June 30, 1997.

Today is a day for people across the country to celebrate together.

On Hong Kong Island, children who have been away from their motherland for a hundred years are about to return to their mother's arms.

The world's attention is focused on Hong Kong Island, and people from all walks of life gather at the Hong Kong Island Convention and Exhibition Center.

At 23:56, flag bearers from China and the UK entered the scene, and the flag-lowering and flag-raising ceremony, symbolizing the handover of power on Hong Kong Island between the two governments, began. All Chinese and foreign guests attending the ceremony stood up. All eyes were focused on the flagpoles erected on the east and west sides of the rostrum.

At 23:59, the national flag of Gui Lao and the flag of Hong Kong Island slowly lowered to the music of Gui Lao's national anthem. As the "Microphone Flag" slowly lowered, Gui Lao's century-long colonial rule in Hong Kong came to an end.

At midnight on July 1, 1997, an exciting and sacred moment arrived: the military band of the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China played the majestic Chinese national anthem, and the national flag of the motherland and the regional flag of the Hong Kong Island Special Administrative Region were slowly raised together.

The entire assembly hall stood in silence, and thousands of pairs of eyes saluted the bright five-star red flag and the bauhinia regional flag. This is a moment that the Chinese nation has been waiting for for a long time. This is a moment that will forever be recorded in the annals of world history!

The whole place was in an uproar, many people had tears of excitement in their eyes, and the thunderous applause lasted for a long time. The lenses of cameras and video cameras kept flashing to record this solemn historical moment.


Although in real life he is a useless and transparent person, the country is still that country, and Wang Yan's status here can affect many things.

To be honest, Long Teng is no different from a terrorist organization, and neither of them is a good thing.

The little prince is not afraid of China. After all, big countries want face. The little prince was afraid that Wang Yan would be like this. If his blood got the better of him and he carried out a terrorist attack, he would just blow him up for fun. Even if Wang Yan was tortured to death in the end, he would be gone. You only have one life, and you can't afford to be angry with a common man.

What's more, the negotiations between the two countries have been agreed a long time ago, so there is no need for him to do petty tricks to disgust people. Don't torture yourself to death without being disgusted. It's more gain than loss.

So, the process was quite smooth. Of course, the little prince also had a grudge against Wang Yan, and he had no choice but to join the team that killed Long Teng.

That is to say, now Wang Yan's status is getting higher and higher, and his cultivation is getting higher and higher.

In the following time, Wang Yan's life returned to normal.

After so many years of development, Long Teng naturally has a sound physique, and Wang Yan doesn't need to worry about it at all. He would read the various reports of the group from time to time, and promote some outstanding personnel to positions from time to time, and there would be nothing left for him to worry about.

After nothing happens, I will naturally continue to study.

Now Wang Yan mainly studies Chinese studies, and has basically visited all the famous Chinese masters in the country. Now his level is similar to that of a graduate student in this field. Now his Chinese proficiency is at the professional level of LV3. This is nothing else but his ability to understand and express words.

During this time, Wang Yan came into contact with Taoism. The masters had a certain understanding of this stuff, and he also learned a lot. But the master is a master of Chinese studies. This master is specialized, not omnipotent. Moreover, these masters of Chinese studies mostly study Confucian stuff and Western philosophical thoughts, which are still much lower than those of serious Taoist priests.

It is for this reason that Wang Yan began to visit this group of Taoist masters in China.

Literary people also have a circle, and the masters of Chinese studies know all about those who are truly competent. It was also through their introduction that Wang Yan was able to accurately find a Taoist priest with sufficient skills.

It's still the same old routine. Although the Taoist priests have been practicing Taoism for many years and are relatively open-minded, there is no reason to reject Wang Yan's kindness.

Therefore, whenever Wang Yan went to a place, he would throw money and ask for directions without saying a word. Donate money to repair and build the dojo first, and then visit and ask for advice.

Chinese studies are already a bit confusing, not to mention Taoism.

Emptiness, inaction, opposition, unity, etc.

Wang Yan was so confused that he had no interest in finding anyone to practice shooting with.

In this case, his mental strength is in vain. This thing is based on IQ and accumulation.

The more you learn, the more profound you feel. Isn't there a saying that cognition is a circle, that is, the more you understand, the more confusion you will have. The same is true for Wang Yan. His circle is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more things he doesn't understand. He still has a long way to go.

The more Wang Yan learned, the more he realized his ignorance. And this ignorance prompted him to continue learning, making him deeply addicted to it and unable to extricate himself.

Time passed slowly in Wang Yan's study, and it is now 99 years.

After this period of time, Wang Yan's level of Taoism was only about entry level, and he didn't even have any skills. Fortunately, after consulting the masters, he has a good foundation, and he will be able to slowly learn and understand it himself in the future.

On this day, Wang Yan was handling matters at Longteng's headquarters. Suddenly I received a system task completion prompt.

To be honest, he never thought he could complete it. He thought he would have to die naturally in this world before he could go back. I didn't expect it to be completed quietly, which was an unexpected surprise.

He was not in a hurry to return, but asked his younger brother to investigate what happened to Chen Yongren so that he could complete the task.

The next day, Chen Yongren's information was placed in front of Wang Yan.

After Chen Yongren was assigned as a trainee inspector by Wang Yan, he became a regular inspector in less than half a year.

And it didn’t take long, perhaps because fate was hard to change, and I met Ami just like in the original play.

When the two met, they quickly fell in love.

Chen Yongren is an inspector. Under Hong Kong's policy of high salary and integrity, the salary and benefits are not exaggerated.

