Following Xiao Dai, who had limited brainpower, he returned to the rental house on the other side. Aunt Hao had already prepared the meal, and the four people in the house were eating. When they saw the two of them coming back, they quickly picked up bowls and chopsticks to serve the rice.

Wang Yan took a sip of wine with them and asked, "Tietou, how have you been doing these two days?"

"It's pretty good. I was cleaning up rubbish on a piece of land and said it was going to be a building. I was given 7,000 a day. I made 14,000 in these two days and gave the agency who introduced the job a commission of 4,000. I spent another two It's more than a thousand, and now we have a net balance of seven thousand, which would be more than five hundred in our money. I only worked for two days, and I made money that I couldn't make in a month."

Tietou is still used to converting currencies, and there's nothing wrong with that. Even though I spent a lot here and didn’t have much left over, it feels great to do the math. The difference is really huge. It's just that Tietou can't go back after all. In other words, it's just comfort to himself. Give yourself an excuse to do those crap jobs and persevere. Maybe other people are like this too. They just work hard for one day at a time, and then send money home to build a big house. When you have almost earned enough, just commit some minor offenses and let the police here catch you and send you back to your country through formal channels...

That's it. Many Chinese people here do it quietly, and few do anything illegal. But no matter how small it is, when the population reaches a certain base, it will look like too much. Just walking around on the street, you can see that no one is easy to mess with.

Seeing Wang Yan shaking his head and laughing, Tietou knew that he was laughing at him again for the conversion. He took out a handful of cards from his pocket and put them on the table: "Brother Yan, this is the phone card you want to sell. Right? I don’t have any use for it, so I’ll sell it to you.”

Xiao Dai on the side asked: "Where did you get it?"

"When we were sorting garbage today, there was a man from Hong Kong who was looking for treasure there and was buried in the garbage. It was Ajie and we rescued him. Later at the snack street over there, he invited us to drink and made some for me. Got twenty phone cards.”

Ajie answered: "Yes, Brother Yan, that Hong Kong Island boy was bought from a person named Taibao. Taibao is also from Hong Kong. Hong Kong Island boy said that this Taibao is very good at fishing for side jobs. They have skills." Yes, you can do science and technology. I think if you want to do it, you might as well go find him."

"You are interested." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, took a sip of wine with them, and then said calmly: "I also found the Taibao, he has been recruited by me, and now he recognizes me as the boss, and he will get the goods at the cost price. , that’s what happened last night.”

It was so easy to say... Ajie choked for a moment and asked carefully: "Brother Yan, I heard that the Taibao is very powerful. There are four or five people under his command, and they are all ruthless people who don't care about their lives."

"What did I tell you? People who are kind will be bullied, and horses will be ridiculed. If others are ruthless, you should be ruthless than them. Also, stop listening to other people's bragging in the future. Why don't you risk your life? A ruthless character? Xiao Dai didn't resist the beating, but Xiao Dai still gritted his teeth and held on for a long time. The Taibao and the others were beaten down with just one mouthful."

Tietou groaned and nodded in understanding: "I wonder why two people's faces seem a bit swollen..."

Wang Yan smiled and said: "You two should do good things, I have nothing to say. But if you are bullied outside, you must endure it and don't show off. Many Chinese here dare to use the knife directly. Those black and white people are Not to mention, they all dare to use guns. There will be no good results if you show off your strength. It’s not a big deal if you get beaten and lose some money. Make sure you are safe and come back to me and I will stand up for you. Now I have more than 20 men People, don’t be afraid of anyone. We don’t bully others, but we don’t allow others to bully us, you know?”

Xiao Dai was very supportive: "Yes, Brother Yan is right. If you are bullied outside, I will be the first to chop them to death with a knife."

Ajie smiled awkwardly and nodded: "Brother Yan, Xiao Dai, don't worry. Brother Tietou and I work honestly. We are all unknowns, and no one will cause trouble."

