lives outside the capital, and her protection strength is not bad. Some of them look like they are from the border army. And these people don't always protect her. Sometimes there are only a few people with average military force around her. That’s all.”

Wang An mused: "When the brothers followed, they discovered that this woman had something to do with King Xin Zhu Youjian. Moreover, the brothers also discovered that the guards were secretive and had secret meetings with King Xin. Now the emperor is ill. Bed, I don’t know what the situation is, but the court is very vocal about the King’s succession... Sir, I think it’s better not to get involved with this woman, it’s too dangerous...”

"Hasn't it been discovered?"

It's not to destroy his own ambition. Wang Yan knows very well what level this group of people are. Now they are all following Zhu Youjian?

"No." Wang An shook his head and said: "According to your instructions, our main goal is to investigate Beizhai. As for the matter with King Xin, we discovered it accidentally. Brothers are very careful. After discovering that it was King Xin, they didn't do anything. Follow me again.”

Wang Yan nodded, said nothing, and tapped his fingers on the table in deep thought...


Two months later, in a mountain thirty miles outside the capital.

Zhou Miaoxuan ran across the suspension bridge with the package on his back and went straight into the deep forest.

After running for a while, Zhou Miaoxuan heard the sound of swords clashing from behind, and suddenly stopped thinking about the man who risked his life to let her go.

Because he was running so fast, Zhou Miaoxuan gasped for breath and stood for a while. He didn't know what he was thinking, but turned around and ran back.

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the forest: "Wait a minute."

Zhou Miaoxuan stopped and nervously circled back and forth: "Who is it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, five or six people wearing leather armor, with their faces covered, and carrying knives came out and surrounded Zhou Miaoxuan.

One of them took two steps forward and said politely, "Girl, don't be nervous. May I ask if you are Mr. Hokusai, Zhou Miaoxuan?"

Zhou Miaoxuan looked at these people warily: "It's me, who are you? What are you doing?"

I couldn't help but wonder if these people were sent by him? Have you sent someone to find her?

"Girl, don't panic, we are here to save you." As he spoke, the man stepped forward to arrest Zhou Miaoxuan: "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, girl, you should come with us."

"Let me go, where are you taking me?... Wuwu... Wuwu..."

Just as Zhou Miaoxuan was shouting, others stepped forward and tied him up three times, five divided by two, and stuffed his mouth with a piece of cloth.

"Hurry up and wait for them at the meeting point."

The leader earlier glanced at Zhou Miaoxuan, who was tied up and struggling hard, and directly asked his subordinates to put them on the horses. Then a group of six people got on the horses and ran away quickly, disappearing.

Across the grass behind and across the suspension bridge through the woods, Lu Wenzhao, Shen Lian and others were hiding behind rocks. In the distance were a group of Jin Yiwei men leading the troops from the Beijing camp, firing muskets and bows...

Lu Wenzhao held his bleeding abdomen, resisting the pain, and looked at the woman in white, Ding Baiying, in confusion: "Junior sister, how could this happen?"

"Senior brother, don't you understand?" Ding Baiying looked at the man in front of her affectionately: "To His Highness, you and I are both flaws."

Lu Wenzhao didn't understand, he just didn't want to believe it. Why does he live till now? The purpose is to live a personal life. The results of it? In the end, you still have to be a ghost.

"Shen Lian, you and I will definitely not be able to survive in this Shura field..."

Yelling with all his strength, Lu Wenzhao and Ding Baiying looked at each other. This is the woman he loves deeply. It's a pity that it has been so many years...

He reached out and gently touched Ding Baiying's cheek, feeling the warmth of the skin. This was the only touch in so many years, and it was also the last touch.

Lu Wenzhao stopped at the first touch. He stood up with the knife and walked to the opposite road. As soon as he stood still, without waiting for him to say anything, the Beijing soldier who came from the opposite side was hit with a bullet.

Ding Baiying stared blankly at the staggering figure and shouted reluctantly: "Senior brother..."

The soldiers from the Beijing camp on the opposite side didn't care about the useless ones, they just came over in groups and killed them, not forgetting to give Lu Wenzhao two more blows.

