"Hey, isn't this the prince? I haven't seen him for more than three years, right?"

While Wang Yan was walking around with his hands behind his back, a man wearing a white shirt, military trousers and a parted hair came over and greeted him with a surprised look on his face.

Wang Yan smiled and shook hands with the visitor: "Yang Huajian, it's been more than three years. I haven't seen you since I joined the queue. It's rare that a cadre son like you can remember me after such a long time."

"What you are saying is that I really can't help myself. Otherwise, I would have gone to your hospital to look for trouble." Yang Huajian shook his head and said, "It's not that there are too many people returning to the city and good jobs are hard to find. Our old man can't find a good job either." I can't be of much help. I've been worrying about work. You said that we have four brothers and three sisters. I am the fourth child in the family, with one sister and two younger brothers. I am embarrassed to stay at home and eat nothing. I can't eat well, and I can't sleep well. Your Majesty, you have a lot of food, so don't be as knowledgeable as me."

"Then why are you going to Shichahai if you don't study for a job in the class? Are you trying to get a side job and start freeing up votes?"

Seeing Wang Yan staring at the stack of tickets leaking out of his trouser pocket, Yang Huajian was a little embarrassed and didn't hide it well. His father is an official, so arranging a job for him is actually not as difficult as it seems. If he wants to go to a factory, it's just that it's difficult to get a job in a government agency. It's actually a bit embarrassing to do this kind of thing now.

He said: "We can't just sit back and rest on our laurels. We have a lot of people in our family. Even though my parents are both cadres, they are also receiving death wages. How dare I ask for money from them? Isn't this just self-reliance. I also heard that My friend said it’s safer here, so I’ll come with them to earn some pocket money. How are you, Prince? There’s been no news at all in the past few years, what are you doing now?”

"The back-office equipment repairman at Yili Food Factory works twenty-six months a month. He is a serious worker."

"Okay, well, workers, our country is led by the working class, and we are truly the masters of the country."

"Shangzhang is online."

Yang Huajian laughed: "What's the matter, are you here to exchange tickets? I have all kinds of meat stamps, food stamps, and industrial stamps. If you want any tickets, just ask, and they will be given to you at the cost price. I guarantee that you will not waste your money."

"That's not necessary. I'm just here for a stroll. You can be busy and it won't stop you from making money. If you have time, call Chunming. Let's drink together and talk about how the past few years have been."

"Okay, then you can take a stroll, see you later." Yang Huajian nodded happily, turned around and left.

Not all the children of cadres are so majestic. At this time, all monsters and monsters have to be kept quiet. What's more, Yang Huajian's father doesn't have a high position. He must be capable, but he's not as powerful as he imagined. People don't care about their appearance, and they go out to make money, and they are indeed self-reliant. Later, there were some achievements, perhaps it was at this time that the foundation was laid.

After all, buying and selling is easy to say, but not everyone can do it in practice. For many people, opening their mouth is already a difficult task. Not to mention having to understand what tickets and prices are, and dealing with the relationship between competitors, which is not an easy task.

However, although everyone is in the same misery now, when the spring breeze blows throughout China, these cadres and their children will also ride on the wind. Their fathers had a certain amount of energy at their disposal, and they harnessed this energy. If you take advantage of the gaps in some management systems and approve two notes at will, you can make a lot of money.

After sighing for a moment, Wang Yan continued to wander around with his hands behind his back. During this period, he bought a sapphire finger ring from the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty and an enamel snuff bottle. Because the Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty, the capital was the imperial capital, and there were countless dignitaries, so there were more things from the Qing Dynasty, followed by those from the Ming Dynasty. The further forward in time, the less things can be passed down. All are damaged by war or decayed by time.

So even in such a good period now, it is not easy to get some objects from Ming Dynasty and before Ming Dynasty. It mainly depends on luck. If you meet it, you just picked it up. If you don't meet it, you can't ask for it.

After walking around for a while, under Yang Huajian's ever-concerned gaze, Wang Yan waved a fat man who was scalping tickets to leave.

Yang Huajian is a smart man. Seeing this situation, he didn't know that this guy was also scalping votes. After all, they are all classmates. If Wang Yan wants to exchange tickets, there is no reason not to exchange them with him. In this case, Wang Yan also found someone else, and that person was very respectful to Wang Yan, so wasn't he his younger brother?

Well, he came from a dignified cadre family, so he went into battle personally to save his face and gain votes. It turned out that he had subordinates. And based on his past understanding of Wang Yan, it is definitely not just in this area, there must be other places. After all, when he was in school, Wang Yan never walked by alone when he went out, and there were many little brothers who played with him.

In fact, just as Yang Huajian thought, Wang Yan left the alley with the man, walked north, and stopped in front of a house not far from Desheng Gate.

