Whether now or in the past, in basically all walks of life, there must be an intermediary in every transaction. Maybe their names are different, such as pimp, dealer, broker, middleman, etc., but they are just names that distinguish them from different industries.

Essentially, it’s about pushing the product out. This commodity can be a house, a factory, or even a person. As long as transactions can occur and there is a certain market, then intermediaries, people who control certain resources and make profits by relying on information asymmetry, will inevitably exist.

To be honest, some companies in the middle of the industrial chain can also be regarded as intermediaries, but they are large-scale and group-oriented. Therefore, small intermediaries and personal intermediaries can develop upwards and open a labor service or headhunting company to introduce manpower, a real estate company to be responsible for marketing, an agricultural product supply company, and so on.

Wang Yan was sitting at his workstation, logging into WeChat on his computer. While contacting the agency, he was searching for a health care product factory in Lin'an.

The requirements are very simple. The place does not need to be large, just enough for one production line. In a city as big as Lin'an, there are too many small and medium-sized factories. Although health care products may not seem as popular as they originally were due to various scams, in fact they have never stopped. It’s just that various platforms don’t advertise, and supervision has become stricter, so people who don’t pay attention can’t see it.

Now that I'm really looking for it, I can see that the actual range of choices is quite large. Based on his own understanding and the intermediary's truth and falsehoods, Wang Yan finally decided to buy a ready-made health care product factory directly. Firstly, all the procedures are complete, secondly, the workshop standards are adequate, and thirdly, there are ready-made mechanical equipment, which may be old, but the thing he does does not have a high technical content. After all, it is just a job. Just Chinese medicine.

To put it simply, the medicinal materials are processed, then steamed in a large pot and compressed into a raw liquid, then mixed with crushed or crushed medicinal powder to form a paste, then shaken into small round pills, and finally packaged and labeled. It can be sold from the factory. This process cannot be said to have no technical content, it can only be said that it has no technical content at all. And there is no pollution in the whole process, absolutely pollution-free. Even the leftover medicine residue can be used as fertilizer. Born from the soil, died from the soil, natural cycle, efficient use.

The difficulty is that a machine for injecting raw materials is needed to control the input of raw materials in batches according to a certain proportion. This is the key to confidentiality. Workers can only be allowed to throw materials inside, but they cannot be told how much to throw. This kind of equipment needs to be customized, and then modified and debugged by yourself for encryption protection.

In fact, the real technical content is cheaper capsules, which require a lot of high-end equipment to prepare relevant ingredients, and the dosage is very precise. It is absolutely impossible to rub it out by hand. Without high-end equipment and professional talents, it is impossible. No way.

A small health care product factory is not expensive, and it is also a food product... Yes, health pills are food products... so the more than three million yuan he has in hand is enough.

So after a day of comparison, Wang Yan drove Wei Lan and set off the next day. Lin'an's factories are basically concentrated in industrial parks in Xiasha, Xiaoshan, Yuhang, and Linping on the southeast and northwest peripheries of the city. There are heavy machinery manufacturing, heavy textiles, etc., mainly clustered around large enterprises. However, there are no such hard and fast rules. People prefer, of course, where it is cheaper and more convenient, so factories of various industries are often mixed together.

As a result, today's task is very heavy, and we have to go to each place to take a look.

Wei Lan was sitting in the passenger seat, humming and singing along with the music, chatting on her cell phone.

Wang Yan asked: "Who are you talking to? Hey Shale?"

"My college roommate went there before when we got married. She had long hair and big waves. You said she was very fashionable and coquettish. She was called..."

"Sun Yi, the one in charge of operations?"

"Okay, I have a good memory." Wei Lan nodded with a smile: "Isn't she in the capital? She said she had enough of staying there. She said before that she wanted to change places for development. Didn't she contact the company in Lin'an? , is run by an Internet celebrity, she just delivers goods and makes jokes live, and the treatment given to her is good, higher than in the capital. In your words, here are good mountains, water, and woods, and the environment is better than in the north. , it was more comfortable to stay, so she wanted to come over here. I am the only friend here. She said that she wanted to send everything to our house first, so she came directly next week with little luggage. She also said to see how we live. How about making her, a single person, envious."

Wang Yan nodded: "Where's Lin Jiayi? When we got married, didn't she also clamor to come and see our new house?"

Lin Jiayi has been Wei Lan's good sister since she was a child. She works as a labor force in Gusu. When she and Wei Lan were together for just a few months, she came here with her boyfriend from a local demolition household in Gusu and had a meal. But it seems that I haven't been able to achieve the right results. I even called Wei Lan for a while and cried...

"I don't know. In other words, how can I really be so free? Didn't I break up with the demolition household before? In the first two days, I told me that I was in love with another one and was busy developing a relationship." Wei Lan said again. He sent a message, put down his phone and asked: "Hey, hubby, didn't you tell them yesterday that you wanted to move the company? They talked about it, and there were only two places, either the West Lake side or the other side. Over the Binjiang side. The view of the West Lake is better and more convenient. There are more big companies in Binjiang, each with its own advantages. Where should we go? I'll go take a look after the factory is settled."

