Wang Yan gently opened the big white legs that were riding on him, and then covered her with a quilt to cover the exposed spring scenery.

Maybe she felt his movements, and Su Meng frowned while she was sleeping, but after all, her physical fatigue and mental exhaustion had not recovered yet, so she just turned over, exposing her smooth back, and fell asleep again while riding the quilt. Go to sleep, startup failed. Even when she was completely awake, she would not know that such a thing happened in the morning.

Su Meng certainly looks good, and her physical condition is not bad. Coupled with her nervousness and shyness, she is quite comfortable. It’s just that the conditions are not good now. After the battle, it will be difficult to clean up the battlefield...

After pulling up the quilt again and covering Su Meng, Wang Yan got dressed, washed his face in the courtyard, and went out to Chang'an Street to act like a monkey.

He is now somewhat famous on Chang'an Street at five or six o'clock in the morning. This is of course not because of the reports by foreign journalists, but because he has been acting like a monkey for several months. Although people still regard him as a monkey, they are also I began to feel a sense of admiration. If nothing else, the perseverance is there.

The report on the foreign devils was definitely not in vain. The influence of Twisting Times in the world is unquestionable, not to mention that this is a matter for China. He had already seen the original text. Perhaps the foreign reporter knew what a "barbarian" was and became angry because of it. After all, in the international community, China has never had an easy time, not to mention that the situation has not eased yet.

The more people saw it, the more influential the photo became. I signed up for some photography competitions, such as the World Press Photo Contest, which are relatively authoritative competitions. But since it’s the submission period now and it’s not yet time for awards, there’s not much movement.

However, as the news spread, Wang Yan gained some popularity in a short period of time. In such a backward country, in the complicated domestic situation, the appearance of a person like him is itself a matter worth exploring.

And there is no shortage of people in the world who want to pursue popularity, because it is profitable. The current popularity is in China. Of course, some other newspapers have sent people to China to interview. By the way, they also want to interview Wang Yan, the person who to a certain extent has stirred up the popularity.

If the Internet is developed in the 21st century, Wang Yan can immediately become popular with just this wave. If he manages it properly, he might even make his debut directly.

There were more foreigners who came to take photos, and more who stopped him and wanted to interview him. Wang Yan... didn't accept it. He just accepted the interview. It was considered an exclusive interview.

Of course he performed very well. He took the reporter to visit his home and talked about his experiences from childhood to adulthood. He also visited factories and schools. He expressed his firm support for our party and his support for the country. The beautiful expectations for future development firmly believe that the life of the Chinese people will get better and better. At the same time, he also talks about the responsibilities that today's youth should fulfill, etc.

Of course it had an impact after it was published. His level was sufficient, and the reporter's post-production polishing of the text was very inspiring and encouraging, making him popular in front of the people across the country.

But it didn't have a big impact on his life. It was just for a while. After all, this was not the time when he was chasing stars later and a bunch of people made money from this stuff. It's just that as soon as the report came out, people in the alley came to see it, and then it was over. Even then, there were people running with me in the morning.

This all happened in August before, and after more than a month, it has already sunk to the bottom. So he was still running on Chang'an Street. It was no different from being a monkey before. Only occasionally would someone pass by and say a few words to the people he was walking with. There were no more people running with him before. After all, they didn't have enough to eat, so what? If you have the energy, wake up early and waste your energy.

After his daily exercise, he did not go home directly. Instead, he went to a younger brother's house, got an old hen, wiped its neck and killed it. After tidying up, he found a bag to put it on and carry it home.

After washing up, I took the old hen, some medicinal materials I had bought earlier, and a large casserole to Lao Su's house in the backyard.

Although she returned a little late, it was not even eight o'clock now. Su's father and mother had already gone to work, leaving the old lady alone in the courtyard diligently sweeping the floor. Although it had been cleaned up last night, it was already late autumn, and there were many yellow leaves in just one night. The old lady was idle and could sweep eight times a day.