When he arrived at the place, the boy took out the key from his pocket and opened the door.

This is one of his little brothers who makes money together, named Li Dahai. He is considered the second in command. Those who make money in other places are dispatched by him and another person. The main thing is to exchange tickets with each other, exchange resources, etc., everyone works together and divides the money together. As for Wang Yan's leadership control ability, it would be too imaginary to say that it is personality charm. There are only two points in reality. When he started doing it, he paid for it, and he started working on it bit by bit with his subordinates. Another point, of course, is his deterrence, which prevents them from doing anything inappropriate.

As for the rest, helping with things, paying for medical treatment when family members are sick, etc., these are all small favors based on the charm of personality. Of course, that's how he sees it. In the eyes of the people being helped, they solve emergencies and save lives. This, coupled with deterrence, is the basis for stable leadership of these people.

To put it bluntly, he still has sweet dates in one hand and a big stick in the other. The sweet dates are very sweet, but the big sticks are deadly, that’s the short answer.

Because this kid was chubby, Wang Yan said as he crossed the threshold, "Fat guy, I haven't been here for a while. How about it? Is it okay?"

"Your Majesty, are you still worried about the brothers doing things? There is no problem at all. According to your instructions, we went to the brothers' share last month and collected the old things you asked for. There are still fifty I’ve got all the money here.”

As he spoke, the fat man began to dig into his pocket, counted out five ten-dollar bills and handed them to Wang Yan. At the moment, all the Chinese coins in use are the third set, and there are no hundred dollar bills. Of course, according to the current situation of the country, when the monthly salary is only twenty or thirty, it is not possible to use a hundred yuan ticket.

"You have been collecting them for such a long time. When you come across old items, check to see if the price is suitable. You don't have to do the same thing as before, just buy each one when you see it."

Taking the money and putting it directly into his pocket, Wang Yan opened the door of a room and pointed at the various things tightly arranged on the wooden shelves and the messy things piled on the ground: "Look, such a big house has so many things. There is no place to put it, so you can take it easy. I recently asked if there are any big restaurants like this that sell takeout. I will contact you then, and then we will study it. Also, be careful when you come here, don’t Someone followed me and ransacked my home, but all my hard work for so many years was spent here."

Of course, houses are not allowed to be bought and sold during these years, but contracts and agreements can be signed. Although there may be situations in the future where the original landlord refuses to acknowledge the debt, he is guaranteed to have the ability to make him regret his actions. On the other hand, as long as you have friends and know some people, you can change the current owner of the property without much effort and there is no room for maneuver.

The fat man responded: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, after so many years, brothers are all aware of it, I guarantee there will be no problem."

Wang Yan nodded, took the cigarette lighter from the fat man, and then started to look in the yard.

This is a set of two-entry courtyards, with shelves in each room displaying various cultural relics. The most numerous ones are of course from the Ming and Qing dynasties. In addition to some small things, there is also a lot of furniture. So although he seems to have a lot of stuff, it's mostly furniture that takes up space.

He didn't feel anything about these things, and he didn't say that he liked anything he saw like Han Chunming. If I had to say, what he valued more than the pens, inks, paper and inkstones that allowed him to drink and drink tea, and write and draw, were the calligraphy and paintings, because there were many that he had never seen before, and he could still take a look at them. , appreciate it, take the essence, and improve his already high level of calligraphy and painting.

After looking through various things, Wang Yan gave the fat man a few words, and then slowly followed the fat man back to the alley. His bicycle is parked outside, otherwise he would just leave.

As expected, when he came back, he met Yang Huajian again. He said with an unhappy look on his face: "My lord, you are not particular about it. I said before that I was a little embarrassed to waste money here. Who would have thought that this alley is the most interesting?" One of the powerful people is your prince’s brother?”

"You're sorry, that's because your family has a high standard of living, and your status is different from that of a commoner like me. Besides, I'm not particular about anything. What I told you was that I repaired equipment in a food factory, but what I didn't tell you was that I have friends who work here. This. How can you come up and tell people that you are cheating? Don’t you, Mr. Yang, also hide things in your pocket, just for fear that I will see you?"

Yang Jianhua chuckled, waved his hand and said: "Yes, it's my fault. Let's not talk about it anymore. Let's go back to the story. Prince, tell me the truth, how long have you been doing this job?"

"It's been a long time, and you were doing it before you jumped in line. There's nothing you can do, it's all for the sake of living a good life. You also know that my parents left early. If you don't think of something, how can you still eat meat? Wang Yan smiled and patted his shoulder: "Come on, you should be busy. Let's drink when you have free time. It's getting late, so I'll go back first."

"Okay, Your Majesty, after a while, when the job is settled, I'll treat you to a drink with Chunming."

