The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 496 The little girl is still a little young

It wasn't until the taxi disappeared from sight that Zhu Suosuo stopped smiling, frowned and thought about Wang Yan and Da Lang. As a woman's intuition, she had a bad feeling. For a moment, she froze in place.

She didn't come back to her senses until her phone rang. She took out her phone and looked at the caller ID. It was Jiang Nansun. She hung up the phone and told the news on WeChat that she was at the door. Then he let out a deep breath and stepped into the alley. He used his mobile phone to flash the flashlight around the four circles of cars and looked around carefully...

After entering Jiang's house, he exchanged a few words with Jiang Pengfei, who was still angry but insisted on expressing his apology. Zhu Suosuo clattered up to the attic.

Jiang Nansun was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone. When she saw Zhu Suosuo come in, she said, "I'm sorry, Suosuo, my dad is like that, don't be angry."

"Why should I be angry? If I were really asked to cook a meal, what if I didn't say anything right and let my uncle know that you introduced me to Wang Yan? What's the point?" Zhu Suosuo waved his hands indifferently: "I just said Come back and see if his car is still downstairs?"

"Have you been drinking? My dad said to park the car here and ask me to take it back to him tomorrow. He also asked me to go and have a look at his mansion. Really, why don't you give up?"

"You have a brain twitch, okay? I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Zhang Anren gave you. Hey, aren't you going to his house tomorrow? Then you can take a photo and send it to me."

"I would have sent it to you even if you didn't tell me. It's true." Jiang Nansun rolled his eyes and said with a sigh: "Susuo, didn't you join Jingyan? Didn't you ask Wang Yan if he would buy a house? Even if you don’t buy it, let him introduce you to some people.”

"Ah? That's right. It's too late today. I'll ask him tomorrow. Do you know how much it costs to sell a house? Five to sixty thousand, sixty to seventy thousand. Sometimes, in order to boost performance, the company will raise the price The commission ratio can reach more than 100,000 yuan for some houses. Now that I open my eyes and close them, all I can think about is money."

"I wish you success."

After a moment of silence, Zhu Suosuo asked, "Have you been drinking?"

"Drinking so much red wine." Jiang Nansun compared the amount with his thumb and index finger, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

"Can't the traffic police detect it?"

"The test is just a criticism and don't want to..."

Zhu Suosuo clapped his hands: "Yes, isn't his car parked downstairs? It's a luxury car worth more than two million yuan. I don't even have a driver's license. Let alone driving it, I've never sat in it. It just so happens that it's not so crowded now. Come on, let’s go for a ride?”

"Isn't this... bad?"

Seeing through her disguise, Zhu Suosuo said: "Then why don't you just ask him? He will definitely not refuse."

"Then ask?"

"Oh, please hurry up."

Jiang Nansun picked up his cell phone and sent a message to Wang Yan. After a while, he received a message saying 'be careful'. After politely asking whether Wang Yan had arrived home and wishing her a good dream, she stood up and said, "Let's go for a drive."

Her family is rich, but she has a prodigal father, and she has never driven a car worth more than two million yuan.

The two of them immediately went downstairs, and under Dai Yin's instructions, they went out and got into the car. The headlights flashed and the accelerator was buzzing...

Early in the morning, the big waves lingered all night. After breakfast, I yawned and strolled to work. Yesterday, she had already told Wang Yan to introduce the client to her first, and she would contact him first. It didn't matter what kind of house he wanted to buy, it didn't necessarily have to be Dongli. Wang Yan agreed simply and said he would ask today and try to introduce three or four people. So in order to express her gratitude, she exerted some effort and stretched her muscles and bones.

She really admired Wang Yan. She was in good health and energetic. After working so late at night, this animal could still go for a run in the early morning, looking like she had unlimited energy. After feeling this way all the way, we arrived at the Central Building and took the elevator upstairs.

"Morning, April."

Seeing the new young and beautiful girl, Da Lang nodded: "Good morning, Suosuo, it's great to be young and full of energy." With that said, she greeted other colleagues.

"You haven't had a good rest?"

"Well, I have some insomnia."

