After leaving Qin De's shop, Tietou asked: "Brother Yan, why are we still involved with the police?"

"We are serious businessmen, and we have to pay taxes to the Japanese government. Of course, we must establish contact with the police and let them protect us." Looking at Tietou's look of death, Wang Yan patted him He looked over his shoulder and said with a smile: "You, you are still too thin-skinned. There is a saying, the police and the robbers are the same family. What we do is indeed walking on the edge of the law, and occasionally we may violate it. Don't follow those policemen , If you establish a good relationship with the officials, how will you get along in the future?

Why didn't Kitano arrest us just now? Is it because there is no evidence and because Qin De and the four little devils don't correct him? No, Tietou, if we really want to find evidence, we can't hide it if we do it so crudely. In this case, why doesn't Kitano touch us? It's very simple. I broke four arms and four legs, and beat Qin De severely. Even if this crime can be pinned on my head, there is no way to deal with me harshly. Even if I am locked up for more than ten or twenty years, I can be killed. Our kind of mortal sin.

Otherwise, they will deal with us lightly, and even if we are sent back to the country, we can still sneak over again, and they will be the ones who suffer retaliation. Until then, porcelain cannot touch stone. In their eyes, we are outlaws who are in no danger. For them, police work is just a job to support their families.

So you understand why you need to deal with people who are police officers and officials? "

Tietou let out a long breath: "Let the police help us cover."

Wang Yan took out a cigarette and lit one: "You are still thin-skinned. You should say that we are here to help them, so that they can have a better future and live a better life. As for them, they want us to have a safer and better life." A comfortable life. It’s never about unilateral taking or giving, but about mutual benefit and mutual prosperity.”

Tietou was speechless and choked. This good brother is good at everything, but he just likes to say all kinds of high-sounding words. Collusion is just collusion. He seems to be serious about it...

Tietou is still almost a humorous bacterium. He is a smart person, but he does not know the importance of entertainment life. Wang Yan didn't talk to him anymore and took a taxi to the hospital.

In fact, he owns a car and is a big driver, but he doesn't have a driver's license, and he is still counting his property and is not mobile yet, so he is still parked in the garage of the dead Gao Hong's house. He takes a taxi for daily travel.

Soon after arriving at the hospital and walking into Ajie's ward, Wang Yan checked the time, and it was only forty minutes. He said to Ajie with a smile: "Okay Ajie, the problem has been solved satisfactorily. My father-in-law has agreed that you and Jingzi will be together. It's a good thing and you can get married and have children as soon as possible."

This is the reason why he did not deal with Qin De, a scumbag. A scumbag is insignificant to him, even for the position he is in as a gangster leader. If there is no unexpected incident, Qin De None of them could enter his sight. So it doesn't matter how Qin De behaves in daily life or his attitude towards the Chinese. To him, he is more like a jumping clown.

It was only because of Ajie that Qin De came into his sight. Otherwise, it would be just such a thing, and it wouldn't be worthy of him running over to have a conversation in person. Since Ajie likes other people's daughters, that's it, just a small role.

"Thank you, Brother Yan." Ajie nodded with a smile and asked hesitantly: "Is Jingzi's dad okay..."

"Of course. I'll do the work myself. Why are you worried? You haven't had a good rest in Tokyo these years, right? It just so happens that the beating you received is not in vain. You can lie down in the hospital for two days and have a good time. Take care of yourself. After I'm discharged from the hospital, I'll arrange a new job for you. You don't have much money, so you spend the hundreds of thousands first. Okay, I won't waste it here with you. Tietou, this time You take care of him for a while, and if you get tired, ask Xiao Dai to come over, and I will go back first."

Wang Yan didn't talk to them about the money. He patted the money into Tietou's hand and left directly with Lili...

Watching his eldest brother and sister-in-law leave, Ajie looked at Tietou and asked, "Brother Tietou, what happened to Jingzi's father?"