"There are many people in this world who want to bully you because you are weak. Ajie, you are an honest person. You must have been criticized before, but now that you call me Brother Yan, I will definitely take care of your affairs to the end. I said These words give you confidence that you can recognize bears, but don’t be afraid. We are fully capable of making others kneel down and kowtow and call us daddy. You don’t have to think that you are causing trouble for me. This is just the beginning, and we will fight in the future. Personal matters are commonplace. As for Sister Hao and Miss Hao, when they were wronged, they told me that it was fate that we can get together and we are a family. When the time comes, I will seek justice for you."

The mission is Ajie. If he doesn't live well, everything will be in vain. He came over to eat and drink just to pay attention to Ajie on a daily basis.

After eating and chatting happily for a while, Wang Yan took a taxi back to Lili's home.

Lili changed quickly. As soon as Wang Yan entered the house, she came over to him who was watching TV in the living room, squatted on the ground to help Wang Yan change his slippers, and then helped drag the coat outside and hang it on the hanger on the side. She looked very Japanese. the meaning of.

The two sat down on the sofa, and Lili leaned next to Wang Yan: "How is the situation over there?"

"Fortunately, there are more than twenty people under my command."

"What's next? What are your plans?"

"It's what I told you before. There is no next step or two. And I haven't taken this step yet. Where can I tell you the next step?" Wang Yan shook his head and followed her collar with his hand. , Big D: "I know you are worried that the garment factory will not succeed, but since you have decided to follow me, then don't look forward and backward. Whether it succeeds or not depends on you, show some courage. We have found a place and completed the procedures. how's it going?"

"It can't be that fast. It will take another week."

"Where's the equipment? Have you contacted me?"

"I was just about to tell you this. I haven't had any contact with you before. I don't know. I went to check it out in the past two days. Assembly line production requires a lot of machines. There are many different types of sewing machines, such as flat seams and overlock seams. Such as electric knife, ironing table, etc., the money we have is simply not enough. After renting the factory and paying the rent, there is actually not much money left. What should we do?"

Wang Yan shook his head: "Do you know why we look for those Chinese female workers who smuggled over? It's because they are cheap. Let them be tired, work more, and work for a longer time, and then they can replace the machine. You only need to get a batch processing cloth Machines, and there are no new ones, they can be discarded, and they can buy some sewing machines for the remaining ones. They can do a lot of the remaining work manually. It’s just not as fast as the machines. But because their labor is cheap, they can If they work for a long time, then as long as they become proficient and the speed increases, the output is still guaranteed.

If you really don't have enough money, you can mortgage the bar first, and that can cover the expenses for a while. No need to worry, as long as two months, we can see the money back, I can guarantee you this. If you really don't want to mortgage the bar, then you can go to those loan sharks to borrow as much money as you want. This money is ours and we don’t have to pay it back. It's just that you have to take some risks, it depends on your choice. "

As he spoke, he straightened his back, pretended to take out the pistol from behind, and patted Lili's hand.

This gun is the American Colt M1911A1. It has been installed in the US military on a large scale before. It has an ammunition capacity of seven rounds and an effective range of fifty meters. Large-scale installation means large-scale elimination. Guns like this are generally very popular in the underground arms market and are hot-selling guns.

Including a full magazine, this gun weighs about four pounds. Lili trembled and was startled when she felt the heavy coldness in her hand, and almost didn't throw the gun away. She calmed down and touched the gun with trembling hands. She was a little scared.

I had heard about what Wang Yan had done before, but I had never actually seen it. She has worked hard from being a young lady to being a mamasang now. She has been working hard in this low-level industry, and of course she has seen a lot of dirty and sleazy people. But it's not mostly ordinary fights. We have indeed seen murder cases where white knives came in and red knives came out. After all, when gangs here fight, they always kill people in the street.

Now the cold touch in her hands told her that Wang Yan was much crueler than those people. After all, no matter how hard you swing the knife, it won't be as easy as pulling the trigger lightly. But Wang Yan's relaxed tone showed that she didn't take human life seriously at all, she was seeking skin from a tiger.