Zhu Suosuo came to Da Lang's side: "Aipel, is your name Jinya?" She wanted to confirm. She drove until midnight last night, and Jiang Nansun drove her here this morning. She wanted to confirm even more.

Da Lang raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "I remember I didn't tell you, right? How did you know? Did the boss tell you?"

"No, I have a friend. His name is Wang Yan. He said he knows you."

"Oh..." Da Lang nodded and said with a smile: "That's quite a coincidence. But how did you meet him? He is the big boss of a private equity fund. You shouldn't have been able to reach him before, right?"

Zhu Suosuo gave a rough explanation and asked curiously: "When did you meet?"

"I called him two months ago and wanted to sell his house, but he was busy with work at that time and had no time to pay attention. This was not last month, because Dongli was about to open for sale, and I called him again. He called and made an appointment to view the house, thinking that he would be ready to sell his house in Dongli when the time came. In the end, he had never thought about buying a house, and came here with the intention of understanding the real estate market. I didn't care, either. Don’t we still have indicators to look at, so let’s take him to look at each property. Seeing you like this, I know, are you asking him if he wants to buy a house? Have you settled the score? "

Da Lang knew about this. Wang Yan told her when he went back last night. He told her exactly how they met. He said it was to prevent her from being caught off guard. Tsk, what a considerate man...

Zhu Suosuo couldn't tell for a moment whether the slut in front of him had an affair with Wang Yan, so he nodded blankly: "Forget it, but it's okay. He said he would introduce me to a client today, a fund manager under him. Change to a bigger house, am I waiting for news from him? He didn’t introduce a client to you? "

"He did say that he introduced me, but he always has time and always meets friends who want to buy a house. Isn't this just an excuse? I don't have a close relationship, so I'm a little jealous of you. At least you are really good. A friend introduced me to me, a little salesperson who just cried haha, really..." Da Lang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"You don't need the money from selling the house, right? I see what you looked like yesterday, and what you look like today..." Zhu Suosuo didn't finish his words appropriately, revealing the meaning of his words very well.

Da Lang shook his head: "Who thinks it's too much money? Besides, if I were really rich, why would I work here all day long to make people smile? Okay, stop gossiping about me. I'm not as lucky as you. , I can only cry and call..."

Zhu Suosuo chuckled, returned to his work station and sat down, continuing to look at the information on the computer and checking his phone from time to time, waiting for news from Wang Yan.

Seeing her like this, Da Lang shook his head and smiled, the little girl was still a little tender. As a woman, she certainly felt some of Zhu Suosuo's thoughts. But she didn't care. Anyway, apart from physical pleasure and a certain degree of spiritual sustenance, she didn't expect to get anything from Wang Yan. If he calls, she will go; if she doesn't call, she won't go. Without expectations, there is no disappointment, which is conducive to invincibility.

Moreover, she didn't think Zhu Suosuo would get much from Wang Yan. Because Wang Yan's status is destined, there will be no shortage of beautiful women around him who are looking for money. They all talked about core competitiveness, but she didn't think there was anything special about Zhu Suosuo.

There was nothing special about Zhu Suosuo. She looked at the application for adding a new contact on WeChat. She looked at the note 'Introduced by Mr. Wang' and clenched her fists. After passing the application, a form was directly sent to her from the other side, detailing the requirements for purchasing a house. She asked Wang Yan with emotion, and then sent a voice message to Wang Yan, "Thank you, Brother Yan, Mu, I love you." Then she ran to find Yang Ke. It was only her second day at work and she didn’t know anything.

Only Da Lang sat at her workstation, flipping through the customer information she had memorized and shaking her head...

At nine o'clock, on the roadside outside the west gate of Tomson Yipin, Jiang Nansun found Wang Yan with his mobile phone and sent a message. Not long after she received the reply, after taking a look, she started the car and drove into the underground garage of the community. After finding the parking space, she slowly reversed the car into the garage, and then was taken upstairs by the property management staff.

He rang the doorbell, and soon he saw Wang Yan, wearing half-sleeved pants and slippers, opening the door and appearing in front of him.

"Now, your car keys, I won't bother you."

After thanking the property manager first, Wang Yan took the key from her hand and pulled her into the house: "We are already at the door. If I don't let you come in and take a look, wouldn't it be my fault?"