Tietou knew that this good brother was worried that he would not be able to see Jingzi in the future. Of course, the good brother was unreliable. If this were in China, he would have to drag him out to shoot targets. He shook his head: "Didn't Brother Yan say that you and Jingzi will have no problem in the future? Don't worry, it will be fine. Just how he beat you, we will beat him. As for the four Japanese boys under him, one person Break an arm and a leg."

"Is this okay?" Ajie's eyes widened and he almost jumped up. He was beaten, and he was beaten like this, so how could he be called okay? And the most important thing is, does he know how cruel Wang Yan is? He said that he was beaten just like him, but how could it really be the same? At least he was half dead.

"You still don't believe what Brother Yan said? Do you think Qin De has the courage to tell his family that his injuries were caused by us? He still has to reflect with his daughter. He has to say that you are a good young man and let his daughter It’s good to be with you. Seeing you like that, what are you afraid of?”

After Tietou said a few words, Ajie stopped talking. He had nothing to say. The good brother has good intentions, avenges him and helps him solve his troubles. Of course he thinks Qin De should be beaten, but he is just not sure that he and Jingzi can continue to be good friends in the future. He still lacks a certain understanding of how shameless people can be.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long to realize it, and he quickly gained this knowledge.

Ajie was staying in a double ward, and the other bed happened to be vacant. Only an hour after Wang Yan left, under the watchful eyes of Ajie and Tietou, there was a sound of groaning, and then several nurses came in pushing a moving bed, followed by a woman. With a young girl with long hair.

Ajie murmured unconsciously: "Jingzi..."

The girl is Jingzi, and the one moaning in bed is of course her father Qin De. It was fate that brought them together in the ward within three hours.

Jingzi's appearance is not very beautiful, but she is more delicate. She had a pair of eyes that could talk, and a fairly sensitive hearing. She could distinguish the sound of silence from her father's wailing, and she looked towards the bed next to the window inside.

Although there were many bandages on Ajie's body, she still recognized that it was Ajie. She immediately ignored her father who was being carried to the bed and ran to Ajie's bedside: "Ajie, are you okay? Right? Doesn't it matter? It's all because of my father's unreasonableness and beating you like this, I'm sorry, Ajie."

"I'm fine, Jingzi. The doctor has said that I can recover after a while. Uncle De... what's wrong?" Ajie shook his head, holding back the condemnation of himself in his heart and trying his best to pretend that he didn't know the truth. He looked innocently concerned about Qin De's situation.

Of course, even if he wasn't pretending, he wouldn't be able to tell anything. After all, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. If he had to say it was unnatural, it would mean he was blinking a little bit. But after all, the contact hadn't been long, and Jingzi's attention was on Ajie's injury, and she couldn't see anything.

She was still explaining thoughtfully: "My dad didn't know who he offended, and he was beaten up by others. Anyway, he said he threw it. Ajie, my dad is like this now, which can be regarded as retribution. Don't you Don’t blame him.”

Ajie shook his head. Of course he wouldn't blame him. After all, it was his good brother who beat him.

At this moment, Qin Deyi, who was groaning next to him, was carried onto the bed. Finally, he had the time to take a look at the environment in the ward, and when he did, he met the eyes of Tie Tou, who was sitting on the side and looking at him coldly.

The sound he was about to moan was instantly suppressed, his Adam's apple twitched, and he swallowed with trembling fear. He glanced at Ajie, who was watching him with his daughter beside the hospital bed next door.

His swollen face instantly showed an ugly smile, grinning: "It's Ajie, we are really destined..."

Ajie didn't speak, mainly because he didn't know what to say.