Seeing Lu Wenzhao fall, Ding Baiying angrily came out to pick up the special Miao knife on the ground, and faced thousands of troops alone...

At this time, something unexpected happened, and a dense sound different from that of firecrackers was heard, and the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp who had been ambushing before on the slope fell to the ground. Those who were unlucky would hold the injured area and howl in agony. Those who were unlucky would leave on the spot to avoid suffering.

After these few sounds, before the people in the Beijing camp could panic, there was a loud explosion. The rushing team in front of Ding Baiying was obviously empty.

"There are enemies, there are enemies..."

This made these people react. Some found cover to avoid, some turned around and ran away. Of course, the most common ones turned around and ran away, including Xu Xianchun, the commander of Jin Yiwei, who was Wei Zhongxian's sincere little brother. His first reaction was "Fuck." He turned around and ran away. There was no breeze like the past.

Without waiting for these people to organize a counterattack, hundreds of masked men rushed down from the mountain. While shooting explosive packets with crossbows, some fired muskets. In just a moment, half of the people below fell, and the rest also ran away. Except for the people on the ground who were moaning in pain, the scene became quiet for a while.

These people didn't care about Shen Lian, Ding Baiying and others who were watching them warily, but skillfully used last-minute strikes to help others escape. The skillful technique made Shen Lian and others' eyelids jump.

This is not comparable to the previous troops in the Beijing camp, not to mention sophisticated equipment. They just inadvertently cooperated when they went down the mountain to charge into the formation. Now, apart from swinging their swords and groaning hard, they can't say a word of nonsense. It all shows that this is a well-trained and fierce fighting force.

They were all practitioners, and they killed a lot of people. Just looking at the hundreds of people in front of them who were muttering about finishing their blows, they were damn hard to mess with.

After a while, these people finally came in front of them with a last-ditch attack, and hundreds of people surrounded the three of them.

Shen Lian exchanged glances with Pei Lun and Ding Baiying, then stepped forward and said with cupped hands: "Shen Lian, thank you all the heroes for your help. I wonder why you saved the three of us?"

No one paid attention to him. A leader from the team took out a few portraits from the lining of the armor and compared them with the people in front of him: "Pei Lun and Ding Baiying, those are the two of them." As he spoke, this The leader pointed at the two of them respectively.

As soon as the words were spoken, the people standing behind Pei Lun and Ding Baiying swarmed up and tied them up without saying a word. At close range, with so many people attacking together, Pei Lun and Ding Baiying's force had not yet reached that level, and they were disarmed just as they tried to resist.

Shen Lian looked at this group of people in confusion, as well as Pei Lun and Ding Baiying who were tied up and struggling, feeling a little at a loss for the moment.

Save people, there are so many people here, and he can't even do a few. Don't save him. As a friend who fights side by side, it's not good for him to just watch the fun. If you want to run away, you can't run away. After all, the knife rests on your neck.

After confirming that the person had been tied up, the leader stepped forward and patted Shen Lian on the shoulder: "I'll save your life anyway. If you are caught later, I hope you won't say too much."

After saying that, he yelled ‘withdraw’.

Then hundreds of people quickly ran into the woods and disappeared...

Shen Lian looked at the crowd of people who were coming and going in a hurry. He didn't know where these elites came from, or why they saved them, and then kidnapped Pei Lun and Ding Baiying, leaving him alone.

After thinking for a while, Shen Lian gave up. Compared to these, he had more important things to do. Picking up the knife on the ground and finding the crossbow arrows that he had used for many years, Shen Lian walked towards the suspension bridge...

At the same time, in the Forbidden City, under the witness of Wei Zhongxian and several important cabinet ministers, Zhu Youxiao took Zhu Youjian's hand and said with his last strength: "My brother, I will be like Yao and Shun. The Ming Dynasty... is you That’s it…”

Thanks to brother (I really want to eat burgers) for the 100 coins support.

Thanks to the six elder brothers (Yue Yuan 1573) (High Speed ​​Bum) (Nangong Yiye) (Koala Pig) (Kirishima Sakura*) (HC Master) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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