"You must never buy things to show off your wealth, do you hear me? My grandma and my parents all think that you are good, but you are a spendthrift who can't get by, and you are a prodigal. They don't like this, and they are worried that I will not be able to live with you. Good times.”

"I think their worries are reasonable, but they are not entirely right." Wang Yan poured a cup of tea for Su Meng and said with a smile: "If you think about it from another angle, can I treat my woman badly? We are of the same mind. After we get married, That’s why we both make money and spend it together. I’ve never heard of anyone eating meat every day. It’s not a good life. Do you think this is true?”

Su Meng was stunned for a moment, nodded, and then looked at Wang Yan suspiciously: "It's not that you don't have enough to eat on twenty-six a month. You heard me say that you make twenty-five a month, and you plan to deceive me, and you will eat every day from now on." Meat, right?”

"What are you thinking about?" Wang Yan stretched out his hand and pinched her face, then held her in his arms: "Am I that kind of person? Your parents said that I was extravagant. Isn't that what you were thinking about? They also know that I am a lavish person and cannot treat you badly. They are just worried that the two of us will live together today and not think about the future. If we don’t save money, in the future, if I have a headache or something happens, I will just point everywhere. Borrow money?"

"Since you know everything, why are you so lavish? If you had saved money early, why would you have so many things to do? How could my grandma and the others worry about this and that?"

"The most important thing in life is to be happy, and the most important thing is to make yourself comfortable. Look at the tendons on my body. I would be really hungry if I didn't eat meat."

"That's true, you are indeed in good health." Just after she finished speaking, Su Meng slapped Wang Yan's hand away: "Just talk, don't touch it!"

Wang Yan pulled her into his arms, buried his head in her white neck, and reached out to touch her body. Su Meng was a little resistant at first, but she softened in an instant.

After a while, she really couldn't bear the numbness and itching. She broke away from her arms and clung to the cabinet at the back, adjusting her skirt. She lowered her head and didn't look at Wang Yan: "Before you get married, don't think about anything. If you still do this in the future, then I will...I will..."

"That's it?"

"Ignore you!" The blush on Su Meng's face was still there. She glared at Wang Yan fiercely: "I won't talk to you anymore. I have to go back. My grandma will come to see me soon."

After saying this, she ran away quickly. It was really not a good place to stay for a long time.

Just after she passed the Moon Gate, she suddenly became excited and recovered from the intoxication she just felt. She said angrily: "Cheng Jianjun, are you sick? People are scary and can scare people to death, don't you know? Let me tell you, if you If you do this again, I will scratch you."

"I have something to ask you." Cheng Jianjun said with a serious look on his face, and said, "I saw you this afternoon, and you went out with Wang Yan in the front yard again. Su Meng, don't blame me for following you." Grandma Su snitched, and I did this all for your own good. What should I say to make you believe it? Then Wang Yan is a gangster, capable of deception and abduction, so why don’t you listen to my advice? "

"Thank you." Su Meng originally wanted to curse, but she suddenly changed her smile and said, "You were the only one who snitched on my grandma. When I came back just now, I was put on trial in three sessions. I feel very sad. One move, all moves. Guess what? My grandma's reaction was really unexpected. They agreed. They also said that they would invite Wang Yan home for dinner tomorrow night. Maybe they would treat you to a wedding banquet in a few months. Now, when the time comes, please be more relaxed."

"What? You mean, you and Wang Yan are in a relationship?" Cheng Jianjun's eyes widened in disbelief. When Su Meng nodded, he said, "Su Meng, you must think carefully. Wang Yan is not a good person, and it will be too late for you to regret it by then. Besides, given your conditions, why are you so anxious to marry yourself off? "

"Don't worry about me. Cheng Jianjun, let me tell you, next time I hear you call Wang Yan a gangster and say that he does all kinds of evil, I will tell Wang Yan and see if you have the guts to say it in front of him."

Su Meng glared at him, turned around and went home...

Cheng Jianjun stood there blankly, he could not accept such a result.

