"Your Majesty, you, sir, are really good at hiding your secrets."

She roughly looked at three houses where antiques were stored. Those three houses alone were enough, and the various antiques densely packed inside gave her a huge impact. When there were only two people left, Su Meng couldn't hold it back after all. She gritted her teeth and pinched the soft flesh around Wang Yan's waist: "Quickly tell me, is there anything else I don't know?"

If you can hide so many things silently, then you can hide your beauty in a golden house. She is not confident anymore.

Of course Wang Yan can understand, but what if he hides his love?

He is very interested in the old Su family, and of course the people in the old Su family are sensible. Mrs. Su, Father Su, and Mother Su are all educated teachers of the people. They are well-educated and not greedy. Although there were indeed some relatives on Su's father's side who wanted to do something with Wang Yan, they were all blocked by Mrs. Su. Except for a few times when it was really necessary, they had never caused any trouble for him in the past ten years.

Although Su Meng is self-centered, she prefers to do things. But being married and not being married are two different things, and having children and not having children are two different things. In addition, Wang Yan's status, as well as his own abilities, charm, and strength are also different. Su Meng has indeed improved a lot. Of course it is inevitable to have a temper occasionally, but she has never made unreasonable troubles with Wang Yan.

This time when that old boy Liu Jinyou came back, Su Meng made the decision for Wang Yan without saying a word. He wanted to give him antiques, but he didn't say anything. Because he really doesn't care, as long as the old boy doesn't look for trouble. These are small desires that can be satisfied without major problems.

Again, Su Meng's ego only hurt Han Chunming. After eliminating the dispute with Han Chunming, she was just a normal, somewhat vain and arrogant woman.

If not, back then, he had deceived Su Meng into sleeping with her and refused to admit it. As a result, he and Su Meng repeatedly pulled her apart, physically and mentally beating her to pieces. This can also draw her energy away from Han Chunming and focus on herself, avoiding her endless entanglement with Han Chunming. This is also a way to complete the task.

That's why Wang Yan married her and had children. In addition, he is already this old. Although his body is still young and energetic, his thoughts are already biased towards the old bastard. Especially the current love story in the comfortable urban era makes it difficult for him to have passion. Of course, that refers to the tossing of things, and the tossing of the body all depends on his mood. After all, he is never a good person and will always make mistakes that cost him a thousand knives on a moral level...

However, mistakes may be made, but words must not be said like that. Wang Yan shook his head and said: "There is nothing else, just this little thing. You said it yourself yesterday. If you let you know, you will definitely say that I am playing with things. You and your family People are not interested in those antiques, nor do they understand their value. In the past few years, the prices of those things were not high, but I bought so many things, which is something ordinary people can't earn in a lifetime. Don’t you still have to call me a prodigal because of my money?

Not only that, I also have to explain a lot of problems to you. How laborious is it? It also makes you worry about whether it will be discovered and arrested by others, whether it will be confiscated, and whether the price can be increased in the future. Isn't that causing trouble for yourself? Now that your uncle has come forward to speak out, how easy will it be? dont you agree? "

"Then you are too rich, right? When you were not in business before, you were just an ordinary student. Even if you are a genius, you learn quickly and get promoted quickly. I know the tens of dollars in your salary. Then you How much money do you have to make to afford three big houses and all those antiques stuffed full of them?"

"At that time, in the underground ticket scalping market in the capital, Fatty was basically the banker. He also had dealings with ticket sellers in other cities, and he also sold some urgently needed materials. How could we not make money? In addition, I also had brothers who collected rags, and they were all over the streets. I was wandering around collecting things. Think about how expensive it would be to sell them for rags. There are also those plates and bowls, and no one takes them seriously. The quantity is just too big, and no matter how cheap it is, it's not a small amount."

Su Meng looked at Wang Yan suspiciously: "You really have nothing else to hide from me?"

"Yes!" In Su Meng's dark eyebrows and cold eyes, Wang Yan changed the topic and said, "It's just a surprise. Get in the car and I'll take you to see it."

"What? It's mysterious..." Although she said so, Su Meng still sat in the sidecar.

At a speed of seventy miles, feeling the coolness brought by the speed, with Su Meng's long hair flying, the motorcycle suddenly drove to the suburbs and entered a large courtyard surrounded by walls. Parked in it In front of a small bungalow.