Jiang Nansun just didn't mean what he said. If he didn't want to come, he could have told him when he sent him out last night, and he would naturally send someone to get it. Even if you really don't want to enter the house when you get downstairs, you can ask the property management person to park the car outside and then they will bring the keys up. Now they are standing at the door, pretending all the time.

If it were a normal woman, that would be a kind word. If it were Jiang Nansun, it would be tea talk, pretending to be reserved. Of course this is also a double standard, but who cares.

Caught off guard, she was pulled closer to the house. Wang Yan helped her to stand upright. She said, "Why don't you find me a pair of shoes?"

"It's okay, just go in. Tomorrow is the day when the cleaning staff will come over. It doesn't matter, just be casual." As he spoke, Wang Yan walked in first.

Looking back at the wide open door, Jiang Nansun was stunned for a moment, then closed the door and entered the house.

"A lonely man and a widow, you are quite brave."

"If you really want to do something, it's useless to open the door." Jiang Nansun took the thrown mineral water, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "And maybe my dad also wants you to become more animalistic."

"Your dad is not good at all in your mouth. Okay, just take a look."

Jiang Nansun shrugged and walked around the house with mineral water. It was more than 400 square meters, and there were more than 300 square meters in the apartment. If you wanted to see it all, you would have to stroll around for a while.

The entire room is paved with red sandalwood floors, and floor tiles are only used in the kitchen and bathroom. As always, all the walls that could be smashed were smashed, and functional areas were separated by partitions based on bookshelves or shelves holding some random things. The overall decoration style is Chinese simple style, and the layout can basically be seen through at a glance. Simple and atmospheric.

After taking a picture with her mobile phone, she returned to the living room and went to the balcony to feel the scenery. She turned back and looked at Wang Yan, who was sitting there quietly drinking tea: "Brother Yan, your house is very good, and the decoration is also good." It’s simple and elegant, but you don’t seem to have thought about the future?”

"You can buy more if necessary."

..."In that case, why didn't you just buy the house in the front row? The view over there is better than here, and I remember that the area in the front row is larger. You don't need to spend the money, right? , Brother Yan?"

Wang Yan nodded: "Of course, the building in front has one floor per unit, more than 600 square meters, which is a difference of about 50 million. But don't you think more than 600 square meters is too big? Now this house, I feel so empty."

Thinking of the few scattered cosmetics he saw on the table in the bedroom, Jiang Nansun nodded. Four hundred square meters, even for two people, would still be very empty. One bedroom for the main activity is nearly one hundred square meters...

She didn't talk much, glanced at the stock trading interface in the notebook on the coffee table, and changed the subject: "The market is about to open, aren't you going to work in the company?"

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "I'm just checking the situation. The fund managers under me are all experienced. They can do a good job and don't need me to get started. But you, aren't you interning at the construction site? Why did you come here in the morning? "

"I asked for leave in the morning. It would be better to return the car to you earlier, and Suosuo hasn't told you yet, right? She has found a job and is working in sales at Jingyan Group. Their company is in the Central Building, so she can also deliver it. She comes to work so as not to squeeze into the subway." Jiang Nansun sighed and said, "By the way, Brother Yan, Suosuo sells houses at Jingyan Group. If you want to buy a house, or if your friends want to buy a house, you can come to her. "

Her words stunned Wang Yan for a moment. Because he met Zhu Suosuo last night and introduced clients to buy houses. It now seems that Zhu Suosuo deliberately had a chance encounter yesterday and did not tell Jiang Nansun after returning. This is a poor concealment, because now Jiang Nansun is helping the good sisters speak. Maybe the two sisters talked in a certain order last night, so they didn't feel embarrassed to talk about it again, which is a bit interesting.

Because Jiang Nansun and Zhang Anren were dating, she had never expressed any other trends, and it was not a big deal if they happened to meet each other, but she kept it secret. Maybe it’s because she doesn’t want Jiang Nansun to know that she deliberately created a chance encounter, or maybe it’s her subconscious reaction to protect her privacy...

Of course Wang Yan is a good person. He nodded and said with a smile: "I know, she has already told me that I happen to have a fund manager who wants to buy a big house. You introduced her to her before you came here."

