The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 585 Jianjun'er is not weak to others in his life

It was all caused by that villain Wang Yan.

And Han Chunming, that bitch who teased Wang Yan.

Counting these two people together can give Cheng Jianjun, who has been holding a grudge for four years and is filled with hatred to his bones, the motivation to persevere. He, Cheng Jianjun, will definitely make these two villains pay the price.

He also knew that Wang Yan was not something he could handle due to his rank, but the kid was difficult to deal with, so he had to be that difficult kid, staring at Wang Yan, not believing that this villain had nothing for him to catch.

As for Han Chunming, he didn't take it seriously. He looked down on Han Chunming. Do you think Han Chunming would have been able to work in a food factory without his help? Can you continue your relationship with Cai Xiaoli if you don't work in a food factory? Without him, would Han Chunming be able to work in a hardware company later? Can I get a business opportunity without working in a hardware company? How can we broaden our horizons, increase our knowledge, and find opportunities to make a fortune? Without him, Cheng Jianjun, would Han Chunming be able to play harp?

He helped Han Chunming in this way, but in the end he didn't get anything in return, but instead he had objections to him. If the wives of the two families don't interact with each other, his son will still be beaten? How can anyone do this?

If Han Chunming hadn't refused to give in and cooperate, how could he have thought of going to Wang Yan and not allowing Wang Yan to help Han Chunming, which resulted in him being humiliated by a big slap and a slap in the face. He was arrested in three days, and the people on the rear suffered the pain of the past four years. There was no way he would let Han Chunming go.

In this life, he just wants Wang Yan and Han Chunming to pay the price. He wanted to prove himself and prove that he, Jian Jun'er, was no weaker than anyone else in his life...

The people squatting inside said that you can't look back when you are released from prison, but he still turned around to face the nine o'clock sun and looked at the square building of the prison behind him.

In the past, looking at the environment here made him endlessly depressed and anxious, but now, he just feels that it looks so pleasing to the eye.

Cheng Jianjun turned around, took a deep breath of the air of freedom that had flowed in through the prison door, picked up the bag containing his personal belongings, and tugged at the folds of his shirt.

He was in the sun, and the sun was behind him. He carried the brilliance, stepped on his own shadow, and strode out of the prison door. Shots like this are close-ups in movies and are used to describe good people. Obviously, it does not apply here. Everyone who goes out at the same time has the same background. It is nothing more than different seasons and different atmospheres.

A dog can change its habit of eating shit, but can Cheng Jianjun stop being petty and dirty? Obviously not. But words are not absolute, he may be saying goodbye, or it may be a temporary farewell, who can say clearly...

Except for individual cases, parents always love their children. If the child is ineffective and a drag on the family, they will just curse on their lips, feel sad in their hearts, and work tirelessly to help their children.

Father Cheng and Mother Cheng are quite ordinary people, but they are normal parents. Even though Cheng Jianjun caused them to lose their reputation, miss work, and incur debts that have not yet been repaid, they still bear it.

Seeing his son walking out of the prison gate, Su's father, who already had many white hairs, hurriedly greeted him and reached for the bag in his hand: "But now that he's out, give me the bag. Let's go buy new clothes first, and then Go take a shower to get rid of bad luck, and then go home to eat. The vegetables your mother went to the market to buy early in the morning are all your favorites."

"I can just take it with me. I don't have much." Cheng Jianjun hid for a moment and said reproachfully: "Dad, I told you not to come before. I can just take the bus back. It's not like I can't find my home. You said you still have What are you doing on this trip?"

"How could I not come over for such a big deal like being released from prison?" Cheng's father patted his son on the back: "Let's go home quickly. Your mother and your brother are waiting for you."

Nodding, Cheng Jianjun walked side by side with Cheng's father, who was already stooped. Without saying much, he walked in silence to the bus stop not far away...

Cheng Jianjun is not a very impressive person. In the past four years, he has certainly had time to visit. Therefore, Cheng's father was aware of his situation, and Cheng Jianjun was also sure of the outside situation. Therefore, the father and son had some problems along the way. There wasn't much talking between father and son.