They both live in the same hospital. Of course he also knows that Su Meng and Wang Yan have only been together for a month. Who would have thought that in such a short time, they would get together with a gangster like Wang Yan? went. He was cheating, asking his father to get involved, helping Su Meng arrange the work of the Children's Palace, and studying Han Chunming through scheming. Wasn't all his efforts in vain?

He really didn't have the guts to make trouble for Wang Yan, so he could only swallow this breath in his stomach and comfort himself by saying that it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

With nowhere to vent the frustration in his heart, he kicked the wall hard, and the force of the shock hurt him so much that he grinned and stood on one leg, holding on to the wall to relieve the pain.

After a while, he took a deep breath and walked through the Moon Gate to the Han family in the main room in the front yard. He looked at the shadow of the person reading a book and drinking tea in front of the window in the east wing illuminated by the light. He stared at it gloomily for a while. Then he turned around and shouted: "Chunming! Chunming! Come out and tell you something."

Han Chunming didn't even take a bite of dinner. He was lying on the table feeling uncomfortable. When he heard the greeting, he reluctantly opened the window: "What's the matter?"

"Come out, come out and I'll tell you, I'll wait for you outside. Hurry up." After saying that, Cheng Jianjun turned and left. He passed by the east wing and took another look inside. Although because the lights in the room were shining behind him, he He couldn't see Wang Yan's face clearly, but he could feel Wang Yan looking at him. Without saying anything, he quickly quickened his pace and trotted out of the yard.

Han Chunming inside the room took a deep breath, got up and went out, and found Cheng Jianjun at the door: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Do you like Su Meng?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Cheng Jianjun waved his hands with a look of indignation on his face: "I like Su Meng too. It's fine now. Neither of us needs to worry about it. I'm telling you, it's no big deal. Someone got there first." . Do you know who it is? Wang Yan. Do you think you are stupid or not? You kept shouting "Wang Ye Wang Ye" every day, but in the end, he fell in love with Su Meng without saying a word. Su Meng just told me, Her family members all know about this, and they will ask Wang Yan to go to their house for dinner tomorrow night. If this happens, they will get married in a few months."

"Is there anything else? I'll get back if it's okay."

"Wait a minute." Cheng Jianjun grabbed the impatient Han Chunming, frowned and asked, "Do you know everything?"

"I met you when I came back from get off work. The two of them made a love with the Temple of Heaven today. I know better than you. I'm so annoyed that I'm leaving."

"No, Chunming, are you so willing to watch a gangster like Wang Yan marry Su Meng?"

"This is Su Meng's choice. What can you do if you are willing to do so? What can you do if you are not willing to do so? You are willing to do what I am willing to do, so what is wrong with you? I can see that you are not willing to do so. What can you do? Huh? Is it possible? Do you still dare to find trouble with Wang Yan?"

Han Chunming's tone was very aggressive and he was very emotional. These words were not only meant to Cheng Jianjun, but also to himself. He really couldn't do anything, and he really couldn't cause any trouble to Wang Yan. It was indeed Su Meng's own choice. He had no choice but to watch. As for causing trouble for Wang Yan, he didn't even think about it. He just typed it out.

He dismissed Cheng Jianjun angrily and didn't go home. Instead, he went to Laoguanguan where he had to seek advice from this experienced old man.

Cheng Jianjun gasped and watched Han Chunming leave. After a while, he calmed down and then turned back to the hospital...

Looking at Cheng Jianjun running past the window quickly, Wang Yan picked up the cup and drank tea.

He knew that Cheng Jianjun must have a grudge against him, and it must be a reason why he was dating Su Meng, but in fact, he had already held a grudge. After all, Cheng Jianjun is petty and can't stand it if someone is better than him, more powerful than him, or has a better life than him.

Wang Yan is such a person. He has suppressed Cheng Jianjun since he was a child. He doesn't even take Cheng Jianjun seriously at all. Wherever he goes out, people call him "Prince" to compliment him. Cheng Jianjun is not recognized by many people when he leaves this alley. All hold grudges.