"Brother Yan, let me thank you for Suosuo." Jiang Nansun didn't pay attention and nodded: "Actually, it's not easy for Suosuo. Her mother ran away a long time ago and she has never seen her mother. Her father She drifts on the sea all year round and can’t see her more than a few times a year. She has lived in her uncle’s house since she was a child, which is quite sad.”

Everyone's growth has its own traces, and there are always various reasons for what happened later. Pity is the subjective emotion of others. For the person involved, there is only luck or misfortune.

Zhu Suosuo lacked discipline and went astray, but she was having a good time, which she might not like.

Then we have to talk about finding a father. Her biological father only gave her money and little discipline. Her uncle fulfilled his father's responsibility and raised her. Maybe he was not his biological child after all, so it was difficult to educate her, but he did not treat her harshly. I still have enough food and clothing to take care of me until now. In the end, she went to Ye Jinyan to find her father's feelings...

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "Although you always have to look for a salesperson to buy a house, there is no need to look for her. In fact, it is also about your face. In the end, it is your father who is looking for it."

This is a progression of the relationship, and Jiang Nansun can understand it. And she also knew that Zhu Suosuo was indeed a material woman, and she even knew that Wang Yan could see through it.

"Then just think of me as thanking you, and then thank you on behalf of my father." She didn't care and said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Yan, I've returned the car and checked out the mansion, so I won't bother you anymore. We still have to go to the construction site in Songjiang, which is quite far.”

Wang Yan looked at the time: "Well, you stay at my house for a while, and we will have a simple meal at about eleven o'clock. Then I will drive you there. It happens that there is nothing to do, so just treat it as a drive. , and it’s true that I haven’t left the city center of Shanghai for a long time, so it’s a good idea to go out and have a look. That’s it, the Wi-Fi password is eight zeros, the refrigerator is over there, there is food and drink, you can do whatever you want. What."

After swallowing the words of rejection, Jiang Nansun smiled helplessly: "Okay then."

She wandered around the house again, touching and looking at this, making comparisons in her mind.

Zhang Anren is a motivated and caring person who is thoughtful and kind to others. He leaves her alone and dotes on her very much. As for Wang Yan, aside from being rich, he is confident, domineering, humorous, and well-informed. Wang Yongzheng is cynical and doesn't care about anything, giving people a sense of romantic freedom.

Comparing the three, of course she prefers Zhang Anren, the serious boyfriend, but she can't ignore Wang Yongzheng's cynicism and the small attraction it brings to her, and she can't deny Wang Yan's excellence. Because neither Zhang Anren nor Wang Yongzheng can be compared to Wang Yan...

She walked aimlessly by the bookshelves in the room, looking at professional books in different fields, looking at some calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, occasionally asking Wang Yan some questions to satisfy her curiosity, and taking Taking pictures with his mobile phone and sending them to Zhu Suosuo, the two chatted without a word.

Soon, two hours passed. Wang Yan took Jiang Nansun downstairs. He simply found a good restaurant to eat noodles, and then drove Jiang Nansun to the construction site in Songjiang.

Listening to relaxed and cheerful songs along the way, chatting and laughing, I didn't realize that the journey was long. More than an hour's drive passed quickly. When the car stopped at the entrance of the construction site, it was time to start work in the afternoon.

"Excuse me, Brother Yan, drive slower when you go back." Jiang Nansun unbuckled his seat belt and looked at Wang Yan who lowered the window and lit a cigarette beside him.

"Don't be so outspoken all the time, go ahead."

Jiang Nansun smiled sweetly, got out of the car and closed the door. Wang Yan quickly turned around and left.

Licking is to kneel down and lick another person without any dignity or bottom line. In a sexual relationship, you know that the other person does not like you, but you still persist in catering to the other person without any dignity or bottom line.

Of course, Wang Yan couldn't really lick anyone. He was just trying to gain favor. This was a prerequisite. No one can get the favor of another person for nothing without contact and giving something. What's more, no one can do a certain amount of harm to a woman and still gain favor. Unless there is something abnormal about this woman and she has a preference for masochism. Or maybe he has some super powers that can confuse people.