Wang Yan waved his hand, then strolled out of the alley, leisurely riding his bicycle to the ethnic restaurant located in Wangfujing Dong'an Market, not far from home. Of course, this name is unfamiliar, but its other name, which many people should know, is Donglaishun, the restaurant that cooks mutton. This was a name changed due to special times, and it was not until 1979 that the time-honored name was restored.

He was too lazy to cook, and he just got fifty yuan, so he planned to have a comfortable meal.

Coincidentally, he had just arrived when a light rain suddenly fell from the sky that had been sunny and hot all day, washing away the heat of midsummer and soothing people's anxious hearts. In such weather, it feels great to comfortably eat hotpot mutton, drink Erguotou, and look out the window at the rainy scene of Beijing in the 1970s.

But this feeling of leisure and comfort did not last long, because after he drank a pound of wine and ate several plates of meat, the rain not only did not let up, but in fact became heavier.

Standing at the door of the hotel, Wang Yan decided to give Grandpa Tian a chance. So he took out a cigarette and lit one, leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, and puffed away comfortably.

Obviously, he is a mortal with some adventures, and his face is not so big that God can give him a thin face. After smoking a cigarette, the raindrops are still crackling on the ground.

Shaking his head and smiling, he held the cigarette butt between his thumb and middle finger and flicked it out casually. He stepped into the rain, unlocked the car, and continued to ride home slowly.

Of course, he is not the only unlucky one. Every time it rains, there are always people who get watered. They were different from Wang Yan in that they had neither umbrellas nor big heads. Those on bicycles pedaled furiously, while those without bicycles ran wildly. Of course they saw Wang Yan walking slowly like a fool, but they just cursed secretly, wondering which fool didn't notice, so they just ran away.

Wang Yan naturally had different reasons for this. He pretended to say that since he was already wet, no matter how hard he kicked or ran, there would be no way to change it. It was just that the length of time he was soaked was different. So in that case, why not take a good shower?

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this. He is a big animal and will not catch a cold at all. If not, he must be the fastest one. After all, a child without an umbrella can only run hard. This is not bad. After all, a little water is a good thing, and heavy raindrops hitting your head are not comfortable...

On Monday morning, as agreed, Wang Yan called Han Chunming when he went to work and asked Han Chunming to pedal on the bicycle to carry him, who weighed more than 200 kilograms. Sweating profusely, Han Chunming finally started working.

Wang Yan had no influence on this matter, so Han Chunming went wherever he should, and he still got to know Li Chengtao, who had a bad tongue, was a bit stuttering, and had always been his loyal little brother.

Of course, the relationship was not very good at the beginning, and they always needed to be in contact, so they just went to work like this, and Han Chunming became familiar with those colleagues.

Every day, Han Chunming struggled to carry Wang Yan, who weighed more than 200 kilograms, to and from get off work...

As for Su Meng, although her relationship with Wang Yan is much closer, she is not that close either. It's nothing more than breaking the unfamiliarity. From the original nodding when meeting, to occasionally meeting each other, we can talk together for a while, and we are very familiar with each other. Compared with Han Chunming, who has always been very enthusiastic and has never concealed his love, he is still a little worse.

In the same way, the incident where Su Meng and Han Chunming originally made love and sculled in Beihai Park still happened. It was the Sunday off a week after Han Chunming went to work, and Su Meng said she wanted to go to the Children's Palace to take a look.

In fact, Su Meng also came to see Wang Yan, but Wang Yan went out to hold a meeting for his younger brothers early that day, and it was a pity that he missed it. When he came back to cook in the evening, Su Meng came over to tell him, and also told him about Han Chunming's feats during the day. In fact, she hasn't realized the seriousness of the problem. She simply thinks that talking to Wang Yan is interesting and relaxing.

So even if something like this happens, it's not a big problem, it's just that time has been delayed a lot. Su Meng and Han Chunming were so tossing, as long as the bond was not too deep in the later stage and the time cost of sinking was too great, he would have plenty of opportunities to intervene.

After all, he couldn't just keep an eye on these two people at home all day long. That was Cheng Jianjun, not his Wang style. Moreover, the thirty-eight episodes of the TV series, which were performed for more than thirty years, only provide an approximate time of occurrence, and the specific time period cannot be grasped. The TV show can be made in small print, and it will be a few years later. But he couldn't do it right now, he had to live it day by day.

Speaking of Cheng Jianjun, this guy is very busy right now. She heard nothing else from Su Meng. It was either Han Chunming or Wang Yan. It had nothing to do with him. So he has been studying how to stand up and push Han Chunming and Wang Yan down.