But it's useless for Cheng Jianjun to hold a grudge now, because he doesn't even have a job. His father is a section chief and his mother works in the neighborhood committee. They have no ability to cause trouble for Wang Yan. Now that Su Meng and Wang Yan were dating, Su Meng didn't need to say anything. He didn't dare to speak ill of Wang Yan in front of Su Meng anymore. He really didn't dare to provoke Wang Yan. He wished he was eight hundred meters away from Wang Yan's sight. , be a transparent person.

This is the advantage of a gangster. As long as he doesn't take the initiative to provoke others, it is already a good thing in the eyes of others. The lower limit is very low, so the requirements are also low.

However, Wang Yan is good at pretending. Although everyone knows that he gets into fights, in the living circle around here, he is well-known as someone else's child.

After reading for a while, Wang Yan washed and tidied up, went to bed and fell into a lonely sleep that had already begun to count down...

The next day, he still got up early to exercise as usual. Because he didn't make dinner yesterday, there was no leftover food in the morning. Wang Yan only ate some biscuits he bought earlier and drank hot tea to fill his stomach. It's true that I haven't eaten enough, but it doesn't matter if I'm hungry.

He had just finished eating and was washing up with Na. She was still wearing two big pigtails, wearing a shirt, a long skirt, and a small bag. It looked like a well-dressed Su Meng, happily pushing a bicycle from the backyard.

"Hey, my lord, why do you always wash up?"

This little girl's happiness and anger are all on her face, and she will show off her face whenever she is unhappy. Seeing her pouting, Wang Yan brushed his teeth and muttered: "I just saw it, it's only six-fifty, why are you pouting?"

Seeing that Wang Yan was not taking it seriously, Su Meng chuckled: "Isn't it about to happen? It's my first day at work. No matter what, I have to go there early and perform well. Let me tell you, I didn't even sleep well last night. , I feel very nervous when I think about officially joining the work today. Hurry up and don’t dawdle."

"You're only fresh for the past two days. You don't need much more. You won't show off for a week. Why don't you go inside and wait for a while? I only have a few minutes left."

"No, I'll be here to supervise the work. Hurry up."

Wang Yan stopped talking to her, took a sip of water, snored a few times, and spit it into the sink. Then he washed his face and hair. The battle was resolved in three to five minutes. He returned to the house and changed into work clothes. It was only six o'clock when he got one set. Fifty-five.

After locking the door, Wang Yan pushed the bicycle next to the wall: "Let's go, go to work."

The two pushed their bicycles out one after the other, then pedaled side by side through the alleys, turned out to Chang'an Street, and joined the crowd of people who got up early to go to work.

"It's so lively." Su Meng sighed, as if she had gotten to know the capital again, and everything she saw was new.

Wang Yan chatted with her with a smile and sent her to the entrance of the Children's Palace.

"Okay, I'm already here. Go to work quickly. Don't be late." After saying that, Su Meng sighed again and pulled Wang Yan: "Don't buy anything. Don't think about it." What a sign, you always eat potatoes every day, but today you can't even eat potatoes, and this is what my parents said, this is not a lie, not polite."

"Don't worry, I promise not to buy it, and I will go to your house with my mouth to eat. Let's go, see you in the evening." As he spoke, Wang Yan pedaled away on his bicycle.

It wasn't until Wang Yan turned around and disappeared while riding his bicycle that Su Meng turned to look at the door of the Children's Palace, let out a sigh of relief, and walked in with the pushcart...

In the workshop of the food factory, work had just started early in the morning. Cai Xiaoli patted Li Chengtao next to her who was clearly working hard in front of her: "Hey, look..."

As she spoke, Cai Xiaoli raised her head in one direction.

Tao Zi looked in the direction and saw Han Chunming sitting alone in the corner, listless, playing with raisins one by one with empty eyes.

He asked in confusion: "Normally, he is very active in his work. Why is he working as a foreigner today? No, something must be wrong."

"I think so. Don't you know what's going on?"

"How did I know? It was fine when I left last night, but it's just like this today."