This is why, even though he knows all the bad things about the women in the play, he still tries to be kind and doesn't reveal the reasons that make her embarrassed. Of course, he really doesn't care, which is why he is also kind to men.

This time I sent Jiang Nansun here, it was indeed quite leisurely, and it was good to take a walk. Songjiang is actually pretty good, with a wetland park, Liangzhu ruins, and historical sites...

Watching Wang Yan's car drive away, Jiang Nansun smiled and turned around with her bag in her arms. She saw Wang Yongzheng standing a few steps behind her. She quickly stepped back, suppressed the shout in her throat, and looked angrily. Looking at him: "Wang Yongzheng, are you sick? Why are you standing behind me silently?"

"It's because you are fascinated by what others are watching." Wang Yongzheng shrugged, raised his eyebrows and spread his hands. He still had a cynical look on his face, but he kept asking questions: "What's going on with you? Did you break up with Zhang Anren? New boyfriend? You changed too quickly, right? ? Or a rich man?"

"Do you want to take care of it?" Jiang Nansun raised his neck and left arrogantly.

When they arrived at the construction site, the two of them did their own work and remained silent until about three o'clock. Wang Yongzheng took a few steps closer and coughed: "Hey, Zhang Anren is here?"

Jiang Nansun looked up when he heard the sound, and saw Zhang Anren walking over there with a warm smile on his face. She took two steps forward and asked happily: "Why are you here again?"

"How can I rest assured that you are working on the construction site? Besides, I can come over to help you and lighten some of your burden. When you go back for the evaluation, I can also improve your work results and let Professor Dong treat you well. impression."

"Just forget it, Professor Dong knows you helped me."

"We are one, the credit is all on your head, it doesn't matter." As he spoke, Zhang Anren looked up at Wang Yongzheng who walked in, feeling a little confused.

Jiang Nansun also looked back: "Hey, what can you do?"

"This is a construction site, not a place for you to fall in love. Also, my name is not Hey, my name is Wang Yongzheng." He frowned and looked at Jiang Nansun and Zhang Anren, and noticed the hands they were holding: "I really can't do it Understand, didn’t you break up? Why are you so close now? What happened to the man who drove you here in a luxury car? Wow, isn’t it Jiang Nansun, could it be that you..."

Jiang Nansun stepped forward angrily and gave him a pestle: "A dog cannot spit out ivory from its mouth."

Zhang Anren quickly pulled his girlfriend who was about to make a move, and asked doubtfully: "Nan Sun, what are you going to say, Teacher Wang? When did we break up? What happened when I drove you here in a luxury car?"

Staring at Wang Yongzheng who was exaggeratingly rubbing his body, Jiang Nansun said: "Don't get me wrong, it's him who spread rumors and caused trouble. I never said that we broke up. It was Brother Yan who sent me here. That's right, he He's not my dad's friend. Yesterday, my dad invited him to my house for dinner and asked him about stocks. He drank too much and parked the car downstairs of my house.

As I happened to be able to drive, my dad asked me to deliver the car to him. Then he knew that I was coming to Songjiang, and he just wanted to go out for a walk, so he sent me over on the way. Isn't this just for this bitch to see and talk nonsense here? If you don't listen to him, he will spread rumors. "

Zhang Anren pulled Jiang Nansun behind him and took a step forward to look at Wang Yongzheng: "Teacher Wang, there is a saying in China that there is no comment without knowing the whole picture. You are a foreigner. Let me explain it to you. It means that if you don't know the specific details of the matter, Under such circumstances, do not express opinions or comments casually. I hope you will not use wishful thinking and malicious speculation in the future to hurt others at will."

Wang Yongzheng felt wrong, so he clasped his hands together and said with a sincere face: "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I shouldn't have said anything casually. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I hope you can forgive me and don't argue with me. Thank you."

"Let's go and ignore him." Jiang Nansun snorted and pulled Zhang Anren aside to make love. Zhang Anren looked very handsome just now.

Seeing the two of them whispering there, Wang Yongzheng shrugged, took a deep breath, turned back and continued his work.

It was a miscalculation. Zhang Anren, whom he had always disliked, stepped on him and showed off. He gained more favor from Jiang Nansun and suppressed him. He was so angry...

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