Feeling Lili's nervousness, Wang Yan held Big D with a little force to bring her back to her senses: "I'm not a gangster or a desperado. I won't do anything I'm not sure about. You don't have to be afraid either. , I made it very clear before that living together is a life. As long as you don't betray me, there will be no problems. Just relax. It's too late to regret it at this time. You have no choice but to continue. "

Lili shook her head quickly and put the gun back into Wang Yan's hand: "No, Brother Yan, why would I think that way? Since I have decided to stay with you, I will not regret it. There is no problem with the mortgage loan. I will give it to you tomorrow." Go to the bank to do it. Let’s not offend those loan sharks. The famous Yamaguchi-gumi, Inagawa Kai, and Sumiyoshi Kai in Japan all have properties in Tokyo. They all lend money, and if they can’t pay back, they let women go to film. If anything happens to us, It's too dangerous to mess with them, so we'd better go to the bank. Another point, Brother Yan, isn't it bad for us to manipulate those women like that? "

"How can you think like this? Lili, don't you know how you and the girls under you got on this road? Do you think you led them to open your own store and tried your best to ensure safety and provide a certain level of safety? Is sheltering a good thing immeasurable? What a mistake. What is a truly immeasurable thing? It is to provide them with a harbor from the very beginning so that they can avoid being used, trapped, and deceived by those with bad intentions. As for them being greedy for glitz and vanity in the future, that’s none of your business, because that’s their own choice.”

Wang Yan said: "So how can we order those women? We are helping them. We take care of food, food and housing, and pay them wages. Although it will be much less than other jobs, it is just leftovers. . This money can improve their lives at home and their own lives. And with us blocking them, they will avoid being led astray by others. It is good to show off in various custom shops. , what if someone cuts off your organs?

In this case, when we help them, shouldn't we also let them create some wealth? And when our clothing factory is up and running, we have our own brand, and we can open factories in China, then we can send those women back home. Why did they come out? Isn’t it all about money? With the current situation, if you can earn a thousand a month at home, who would want to come all the way to Japan? Lili, this is a truly meritorious cause and a great thing that helps us Chinese women gain a foothold in little Japan. Do you understand? "

Of course, Wang Yan did not fool Lili. Although his words were a bit too high-sounding, don't be shy, and talked about exploitation in such a nice way, to a certain extent, he did help those women who came from China to prevent them from making a mistake and falling into the sea. They did their duty. Be a good family.

Of course, his current ability is limited, so he certainly can't help many people, just a few dozen or a hundred. This number is nothing compared to the vast number of smuggled Chinese. It depends on who is lucky enough to persevere. He, Wang, has never been stingy, not to mention that it is still in the early stages of development. As long as he is willing to work hard, life will definitely be good, and if he has some ability, life will be even better.

Lili is not someone who doesn't understand. Wang Yan has said so. What else can she do? Of course, she must do it. She took the initiative and buried her head on Wang Yan's neck and shoulders: "I will listen to you."

Her breath blew on Wang Yan's skin, and an ambiguous breath immediately filled the air. We have only been together for three days, and the heat has not passed yet. What we are experiencing now is freshness, rather than resolving physiological needs in the future.

After turning off the blaring TV, Wang Yan hugged Lili and went upstairs...

Although it can’t be called a career, the business has taken off. Lili obediently applied for a loan, looked around to buy second-hand machinery and equipment, and filled it in a factory on the outskirts of Tokyo. On the other side, Lao Gui and others are also making good progress in promoting phone cards. There are a lot of people who are greedy for cheap. Japan doesn’t have much, so its products are quite popular.

This phone card is still an industry. Because upstream companies launched phone cards on the market, and after customers used up their quota, the used cards were recycled. The fake cards they made took advantage of the loopholes in the original phone cards to make profits. The cost is the recycling fee of that card, and the remaining labor is certainly not worth mentioning. This profit is still very considerable, otherwise it would not be enough for Taibao and others to live a good life. They also bought two computers and a bunch of messy electronic components. These things are not cheap.

At Taibao, we buy them in bulk at a slightly higher cost, but when we go outside, we sell them at a lower price than others. In this way, of course the profit is not small. It was also during this process that the team selling cards grew to thirty people in just twenty days.