Cai Xiaoli murmured: "Is someone in his family sick? That shouldn't be the case. He should tell us about this kind of thing. What's the reason?"

Taozi shook his head and said stutteringly: "Oh, what can we guess here? Why don't we just ask?"

After saying that, he walked over directly with Cai Xiaoli who was following him consciously, patted Han Chunming on the shoulder, called him back to his senses, then pretended to work together, and asked: "How are you doing? Come here early in the morning, I It seems something is wrong with you, is there something going on at home?"

Han Chunming shook his head: "No."

Cai Xiaoli immediately asked: "What's that? Is there anything else you can't say to us? Why don't you tell me secretly."

Han Chunming let out a sigh of relief. There was no need to hide this matter. After all, he had already told the two of them that he liked Su Meng. If he didn't tell them now, he wouldn't be able to hide it from Wang Yan in the future. After all, They are all from the same factory, and one day they will find out.

So he glanced at the two of them and said, "Su Meng and the prince are getting along..."


As soon as these words came out, Cai Xiaoli and Tao Zi widened their eyes and couldn't believe it, but then, their reactions were different.

Cai Xiaoli was laughing because she had expressed her love for Han Chunming before, but because Han Chunming liked Su Meng, he pushed her hard on Tao Zi. Now that Su Meng and Wang Yan are dating, and they are in line for succession, doesn't she have a chance? And she also knew and felt that Han Chunming had feelings for her. Now that Su Meng is gone, there is a high probability that they will be fine.

It's over... This was Tao Zi's first thought, so unlike Cai Xiaoli's unabashed happiness, his face instantly dropped, as if he was constipated and couldn't relieve his pain. He fell in love with Cai Xiaoli, and Cai Xiaoli liked Han Chunming. Now Han Chunming lost Su Meng, so naturally he lost Cai Xiaoli...

"What's going on? I asked you two days ago and you said everything was fine. Why did Su Meng fall in love with someone else today?" Cai Xiaoli inquired about the inside story with concern.

Han Chunming sighed and roughly repeated what Wang Yan told him yesterday: "So the two of them are together like this. They also said that they would have dinner with Su Meng and her family tonight."

"I understand. Su Meng was in contact with you and that prince at the same time. Most probably she thought that prince was much better than you, so she followed him. So from this look, this Su Meng is not a good woman. You are scheming. Even without that prince, you can't marry a woman like Su Meng. How bad she is." Cai Xiaoli happily bumped Han Chunming with her shoulder: "Great, you have no reason to reject me this time. Right? Han Chunming, you have to fight back. If Su Meng is dating Wang Yan, then you will be with me. If Su Meng marries Wang Yan, then you will marry me. I am willing to do both, and I don’t want anything from you. Just turn around and we’ll have a place to live.”

Tao Zi's mouth twitched as he listened. He came to comfort Han Chunming, but now he became the victim. Unlucky, he finally found a girl who fell in love with him. He thought there was still hope, but he was so miserable. He didn't say anything, just turned around and left.

Han Chunming quickly grabbed him and looked at Cai Xiaoli: "Don't let the prince know that I liked Su Meng before. He didn't know about it from the beginning to the end. Now he and Now that Su Meng is together, stop causing trouble."

Seeing the two of them nodding, he let Tao Zi go and grieved alone, and said to Cai Xiaoli: "Don't talk nonsense, let alone think nonsense..."

"I don't care. Anyway, Su Meng, you can't count on me. You can only follow me. You must follow me. That's it." No matter how Han Chunming reacted, Cai Xiaoli happily ran to the side to work.

Cai Xiaoli is a straightforward person, and she has never concealed her love for Han Chunming. Now she had a God-given opportunity, and of course she would seize it. She had to deal with Han Chunming, even if she couldn't deal with it, and she would do it forcefully. She had identified this man anyway.

Han Chunming had just experienced emotional trauma, so of course he couldn't get out of it so quickly. But when we knew that Su Meng was hopeless, we could naturally see the goodness of Cai Xiaoli. Especially the harsh words she just said made him feel that kind of passionate love.