Before the car even stopped, Han Chunming and Yang Huajian walked out of it one after another and greeted Wang Yan: "Your Majesty, Su Meng."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, turned off the engine, and helped the confused Su Meng out of the sidecar. She looked at Han Chunming and Yang Huajian strangely, then turned her head and pointed at the various colorful cars parked in the yard. "Are you two trying to reverse the car? Your Majesty, didn't you, the old man, buy a car?"

"Isn't it obvious? Supporting their business will satisfy your little vanity and increase your reputation in front of your friends and colleagues. In exchange for your good mood lasting ten days and a half, are you happy?"

"Happy!" Su Meng bared her little white teeth and laughed, but her happiness did not last for two seconds. She asked: "Our leaders haven't even driven in the car. Isn't it too high-profile? And your status is different. , will it also affect you?"

"Hey, Su Meng is such a good wife and mother. If this was an ordinary woman, she would be extremely happy by now. It's better for you. The first thing you think about is the influence of the prince. It's great." Yang Huajian laughed and raised his eyebrows. Thumbs up: "Don't worry, Su Meng, you have already made a high profile. If nothing else, who doesn't know about your big house with three entrances? There is nothing to be afraid of. To say that it has an impact on the prince, Not to mention, what kind of problem is this? Don’t worry, I guarantee there will be no problem. "

"What about your cars? I see that you have all kinds of cars, and they are all not from the same brand. They are so messy and look like they were smuggled in. Have all the procedures been completed? Otherwise, I would not dare to drive them."

Han Chunming smiled and said: "Don't worry, Yang Huajian has already taken care of it. Besides, if we don't solve the formalities, we won't dare to bring the prince over. Let's go and take a look at the car. This is The prince specially picked it for you, the Beetle from Deguo. Although it didn’t come in openly, the car is a new one, and it was only driven a few steps during the transfer."

Su Meng was concerned about Wang Yan: "What about you? Are you still riding that crappy motorcycle?"

"Look, woman, you can't even see what a car looks like. That motorcycle is useless." Wang Yan smiled at Han Chunming and the two of them, and then he put his arm around Su Meng's shoulders and followed them behind. In one car after another: "If you want to drive, of course you have to drive together. I also bought a car, but it is being renovated. Hey, Chunming, how is my car being packed?"

"Your requirements are too high. My group of people don't know how to do it. They are just trying to do it by fumbling. The materials they brought are all good. They don't dare to go ahead and do it. It will take another week."

Su Meng asked curiously: "Is the car still decorated?"

"I just need to put a blanket in the car, change the seats to comfortable ones, get a wooden steering wheel, change the audio system in the car, and do some sound insulation. It will take me ten or twenty years to build a car." Yes, why don’t you pack something comfortable?”

The car he bought was Poussin, and it is currently being localized with the Shanghai Stock Exchange, with an annual output of only 10,000 units. And for the wealthy people hidden deep in China, even if it sells for more than 200,000 units, it is still very popular. He also ordered it this year. After waiting for two months for it to arrive, he sent it directly to Han Chunming for him to modify.

Han Chunming, the protagonist, has naturally always been in the limelight. He has been doing whatever he does to make money in the past two years, and his net worth has really grown like a snowball. Nowadays, most of the cars being sold are second-hand cars, and the profits are quite large. Yang Huajian and I really complement each other, one is rich and can make a lot of money, and the other has connections and connections. Again, in this era, you can make money if you do something, it’s just a matter of how much.

"Well, your exquisite life as a caged bird can't even let go of the car, right?" Su Meng changed the topic and asked with a smile: "Do you want to do it for me too? You old man will enjoy it, and you can enjoy it, too?" There’s nothing wrong with enjoying it together.”

"You should learn how to drive first. You can't drive on the road unless you drive swiftly. Don't harm others or yourself on the road."


Su Meng rolled her eyes, broke away from Wang Yan's arm around her shoulders, and walked a few steps to find her car...

It was a white Beetle, certainly not the one that became common later, but a compact version with a seating capacity of five people. But in terms of appearance, they are actually very similar. They both look quite small and delicate. Of course Su Meng liked it very much and played with it happily, but she couldn't open it. This is of course Wang Yan's job, but it's also very simple. This is an automatic car, so it's not that difficult to drive. After a while, Su Meng became more skillful in driving outside the big yard.

The main reason is that there are fewer cars now, this is still a suburb, and there are fewer people. You can drive as much as you want, and the view is wide and safe...