Wang Yan was not idle either. Apart from occasionally taking time to give lessons to his younger brothers, he spent the rest of the time at Taibao's place, taking Zhou Yixian with him to make VCDs. The technology was ready, but because he had no money this time, he couldn't buy the MPEG decompression patent. But the patent was not worth much now. He asked Lili to register a shell company and contacted him to buy it in the name of this company. Patent authorization.

The rest of the hardware is easy to deal with, it just takes time to grind it out bit by bit, and it will be almost done in two or three months. The main reason is that there are few people, and it is still a hand-made prototype. In addition, Wang Yan's practical ability in this area is indeed average, so it is much slower.

As for the issue of hands-on ability, it is actually of little use to him. After all, he has always been a leader. He is full of theories. It is easy to do this without him, and there is no need to deliberately engage in those. However, although his hands-on ability is average, it is still very useful. It is not easy for ordinary people to use, otherwise his life at such an old age would not be in vain.

Of course, Ajie and Tietou were not forgotten. Ajie kept in mind the tasks given by Wang Yan. In his spare time, he began to contact those women he knew who were down-to-earth and willing to work. He also sent several people there. First, I got tailor made according to the famous brand clothes on the market.

As for Tietou, it's much simpler. He works when there is work, occasionally washes the dishes when there is no work, and most of the time wanders around the streets, hoping to find the Xiuxiu he misses.

But fate has been decided, and what is supposed to come will always come.

In the same house he rented later, Wang Yan had dinner and drinks with Tietou, Ajie and Xiao Dai who had recovered from his injuries. Now Aunt Hao and her daughter have moved away to a private house next to the factory in the suburbs, and from now on they will cook for the female workers there. However, the hygiene of the house is not bad. After all, there are only a few people there. Tietou is also a neat person and he will take care of everything.

After eating for a while, Tietou suddenly said: "Brother Yan, I want to work with your subordinates."

Wang Yan appropriately showed some surprise: "Don't you always want to be down-to-earth? What happened?"

Tietou shook his head and sighed, took a big sip of wine, and put down the glass heavily: "I saw Xiuxiu last night. She has...already been with someone else. Ajie said that she is the leader of the triad, and she is very good. power."

"Then what do you mean? You want to kill that leader and then continue to live with Xiuxiu?"

Hearing Wang Yan's words, Tietou was stunned for a moment, with a bit of hope flashing in his eyes, but he still shook his head: "No, I just want to make more money and have a serious identity in the future. The houses here are all Tens of millions or hundreds of millions, now I am working illegally with Ajie, and I will never be able to afford it in this life. You also know, Brother Yan, I will never be able to go back in this life, and now Xiuxiu is also with someone else, I There is no hope anymore, I might as well follow you and get rich if you have a good life, or accept being tortured to death if you have a bad life."

Of course, Wang Yan saw the flash of heartbeat in Tietou's eyes. In the original story, when evidence was needed to be collected to kill Eguchi Tosei, that's what Lili said, and Tietou didn't deny it. There may be some genuine feelings for the sake of friends, but there is definitely no such thing as Xiuxiu.

There is no way, Xiuxiu has become Tietou's obsession. For Xiuxiu, Tietou sneaked across the sea and was involved in the crime of killing domestic border police. He will never be able to return to his hometown in this life. When I came to Little Japan, I had to do dirty work, be exploited, look down upon, and be insulted. He has paid too much for Xiuxiu, and there is no result. He will not be able to close his eyes until he dies.

"Don't talk about being immortal, it's unlucky. Although it is indeed dangerous, the probability of being hacked to death is actually not very high. Generally, you stop hacking until you lose the ability to resist. If you are rescued in time, there is still hope. "Ignoring the speechless silence of several people, Wang Yan looked at Ajie with a smile: "Old ghost, they are all selling phone cards, and now Tietou is going too, what do you think?"

"Brother Yan, you know, I'm timid. I won't lie to you, Brother Yan. In fact, my biggest idea before was to get a small car and sell roasted chestnuts at a stall." Ajie laughed at himself. He was timid and unpromising. After thinking about it, he said, "How about I go to my sister-in-law's clothing factory to make clothes with them? Or do something I can do?"