Of course, this is not what anyone said, but what Wang Yan thought. After all, Cheng Jianjun has that kind of virtue. He can think of it as a heel. It’s just that I haven’t disgusted myself yet, so I’m too lazy to respond…

It was the beginning of another week of work and another day of drinking tea. Wang Yan went to the parking shed to find his bicycle, unlocked it, pushed it aside and set it up somewhere out of the way, took out a cigarette and sat on the back seat. Started smoking. After smoking a cigarette, Han Chunming happened to jog over and pushed up the car next to him consciously: "Sorry, Your Majesty, I haven't finished some work, so I'm a little late."

Wang Yan waved his hand, threw the cigarette butt into the flower pond on the roadside, stamped it out, and walked out unsteadily.

Han Chunming muttered on the side: "I really need to save money to buy a bicycle. I'm really sorry that I always bother you like this."

"It's nothing. We're all from the same hospital, so I'm just on my way. There's nothing wrong with me going back. It doesn't matter if I go earlier or later. If anything happened to me, I would have told you to stay on my feet and go back."

"Then I'm tired of riding a bicycle with you all day long. My lord, your martial arts skills are different now. You look like you don't have any flesh on your body, which is really true. It only took me these two days to get used to it. The two days before My thighs are so sore."

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "You can get a free car if you don't have to pay for it. A little contribution is never too much. Isn't it said that pie will fall in the sky and there is no free lunch in the world?"

Talking and laughing like this, the two left the factory. As soon as they walked out of the door, they saw a boy sitting on the back seat of a bicycle waving to them next to the door. It was Li Chengtao who had a bad tongue.

Han Chunming was stunned for a moment and explained to Wang Yan: "We are workers in the same workshop."

"I have worked in this factory for more than three years. There are more than a thousand people in our factory. Even if I can't call them by name, they basically have an impression."

While they were talking, the two of them had already arrived in front of Li Chengtao. He obviously knew Wang Yan. He was stunned for a moment and asked, "Brother Wang, do you know this Han Chunming?"

"From the same hospital." Wang Yan nodded: "What's the matter?"

Li Chengtao was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and stuttered: "Han Chunming and I are very close. I have been seeing him for several days. I stopped eating bread and even raisins after entering the factory. I am too timid." So I took good care of him and brought out two loaves of bread for him to go home and taste. But since Brother Wang is here, we can share in it, one for each of us."

While talking, the boy took out the bread from his small army green satchel and stuffed it into Han Chunming's bag while pushing.

"No, are you really taking it seriously? Take it back, I can't have it."

"Okay, I've already taken it all out, what else should I give in to? I also worked in the factory and took things from the government as a favor to me. From now on, you will hang out with your brother, and your brother will protect you in the factory." Li Chengtao died. He firmly pressed Han Chunming's hand, winked at him, and signaled not to let others see him. He looked at Wang Yan and said, "Brother Wang, don't think too much. I really didn't know that you and Han Chunming knew each other. One for each person today, and I’ll get two more tomorrow to make up for you.”

This Li Chengtao is certainly a good person, and there is nothing wrong with him from beginning to end. Even when they were fighting over Laoguan's inheritance, it was said that it was Han Chunming who did it. He had no doubts and was very firm. The only one who was serious with Han Chunming was Guan Xiaoguan. When Han Chunming opened a new private museum, he made a big fuss, which offended Han Chunming's mother. Han Chunming gave Guan Xiaoguan a big mouth. As Guan Xiaoguan, As a man, Li Chengtao had to stand up for his wife.

Treating Han Chunming like this now is of course related to the plot. According to his own words, it is a romantic relationship. He liked it and thought we could play together. He was quite upright, so he stole two loaves of bread to show his courage and great kindness. Another point is that it really doesn’t cost any money.

Now that he had met Wang Yan, he felt a little embarrassed. Considering his uprightness, it was okay to try to make amends with him.

Wang Yan shook his head and patted his shoulder: "Okay, although we haven't had much contact before, but you call me Brother Wang, you should also know that I am not short of bread. I have eaten enough for breakfast, and you still need it. Stealing? Keep it in your heart, I will neither report you nor find fault with you. Come on, stop standing here, let’s go home quickly, I’m already hungry.”

Han Chunming turned the car around and sat on his seat: "Your Majesty, get in the car."

Wang Yan walked over with long legs and sat down in the back seat: "Let's go!"

Han Chunming struggled to get up and rode away.

Li Chengtao was confused and hurriedly rode his bicycle to follow: "Brother, why do you call Brother Wang Wangye?"

"What did you call me?"


Thank you (love love love endlessly) (Yufang) (Father Big Brother) (Song Wenci) (My 1942) (You will never walk alone) (Qiao Qiao for love) (Yisha Yiqingqing) Eight big brothers continue to support .

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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