"Thank you so much, Wang Yan. How about... can you take this real estate certificate?"

At the door of the bank, Jiang Pengfei looked at the real estate certificate with a sigh on his face after the bail had just been released.

"Uncle Jiang, don't be so polite all the time. I still say the same thing. If you really want to thank me, then live a good life and stop thinking about getting rich overnight." Wang Yan shook his head with a smile and patted his head. Jiang Pengfei's arm: "This real estate certificate is of no use to me. How can I not trust you? Besides, we already have a contract, so we can rest assured."

Jiang Pengfei rubbed the big red book and nodded repeatedly: "No more fussing, I will be down-to-earth from now on. Learn to cook, and organize the housework. It would be good to go out occasionally... fishing or something like that."

"Hey, it has to be like this. Cooking and housework are both fun and you can stretch your muscles. Fishing is even more interesting. I will go fishing occasionally. After you have settled down for a while, I'll give you a set of fishing gear then, and we can go play together. You used eight million to pay off your debts, is the money you have now enough?"

"There are still more than 200,000 yuan left. My wife also has some money, and my mother also has some money at the bottom of the box. They are all enough. You don't have to worry."

Wang Yan nodded and said with a smile: "Uncle Jiang, I'm letting people look at Aunt Li's house. Your house will also be listed with an agency by then. Now that your debt is evened, you can use this energy It's a lot of work, so you should take good care of yourself and let's drink again in a few days. I won't send you off, there's still something to do."

"No need to send it off. I'll take a taxi and go back. Please pay attention to your safety and don't drive too fast."

"Let's go, Uncle Jiang."

After patting Jiang Pengfei again to give him some strength, Wang Yan quickly got into the car and left.

He was very sure that Jiang Pengfei would not think about death now. Because his life is still comfortable and he still has no worries about food and clothing. Now he didn't really lose everything. Maybe it felt like he had lost all his house before. The difference is that his asset base cannot be compared with before. After all, if you lose 10 million if you have 100 million, the pain will definitely be more intense than if you lose 10 million if you have 50 or even 20 million.

To be honest, Jiang Pengfei may have suffered only twice. Once is the beginning and once is the end. I didn’t accompany you at the beginning, but you lost a lot at the end. As for the huge compensation in the middle, I have become numb. If you want to get something, you have to pay first.

This kind of pain of losing money will always be smoothed out compared to a good life without much change, so it is not a big problem.

Dongli, a newly launched building of Jingyan Group, is located in Pudong. It didn’t take long for Wang Yan to drive there. He followed the guidance of the security guard outside and parked the car. Wang Yan looked at the grand sales office that was unified across the country, shook his head and smiled. Step inside.

"Hello, sir, welcome to Dongli. This way, please." There were salespeople lined up at the door. When Wang Yan came in, he smiled professionally and politely.

Wang Yan waved his hand: "I'm looking for April."

The sales girl's face remained unchanged, she still smiled and nodded: "Sir, April is in the rest area over there."


After thanking him, Wang Yan followed the direction of the little girl's finger. Not far from the water bar in the rest area, he saw Da Lang, Yang Ke, Zhou Qing, and Tony sitting there chatting with each other holding a glass of lemonade.

That's what's good about sales. The biggest rule is that there are no rules. April, Zhou Qing, and Tony, these three are all top-selling players, and their performance for the year is there. Recently, a new property has been opened, and I have asked everyone I can contact, but external factors have affected it, and it is not a man-made fault if it cannot be sold, so it is just a matter of staying there.

"April." Wang Yan greeted, and without moving forward, he sat down at the empty table next to him.

After hearing the greeting and seeing Wang Yan who was bending down to sit down, April said a few words to Yang Ke, and then walked over with Yang Ke.

"Brother Yan, let me introduce to you. This is Yang Ke, the manager of the sales department of our Jingyan Group. He knows that you are coming to view the house, so he is waiting here for you."