It wasn't that he wanted to go, it was really boring to work on his own, and most of the people he knew were recruited by Wang Yan. It was also at this time that he discovered that among the group of people who used to live together, he was the only one who was still a little bit disappointed because he couldn't keep up.

"That's too unpromising." Wang Yan took a sip of wine, thought for a moment and said, "The garment factory hasn't officially opened yet. You two should still do the work I told you before. That is to contact women who can do needlework. , and then inquire about the situation of setting up stalls. As for future work, it will not be too late until the garment factory is on track."

"Okay, thank you, Brother Yan."

"Don't always be so polite. I recognize you as my brother. Come on, drink."

Everyone had a drink together, and Xiao Dai said, "Brother Yan, what should I do? The previous injuries have healed. I can't always stay at the Taibao's place reading cards."

"Didn't I ask you to exercise? Have you practiced?"

"How could I not practice? Brother Yan, if you touch my arms, they're already bigger." Xiao Dai raised his head and bent his arms, and there was a snapping sound on both ends of the bend.

"Get out of my way, it's still a big circle. I ask you to practice hard, so practice hard, and make the two moves I pass on to you instinctive. Only in this way will you not be hacked to death in the future." Xiao Dai seems to have liberated his nature. Now he really has no brain at all. He is very silly and not much better than Wu Laoer, the village head.

Xiao Dai still wanted to make a decision, but the phone rang. He sighed and walked over to answer the phone. After saying a few words, he turned back to look at Wang Yan: "Brother Yan, this is from my sister-in-law."

Wang Yan stood up and went over, picked up the phone and called, listened to Lili for a while, said lightly, "I got it," and then hung up the phone: "Xiao Dai, Tietou, put on your clothes and follow me. Ajie, you Just stay at home and don't go to Lao Gui and the others."

Ajie nodded blankly: "Oh, is there something wrong? Brother Yan?"

"It's nothing serious, just stay at home." Wang Yan said casually, then followed Tietou and Xiao Dai to put on their shoes at the door, opened the door and walked out.

Neither Tietou nor Xiao Dai asked what they were doing. Tietou was habitually silent. He was actually a relatively deep person, which was a very good personal quality. As for why the talkative Xiao Dai didn't ask, the beating was not in vain. He must have made some progress. Forget it at home, just keep your mouth shut when you go out, and don't say anything if you can. This is what he reminds himself all the time, because he doesn't want to be beaten again, it hurts.

It was already after eight o'clock, and it was getting dark early. The signboards of various shops were decorated with neon lights, inviting little Japan who had just worked overtime on the street to enjoy the nightlife.

Wang Yan took Tietou and Xiao Dai along and quickly arrived at Lili's bar.

At the moment, the lights on the outside sign of the bar had been turned off, and a sign saying it was closed was still hung, but looking through the smashed window glass, the lights were brightly lit. Wang Yan opened the door first and walked in. He saw a mess on the ground. The glass wine cabinet behind the bar was smashed to pieces. The floor was covered with broken glass. There were also a few tables and chairs scattered on the ground. Several tables and chairs were scattered on the ground. The waiter was cleaning with a broom.

In the corner inside, there was a woman sitting there with disheveled hair and swollen cheeks. Around her, there were more than a dozen fat and thin women with worried faces. Lili was holding her arms, her big D was particularly prominent, standing there with a sullen face.

Seeing Wang Yan open the door and come in, Lili took two steps to welcome him. She pointed at the mess on the ground and the woman with disheveled hair wiping tears and said, "It's all done by the Tainan Gang."

Wang Yan nodded and raised his eyebrows: "Tell me in detail."

"Today two more people came to collect money. It was originally supposed to be 500,000 yuan, but they said that our store was doing well and they wanted to increase the price to 800,000 yuan. Xiaofang was in charge. She defended a few words and said It used to be 500,000 yuan. After a few quarrels, the two men beat Xiaofang and smashed the store."

