Eguchi Toshinari went to none other than the hospital, St. Luke's International Hospital, which was the first modern hospital in Japan's medical history. The environment is good, the facilities are excellent, the service is attentive, and the price is correspondingly high.

As a confidant of Eguchi Toshinari and the leader of the operational personnel, according to the position classification of the small Japanese gangster circle, he is a high-ranking person or a high-ranking figure. Nakajima Hiromasa, who was almost beaten to death, is qualified. To enjoy top-notch medical resources, Eguchi Toshinari, the eldest brother, has to pay for the medical expenses.

Most of the hospital wards here are single-person. At this moment, in a ward of the surgery department, Nakajima Hiromasa, who used to be majestic and refused to accept anyone, has lost his energy. Because he had been lying in the hospital bed all day, eating and drinking well, his short and stocky body had gained a lot of weight, and he had become very hairy. Taking into account the bandages and plaster, his whole body was even more invisible. The most important thing is that his long black hair is now stuck in an inch. There are scabs from several wounds on the exposed skin of his head. It’s unclear who’s shoe sole got stuck. It looks quite miserable. …

He watched the TV boredly, saw Eguchi Toshinari walking in, called the president to say hello, picked up the remote control at hand, turned off the TV, and asked the men who were staying with him in the room to go out, and then talked to Eguchi Toshinari Then he said: "President, how is it?"

The same goes for Little Japan. No one likes a title with an auxiliary in front of it. On the other hand, it makes people feel uncomfortable.

Eguchi Toshinari sat on the sofa on the side, shook his head and said: "Nakajima, you may have to postpone your revenge on Wang Yan and his group of Chinese."

Nakajima Hiromasa frowned, grinning and supporting his body, finding a more comfortable position to lean on the bedside, widening his eyes and asking: "Why? Are you afraid of those Chinese pigs?" Really? Yes, you are afraid. You were already afraid when you gave up 50% of the profits. These years of peaceful life have made you lose your fighting spirit. You are a coward."

Eguchi Toshinari didn't pay attention to his subordinates' offense. It was true that he felt sorry for his subordinates. On the other hand, with the power Nakajima Hiromasa had, he could actually have a parallel dialogue with him. This is the most tragic thing for a leader.

"Nakajima, you know the situation at that time. If I didn't do this, both of us would have died there, and you wouldn't be lying on the hospital bed now, clamoring to get rid of Wang Yan. And I also want revenge. , I want it more than you do, and he humiliates me even more than he does you.”

He sighed and shook his head: "But now is really not the time to get rid of them, because just half an hour ago, Wang Yan sent someone to find me and listened to a recorded conversation. Do you know what it was? Watakawa Qianhei found Wang Yan and asked him to get rid of the two of us. They want to dominate the Triads and then control Tokyo. Nakajima, this is really not the right time to conflict with those Chinese. Have you seen Wang Yan's personal force? Yes, if we can’t kill with one strike, it will be a big trouble for us, don’t be blinded by hatred.”

"Where's the conversation?"

"He just asked someone to come over and listen to me again. I remember that conversation very clearly. It was Watakawa Qianhei who found..."

Even if Toshinori Eguchi had the evidence, he would not let it to Hiromasa Nakajima. After all, he said he wanted to kill them both, but in the recording, Wang Yan was the only one to kill him. To a certain extent, this also shows that Hiro Nakajima is winable in the eyes of the Togawa group, but how can it be done? They must be tied together.

After retelling it in an almost embellished way, he said: "Wang Yan's intentions are very sinister. He just wants to provoke an internal fight between us and the Togawa Group so that he can take advantage of it. But in Nakajima, we have to deal with the Togawa Group. They no longer talk about fraternity. If we don't take action, we can only wait for death. Nakajima, don't you understand? Now we have no choice but to get rid of Taro Watagawa and his son and take over the power of the Watagawa group. If Taro Watagawa If they don't die, we will die. Only after passing this level can we get rid of Wang Yan."

After a long silence, Nakajima Hiromasa nodded: "I am still lying on the hospital bed. The doctor said it will take two months to recover. There is no way to charge, damn China pig."

"Nakajima, I don't need you to do anything. As long as you stand by my side, as long as you believe in me, the final winner will definitely be us. You just need to recuperate here, and when this matter is over and you are discharged from the hospital, I will Let you kill Wang Yan with your own hands."

"What are you going to do?"

"We can't get rid of Taro Watakawa by our people. I asked Wang Yan before and wanted him to get rid of Taro Watagawa. Just like I told you, he just wants to take advantage of our internal fighting. But he If you don't do it, others will do it. You know, there is a group of people from China's Fujian Province. They are lawless and do anything from stealing to robbing. Originally, they have been eyeing the Tainan Gang for a long time. As long as we agree to their conditions, we can Get rid of the Tokawa group, and then let the Chinese fight among themselves."