Wang Yancai sat down, then politely stood up and shook hands with Yang Ke: "Hello, Manager Yang, I have heard of Manager Yang for a long time. The success of Jingyan Group over the years is all due to you, the sales manager. "

Yang Ke waved his hand modestly: "Mr. Wang is overly complimentary. If our boss hears this, I will pack up and leave tomorrow. I have admired you for a long time. April told me that you introduced him to We have completed transactions with all four customers, and today I finally thank you in person for your trust and support in our Jingyan Group."

"Sit down and talk." Wang Yan waved his hand, and the three of them sat down. He said: "Where is my trust and support? Your Jingyan Group's house is better. If it is not good, you want to get from my house?" It's also very difficult to get money out of your friends' pockets. Just now April said you were waiting for me, didn't she tell you that I don't want to buy a house? "

"You're joking. It doesn't matter whether you buy it or not. It's good to get to know each other. I just want to thank you for your support. I want to get to know you and make friends."

"It's easy to talk." Looking at the big wave blinking his big eyes, Wang Yan nodded with a smile, took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat and pulled out the QR code: "Add a friend, you also know that I am in private equity and my performance is not bad. , if you don’t know where to invest your money, you can consider me here. Most people pay 20 million to enter, and I give you 10 million, just think of it as a meeting gift from me."

"Then I would like to thank you first. Your meeting gift is quite generous. However, I may still have to live up to your good intentions. Although I am a sales manager, I only make so much money every year, which is not comparable to people like you. Really. I don’t have that much money, so don’t blame me, Mr. Wang.”

Yang Ke is thirty-two or thirteen years old, graduated from college twenty-two years ago, and has been working for ten years now. Based on his current position, his annual salary is probably three to four million, including dividends. Wang Yan had learned before that Yang Ke became the sales manager three years ago, and he should have earned about 15 million in these three years. In the remaining seven years, he just graduated from college and accumulated one year of study. In the remaining six years, he sold millions of copies every year, which should mean he earned about 10 million.

In addition, in the early years, the housing prices in the Shanghai stock market were not as scary as they are now, and he was specialized in this, so he might invest in a few. Ling Ling Zongzong, if you calculate it, your net worth is almost 50 million, which is the top of the world. Most of them should be real estate and rent collection.

So Wang Yan just said that, and he didn't expect Yang Ke to really invest money with him. Of course, he would definitely keep his word. If Yang Ke really took out 10 million, he would admit it.

He took the ice-cold sparkling water from the waiter at the water bar, shook his head and smiled: "It's better for you to say you don't have enough money now than to promise me now and have no news later. Don't be so polite, just call me by my name. , and not yours, it sounds awkward. I’d like to use water instead of wine to toast your frankness."

"I don't have many good qualities, I just like to tell the truth."

The three of them pretended to take a sip of water together, and he continued: "I also want to thank you for what happened yesterday. My people just told me that the agency you recommended is good, very well prepared, and fast. soon."

"It's nothing, I'm just introducing you to the best of my ability. You have to be honest to say it. I also learned some things from Zhu Suosuo. No one is close or acquainted, so just sit in the park and talk a few words about the people you know. , we met by chance and you paid tens of millions to get in, but most people can’t do this.”

Wang Yan smiled. If he didn't have a mission, he would not care about Jiang Pengfei. After all, if you do the wrong thing, make the wrong choice, or take the wrong path, you should pay the price for it. This is something he has always agreed on. The price Jiang Pengfei had to pay was bankruptcy and death, but he couldn't bear the huge gap, and the strong guilt exceeded his upper limit, so he jumped off the building. That was his own choice.

But now he is just helping others, so he can only wave his hand casually: "Fate, I am a person who depends on fate."

"This is you." Yang Ke gave a thumbs up, and then stood up with support on the table: "Okay, I won't bother you. Let April take you to take a good look. If you need anything, come to me anytime."

Wang Yan smiled and nodded, watched Yang Ke leave, and returned to the table where he sat down, dealing with the gossips of Zhou Qing and Tony.

Da Lang said: "After reading the statistics this morning, I told you to come over. Yang Ke has nothing to do, so I just wanted to meet you."

"Let's go and see the house, and then have lunch." Wang Yan didn't care about Yang Ke. He stood up and left his seat and said, "Seeing that you are so free, will you come back with me this afternoon?"