When she heard Wang Yan calling her grandma, she asked with concern: "Where is Mengmeng? She's not awake yet?"

Seeing him nodding, she looked at the things he was carrying and asked, "What are you holding?"

"It's not because I'm afraid that Su Meng's vitality will be damaged for the first time, so I brought an old hen back and prepared some medicinal materials to give her a good supplement without hurting her body." Wang Yan opened the bag and asked Su The old lady took a look and said with a smile: "I was afraid that the tinkling would disturb Su Meng's rest, so I came here to stew it for her."

"Prodigal son, in all these years I have never heard of a daughter-in-law who had to eat an old hen to replenish her body after getting married." Although Mrs. Su scolded angrily, she still smiled very happily. Her granddaughter was hurt. That was really money. She symbolically gave Wang Yan a broom: "Can you stew? How about I do it?"

Can you stew? Please remove the ‘?’. Not just yes? That's very, very, very good...

Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "No, grandma, you just have to wait and see. This is a special recipe for stewing old hens. It replenishes qi and blood, and the effect is very good. You will drink two more bowls later. You are getting older." There is a shortfall, and there are benefits to making up for it.”

"The rice is left in the pot for you. It's all leftovers from yesterday."

"Got it, grandma."

Wang Yan responded, carried the things into the house, skillfully chopped the chicken and started stewing it...

Su Meng opened her eyes drowsily. The physical discomfort made her wake up instantly. She pushed the hair away from her face and glanced at the time on the wall. It was already past eleven o'clock.

Although she was groggy from sleep and very hungry, she still stayed in bed without thinking.

"What are you thinking about, so obsessed?"

Su Meng woke up with a start, turned to look at Wang Yan who was sitting on the bed and laughing, and slapped him angrily: "I'm still laughing, it's all your fault, I can't tell you whether to come or not, you have to go on forever. This Okay, I just slept until noon the day after the wedding, how do you want me to see the people in our courtyard in the future?"

"Dunlun is a great road for people. What can't you see? It's just your own imagination. Get up, I'll stew an old hen for you. It's been simmering all morning. The children of Lao Li's family have been beaten three times and torn off a chicken leg. This is the end, it’s really fragrant.”

Su Meng's eyes widened: "Where do we have chickens at home? Did you go out and buy them in the morning?"

"Well, my friend's house has two hens that he keeps for laying eggs. I'm not afraid that you might hurt your health. I went over to get them after my run this morning. Hurry, get dressed... Are you moving? Look at me. What to do? Let me help you put it on?"

"Oh, go out, I'm sorry for you looking at me here...Oh, Wang Yan!"

The quilt was lifted by Wang Yan, Tuanba Tuanba held it in his arms, and sat at the table beside the bed. He smiled and looked at the panicked Su Meng, who didn't know where to cover her body for a moment: "I'm an old couple. , Why are you so shy? Hurry up and get dressed."

After a long while, Su Meng, with a flushed face, finally got dressed, casually tied a ponytail, followed Wang Yan out of the room angrily, and went to the yard to wash up. Wang Yan greeted the people in the courtyard and left for the backyard.

Aunt Guo, the daughter-in-law of Uncle Guo who was washing clothes in the courtyard, looked at Wang Yan walking away and asked with a smile: "Su Meng, are you just getting up?"

"Ah... no, Aunt Guo, I've been up for a while, but I just don't want to move, so I just left the house now." Su Meng pretended to be fine and poured cold water on her face.

Aunt Guo looked like she had been there and understood everything, and talked to Su Meng about how men and women live their lives.

This old woman talks nonsense, she talks about everything, how can a young woman like Su Meng, who has become a woman, endure such things? She quickly washed up, took the basin and put it in the room. As soon as the door was closed, she said hello and endured it. Feeling uncomfortable, he ran to the backyard.