In four years, the land of China, blown by the spring breeze, has undergone tremendous changes. As the imperial capital at the heart of the country, the capital city has naturally changed even more day by day. People from all over the world are flocking to the capital. The city is expanding day by day. High-rise buildings are rising. Bus lines are opening one by one. There are also more and more private cars. On the flat and spacious asphalt roads, there are even The bustling atmosphere with busy traffic. The clothes people wear are colorful and varied.

All of this, compared with the impression of 1983 left by Cheng Jianjun before he was imprisoned, although it has not changed the world, it is still a huge change that shocks people. There was an inexplicable and unspeakable feeling in his heart, that things were different and people were different.

Of course he knew that such a huge change would inevitably be accompanied by countless opportunities. And he was actually imprisoned in prison for four full years at this time. He couldn't imagine, with his ability, what kind of achievements he would have achieved if he had not been caught and had not missed these four years?

Thinking of this, he hated Wang Yan and Han Chunming even more deeply. Ruining his future and destroying his opportunities was his sworn hatred.

People are always like this, thinking that they are very capable and regretting the good things that have happened to them in the past. But in fact, good things that are missed are always due to various reasons, and these reasons ultimately lie in oneself. Even if you are lucky enough to have the memory to go back to the past and seize the good things this time, the same problem will continue with the good things the next time.

Not everyone understands this truth, and those who do understand it don't understand it in themselves. Even if they can understand it in themselves, it is inevitable to regret it. There are only a few people who really understand.

Even if Cheng Jianjun didn't go in, compared with what he wanted to achieve, he was still far behind. Obviously, he just doesn't understand the players and thinks he is the best.

After buying a new set of clothes from head to toe and taking a comfortable bath in the bathhouse, Cheng Jianjun followed his father back to the familiar yet unfamiliar alley.

Fortunately, it was already noon when they came back, and the sun was shining brightly in the sky. Most people were having lunch or staying at home, and only a few people were walking around outside. Therefore, Cheng Jianjun only awkwardly greeted a few people instead of letting so many people Seeing him, he turned around and pointed at him.

Although he had already pointed it out, and although he had thought about this situation, he could not see or hear at that time, but it was different now. The way these old neighbors looked at him made him extremely embarrassed.

The father and son turned around the canteen one after another, and when they got here, they saw Han Chunming walking out of the small courtyard belonging to Laoguan next to the canteen.

Seeing Cheng Jianjun and his son, Han Chunming was stunned for a moment. He thought to himself that no wonder the old Cheng family had been busy all morning making delicious food. He felt that this boy was back.

"Jianjun is back." He stepped forward with a smile and patted Cheng Jianjun on the shoulder: "Uncle, you said you are too, tell me and I will pick him up directly."

Father Cheng shook his head and said, "I'll be back by bus, why bother you?"

Han Chunming laughed, then looked at Cheng Jianjun: "Uncle and aunt have not had an easy life these past four years. Jianjun, from now on, you have to take it one step at a time, work hard, and stop doing those crooked things. .”

Seeing that Cheng Jianjun looked unhappy, he continued: "Okay, I won't delay you anymore. Go home quickly. Auntie has been busy all morning. Good guy, that smells good."

Cheng's father smiled and said: "Chunming, why don't you come to our house to eat too? You and Jianjun grew up together. It's best to wear a pair of trousers and support him."

Han Chunming is not stupid, how can he take it seriously. In the past, even a good pair of pants might have been too fat, but in the past, he kept silent and accommodated Cheng Jianjun. But after returning to the city in 1975, he had already drifted away. Apart from anything else, my wife and children can't play together, let alone the two of them.

What he said to Cheng Jianjun was indeed sincere. After all, they were both the same age. They were thirty-seven this year, and they were both going to graduate school. They had criminal records, their wives were divorced, and their children were with their wives. In a situation like this, why bother? Working hard is better than anything else. He knew that Cheng Jianjun hated him, otherwise there would have been no reason to deduct his goods in the first place.

But he has a kind heart, and he grew up in the same hospital, so he still couldn't help but say a few words to persuade people to do good. That's his problem, he is soft-hearted.