Yang Huajian and Han Chunming were squatting in the shade. He sighed: "Su Meng is really lucky. The prince is really a fairy. After so many years together, he is really low-key. I only found out a while ago that although the prince is still Academician, but he no longer engages in research within the Academy of Sciences system, and the two parties have entered into a cooperative relationship. Chunming, where do you think the prince works now? What is his position? "

Han Chunming shook his head and said, "Your Majesty is no longer a professor at Beijing University?"

"It's been a long time ago." Yang Huajian said with a smile: "I also just found out that at the beginning of the year, the prince resigned from Beijing University and retained the title of professor. Within a week, a man named 'Huaxia Longteng's group was established, involving various industries, with Wang Ye as the chairman. The most powerful thing is yet to come. Huaxia Longteng took a large piece of land in Zhongguancun. It didn't make a penny, but first approved a huge amount. It has been more than half a year now, and the prince has not mentioned it. I only heard about it from someone a while ago. Just say how low-key the prince is. And this car, the prince has already been equipped with a special car. , but it turns out that I have to buy a car and drive it by myself only now.”

"Okay, stop studying the prince, we can't compare." Han Chunming shook his head: "Speaking of the prince's driving, he already drives a car, so I won't ride that shabby motorcycle, and Xiaoli and I will One car for each person. I will bring her over tomorrow to choose a car, and you will deduct the money from my share. Otherwise, the prince must enjoy it. I never thought that I could change those things before. I have to follow him too Learn how to make the car more comfortable."

"You said you wanted to build a yard before, have you found it?"

"I've found it a long time ago. It's being packed over at Dengshikou. It's just like the prince's house. The water and electricity department was contacted by the prince for help. But I won't be able to move there for a while. Mainly It’s just that my master’s side is not easy to deal with, so I have to take care of him nearby..."

Yang Huajian nodded: "That's true. Although your master is physically strong, he is already old, almost eighty, and he really can't live without people. It's a pity that he can't enjoy his blessings."

It's still the same at Laoguantou. Although Guan Xiaoguan is back, he doesn't go to Laoguantou very often. That is to say, when I catch up with the rest, I go over to see Laoguan and have a meal together. Most of the rest of the time, Han's mother and Cai Xiaoli took care of her. They ate two meals with the Han family every morning and evening, and drank by themselves in between. The life seems quite comfortable, but there are no children to fulfill their filial piety. In the past two years, when drinking, he often scolded his son.

Han Chunming shook his head and smiled: "Actually, it's not bad. Didn't the prince and the others move away? I told him that the east wing where they used to live is now occupied by Xiaoli and me. It's quite comfortable. I've been running around here and there all day. Yes, we can’t actually stay there for more than a few days.”

The two of them just talked without saying a word, watching Su Meng drive with Na.

After a while, Su Meng drove straight towards the two of them. They were so frightened that they jumped to the side. Although the speed of the car was very slow, they could not believe Su Meng. If the accelerator acted as the brake, that would not be the case. Is it ruined?

"I said Su Meng, you think we two brothers are living a good life, right?"

Su Meng giggled: "I turned a corner and scared you two."

"I've never let go of my hand on the handbrake. Don't worry." Wang Yan said to Han Chunming through the window with a smile: "Chunming, let's go. I'm not worried about him driving by himself. I'm watching from the passenger seat. A little later. Later, you can ask someone to send the motorcycle back to me. The key is still in it."

Han Chunming nodded in response, and Yang Huajian from behind came over and asked, "Your Majesty, do you two have time to go to the educated youth reunion next week? The classmates are all thinking of you, and they just want to soak up your old fairy spirit. Son."

Yang Huajian is good at this. In the past ten years, excluding private gatherings of individual people, there have been five large gatherings with most people in place, all organized by him. The purpose is also very simple. One is to show off, and the other is to see who is the best, and everyone can make a fortune together...

"There have been a lot of things lately and I'm quite busy, so I won't go. You guys have fun and say hello to everyone for me." Wang Yan shook his head and refused, waving to the two of them: "Let's go."

Su Meng carefully released the brake, tapped the accelerator, and the car slowly drove away, heading towards the city...

When they got home, there was naturally a lot of excitement. After all, the car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars was worth half of their house. However, there is still a house to live in, as well as three houses and antiques that Liu Jinyou said are of immeasurable value. The Su family feels refreshed, so it's okay to get over it.

The most excited person was Wang Bin, who clamored for Su Meng to take him for a ride. He trusted his mother, but her mother couldn't trust him. Then he worked overtime every night, pestered Wang Yan to sit in the passenger seat, and wandered around the capital for seven days with his own son who was disgusted with him in the back seat. Finally getting Wang Yan's approval, he took the driver's license that he had already applied for and happily drove the car to his work unit.