"Hey, she's getting cute. Let grandma take a look." Mrs. Su happily pulled her granddaughter to look left and right. For a long time, Su Meng was even confused. Then she hummed and nodded: "It's different now, it's feminine."

"Oh, grandma~~"

"Yes, yes, don't tell me. I'm telling you, Wang Yan ran out early in the morning and fetched an old hen for you. He worked hard for a long time and made soup for you. I love you so much. . You have to live a good life with Wang Yan from now on, but you can't act like you did before, always being petty."

Su Meng looked helplessly at her own grandma who was whispering a lesson to her: "Oh, grandma, just a few days after Wang Yan and I dated, you and my parents started saying this to me together. It made my ears tingle. , please spare me, okay?"

"Look at you kid, you're not willing to listen to me once I'm told, and you're not willing to listen to me once I'm told. Isn't it for your own good?"

"Yes, grandma is the best to me." Su Meng quickly changed the subject: "Grandma, you don't know, I was washing in the front yard just now, and Aunt Guo told me... you said you look good normally. Yes, why are you so shameless?"

"They are all women. You will know in the future. What she said is not what it is. Grandma, I have heard something even more embarrassing. People didn't tell you that before because you were still a big girl. It's different now. , I know everything I need to know, so there is no more taboo in speaking.”

"That's too much to say. I have to stay away from them in the future."

Wang Yan came out of the kitchen at the back with a casserole in one hand and a rag in the other: "Hey, what's wrong with this look of disgust on your face? You don't like the old hens I stew?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Su Meng looked at the chicken soup gurgling in the casserole, took a deep breath, and nodded repeatedly: "I smelled the fragrance when I came here just now. Get me a bowl quickly, I'm starving to death."

Turning around and taking the bowl, chopsticks and spoon, Wang Yan heated up the leftover food, and together with Mrs. Su, the three of them ate and drank around the small square table.

Su Meng gave the old lady a bowl of soup, and then another bowl for herself. She stirred it back and forth with a small spoon to cool it down, took a spoonful and blew it to her mouth, then took a careful sip. His eyes widened in an instant, and he looked at Wang Yan across from him who was eating leftovers and said, "Okay, Your Majesty, I thought your cooking was delicious, but I didn't expect that the soup you stew is amazing? Grandma, You drink it quickly, it tastes really good, I can’t describe the feeling in words.”

The old lady had been smelling it all morning and witnessed Lao Li's family beating the child. During the second beating, Wang Yan tore off a chicken leg and gave it to the little one with a bowl of soup. After the third beating, I wanted to drink even more after I finished drinking. Children, if they want anything, they just cry. As adults, especially in this day and age, just give a child a spanking if he disobeys, or two if he doesn't...

After receiving high praise from Su Meng and Mrs. Su, Wang Yan just nodded with a smile: "If it tastes good, drink more. I can't drink this chicken soup on weekdays. It's too filling. When I go to confinement later, I will I’ll stew it for you again…”

There was nothing he could do. He had long been numb to the point of losing the feeling of happiness in his heart when he made delicious food and was praised by others. He, an old hen stewed soup, has far exceeded the fifth level assessed by the living father. He has definitely reached the state of transformation and is definitely the best in the world. So far, no woman has ever said that the old hen soup tastes bad. That's how people are, there are so many women who say they taste good, he can't remember any of them...

Because of their marriage, both Wang Yan and Su Meng took three days off in order to enjoy their married life. After three days of being shameless and shameless, I finally started a new life.

Su Meng's life is simple, just her daily work schedule, children's palace and home. In fact, she couldn't wait to be with Wang Yanshuan every day. After all, she had just gotten married, and the novelty of her previous relationships was almost gone, and she suddenly became addicted again. Men and women know no restraint. Although it is very painful, they are also very happy. They just want to be together and feel the most essential pleasure and the stimulation that reaches the depths of the soul.