But it was Ajie's silence that made Qin De think that Ajie was still holding a grudge. Even after giving him a severe beating, he was still angry. He glanced at his daughter who looked worriedly at him and said, "Ajie, I was wrong. , what I did was wrong, I shouldn’t have been beaten by others. Later I thought about it again, and I regretted it very much. You are a good boy, and I feel relieved that Jingzi is dating you. Jingzi, daddy apologizes to you, daddy shouldn’t hit you. Jie. You are not young anymore and you have your own judgment. Ajie is a good man. You can rest assured that you will date each other in the future. Dad will not stop you anymore."

Of course, Qin De still objected to his daughter being with a thing like Ajie, even though Ajie had a relationship with Tongzhou Club, and even the eldest brother of Tongzhou Club personally helped to save face. In fact, when it comes down to it, he prefers to let his daughter marry a young Japanese talent. After all, no matter how awesome Tongzhou Club is, they are still a bunch of hooligans, with no big potential, and he looks down on them.

But there is no way. At this point, he can't agree. After all, he is just a small boss with some money. How can he compete with the more than 100 serious gangsters in Tongzhou Club? If you get entangled with these people, your family will be ruined. He hasn't lived enough yet, so he can only grit his teeth and admit it.

So under such a situation, he felt that Ajie's conditions were very good...

Hearing this, Jingzi opened her eyes wide in disbelief. Ajie was also surprised, but not to the same extent as Jingzi, but he still turned to look at Tietou, who was sitting on the side with a smile on his face.

Seeing his good brother looking over, Tietou raised his eyebrows with a look on his face, 'I didn't lie to you, did I? Look what I’m saying’…

Anyway, Ajie's happy life is here. With Qin De opening his mouth to be a father, Jingzi and Ajie have made great progress. When Qin De's wife cooked at home, she would bring Ajie's share. From time to time, Jingzi would cook and carefully prepare sick meals.

If Ajie lives in the spring, then Qin De lives in the winter of March 9th. Watching Ajie flirt with his daughter in front of her every day was really a fatal blow. Not to mention, people from Tongzhou Club came to see Ajie every day, especially Wang Yan who came twice more. In just a few days, Qin De basically met all the leaders of Tongzhou Club. The smile on his face never stopped, and he even smiled even when he was sleeping. There was no way, muscle memory, these people were too scary, he could only accompany Smiley Face. I’ve been with my smile so much that I can’t take it back...

Of course, Wang Yan has not been idle. Tongzhou Society and the technology company have been registered. The name of the technology company is Sihai, which is still the same as before in South Korea. Mainly because he was too lazy to come up with a name, so he just made do with what he had before, and it wasn't important anyway.

He has been busy these days looking for an office space and recruiting employees. There was nothing he could do about it. Except for Zhou Yixian, none of his men were educated, so it was impossible for him to do the job. Even if Tongzhoushe's company operates, people like them can't do it, let alone professional technology companies.

Kitano didn't forget to keep an eye on Tongzhoushe's actions, and even occasionally went to Tietou's shop for a drink. The implicit message was that Tietou should abandon the dark side and turn to the light, and don't do stupid things. Once Wang Yan wanted to Just tell him immediately if you do something dangerous, you are playing the emotional card with Tietou. Of course he knew it was useless, but he still had to say it.

Although Wang Yan's previous words were more high-sounding, Tietou still listened to them. After all, they were indeed beneficial to both parties. In addition, he also felt that Kitano was a relatively good little Japanese who had no prejudice against the Chinese and was somewhat humane. So he was also making a promise to Bei Ye, which was of course the condition that Wang Yan agreed to before. The two of them fought for each other and established a kind of friendship between police and criminals.

At the same time, during this period of time, Wang Yan also completely straightened out all the industries under his control. At the same time, he got to know his previous subordinates, so he could relax completely and continue to engage in research and development with Zhou Yixian.

In fact, there is no such thing as a smooth industry, but now the market is too small. The industries he owns are directly oriented to downstream industries such as bars, restaurants, and video game arcades, so he needs to figure out who is making money for him upstream. money. For example, which player produced the fake wine in the bar, where did the agricultural products in the hotel come from, and who were the upstream manufacturers of the game consoles in the arcade.