"I can go anywhere. I'm not just perfunctory. I can go anywhere. As long as the place is spacious, we have to make it look like a big company. Anyway, the company is growing so fast that we can't stay anywhere for long. We will definitely build our own in the future. The headquarters may not even be in Lin'an. For such a small matter, you can just say yes."

"Then let's go to Binjiang. Let's find a high-rise building with a view. It's just opposite our house. It won't take long to cross the bridge. And compared to the West Lake side, the parking spaces in Binjiang are also spacious, so it won't be a problem. There is local parking. If the company wants to expand, many future employees will definitely come by car.”

"Well, I'm very thoughtful. Let's go over there. When everything is done here, we'll have a look. In addition, there are tables, chairs, benches, etc. that need to be sorted out. If I'm rich this time, I'll go to the secondhand market to buy second-hand items. That’s unjustifiable.”

Wei Lan laughed: "Speaking of which, you are still awesome and capable. I think those who start a business are not as smooth as you. They are always so leisurely and comfortable."

"It's our business."

"Yes, yes, ours, ours."

Wang Yan also laughed: "What is the purpose of starting a business? It's not just to make more money, to become a master. But even if there is no Dali Pill, we can do well by accepting some orders for artificial intelligence, and we can spend enough money and make a lot of money." How much is too much? As for the so-called superiors, I don’t think I’m superior to anyone else, do you?”

"Of course not."

"So why are you so tired? You can't make all the money, so it's better to be more comfortable. Of course, my situation is different from those entrepreneurs. They don't actually want to be so tired. It's just that the market competition is too fierce. They are all at risk of bankruptcy. They don’t have my ability, and they have such a great sense of crisis. How can they do it without exhausting themselves?"

"Hey, you're really good at it. Just talk about it and you're flattering yourself."

"Just say it's a boast, right?"

Wei Lan laughed out loud: "You are indeed the most powerful..."

Just talking and laughing, the two went to the park in Xiaoshan, met with the agent who had already been in place, and started looking at factories in the southeast, northwest, and northwest.

I looked at seven or eight factories and found that some factories were no longer occupied. The bosses were very particular and simply stopped production and laid off their employees. The factories were owned by others and could not be stopped. Some are rented places and work half-deadly. The boss has a desperate look on his face, and the employees have no energy and are just relying on them. Others, the business is not bad, there is no shortage of work for some orders, but they simply need money urgently and cannot continue to mortgage, so they can only sell the factory. Prices range from more than two million to tens of millions.

"Boss, I've seen the ones I ordered for you yesterday. How do you feel? If it doesn't work, I'll find two more and let's have a look again?" Outside a factory in Yuhang, the intermediary offered a piece of gold, but it was rejected. After taking it, I didn’t smoke it myself, so I asked Boss Wang. "

Wang Yan answered simply: "The one in Linping, see if the boss has time. It happens to be evening. Let's find a restaurant to eat and talk while eating."

"I'll call him right now, wait a minute." The agent walked aside with a smile, took out his cell phone, and contacted the factory owner.

That factory is a half-dead operation. The boss doesn't ask for compensation, but it's pointless to work anyway, otherwise they won't sell it. The factory is not small, with more than 50 employees, including warehouses and everything else. There is a two-story office building and a six-story employee dormitory building, which are nearly 20 years old. The most important thing is a large workshop and two production lines.

The equipment is very complete, including hot water pots, sterilizing pots, bottle washing, drying, capping machines, etc. But they are not very new, they are a few years old, and the depreciation of fixed assets has been lost for who knows how many years. No one buys the second-hand ones, they are basically just selling scrap metal.

However, such conditions are exactly what Wang Yan needs. First of all, the place is large and there is the possibility of subsequent expansion. Secondly, the equipment is available, but it cannot be sold at a high price. In addition, the old employees are also a point of price reduction. In addition, taking into account the buyer's market, this factory owner Lost its premium capability. The equipment is what he needs and the employees can use it. The price is not that high, it is cheap and affordable.

After a while, the agent hung up the phone and ran back: "Boss, we agreed, we have time. I know there is a good restaurant over there in Gongshu. If we go back and he comes over, the time will be faster." , do you think it’s okay?”

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Okay, let's go."

Immediately, he and the agent got in the car and set off.

"This costs four million. I think the equipment is so old and there are so many people. Is it difficult to manage it in the future? Is it appropriate?" In the car, Wei Lan pulled her phone and looked for the information recorded previously. She has this habit. She has a plan for everything she does. She believes that a good memory is worse than a bad pen. When she reads books, she makes notes by clicking them. It is similar to the textbooks in school. There are marked lines everywhere and pretty handwriting, especially serious.

Of course, you are as lazy as you should be. Who is not a delicate pig girl?

"It's okay. A lot of the equipment is in use, and we can save on recruiting employees. As for whether it's managed properly, it's just a small factory, and the work is done. There's not that much trouble. Everyone is here to make money. , just raise a little salary, you can work hard, but you can't leave. You haven't reached the level of management art yet, so money is the best way to talk. Even if there are 100,000 people in the future, money is the best way to talk. We don’t want to be the capitalists who should put up street lights and pay as much as we do. Anyone who doesn’t work hard and engages in power games will get out.”