Wang Yan is full of energy. Even though there is now another Su Meng to arrange, it does not affect his original rhythm of life. Even because he is on the university campus, he has more freedom than when he was in the factory. Although he can leave at any time if something happens in the food factory, there are always rules and regulations, unlike in the university where there are no restrictions.

But that said, after all, he didn't have that much to do. He only occasionally went out to meet with his younger brothers, see what was collected, and collect some money. The rest of the time, he has been a genius in school. His learning progress is not fast, but it is far faster than ordinary people. Some constructive ideas have even been put forward for computer research and development, which have received great attention, and research experiments have begun.

Life is pretty much like that, basically the same.

Cheng Jianjun was stimulated, and while going on a blind date, he also hooked up with classmates from the past. Finally, he successfully found a classmate who was in the same class as Su Meng and Cai Xiaoli. She is quite beautiful, and her family is also a grassroots cadre. She has three brothers and three sisters, making her a big family. This is a rivalry with Wang Yan. As for whether there is a rivalry with Han Chunming, I don’t know, but I guess there is. After all, although I have said that wearing the same pants with Han Chunming since I was a child, I am definitely not good at it. This thing They all came here as children.

Su Meng and Cai Xiaoli are both twenty-one. According to current terms, they are both serious intellectual young women, and they are not bad in appearance either. This is the real world, and it has been modified according to the rationality of the original plot. It is not like being twenty or thirty, it is all about youth. Cheng Jianjun would not be convinced, and since he had such a mouth and darting eyes, it would not be a big problem to deceive the little girl, so he was the right one.

Seeing Tian'er led him and ran home, wasn't it just for Wang Yan and Han Chunming to see. After all, people like Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli don't do that much when they want to get married. They only go out to crowd the streets and don't necessarily come to Han's house once a month. Cheng Jianjun also walked on the road and came back home. He was happy every day listening to people in the courtyard praising him and his girlfriend.

Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli have always been good friends. After all, Cai Xiaoli is really proud of Han Chunming. If this woman is proud of a man, she will be as tolerant and caring as a mother.

Han Chunming's monthly salary is only a small amount, so he buys things when he sees them. Of course, he has no money to spend on Cai Xiaoli, so when someone comes to find someone, it's all Cai Xiaoli's money. She didn't know what Han Chunming was doing. She didn't have enough money. She stopped asking if she didn't get an answer. She just followed Han Chunming and didn't complain to Han's mother or anything. But in fact, she didn't spend much money. After all, she was the eldest in the family, and she had three younger sisters. She also had some foreign debts, so she had to supplement the family income. She could only spend a few dollars every month.

So the two of them have a real friendship. The weather is getting colder and colder, and being outside together is like pausing on the road. After a long time, Han Chunming also confessed about collecting antiques. He also brought up Laoguanguan and Wang Yan endorsed it, saying that it would definitely be valuable in the future. Although Cai Xiaoli doesn't understand and doesn't really believe it, she still supports it.

This is much better than Su Meng...

The person who stood in the way of Han Chunming and Cai Xiaoli's marriage was Han Chunsheng, the second eldest son of the Han family. After Mother Han's heart-breaking work, the blind date was finally matched in December. The girl was an educated youth who had returned to the city. She came back from the west. She was two years younger than Han Chunsheng. Her family was an ordinary family, and her brothers and sisters were all young and old, so her life was very difficult. For a while, she couldn't find a job, so it was a good idea to get married and settle down a family as soon as possible. She could not only support herself with her husband, but also help the family in need.

The two parties have met and the talks are going well. At the same time, Han Chunsheng has also been assigned a house, and will do things when the weather gets warmer in March.

Han Chunming has also made arrangements to hold a banquet every two months in May of the following year. The reason for the interval of one month is to give relatives and friends some time to relax. After all, one family received two gifts in a row. Although everyone has the same children, they will take them back sooner or later, but they feel different and cannot feel comfortable anymore...