What Cheng's father said was even more polite. In the past few years, after the initial discussion, the presence of the old Cheng family has been very low and silent. Han Chunming is busy, and it is difficult to survive. I just said hello out of politeness, but not that close.

"No, uncle, I still have something to do. Jianjun, okay, let's go now. We'll talk later."

He waved his hand, took out the key from his pocket, turned around and opened the door of the black Poussin's car parked not far away at the entrance of their courtyard. In the sight of Cheng Jianjun, he honked the horn, then put the car into gear skillfully and started. With a burst of smoke and dust, he turned around the canteen and disappeared from Cheng Jianjun's sight.

"Dad, look at him talking like that. Didn't he just buy a car? What's the big deal? What he did before was illegal. It's just that I was unlucky enough to be caught. Otherwise, I would have replaced him now, Didi who."

"Don't say that, Jianjun, you paid the fine when you were first sentenced. Chunming and Wang Yan both took fifty yuan, and they didn't even think of asking for it back. Your kindness and justice have been exhausted." Cheng's father shook his head and said, "No. Let me tell you, Chunming has grown up in the past two years, and his career has grown bigger and bigger. The car he drove alone cost more than 200,000 yuan. I heard that he also opened a few restaurants and so on, but I didn't ask about it in detail. But they are definitely not short of money. You, you have made no progress at all after four years of squatting. Now that you have a criminal record, it is difficult to find a job. Chunming, you are young, say something nice to him, so that he can help. You arrange the work."

"He? Arrange work for me?" Cheng Jianjun stared, made a fist with his free hand, raised his thumb, and pointed at himself. He sneered: "It's really a turn of events, Dad, you were running around here and there back then. We gave him a job in a food factory. Didn't he meet his wife Cai Xiaoli there? Without the food factory, would he be where he is today? Didn't you not see Han Chunming's attitude just now? He was a junior high school student. I haven't even graduated yet. How about educating me? With the kind of person he is, if I really want him to arrange a job for me, he will definitely not refuse, but he will definitely find me a waiter or a chef. He can educate me all day long. Me, humiliate me, hum..."

"Then what are you going to do? What can you do?"

"Dad, don't worry, I have my own arrangements. Oh, don't look at me like that. You said after so many years, when did I lie to you? When did I ever tell lies?"

"It's not about cheating or not, but you have to abide by the law and stop doing things that violate laws and disciplines. I know you have a lot of clever ideas and good ideas, but you can't afford to mess around."

Father Cheng sighed, his tone full of helplessness: "Think about your mother and me. We have both retired a long time ago. In order to pay off your debts, all the pensions have been used to repay your debts. Not only do you have to pay back your old arms and legs, I have to go out to work part-time. It seems that we can pay off the money we owe this year, and our family will be able to survive. Your brother is also in his twenties. He has been delayed a lot because of your affairs, and now he is getting married. You're old. Don't you have to worry about this? Your mother and I don't have high demands on you, just be honest and don't let anything happen again, we can't afford to bother you."

Cheng Jianjun still felt a little guilty, but just a little, not much.

In the original play, he took the money Cai Xiaoli gave him to buy a house for his parents, but later he also bought it. In addition, after getting together with Meng Xiaoxing, he also used the money to buy a house for his younger brother.

His behavior seems like that of a prodigal son with some filial piety, but in fact, according to his conduct, it is more likely that he wants to enjoy the sense of accomplishment of being filial, taking care of his younger brother, and being successful, as well as the vanity of positive external evaluations. .

Of course, regardless of one’s heart, one’s deeds can be regarded as filial piety, so that’s okay.

But at this moment, Cheng Jianjun couldn't listen to his father's heartfelt words. He shook his head and said: "Dad, don't worry, it won't take long to pay back the money, and in addition, I can buy you a building." My brother also bought a set. That’s a lot of face, isn’t it? Han Chunming is known as a filial son, but what happened? He drives a car and opens a restaurant. It’s such a shame. His mother still lives in this big courtyard. Dad. , just see how capable I am, I promise to let you live in a building within a year."

Cheng's father was tired and did not say anything. He shook his head and left first: "We are already at the door of the house. Take two steps quickly. You don't know how anxious your mother is."

Cheng Jianjun let out a long breath and followed his father into the courtyard...