After hearing this, Nakajima Hiromasa laughed loudly: "President, I wish you success."

"It will definitely succeed. You can rest in peace and recuperate. Let your people come to my place for a meeting. I will make some arrangements and try to be more thorough. We will solve these things as soon as possible. There is no need to worry anymore." Eguchi Toshinari stood up and walked to the bed. Holding Nakajima Hiromasa's dirty hands that were full of the smell of medicine: "I'll find some more people to protect your safety, so that the people from the Tokawa group won't take the risk and come to the hospital to do something."

Nakajima Hiromasa shook his head: "President, I'd better focus on dealing with the Togawa group. My own people are enough."

"Okay then, feel free to contact me if you need anything. I'll leave first."

After saying that, Eguchi Toshinari patted Nakajima Hiromasa's hand to reassure him and give him strength, then turned and left the ward.

Nakajima Hiroshi told his subordinates who came in to call others and report to Eguchi Toshinari. He also asked his subordinates to come over to protect him, and mobilized ten people from outside the hospital to the ward. After doing this, he took a deep breath, leaned on the bedside, felt the pain caused by Wang Yan and the others, and thought about the whole thing.

He was not a fool. He could not believe whatever Eguchi Toshinari said. It was said that there was a recording, but he didn't hear it, so it was probably a lie. So in this case, Eguchi Toshinari's previous action of asking his men to follow orders was to isolate him and find someone to protect him, but in fact it was to control him.

It's just that although he is not a fool, the information he knows is limited, and he has no way to explore the truth, so he can only figure it out on his own. After all, it took a hundred days to break his muscles and bones, so he had a lot of time.

But he didn't let him think about it for long. Not long after Eguchi Toshinari left, one of his subordinates came over and told him: "Togawa Qianhei and two people were at the entrance of the hospital, and they were stopped by our people. He said he wanted to see you."

Of course, it is impossible for a group of hooligans to be so powerful and stop people randomly at the entrance of a hospital like this. It's just that they hid aside and watched the people coming in and out. Which kid looked like a gangster. After all, everyone is in this circle, and you can tell the flow of air at a glance.

Nakajima Hiromasa couldn't help but frowned: "What is he here for?"

"Said I had something to talk to you about."

After thinking about it, Nakajima Hiromasa nodded: "Bring him here."

This is a crowded hospital, and Watakawa Qianhei came in openly, so there would definitely be no unfavorable thoughts towards him. Moreover, he had already thought of Watakawa Qianhei's purpose, and wanted to hear what this boy said and what the facts were.

Soon, Watakawa Qianhei was led into the ward. He watched Nakajima Hiromasa's younger brother go out and closed the door. He looked at Nakajima Hiromasa's miserable state and looked at Nakajima Hiromasa. He said: "It's very uncomfortable." Be willing to do so.”

"What do you want to say?"

"Nakajima, we have known each other for so many years and are considered old friends. What do you think of Eguchi?"

"Eguchi Toshinari is the vice president, Watakawa, I didn't hear your respect for the Triads."

"Do you really want to make a dog for Eguchi?" Watakawa Qianhei looked at him teasingly and said, "You were beaten like this by those Chinese people. In the past month, Eguchi has not done anything. Not only that, He happily applied for the identities of those Chinese people. The day for your reconciliation is coming soon, and he did not rush him. Let me guess, is he telling you that the man named Wang Yan is too powerful and cannot It's hard to kill someone with one hit? Wake up, Nakajima, that's just an excuse for him to deceive you.

Look now, when I heard that I wanted to find that Wang Yan to get rid of him, he came to you as soon as possible. Let me guess again, he must have come to tell you a bunch of reasons, and finally asked you to wait in peace. The first priority is to deal with our Duchuan group first. It is best to kill my father and me, and then find those Chinese people later. Settle the score, right? "

Nakajima Hiromasa was really surprised. He didn't expect Watakawa Qianhei to know so clearly. He couldn't help but ask: "How did you know?"

"Eguchi should have told you the general content of the conversation between me and Wang Yan. What happened at Daji Bar that day was only those Chinese people, you two, Eguchi, and a few other subordinates. So why do I know? Nakajima, Use your brain. Of course, you know it from the mouths of your men who experienced that scene that day. I told Wang Yan at noon that I wanted him to help me get rid of Jiangkou. After lunch, Wang Yan sent people to Jiangkou's company. Go find him, and Eguchi will come to you right after. Doesn’t this explain the problem?