He shook his head and went to comfort Taozi who was alone and sad.

In fact, it's not that big of a deal. He has known Taozi only a short time, and Taozi has known Cai Xiaoli only a few days. Where can I talk about love? Even if there is, how deep can it be with someone who has just met them? emotion……

When he gets off work in the evening, Wang Yan waits for Han Chunming every day.

As expected, he saw Tao Zi with a dying look on his face, Cai Xiaoli with a happy look on his face, and Han Chunming with a helpless face in the middle.

Wang Yan asked like a normal person: "What's wrong? The expressions of these three people are really strange."

"It's okay, it's okay." Han Chunming still didn't know how to face Wang Yan. He said, "My lord, please go back first. The three of us will go for a walk and we won't go back until later."

Cai Xiaoli, who was next to her, put her arm around Han Chunming's shoulders: "Yes, Your Majesty, thank you. We have to go out to eat and drink before going back. I need you to go back and tell Chunming's mother to tell her not to leave." Worry."

"Hey, are you two in a relationship?" Wang Yan said with a smile: "Chunming, didn't you see that Su Meng and I were getting along yesterday, were you in danger?"

Han Chunming opened his mouth to explain in embarrassment, but was blocked by Cai Xiaoli's words: "Well, my lord, you two are the same age. Now that you have a partner, it's time for Chunming's mother to urge Chunming. I happened to tell him today, In the end, he agreed. By the way, Your Majesty, tell your Su Meng when you go back. We are still classmates. Soon, we will live in the same hospital. You have such a good relationship with Chunming, and you take such good care of Chunming. , our two families can keep in touch more."

Wang Yan looked at Tao Zi who seemed to be dead with a smile, and looked at Han Chunming who wanted to explain, but Cai Xiaoli hugged his arm tightly and secretly pinched his flesh with one hand to prevent him from talking. He said: "Chunming, you You have a promising future. I thought that Su Meng and I were both unexpected. I didn’t expect that just one day later, you made me re-understand what unexpected means. It’s good. Xiaoli is so straightforward and beautiful. You have to be right. She's doing well. I'll go back and tell my aunt about this. She will definitely be happy to have two more bowls of rice tonight. Let's go. See you tomorrow."

After speaking, under the watchful eyes of the three people, he pedaled away on his bicycle and went home to meet his father-in-law.

He didn't know why Han Chunming was feeling uncomfortable or how he was acting mentally, but he believed that there was a high probability that Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli could become a couple. When a woman chases a man, without Su Meng hanging on her, a man like Han Chunming, whose passion for love was ruthlessly crushed just as soon as he rose, cannot withstand Cai Xiaoli's fierce offensive. It's just a matter of how long it takes.

Cai Xiaoli is not as self-centered as Su Meng, nor is she as capable of tossing things around. She is really living her life. So if the two of them get together, they will definitely not have the long pull between Han Chunming and Su Meng in the original drama, and they will get married and have children soon.

He walked calmly all the way back home, blending in with the crowd.

When they arrived outside the door, they saw Su Meng leaning against the wall, playing with her back against the wall. She works at the Children's Palace. She gets off work after four o'clock and has been back for a long time.

"Where are you waiting for me?"

Su Meng slapped Wang Yan angrily: "Asking even though you know it."

Thanks to Wang Yan's more fumbling and fumbling tricks beyond kissing, there was a certain degree of skin-to-skin contact, which brought the relationship between the two closer and took a step closer to realizing a big step forward in their relationship. So now Su Meng is more natural and open-minded.

"You didn't buy anything, did you? Let me tell you, I'm here to block you, don't worry." As she spoke, she picked up the bag in the basket of the car, opened it and looked at it. There were only two loaves of bread. She raised her head in surprise: "Did you bring the bread for me?"

Wang Yan imitated her behavior just now and slapped her lightly angrily: "Asking even though you already know."

"It's so annoying." Su Meng replied again, and then said: "Go back and wash up quickly. I've already made food, and I'm just waiting for you to come back to eat."