A person who has been in prison for four years, a person who has almost been forgotten, reappears in everyone's sight, so what was a hit in this area will inevitably become popular and become the focus again.

After dinner, people once again talked about Cheng Jianjun's arrest. None of them have experienced it and do not know the specific process, but they know that Cheng Jianjun abused his power for personal gain and a four-year sentence is enough. The people will make up for the rest. Especially since this is the capital city, the people here are keen on building a political system with high intensity. So they started discussing with Cheng Jianjun, and the topics that gradually went off track depended on imagination.

When adults are discussing, children will definitely be affected. And almost all parents are in sync. If you are naughty and do not learn well, you will go to jail in the future like that boy from the old Cheng family...

Although people are very kind and caring when they meet Cheng Jianjun, he is aware of the gossip behind his back, and there will always be times when he can't stop talking. What's even more outrageous is that some people even asked him face to face about the details of his imprisonment. After all, not everyone can go to jail, and no one wants to go to jail, but it doesn't stop people from being curious.

As soon as he walked by, the looks in those people's eyes really made him feel like a gleam on his back and a lump in his throat. They made him extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do about it...

He is so face-saving and cautious, so of course he won't let people poke his spine like this all day long. He has been prepared for it. This time he failed, but he didn't fail either. The people who were in prison with him were all talented and well-spoken. They stayed together for four years. For him, it was equivalent to a refresher course in re-education.

Although he was out of touch squatting inside, he didn't really know anything. After all, there were newspapers and so on. He squatted there for four years and felt that he had achieved great success and could move freely in this world...

He followed Han Chunming for a few days, got a general understanding of Han Chunming's situation, and found out Wang Yan's current address. He looked at the big house at the root of the real imperial city, and looked at Wang Yan and Su Meng driving to and from work. Ask about Wang Yan's status at this time. Although Wang Yan has made him even more desperate, he still refuses to accept the fact that he can live for one breath.

After knowing the situation of these two enemies, he went to see his wife and children. One piece of news that made him heartbroken was that his wife was married with a child. The man is a man with a son. He and his wife have formed a new family of four, and they are living a good life.

His biological son was only seven years old when he was arrested. Now, four years later, he is eleven years old. Four years have passed since he had no biological father. Moreover, although Cheng's father and Cheng's mother came to visit occasionally, they were not really close to him. This caused his biological son to have no feelings for him as his biological father, which made him very sad and made him hate Wang Yan and Han Chunming even more. In the end, I could only buy some delicious food and a little money for my son.

After finishing all this, on a drizzling morning, Cheng Jianjun packed up his luggage, and with his parents' sighs, his sadness and grievance, his hatred, and his breath, he left the house, left the yard, and turned around. I walked into that canteen and left...

"Your Majesty, Cheng Jianjun is back. He stayed at home for less than a month and left again. I don't know what he did. I even asked his parents, but they didn't know either. Tell me about this kid. I feel He definitely can't do anything good, hey..." Han Chunming said as he looked at Wang Yan blowing smoke rings across from him.

This is another party, with the same number of people. But now we have less and less time to get together, only three or four times a year. This is mainly because the economy is booming. Ma Du and Han Chunming are both busy doing business and collecting antiques from everywhere, because they believe Wang Yan's statement more and more and more, and they feel more and more that the best time is There are only three or four years left. If you want to receive good things in the future, it will not be as difficult as usual, so seeing that time is getting less and less, you will naturally race against time, just like students reviewing for exams.

Lao Guan Guan and Bao Pohou, two people who had no worries about food and clothing, used their spare time in the Palace Museum and were very enthusiastic about their work, and they were serious about their work. Of course, they didn't forget to look for things, so their schedule was very fixed. They went to work on time on 13:5, and went out to buy things on the 246. It was quite interesting.

The same is true. Without the influence of the cerebral thrombosis caused by anger in the original drama, Lao Guanjian seems to be more alive and energetic. The old boy himself knows that he drinks less and less now, but no matter how much he drinks, he must drink.

Wang Yan was still as leisurely as ever, but it was different in their eyes. After all, he was a great scientist who led so many research projects. They thought that Wang Yan was very busy and should not be disturbed too much. As a result, it is no longer as simple as drinking.