"Don't you still have to deal with the Jiang family's affairs?"

"It's basically done, and I'm just waiting to get the money back from selling the house. If no one takes over, I'll have to buy it and then sell it slowly."

Da Lang nodded: "Okay, it just so happens that you can go to bed early at night. You've been tormented for a while and you haven't had a good rest..."

While Wang Yan was following Da Lang to look at the house, Zhu Suosuo and Jiang Nansun, who had taken leave of absence, were being led by an agent to look at the house.

They were currently on the third floor of a five-story house near Fuxing Road. Of course, there are many old houses in this neighborhood. Compared with the houses built later, the environment of such old houses is actually quite average. After all, the public facilities are far from good. However, the advantage of this kind of house is that it has a good location, and the surrounding life and transportation are very convenient. What's even more rare is that, just like the old house of the Jiang family, the outside is full of the mottled prosperity of Shanghai, and the inside is newly renovated with modern decoration. It feels good.

The house has three rooms, and there is a balcony outside the living room. Because the front of the house is also like this, the sunlight is not blocked and is directly projected onto the floor inside the house. Although it is very hot inside, it is also very satisfying. That is because Human need for sunlight.

In front of the floor-to-ceiling window that separates the balcony, Zhu Suosuo, wearing a cool short skirt, tube top and navel-baring vest, raised her head, letting the sun shine on her face, and the dust flying in the Tyndall effect swirled around. At this moment, Zhu Suosuo was beautiful.

"That's it." She still closed her eyes and enjoyed the sunshine. Although it was rented, today she finally lived in a big house full of sunshine, and she was very happy.

Not far behind her, before the female agent in a white shirt could speak, Jiang Nansun tried to dissuade her: "Susuo, don't you want it? It's just the two of us. How can we live in such a big house? It's not suitable. I I think the two-bedroom apartment we looked at just now is very good, and it’s also much cheaper.”

Is Zhu Suosuo short of those two dollars? It's obviously not bad. She shook her head and said: "That's it, Nansun. As you know, I have always wanted to have a big house full of sunshine. Although I can't afford it, I can afford to rent it. This dream has come true. Even if you don't If you live with me, I will rent a big house myself. Sister Liu, I sincerely want to rent, can you tell me the truth, how much is the minimum?"

Jiang Nansun looked helplessly as Zhu Suosuo negotiated with the agency. As she watched, she suddenly smiled. She was happy for her good sisters' happiness at the moment...

Soon, the price was agreed upon, and the two followed the agent to the store to sign the contract, and returned to the house again.

Zhu Suosuo threw aside the document bag containing the contract in his hand, immediately lay down on the mattress in the bedroom, stretched out his arms, and took a long breath of satisfaction: "That's great."

"When I was Master Ma, I took money from Jingyan and you could realize your wish, but in the end you had to spend money lavishly." Jiang Nansun leaned against the door frame and looked at the good sister lying there comfortably.

"What's there? It's just an unexpected windfall. It's not a big deal to spend it. How long has it been? I've made so much money. Now that I'm renting a house like this, it will definitely get better and better in the future." Zhu Suosuo Without caring, he stood up with a sit-up: "Okay, okay, just leave me alone. Let's quickly see how to arrange it and see what the shortcomings are. Then we will find a moving company to go to Sanlin and move your house." Back out and get all your things here. Try to move in tomorrow for the two of us. Let me tell you, Nansun, I can’t wait to live here right now.”

"Okay, I'll tell Zhang Anren first, and then we'll take action." Jiang Nansun took out his cell phone and typed.

Zhu Suosuo got down to the ground, opened the shopping app with her mobile phone, walked around the house, looked at the defects, and asked Jiang Nansun whether she had a pair at home. If not, he placed an order on the spot, and JD.com would deliver it the next day...

If you don't care about money, then you don't have difficulty in choosing, so Zhu Suosuo is very decisive and messy. No matter whether it can be used or not, as long as she thinks it can be used, as long as Jiang Nansun, a person with professional aesthetics, thinks it looks good and can be matched. Then buy it. So very quickly, I got a lot of things I should buy and things I shouldn't buy, and I even made an advance payment for next month's expenses with Wang Yan in the middle of the process.