This was different from the original fate. After discovering that Ami was pregnant, the two got married directly and gave birth to a daughter.

Because I had some merits last year, my qualifications were actually lower. Considering that everyone knew that Chen Yongren was promoted by Wang Yan, he was promoted to senior inspector as a sign of goodwill.

In the past few years, it can be said that Chen Yongren's career has been smooth and his life has been happy.

Also recently, when looking at his daughter who was bouncing around, Chen Yongren remembered what happened back then and felt a little emotional.

It didn't matter. As he thought about it, he remembered what Wang Yan said to him back then.

At that time, he didn't care at all. Now many years have passed, Chen Yongren has matured, and many things are no longer as passionate as before.

Thinking back to the beginning, what would have happened to Wang Yan if he hadn't been there?

The greatest possibility is that he will be deceived by Huang Zhicheng and continue to be an undercover agent until his death. The only difference is the process.

Chen Yongren thought about many possible outcomes. No matter what he thought, the final outcome would not be good. Maybe he died in an unknown corner, and there was no one to take care of the funeral arrangements. Maybe it was a rough life for most of his life, and he ended up lonely and depressed.

Thinking about it this way, he was really grateful to Wang Yan for saving his possibly miserable life.

As for Wang Yan's possible ulterior motives for him, he has already figured it out after so many years.

What level is the current Dragon Soaring in? Competing on the world battlefield, the opponents are all world-renowned consortiums and organizations. What does he, a little inspector, mean?

Because of this, he figured everything out, which may be a form of salvation in the eyes of the system.

In Wang Yan's view, not dying is the best redemption for Chen Yongren, not to mention a happy family and a smooth career.

This is why Wang Yan began to think that Chen Yongren would need to go through a very powerful four years to unify the underground forces in Hong Kong Island.

He made countless mistakes, and they were all Wang Yan's fault.

After reading the information, Wang Yan roughly guessed some of Chen Yongren's thoughts, which were nothing more than remembering the bitter and thinking of the sweet.

He no longer worries about what is there and what is not. He has spent nine years here, and he has stayed long enough.

Pulling out the system panel, Wang Yan chose to return.

Blue light flashed and Wang Yan disappeared.


Wang Yan woke up and suffered from the violent collision and impact of memories in his mind.

He has stayed in the world of "Infernal Affairs" for too long, experienced too much, and learned too much. So much so that he had to bear a stronger impact than after returning from the previous world. He was so overwhelmed by Wang Yan last time, let alone this time.

This feeling once made Wang Yan collapse. The system has reward attribute points. Wang Yanqiang pulled out the system panel and clicked on the mental attributes.

Soon, a clear spring came from the depths of his mind, cleansing Wang Yan's chaotic mental world and soothing the endless shock.

After a while, Wang Yan felt much better. This is because the mental strength has been greatly enhanced, which has increased Wang Yan's endurance limit. It can be said that this memory impact has been completely offset, and the remaining side effects of the memory need to be digested by Wang Yan himself.

This side effect is analogous.

How can a person who has experienced the world, seen through the mortal world, and is still in the mortal world continue to face the mortal world?

Is it to retreat into the mountains and forests and not care about worldly affairs?

Or continue to drift in the materialistic world?

Wang Yan will continue to live in the world of mortals, so how should he face it?

Now I have just experienced two worlds, plus I have studied a lot of Chinese studies, philosophy, and Taoism, and I have a lot of thoughts about society, human nature, and life. As he experiences more and understands more, what will he be like at that time?

How to see the world and himself is a problem that Wang Yan has to solve throughout his life.

Wang Yan is not a fool, he is destined to improve. Then as he knows more, his realm will become higher and higher. The views on these two are not static, but change from time to time.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Yan opened the system panel

Wang Yan

Attributes: Strength 20

Agility 20

Physique 20

Spirit 18

No points assigned 0

Storage space 2m

Skills: English LV3

Fighting LV3

Manage LV3

Selling LV3

Chinese Studies: LV2

Philosophy: LV2

. . . Omit a bunch of skills.

The most important thing is that the space has been upgraded. The volume has increased by one cubic meter, so it can hold more things in the future.

Strength, agility, and physical fitness have already reached 20. For so many years, he has only exercised daily and maintained his condition. After all, no matter how much he practices, it will not be of much use.

The mission was completed and four attribute points were awarded. I just added them to the spirit, and the spirit reached 18. Memory and logical thinking abilities are greatly enhanced. It has been seven or eight years since fighting broke through to LV3, and the remaining management and sales have long since become professional. Chinese studies and philosophy are two different things, both are LV2.

Wang Yan has been studying Taoism for two years, and he feels that he is almost getting started. But it's just a feeling. This thing mainly depends on enlightenment. When you realize it, you will get started.

In addition to the above, so many years cannot be wasted, and I have learned many other skills. Psychology, sports medicine, etc., it’s all a mess.

Wang Yan learns everything and reads everything. As the saying goes, too many skills don’t weigh you down. When traveling around the world, it doesn't hurt to be good with your hands.

In addition, the system also gave a reward of "In the next world, after the wishing task is completed, you can continue to stay for no more than one year." In his opinion, this is a vacation time, and the system may want him to relax and unwind.

He took a deep breath, got up and got out of bed, poured a glass of water, walked to the bed and looked at the night outside.

He just added mental attributes, and now not only is he not sleepy, but he is also very energetic.

After calming down for a while, Wang Yan picked up a book and started reading. It was a long night and he had no intention of sleeping, so he might as well read a book to pass the time.

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