Talking and laughing, he pushed his bicycle into the courtyard, turned around the screen wall, and bumped into Uncle Guo who had just washed his face in the pool. He looked at Wang Yan and Su Meng's intimacy and asked, "Xiao Yan, what are you doing?" , you and Su Meng, you two are... I have never seen you two so familiar before..."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "As you thought, we are in love, just wait for the wedding bar."

Uncle Guo choked for a moment, as if he didn't expect Wang Yan to admit it so straightforwardly. He looked at Su Meng who was blushing next to him and said, "Oh, it's so sudden. I was just waiting for you to serve the wine..."

Seeing Uncle Guo return to the house, Su Meng raised her head, and Wang Yan raised an eyebrow at her: "I'm going to meet my father-in-law, so why can't we say that we are dating? Don't worry, tomorrow night, we will The story spread.”

"De Xing." Su Meng turned around and left: "Hurry up."

When they arrived at the courtyard, Wang Yan set up his bicycle and said, "Wait a minute. Chunming is having sex with someone outside. Come back later and let me go and tell his mother."

Su Meng asked doubtfully: "You said Han Chunming had a crush?"

"Yeah, are you surprised? I'm surprised too. We just got together today. You work with him. You even know his partner. He said he is your classmate."

"Who is it?"

"Cai Xiaoli, she has only been in our factory for a few days. I heard from Chunming that the two of them worked together in Fangshan before. At that time, Cai Xiaoli's family needed money when they were sick. Chunming gave it to her. This is her lifesaver. She still has two points. It’s my promise to you. I’ll give you the key, open the door first and stay there, I’ll be back when I go.”

Wang Yan turned around and went to the Han family in the main room and told everyone about Han Chunming who was eating. At this moment, Han Chunming's second brother and second sister were not married yet, and they were already sitting at the table eating. It wasn't that they didn't wait for Han Chunming, but they figured that Han Chunming would be back soon, so they started eating first.

Hearing such sudden and explosive news from Wang Yan, the old Han family was extremely happy. They asked Wang Yan to ask questions, and it was very lively...

Outside, Su Meng looked at the bustle of the Han family and thought about what happened with Han Chunming in the past. After a long time, she smiled, turned around and opened the door with the key and entered the house. She looked at the environment in the house carefully. If nothing else happened, she might want to live here in the future. She blushed as she thought about it...

"What good things are you thinking of?"

"What do you care? Come on, I'm just waiting for you, Momojiji." Seeing Wang Yan take off the half-sleeves he was wearing and unbuttoning his belt and taking off his pants, she quickly ran to the side: "You want to What to do?"

"Let's change clothes." Wang Yan took off his pants without any care. Looking at Su Meng who subconsciously covered her eyes with her hands, but still exposed the gaps between her thumbs, he chuckled, picked up the large pants thrown on the bed and put them on. , changed his vest again, turned around, took a basin and a towel from the outhouse, and went out to wash up.

Su Meng calmed down for a moment after being irritated by the eye-catching eyes, and then followed behind her as she walked out: "I noticed how come you are not nervous at all?"

"What are you so nervous about? Can your grandma and the others still eat me?"

Wang Yan drank some water, washed his face and hands, locked the door, followed Su Meng to the backyard, and entered Old Su's house under Cheng Jianjun's peeping...

The Su family also has three rooms, not as big as the old Han family, but three separate rooms. Cooking, eating, and staying are all in the living area in the middle. In the rooms on both sides, Su's father and Su's mother live in one, and Su Meng and Mrs. Su live in the other.

Wang Yan was led into the room by Su Meng. Mrs. Su, Father Su, and Mother Su all stood up, not for any other reason but because they were nervous. The development was so sudden that they were not ready yet. A boy who had lived in the hospital for so many years was about to develop into a son-in-law in an instant, and they could not adapt...

Thanks to brother (Dianchen Jifeng) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

Thanks to brother (NJ Tiger Master) for the 100-coin reward for support.

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