Hearing Han Chunming's words, Ma Du interjected: "Is this the one in your backyard who was sentenced to four years?"

"Isn't it him? Calculating the time, it's indeed time. Four years have passed so quickly." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, sighed, and said to Han Chunming: "What else do you think he can do? He must have gone out to make a lot of money. Cheng Jianjun is so petty, and he must have insisted that I sent him in. Doesn't this mean he is holding a grudge? Of course, even if he didn't go in, I wouldn't like it. He is not only petty but also has a good reputation. They are holding back their efforts to live a better life than us.

When he came back from prison and saw you driving and opening a restaurant, and when he asked about me, he thought I was the chairman of a state-owned enterprise, how could he swallow this breath? I just want to go out and make a fortune, then come back and slap us both in the face, and I have to look for opportunities to do it to us again. But be careful, he will definitely make trouble for you first, just like he deducted your goods before. Be careful, it is hard to guard against villains. "

Wang Yan already knew the news about Cheng Jianjun's release from prison, so there was no need for Han Chunming to tell him. Cheng Jianjun even followed Han Chunming, inquired about his classmates, and even visited Wang's house several times. He knew all this.

As for where Cheng Jianjun went to make a fortune, he must have gone to the south. Because of his conviction, he was already notorious in the capital, and his former colleagues and friends must have ignored him. If it doesn't matter, then you can only fight, break in, or cheat, which is the case in Guangdong Province and Hong Kong Island. There are many opportunities, and with Cheng Jianjun’s bad luck as a villain and his own scheming, there is a high probability that he will succeed...

In fact, it's not that Cheng Jianjun didn't know that he couldn't threaten Wang Yan at all, but this kid was very angry. Even if he could disgust Wang Yan, he would spare no effort to do it.

"After four years of squatting there, I have lost weight, but my thoughts have not changed at all." Han Chunming shook his head...

"Let's not talk about Cheng Jianjun, he is just a clown. It is unnecessary to waste spit on him." Wang Yan waved his hand, sighed, and looked at the old man who was drinking tea silently: "The Admiral will be eighty next year, right?"

"You are so thoughtful, and you know how old your admiral is."

"Who dares to forget how old you are?" Baolanhou, who was also smoking, said with a smile: "You are seventy-nine. You are not deaf, blind, legless, or lame. You can drink every day without any problem. I am envious in my heart. I don't ask for anything. Gao, just live to your current age."

Lao Guanguan hummed and said, "I think you're in trouble."

Ma Du asked: "You are already eighty years old, do you have to take care of things?"

"That's for sure. Don't be stingy when the time comes. My master doesn't value money, so he only cares about those old things. Just give them to me when the time comes."

"Hey, traitor." At the old moment, he patted the table: "Grandpa, the nine-door admiral, is not dead yet, and you are still thinking about my things?"

"Oh, no way, Master, my disciple is just teasing me. Besides, you always said that you want to live to be a hundred years old. It's still twenty-one years. It's hard to say whether my disciple can live longer than you. I punish myself with a drink, I punish myself with a drink.”

Although it looked okay at the old age, after all, he was getting older, and Han Chunming was laughing and joking without paying attention, and he just coaxed him...

Thank you (little steamed bun abc) (Zhang Kuang 12366) (HAOMD) (SINCERE) (~water spinach~) (what a fart) (I am a bookworm 8983) (half a cigarette and a bottle of wine) (Tian Shang Po Jun) ( Moldy Star) (Yufang) (fsy Night Star) (Listen to the Rain Over the Qingming Festival) (The Destructive Teacher Zeng) (Big Tiger) (Actually I am a big hero) (Han Mingming) (Changsheng on1) (Xiu Xiu Love Dandan forever) (Brother Peng is here) (wofei) (Xingyun Star) (It’s so hard to pick a name) (Tears of a beauty and a starless hero) (Brother Father) (Brother Nihui) (Half a cigarette in the middle of the night) ) (Banahua, Naihe Bridge, Mengpo Tang) (Panama Consequences) (Qingquan Wuhen) Thirty elder brothers continue to support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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