Glancing at the women who were looking straight at him, Wang Yan nodded and patted Lili's arm: "Okay, I understand. You can pack up the store and go back."

After speaking, Wang Yan turned around and left directly with Tietou and Xiao Dai.

Watching the three people leaving, a woman asked: "Sister Lili, what does this new man you have found mean? What on earth is he going to do? Just say you understand and leave?"

"Yeah, is he reliable?"

A group of women started to question Wang Yan, while scolding Wang Yan for not doing anything and taking advantage of him.

"Okay, don't talk anymore. You two send Xiaofang back to have a good rest, and everyone else starts to clean up. After cleaning up, go back. I will find someone to re-install tomorrow. Wait for me when I work. The phones are all moving.”

Of course, Lili, the mother-in-law, is a deterrent, and a group of women worked silently. Lili looked at Wang Yan's disappearing figure and sighed secretly...

After walking all the way again, Wang Yan and the others arrived at the house rented by Lao Gui and others.

Selling phone cards has become more and more popular recently and has spread throughout Tokyo. Naturally, the money is being made. After all, it was all done once a day. As long as Wang Yan gave 30% of it, the rest belonged to them. I earn more than before, and the work is easier. So Lao Gui and others began to enjoy themselves more and more. At this moment, more than ten people were crowded in the room, drinking lively.

As Wang Yan and the others opened the door and entered the room, the noise immediately disappeared and there was complete silence. They automatically gathered together and made room for Wang Yan. Of course it's not like this on weekdays. Wang Yan's affinity is unparalleled, so getting along with his subordinates is certainly not a problem. It's just that at this moment, he had a straight face, and his eyes were deliberately fierce.

Of course, these people who are already familiar with Wang Yan's temper know that they don't care about it normally, but when something happens, he dares to smile and talk nonsense, which will definitely make them miserable.

Under their gaze, Wang Yan stretched out his hand and pointed at one person: "A Dong, go and call the others over."

"Yes, Brother Yan." The young man named A Dong quickly got up and ran to the door to put on his shoes. Then he heard a sound of footsteps, running very fast.

"Old ghost, take two people and take out all the knives I bought before."

After hearing Wang Yan's instructions, everyone present immediately became energetic. The old ghost quickly stood up and led two people upstairs. After a while, one person walked down holding a short-edged fixed knife.

Wang Yan sent his eunuchs to search for this knife for a long time before choosing it. The blade was only 40 centimeters, and the handle was only 60 centimeters for easy holding. The blade was straight and the edge was fairly sharp. For a bunch of gangsters who only rely on their blood and courage to fight, this is enough. It can chop and stab with one hand. If you use any kind of sword, these people won't be able to do it. It is easy to stretch oneself, and it is even easier to stretch others.

The training of these subordinates was quite good. No one asked nonsense questions. They all consciously took a knife into their hands, took out the blade from the scabbard, and looked at the cold light reflected by the light.

They know what this means, their heartbeats have begun to speed up, and some are even slightly swaying because of the current depressing atmosphere. They are excited, excited, excited, scared, etc. to name a few.

Fortunately, this depressing atmosphere did not last long. A Dong, who had gone to call for help, walked in with more than ten people. The small hut was crowded with so many people, and there was no room to set foot immediately.

These people also saw that everyone else had a knife in their hands, and they consciously sorted them out. The people behind them were crowded together, suppressing their breathing, and all looked at Wang Yan, waiting for his eldest brother. say.

There is no need to explain what it means to gather so many of them and even take out their knives. Before joining this group, I have repeatedly said that I must be bold, risk my life, and dare to fight and fight hard. Obviously, today, the time to fight has come.

They look forward to this day because it is a sign that greater good lies ahead. Brother Yan has said more than once, don't go all out easily, but once you go all out, it must be profitable. So they had all kinds of emotions, and of course they were afraid, but no one said they would not participate.

Brother Yan said that if you make his money, you have to do his thing. At this time, whoever dares to run, they have no doubt that they will be killed first. It's also because they know how other people who use the knife make money. Now, it's time for them to use the knife...

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