The Chinese are really disappointing. If I had known they were not trustworthy, I shouldn't have approached them. The Chinese people have sinister intentions and want to see us fighting among ourselves so that they can take advantage of the opportunity to expand. But even if Eguchi knew about it, it wouldn't matter. After all, our discord didn't just happen today. He had actually been prepared for it. This is why you are looking for Wang Yan. His force is indeed very powerful, and you don't even have a chance to shoot him. "

Watakawa Qianhei looked at Nakajima Hiromasa jokingly, shook his head and said: "So you should understand, right? When Eguchi knew that we were going to attack him, he came over to stabilize you immediately and asked you for someone. And you He was beaten like this by the Chinese, but he kept dragging him..."

"After you got rid of Jiangguchi, how could you still keep me? Besides, this time, didn't you just deal with the two of us? Didn't you see the people outside? They were there to guard against you."

Everyone was showing off their cards, and Nakajima Hiromasa certainly didn't try to hide it. His tone was harsh, his eyes were glaring, and he was full of gunpowder.

Watakawa Qianhei was stunned for a moment, then realized and shook his head: "Nakajima, I think you misunderstood. This must be Eguchi deliberately lying to you in order to get you to support him. If I really want to get rid of you, now It’s impossible to come here to find you.”

Seeing that Nakajima Hiroshi was deep in thought, he continued: "Nakajima, we are the same kind of people. Think about it, what have you gained from following Eguchi for so many years? You respect him, but what about him? You were beaten by the Chinese He didn't care about beating him to death, but now that he's in trouble, he wants you to help, why?..."

Nakajima Hiromasa couldn't hold on after a while, because what Watagawa Qianhei said was indeed correct and it was a fact that had already happened. Apart from anything else, Eguchi Toshinari promised him to avenge him and kill Wang Yan and others after setting up the Tokawa Group. But in the past month, Eguchi Toshinari did not make any moves. Wouldn't it be okay if hundreds of their men came to the door on the second day after the incident, before Wang Yan could consolidate his forces?

If you wait until the Tokawa group is dealt with before taking action, what will be the difference from before? Isn't it still the same assassination? If assassination doesn't work, it's just hundreds of people knocking on the door. Aren't they all the same?

This was what he had figured out before when he was thinking about it on his own. Now after listening to Watakawa Qianhei's all kinds of sound analysis, confusion, and instigation, some thoughts are normal.

He was already rebellious, he just needed something to make him dissatisfied and punished. Originally, it was Tietou who occupied Kabukicho and its surrounding areas and lived a good life for many years. Now, he was almost beaten to death, and the eldest brother did not avenge him. The eldest brother himself was in danger, but he immediately I started studying my opponents. One is about self-interest, the other is about self-security, and both are about the future.

But in fact, Toshinari Eguchi has a reason. Because he doesn't understand Wang Yan, but he understands the Tokawa Group. He was not sure about killing Wang Yan, but he was still very confident about killing the Tokawa group. Moreover, Wang Yan's situation was not important. There was no big conflict between the two sides, so they had time to study it slowly. But the Tokawa group is different. They have already begun to get rid of him, that is, getting angry is imminent.

Unfortunately, one can never really see things from another person's perspective. In the case of Nakajima Hiromasa, who is inherently rebellious, a little reckless, and has been holding back his anger for a long time, he is even more incapable of empathizing with others. He only thinks about what he has experienced. In this way, he got into trouble and reminded him of the past, and he felt more and more unforgivable to Eguchi Toshinari.

So he was silent for a long time and then spoke: "I can't act now. If you want me to get rid of Eguchi, it's impossible. Even if I can do it, I can't afford the reputation of the following crimes. What I can tell you Yes, he wants to attack the Chinese people from Fujian Province in China, and I don’t know anything else.”

"That's enough, Nakajima, from now on you will be the vice-president of the Triad Guild, and the entire Shinjuku will be yours..."

Watakawa Qianhei made a promise as if he had already won...

There are always surprises in the development of things. Maybe it was a joke of fate, or maybe it was really fate, and the two families were destined to have a war.

The temporary response of Eguchi Toshinari was indeed not as powerful as the Tokawa group's deliberate efforts. That night, Eguchi Toshinari was surrounded and killed when he was finishing talking to people. Fortunately, he was prepared in advance and was only slashed once and shot in the shoulder. The men who protected him suffered heavy losses.

Three days later, Taro Watakawa was attacked. Two gunmen armed with submachine guns fired in the street. Two rounds of bullets were fired... but he was not killed. Although Taro Watakawa was older, he ran fairly fast. After all, he was well prepared, so he only received one shot, which penetrated his lung. After resuscitation, he held on to his life.

As a result, these two incidents became the trigger of chaos. There was also a scene in the original drama where gangsters fight each other with knives in the street. I don’t know how many stores were smashed, let alone how many people died. Because for this kind of public safety incident, the real number will never be reported. After all, Tokyo is an international metropolis, and gangsters dare to fight in the streets. It is too rampant and even more embarrassing.