If it can be done, of course it must be done in your own hands. In the words of Little Japan, Tongzhou Club is a violent gang. He does not engage in those profitable gray products, and he is really sorry for the bad reputation he carries. After all, in small Japan, although the gangster circle is very powerful and ordinary people avoid it, the social reputation is not really good. Coupled with the later government policy control, this is what we saw in the news. In the past No one wants the glorious gangster to clean the dishes. Therefore, as a gangster leader, Wang Yan has the obligation to make more money for the retirement of his subordinates in the future...

At noon that day, Wang Yan did not have lunch with Zhou Yixian in the company. Instead, he came to his own restaurant. He wanted to talk to someone about something.

Although it was a gathering of gangster leaders, there was no pretense to clear the place at such a meal, so it was still a bustling and lively place.

Wang Yan took Xiao Dai through the door and arrived at the innermost private room. At this moment, there were five people sitting around the big table in this private room. Two of them are Tietou and Feng Kun. One of them is the current nominal second in command, and the other is the actual second in command. The other three people, led by a long-haired young man with sinister eyes, a sinister mouth, and a cynical and arrogant face, were all wearing black suits.

Of course, Tietou and Feng Kun also wore black suits. Not only that, they also had to wear ties. They couldn't be more serious. The difference is that there is a dark gold dragon pattern on the tie, and Tietou and the two men also have a golden badge pinned to the collar of their suit. If you look closely at the pattern on it, it is a line on the sea with two people riding on it. An image of two hands rocking an oar. In the same boat, as the name suggests, two people in the same boat... The two here, when put on the badge, refer to many things.

This pattern is very vivid and vivid, and perfectly interprets Wang Yan's extremely high design attainments and artistic aesthetics. Anyway, everyone in Tongzhou Club said...

Seeing Wang Yan and Xiao Dai coming in, the five of them all stood up in unison.

"Brother Yan!"

"President Wang!"

The two groups called each other, and Wang Yan nodded in response, stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly: "Sit down, sit down and talk."

All seven people sat down. Feng Kun poured tea for Wang Yan and Xiao Dai, and lit cigarettes. After a busy meal, Wang Yan had enough attitude, and then he spat at the pretentious long-haired young man. Yan: "Qianhei Watakawa, your father Taro Watagawa is in charge of the Togawa group of the Triad. If you come to talk to me, can you represent your father?"

"President Wang, please rest assured. I have discussed it with my father before coming here. The reason why my father did not come in person is because his status is sensitive and his every move attracts attention. That's why my father sent me here to discuss important matters with you."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Tell me your important events."

This kid was the one who originally conspired with Takahiro to kill Eguchi Toshinari, and at the end, went to Eguchi Toshinari's home and kidnapped Xiuxiu. Of course, they are all gangsters and no one can blame anyone. After all, Tietou killed this boy's father and the president of the Triad Society, and then obtained a residence permit and the Tainan Gang's territory from Tosei Eguchi.

Watakawa Qianhei looked at Tietou and the others who were smoking and drinking tea silently, and the meaning was self-evident.

Wang Yan shook his head and said: "Just say it, these are brothers I trust, and they will not spread what you say."

Heaving a sigh of relief, Watakawa Qianhei said: "President Wang can lead his men to destroy the Tainan Gang overnight, and successfully take over all the Tainan Gang's industries in two days. He is a capable person. I know the group of the Eguchi Group that day Commander, Eguchi Toshinari was also present. I also know that that day you asked this brother named Tietou to decide Eguchi Toshinari's life or death. Even if Eguchi Toshinari died, it doesn't matter. You can continue to cooperate with our Tokawa Group. President Wang, that’s why I’m here.”

"What conditions?"