In the blink of an eye, time went from late autumn to cold winter, from October 1975 to January 1976.

This was a year when the people were extremely happy, and even 1.5 million people in the capital spontaneously took to the streets to celebrate the great victory and welcome a new future. Likewise, this was also a year full of disasters, with people feeling extremely sad and sighing.

On January 31st, the Lunar New Year, Wang Yan followed everyone in the Su family to make dumplings stuffed with cabbage and pork in the backyard, and made a few other side dishes. Because there were only a few people there, it wasn't too busy, and the food was easy to prepare, so there wasn't a big family laughing and waiting until midnight. And there is no Spring Festival holiday now, because it has been abolished...

But they are okay. Su's father and Su's mother are teachers. Su Meng Children's Palace teaches children and can be considered teachers. Wang Yan is a college student. Mrs. Su can rest even if she doesn't work.

"Come, Wang Yan, it's the end of the year again. This is our first Spring Festival together. Let's have a drink together."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, picked up the wine glass, clinked it with Su's father, and took a drink. Su Meng, Mrs. Su and Mother Su were not idle either, and drank drinks together.

Putting down their cups, everyone started eating with chopsticks. Sighing that life was better than before, Wang Yan's cooking skills improved again. As they chatted, they talked about the Prime Minister who passed away not long ago, and lamented that such a good man who served the people was gone. This is an inevitable topic for thousands of households, and the impact is really huge.

Wang Yan gulped down wine and food, without delaying his efforts to cope with the emotion of his father-in-law. He even thought about recalling that the last time this happened, he seemed to be in the human world, and the poet Feng Huacheng was in prison...

It's not that he doesn't have respect in his heart, it's just that he understands life, old age, sickness and death. He was the best doctor, but countless patients still died in his hands.

While chatting like this, Su Meng, who was eating slowly, suddenly vomited. In an instant, Mrs. Su, Father Su, and Mother Su stopped using their chopsticks and looked over. Wang Yan also turned around and patted her back with concern: " What's wrong? The food is not to your liking? Or are you feeling unwell?"

Su Meng calmed down for a moment, patted her chest with one hand, and frowned: "I don't know what's going on. I haven't been feeling well recently. I have no appetite. I just felt nauseous for no reason..."

Wang Yan pretended to be a fool. The three of them, Mrs. Su and Mrs. Su, looked at each other. Mother Su asked tentatively: "Isn't she pregnant?"

Mrs. Su nodded affirmatively: "She is just pregnant. I think something has been wrong with her in the past two days. She should be fine."

Wang Yan opened his eyes wide in surprise and took a sip of wine: "Are you really pregnant?"

"Don't be so arbitrary. Whether you are pregnant or not, you should go to the hospital to see what the doctor says. Otherwise, what will happen then? You are just happy for nothing." Su's father is mature and prudent. Although he is also looking forward to good news, he still plays it safe, he said : "Wang Yan, wait until tomorrow when you take Mengmeng to the hospital to see if she is really pregnant."

"Hey." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, put his hand on Su Meng's thigh, and looked happily at Su Meng who didn't know what to do for a moment.

A week ago, she was jumping around and showing off her temper, but now she realized that she was about to become a mother, and Su Meng was a little confused...

Unknowingly, light snow started to fall in the sky. Children who had eaten well during the Chinese New Year, were energetic and had no worries, were running around in the alley in groups, no matter the wind or snow, not afraid of the severe cold, and had big noses and runny noses. When it came to my lips, my hands were so cold that there were several sores on them, but I still grinned. I wiped the blackened sleeve from the tip of my nose carelessly, moving smoothly without any hesitation, and my running movements never stopped...

Thank you (love love love endlessly) (Lazy wooden man) (Teacher Zeng who is tireless in destroying people) (Yufeng Xiaoyao x) (Mu Zihui) (Little Bookworm Snow) six big brothers for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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