"So as long as you control finances and personnel, everything will be fine?"

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Whether it is a modern enterprise, a government, or a previous dynasty, these are the two points. Of course, there is another point not mentioned that is equally important. As the saying goes, if you want to run fast, It all depends on the headband. Only if leaders like us have a certain degree of foresight and ensure that the company is always in a state of development, then the spirit within the company will be different. And once this forward momentum disappears, then the so-called The disease of big companies, also known as bureaucracy, naturally began to appear on a large scale.

So we can’t stop. The pie must be drawn big enough. Although Stars and Sea is a bit wishful thinking, and sometimes it may even be a bit shameful to say it, others will laugh when they hear such empty words. But you have to deny that it has no end. So what do we do? It is to make all employees believe in the stars and the sea! It depends on how we cheated. "

He was teaching Wei Lan seriously. In fact, people understood many things and principles, but they just couldn't do them well. Wang Yan is not a player who likes to teach others, that is, his own women. He just talks more nonsense. The so-called true knowledge comes from practice, as he has always believed, there is no one who can't do it, but he still has to do it. Of course, this means we have to get rid of the idiots at the head of the village. They may not be ignorant of flexibility, but they must not be unreasonable.

Wei Lan looked at her man with wide eyes: "Aren't you? Did Xingchenhai deceive me? Didn't you say that was your dream and the direction of your efforts?"

"Of course it is. Most of the living beings work hard to live a better life and be better than others. What they pursue is to live in a big house, drive a good car, have a happy family, and be free from illness and disaster. Needless to say, this is a happy and valuable life.

But we are not that kind of people, and we cannot be that kind of people. Because we are no longer trapped by money, we have achieved what the working people pursue, and now we can go home and retire. But how could life stop here? Then there must be some higher pursuits, and the most important thing is to be able to spend money. So we might as well give it a try and see if we can really change the world.

As for all living beings, they will not think higher or further. Even if they have achieved their goals, human nature has told us countless times that they will not be satisfied. They only desire more money, a bigger house, a better car, and perhaps some perverted personal preferences.

This is of course wrong, so we have to transform them so that they can have higher and further pursuits in the process of achieving those life goals. Let’s turn our dreams into the dreams of many people, realize them together, and gain something in the process. But do you think what I told them about the stars and the sea is useful? They would just hum and haha, "Boss, your goals are really lofty, your level is really high, this and that." Do you think it’s okay without cheating? "

Wei Lan was stunned for a while, and then looked at Wang Yan, who looked serious and sacred, and rolled his eyes angrily: "You are really good at deceiving..."

Wang Yan laughed, as if he had really deceived Wei Lan.

He is just a lonely, lonely old man...

The food was really good, economical, delicious and not expensive, and it was paid for by the agency. The factory owner can still talk to him. His factory is rented and will expire in two years. The equipment needs to be eliminated and the employees can be laid off. Only the various qualifications of the factory are valuable. Despite asking for 4 million, the deal was finally settled at 3.3 million, plus intermediary fees. One-stop service, the change procedure will be handled as quickly as possible. Although government affairs are now free and the procedures are transparent, there is no delay in speeding up the process. Moreover, the intermediary also introduced the equipment manufacturer, which was very easy. It was only a small amount of money, so there was no need to worry about it. The most important thing was to save worry and trouble.

Wei Lan watched the whole process and saw Wang Yan and the factory owner go from being strangers to being familiar with each other, chatting and laughing, and the prices dropped again and again. Compared to when I was negotiating the price of a house before, it was different. Two feelings, but the same adjective, it was really deceiving.

The next day, Wang Yan took Wei Lan to the factory to check the accounts. It was very good and clean, and it was not a scam. I got to know the employees briefly and signed the standard contract that the agency had prepared and carried with them on the spot.

The agency promised to resolve the matter in three days, and the boss promised to make an agreement with the employees tonight and leave directly. Wang Yan promised to go to the Industrial and Commercial Bureau tomorrow and receive the full payment directly. The factory matter was basically settled in just two days. Of course, if we include the preparation time, we had already started contacting him when we got married and returned to Lin'an last month.

The next morning, when the civil servants went to work, Wang Yan and Wei Lan arrived at the entrance of the Linping District Industrial and Commercial Bureau on time. Together with the factory owner and the intermediary, they went in and went through the formalities. After that, it was a long journey, and I probably said goodbye to the boss without seeing him again. Boss Wang and Boss Wei drove a car on the flat and spacious road.

Is this an ordinary road? Obviously not. This is a turning point in the couple's life, and after the turning point they have reached a new level. This is also another achievement of Wang Yan in the real world. With the establishment of his first factory, the number of employees exceeded fifty.

Although, to him, it was so insignificant. But the happiness on Wei Lan's face and the longing in her eyes were undisguised, enthusiastic and full of hope. Come to think of it, Wei Lan's smiling face when she ate candy when she was a child probably looked like this...

Maybe there are some differences, that is belonging...

Thanks to the five brothers (the tireless teacher Zeng) (scientist) (andoney) (half a cigarette and a bottle of wine) (Carman 773) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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