The reason for not being so low-key is that Su Meng didn't think about reaching a high position or having much power. Of course she has some ambition, and of course she also has some desire to make progress, but that shouldn't make her feel wronged...

A month passed in the blink of an eye while busy. Wang Yan opened the door of Juyou in Wangfujing and walked in with a smile. Liu Jinyou stood behind him and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this is Su Meng." My uncle, his name is Liu Jinyou. He just came back from Hong Kong Island last month and he doesn’t plan to leave in the future. He also likes antiques. He heard that we have a game, so he came with me to join in the fun. In addition, he also plans to invest in us. Make a deal, you can study it later."

Liu Jinyou cupped his hands and said in his rather unique accent: "I only know a little bit about it. I'm going to gain some knowledge by coming here. Please bear with me."

"Let's do it, we don't have much to say here." With one foot on the chair, Bao Baohou holding a cigarette on his knees and shaking his head, he raised his head to Tao Zi on the side: "This kid doesn't know anything. Why don't you come over and listen to us telling stories for fun?"

"I have known the prince for ten years, so we call him uncle together." Taozi stood up, moved out of the way and said, "Uncle, if you are not humble, then we will sit next to each other. They You can’t even interrupt what you’re saying, just listen. As for the business, we’ll have to wait until we finish the wine and have tea, so don’t be in a hurry.”

"Okay, then let's listen to them together. I really don't understand, but I'm not being humble."

A group of people sat down and chatted and laughed, and the waiter began to serve the food, and then they started chatting over a small drink.

Due to the current policies, in just a few years, the changes in the capital can already be described as dramatic changes. There are more and more new things, construction sites are everywhere, there are obviously more people with foreign accents, and the city has begun to expand outward. So while these people are talking about history and culture, they are also praising current policies and lamenting the great changes in society.

As Tao Zi said, we basically chatted throughout the whole process. Although money was not mentioned less, all we talked about was how much money we spent to get something good. This is of course something worth showing off. Don't look at those in their 70s or 80s who are struggling at this juncture. Sometimes I take the bus and go out for a walk to pick up leaks, just to exercise.

It wasn't until these people were drunk and full of food that they brewed a pot of West Lake Longjing made before Ming Dynasty this year and began to talk about business.

Han Chunming first spoke about Wang Yan's situation: "Your Majesty, you have not disclosed to us such a big change in your job? This is a bit too low-key."

Except for Ma Du, everyone else looked at Han Chunming in confusion, because they didn't know or understand how Wang Yan, a scientist, could change his job.

Liu Jinyou chimed in, "What's the change? Hasn't he been doing research?"

"Yang Huajian told you, right? You usually don't care about that. It's just that he has nothing to do and has channels to find out." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's nothing, uncle. The country established a company and appointed me as the chairman. But I was only in name only, and I was basically not needed for management. There were several general managers. My real responsibility was actually to do research. But because I am now The research is inconsistent with the direction of the country, so we separated it to conduct independent research and operate it commercially to achieve self-sufficiency.”

Lao Guanguan asked: "Aren't we still studying computers? What's the difference?"

"The underlying operation is different. Look at this teacup, compare it to a computer, but it is filled with tea. What I want to study is to replace the contents with wine, and make the teacup better than it is now. This is good, that’s what it means.”

Wang Yan gave a simple explanation without saying much. No one in this room understands technology, so they are wasting their time talking. He looked at Ma Du: "Xiao Ma doesn't seem surprised. You already knew it?"

Ma Du nodded with a smile: "Not long after the company was established, I had dinner with a few buddies. They knew that I knew you, so they mentioned it to me and said that you were very good. But you didn't say anything, I didn’t say anything.”

Han Chunming clapped his mouth and said, "Look, I'm still talking too much."

"It's nothing, it's just that for me it's all the same research, it's just an additional position, it's not a big deal, that's why I didn't tell you."

"Your Majesty, the undercurrent has always been so turbulent, and the water is calm." Ma Du smiled and gave a thumbs up, and then sighed: "Your Majesty, you still have an impression of Wang Shuo that I mentioned to you before, right? "

"Yes, I read his article, and it's pretty good. But there has been no movement since you finished speaking last time. What's the matter, do you want me to get to know them?"

Thanks to brother (—XW—) for the 100-coin reward.

Thanks to the three elder brothers (Gang Dan Reading) (Ming Yue) and (Liang Xiaofeng) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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