After spending the money, the two contacted the moving company online. Jiang Nansun contacted the landlord to cancel the lease, and took a taxi directly to Sanlin...

The two sisters arrived and were laughing and opening the door when the door of the house next to them suddenly opened and Zhang Anren came out: "Nansun, lock the door."

Jiang Nansun looked at him in surprise: "Aren't you at school? Why are you back?"

"You are moving, how can I not come back." Zhang Anren glanced at Zhu Suosuo and said, "Let's talk."

Jiang Nansun nodded in agreement, turned around and asked Zhu Suosuo to go in first to clean up, then went to Zhang Anren's room and sat down in the living room.

Zhang Anren took a glass of water and put it in front of Jiang Nansun: "Why do you want to move out suddenly? You didn't reply to me when I asked you why on WeChat."

"Don't you know, why bother asking? You also know the situation of our family, so save as much as you can. This morning I rented a new house with Suosuo, and I will rent her to live in the future."

Keenly aware that something was wrong with Jiang Nansun's attitude, Zhang Anren frowned slightly: "But your house is gone, your car is gone, and you have lost a lot of cash, but you still have money invested in Wang Yan, and relying on those dividends, Life still hasn’t changed much? The rent here is just a drop in the bucket for you. And I am your boyfriend and you are my girlfriend. If you really want to save money, you can live with me. There’s no need to move away, right?”

Jiang Nansun's affection for Zhang Anren had already declined. Now when she heard Zhang Anren said that he wanted her to live with him, she understood the spirit. Zhang Anren wanted to sleep with her. She would not consider that a man and a woman who have been in a normal relationship for more than two years should sleep together long ago. She would only feel that Zhang Anren's fox tail was exposed and the sheep turned into a gray wolf.

She let out a long breath and looked at Zhang Anren, who seemed to be impatient in front of her: "We are not short of money, but now that something like this happened, my dad is sad. You can also see his behavior. I feel sorry for everyone. As the only daughter, I always have to stay with him at home for a while to enlighten him. In the future, I can’t stay too far away. I always have to go home to eat and visit. And... Zhang Anren, too many things have happened recently. Yes, there are mine and you, our family, and lock and key. I have thought about it carefully in the past two days, and I still feel that the relationship between us needs to be reconsidered. "

"Why? I don't understand, why? Nansun, haven't we always been fine? Why do you suddenly say this?" Zhang Anren's face was full of aggrieved, he really didn't understand.

Looking at Jiang Nansun who was silent, he tried his best to control his emotions: "Is it because I couldn't help when something happened to your family this time? But you know, I only have so much ability. How much did your dad lose in the stock market?" Ten million, even if my family is ruined, it can't be repaid by selling the house or the land, so how can I help? And your dad is a stock trader, what's the difference between that and gambling?"

Jiang Nansun stared at him and remained silent. He continued: "Am I wrong? I'm not Wang Yan. I'm not as rich as him, and I'm not as casual as him. Your father's matter is something that most people, even if they have the ability, can't do. It won’t help.”

"You think I just want your help?"

It is impossible to guess a woman's thoughts, especially when Jiang Nansun is like this now. He only says to think about it but does not explain the reasons. For Zhang Anren, it is a great torture and very frustrating. No matter how good your temper is, your blood pressure will rise a little bit. Moreover, he is a man, and they have been dating each other for two years without even touching each other. What is the point of having sex with her? When the two of them were together on weekdays, Jiang Nansun's many problems were things he kept in his heart and never mentioned. Now that this happened again, he couldn't stand it. He must really want to say loudly, I think about your mother...

"That's not it?" Seeing that Jiang Nansun was still silent, Zhang Anren took a deep breath and calmed down his excitement: "Is that because there were so many people at that time and I didn't protect you? But I tried my best. You know when you open the door, twenty or thirty strong people How does it feel when Han stares at you? I was also scared at the time. I'm not afraid to tell you that when I came back, I had dreams of being chased and chopped down. Or are you still worrying about Yuan Yuan? Yes, Yuan Yuan is My ex-girlfriend, it was wrong of me to hide this from you, and I really shouldn’t have done that.