"President Wang is happy, and I won't tell lies. As long as President Wang gets rid of Eguchi Toshinari, then the entire Kabukicho and surrounding areas will be handed over to the management of Tongzhou Club, and the income will still be divided according to the current 50-50 ratio between you and the Eguchi group. I know Tongzhou Many of my friends in the club don’t have residence permits, and I can help you apply for ten more. What do you think?"

Gao Hong used his residence permit to impeach his subordinates, and now a Tokawa Qianhei appears and wants to use his residence permit to impeach someone else? Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, and said patiently: "Duchuan, as far as I know, there are three forces in the current triad. One is your Duchuan group, the other is the Eguchi group, and the other is Muranishi, the president of your triad. The Muranishi group is headed by Koichi. Among them, your Togawa group has the largest number of people, the Eguchi group is the richest, and the Muranishi group has achieved a balance. Although it is not as good as the two of you, Eguchi Toshinari is following Muranishi Koichi. developed. So the two of them worked together to suppress your Tokawa group.

If my Toshu Club helps you get rid of Toshinari Eguchi, and you take the opportunity to take over the Eguchi group, then Koichi Muranishi will be just a puppet in name only, and you will have the final say in the entire Triad.

Watakawa, if it were you, would you believe what you said? In other words, even if you admit it, how can you guarantee that you won't regret it? Now I can still follow Eguchi Toshinari and fight against you. If your family is the only one, then the whole of Tokyo will be ruled by you in a short time. In this case, will you let Tongzhou Society go? "

This is a very simple reason. Now the Eguchi group and the Togawa group are fighting in the ring. The chairman Koichi Muranishi is doing counterweights and finding balance, which can be regarded as a balance among the three parties. As for the reason why there was no balance in the original plot, it was because Takahiro promised to kill Eguchi Toshinari, and then faced Eguchi Toshinari's accusation against the Togawa group, he chose to take sides or maintain balance.

Because Eguchi Toshinari at that time was different from now, and even more powerful, Muranishi Koichi felt that he could not control himself. Therefore, he died in Tietou's hands. It is his crime to be incapable of maintaining balance and acting as a referee.

Watakawa Qianhei didn't expect Wang Yan to be so down-to-earth and analyze the current situation with him, nor did he expect Wang Yan to know so much about the inside of their triad. However, he still promised: "President Wang, please rest assured, I can swear on the ancestors of the Tochuan family that we will definitely abide by our agreement."

"The most reliable thing in the world is your own strength. As for swearing to your ancestors, I think if your ancestors really knew, they would be happy when you broke the agreement and be happy for the growth of your family. Wang Yan shook his head and said: "Duchuan, I have no intention of being an enemy of you. I think you should know the philosophy of Tongzhou Society. We will not take the initiative to find trouble, and we are not afraid of others making trouble."

The reason why Gao Hong and others were allowed to disappear and the Tainan Gang was destroyed was because we, a group of poor people, needed a soil to survive, so there was no other way. Now that we have our own business, our life is completely different from before and we are very satisfied.

So please forgive me for not being able to agree to the big thing you mentioned, but don’t worry, I won’t tell Eguchi Toshinari about this. Please come back, Watakawa. "

Wang Yan said it very politely and straightforwardly, because this Totakawa Qianhei was very polite. Although Wang Yan could see the contempt for him in his eyes, he was indeed powerful now. Although he was not afraid, after all, he was not there yet. There is no need to look for trouble. So for such a son of one of the gangster giants in Guandong, since he behaves very kindly, it doesn't matter if he deals with superficial skills.

Watakawa Qianhei stared at Wang Yan for a while, and seeing that he had no intention of changing his mind, he took out a business card from his pocket and presented it to Wang Yan with both hands: "President Wang, if you change your mind, you can contact me at any time. Okay. Then I won’t disturb you and I’ll take my leave.”

He even took his two younger brothers and bowed politely before leaving...

Thanks to my brother (who is pleasing to the eye) for the reward of 1,500 coins for continued support.

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