Therefore, the riot only lasted for two days, and the unconvinced Tokawa Group and Eguchi Group were suppressed by pressure from above. Politicians and financial groups are involved behind them, but if you are a gangster to a certain extent, you can still gain a certain amount of respect, even if you are half a dog. After all, whether they are politicians or financial groups, they have the power to turn them into real dogs.

Although the riots within the Triads were suppressed and the prosperity of Tokyo was maintained on the surface, behind the scenes, this matter did not stop. Because they really shouldn't fight among themselves like this. Although it was only a two-day riot, it was a huge blow to both parties, which resulted in a reduction in the strength of the Triads.

This also allowed other ambitious gangsters to see opportunities. To sum up, Tokyo at night is both a gold-selling cave and a gladiatorial arena. Some people are flirting with beauties in a drunken manner, and some people fall down at an unknown intersection with a knife, with infinite nostalgia and regret in their eyes...

Things unfolded in such a way that Wang Yan did not expect. What he could control was that the Triads would definitely be in chaos, and Tokyo would definitely be in chaos, but he didn't expect that both sides were so useless, and no one killed the other.

In fact, it was understandable for him that the Tokawa Group contacted him. After all, he is a new force with ambitions to expand, and he has previous achievements and conflicts with Eguchi Toshinari. It's not that Taro Watakawa and his son are too smart, it's because they are too smart that they come to him, because in the eyes of outsiders, he has no reason to refuse. It not only eliminates the previous hidden dangers, but also naturally expands the territory and makes more money. This is what the father and son discovered after a month of observation and investigation.

But he didn't cooperate. Not only did he not cooperate, he shamelessly betrayed them, which ultimately led to the current situation.

But after all is said and done, the father and son still have no brains. What the Togawa group meant was to let the Toshu Club kill Eguchi Toshinari first, and then they would take advantage of the opportunity to take revenge and lead people to attack the Toshu Club. After all, would a foreign war divert internal conflicts, and at the same time, they could smoothly take over Eguchi Toshinari's power without any worries? .

But since they are all gangsters, what evidence is there? Just send someone to kill Eguchi Toshinari, and then say it was Tongzhou Club who did it, and just knock on the door and it's over. There's no point in messing with those vain people.

Maybe they really have that much persistence? Who knows...

Anyway, the current situation is extremely beneficial to Wang Yan. Even if he still didn't expand, he still gained a lot. Those previous industries are now all owned by Tongzhou Society. Another most critical point is that your opponent's weakness is your own strength.

In war, of course we cannot ignore the individual qualities of those fighting on the front lines, but logistics is also an important part of ensuring combat effectiveness. Medical treatment for the disabled costs money, death and cremation cost money, food and drink cost money, everything costs money. Coupled with the destruction of various money-making places, if you don't make money, you lose money, and you spend too much money.

So now, the status of the two sides is not to be reversed, but even if there is some gap, there is no big problem. And now the Triads are still fighting with other gangsters, and the situation is not good.

But even so, Wang Yan did not choose to join the team that beat the Triads. He was just training his subordinates. Only when the outside world has a bad idea can he develop easily.

In recent times, what he has been doing is fulfilling his promise, sending back all those people who came before, obtaining formal visas to enter the country, legally joining the company, and enjoying serious employee benefits, so in fact, his staff has never been full. Recently, some people came here and there because of their fame, and some selective additions were made, which can be regarded as a slight expansion.

His main focus is to stop being a gangster. After all, he is not a gangster, but a down-to-earth businessman who is serious about doing business...

Two months have passed since the beginning of the development of VCD, and it was already June. Wang Yan led Zhou Yixian and others who joined later to successfully develop VCD. And there are already lawyers to register the patent. At the same time, most of the production lines that Wang Yan has started investing in have been built in the factory outside Tokyo.

As for where the money came from, on the one hand it was a gift from the dead ghost Gao Hong, and on the other hand he mortgaged all the assets of Tongzhou Society, and all the money he got was invested in the construction of the production line.

The time has come, it's time to make an appearance. Wang Yan spent money to find reporters from business, entertainment and other newspapers. In the still simple company, he asked a young man who was recruited later to come forward to introduce the product, which was to hold a product launch conference.

Although the current machines are made by hand, they are actually very delicate. They look square, simple and elegant. Compared with machines that play video tapes, it is thinner, lighter and better looking, and it uses optical discs to save space. Because Japan is an island country, it is quite sensitive to this sense of space. If nothing else, the reporters who came to interview liked it very much...

Thank you to the three brothers (Stars Lighting) (Zhengguo Book Friends) and (Big Tiger) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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