But you said Yuan Yuan told me to come, what can I do? She also knows my mother and knows my address. If she comes over suddenly one day, and you say she is my ex-girlfriend, then I can’t tell you even more. So it’s better to do less than to do more, so I didn’t tell you. And I told you before that we have stopped contacting each other for a long time. After I went to college, she and I were in different worlds and could not be together. Now that she is gone, she will not affect our lives at all.

Not this one either? That's what I reported to Wang Yongzheng before. Do you still remember it? Do you still think I did something wrong? Didn't Wang Yan tell you that everything I did was within the program, and I was indeed excluded. I finally stayed in school, and now in school, I am smiling at others every day. Everyone is polite to me, but I know they look down on me. Why? Did I do something wrong? I'm trying to avoid losses for the school, what's wrong with me? Do you also think Wang Yongzheng is better than me and more confident than me? pursuing perfection? What's the use of perfection? No matter how fancy the design is, can ordinary people understand it? How many people would pay attention to the color difference he mentioned?

Or is it that, after your father lost all his family fortune in the stock market, you also began to feel that I had no money, no power, no right family, and was not worthy of a princess from a wealthy family like you? "

Zhang Anren spoke calmly at first, but the further he spoke, the more excited he became. He also has a lot of sadness and grievances, but he always suppresses them on weekdays. Emotions need to be expressed, and keeping them suppressed for too long is never a good thing.

Originally, Jiang Pengfei vented his emotions by going to school to ask for money and embarrass him. But at that time, it was still a public place, and he didn't want his family scandal to be publicized, so his emotions were not expressed well.

Now, things were going well at first, but Jiang Nansun suddenly had to think about it all, and he couldn't hold it in any longer. Again, at home, talking behind closed doors, without having to consider the so-called dignity, will naturally be stronger than it originally was.

Excessive expression of emotions will inevitably lead to deformation. So looking at Zhang Anren with a cold face, cold eyes, no longer the warm smile, and doting eyes, Jiang Nansun, who had already burst into tears, felt so strange. He is no longer the gentle and considerate big brother he was before, nor the wonderful man who took care of her in every possible way.

She stood up and said with a tearful tone: "Yes, you are right. Zhang Anren, let's stop here. I'm tired." After saying that, she turned around and opened the door to go out.

She didn't want to argue because it would be pointless. She clearly knew that her affection for Zhang Anren had declined, and the same was true. Zhang Anren's various shortcomings were exposed. Naturally, the more she thought about the bad things, the worse her feelings towards Zhang Anren became. Seeing Zhang Anren's outburst at this moment, her emotions were aroused again, and she said easily what she had been hesitant to say before. Yes, it was easy. At this moment, she even felt a little relieved.

Seeing that the person was about to leave, Zhang Anren quickly grabbed him: "Nansun, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I apologize to you. I admit that I was a little excited just now, but you can't say this irresponsibly. words. You are angry now, don't make decisions casually. And I don't believe you are that kind of person. Let's all calm down, okay? Let's talk about it after we calm down. You can't break up with me without saying anything. . I think if there is a conflict, we should speak it out. Only by speaking out can the problem be solved, right?"

capricious? Jiang Nansun's pampered eldest daughter certainly has a temper. She and her biological father started to have sex, so much so that they moved out, not to mention her boyfriend. She turned around and shook off Zhang Anren's hand: "I think very clearly and calmly. There is no reason. It's just that we have been together for so long and one thing after another, I have had enough. . Just like the beginning is inexplicable, the ending does not necessarily have a reason. If I have to say one, it is that I am tired..."

After speaking, she turned around, opened the door and walked out, closing the door with a bang.

Zhang Anren stared at the door blankly for a long time. He came back to his senses and wanted to do something to vent. But after looking around, he finally gave up on this immature idea and punched the air bitterly. With a punch, he took a deep breath and sat on the sofa, lying on his back with his eyes closed, and covering his forehead with his hand.

The heavy breathing revealed the turbulence in his heart...

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