Wang Yan stayed at Gong's house for three days under Ma San's murderous gaze, but he didn't see Gong Er. Wang Yan guessed that he might have been sent away to study. During this time, he and Gong Baosen exchanged martial arts concepts and some experiences against enemies.

Killing in battle requires strength, speed, and accuracy, combined with labor-saving and efficient techniques.

In terms of experience, Wang Yan is not far behind. After all, he has penetrated Hong Kong Island. But after all, people's bodies are tempered day after day, year after year. No one is first in civility and second in martial arts. The position of being the leader in the world is also achieved with real swords and guns. Gong Baosen's Many opinions also brought different inspirations to Wang Yan.

Gong Baosen also benefited a lot from the exchange with Wang Yan. Wang Yan knew too many things, including boxing, jujitsu, and Muay Thai, which opened Gong Baosen's horizons and benefited a lot.

As for the sixty-four secret techniques of the Gong family, Gong Baosen also taught Wang Yan and Quan used them as a reference. After all, with what Wang Yanhui knows, his point is really nothing.

After Wang Yan learned it, he understood that there was nothing strange about it. Special moves and methods, coupled with the ultimate move combined with power skills. Wang Yan knew all these things, but he couldn't combine them. Maybe he found the right match by chance.

To say that the truly good things are the prescriptions summed up by the predecessors.

Poor literature and rich martial arts are not just words. The foundation of martial arts training is still the body, which requires constant tempering and polishing, which will inevitably cause physical damage and losses. In order to make up for the damage caused to the body and increase the upper limit of the body, the key to the key is the prescriptions that have been summarized by generations to strengthen muscles and bones, replenish qi and blood, and strengthen the body. After all, that was summed up after countless people drank.

The medicinal materials required for these prescriptions are quite expensive, and ordinary people cannot afford them.

After knowing these things, Wang Yan also became interested in traditional Chinese medicine. Although he doesn't have a medical license in the real world, wouldn't it be nice to take care of his parents for a while?

Seeing Wang Yan's interest, Gong Baosen didn't take it seriously and copied it for Wang Yan. After all, Wang Yan was already in such good shape when he was only twenty years old, so the medicine was of no use.

"Thanks to the palace master for taking care of me, there have been many interruptions these days. If you can be useful, you can send someone to find this junior, and I will help you. In this way, palace master, take care, I will say goodbye." Wang Yan clasped his fists at the door of the Gong family's mansion. He bowed to Gong Baosen and said goodbye.

"Go, go, I'm waiting for the day you said."

Wang Yan nodded to Lao Jiang who was holding the monkey beside him, turned around and headed south without stopping.

Looking at the tall figure striding away, Old Jiang patted the dishonest monkey's paw and said: "Master, don't blame me, Old Jiang, for talking too much. You gave him all our things, so you are not afraid."

"It's okay. I, Gong Baosen, have been watching this person all my life, and I haven't even laid eyes on him yet. This guy named Wang is a real person."

Ma San on the side said angrily: "Master, he..."

Before he could finish speaking, Gong Baosen said: "Shut up, I am twenty years old and you are thirty years old. Have you lived in a dog's belly for so many years?"

Comparing people with others will lead to death, and comparing goods with goods will lead to throwing away. Before meeting Wang Yan, Gong Baosen thought that his eldest disciple could do well, and he would be a superior. However, during these in-depth discussions and exchanges with Wang Yan in the past few days, Gong Baosen had to give a thumbs up and say "convinced" by his conversation and demeanor. Therefore, Ma San becomes more and more distasteful to the eyes, so wouldn't it make people fly away with their legs? I'm not thinking about practicing martial arts to regain my face, but I'm here chatting like a bitch about something.

Ignoring Ma San's dissatisfaction, Gong Baosen flicked his sleeves and took Lao Jiang back.

Ma San was left standing outside the gate with his ashen face, blue fists and clenched teeth. He looked at the direction Wang Yan left with cold eyes and remained silent for a long time.

The reason why Wang Yan provoked all the major martial arts schools in Fengtian was because he knew that with Gong Baosen's magnanimity, he would not bother to attack and kill him just for the sake of useless face. A bunch of losers couldn't do it, so they still had the nerve to do something with him? Otherwise, if Mr. Wang had given him eight courages, he would not have dared to jump up and down under his nose.

Is Kiyabo Mori’s status a joke? He served as a guard with a sword in the Qing court, a general manager, and had a large number of his senior brothers and a large number of his disciples. Besides his status as a big boss in the northern arena, how could he not be like the real king of the Northeast? Is there any connection with "Shaoshuai Zhang"? It didn't take long for them to send troops into the customs to end the Central Plains War. Then there were hundreds of thousands of aircraft, cannons, and guns. He was so stupid. How many lives he had was enough for him to seek death.

Haolai is Gong Baosen's heroic spirit who cares about the country and the people, and has the world at heart. Wang Yan is also considered to have a super start.

He planned to fight all the way from north to south, meet the masters in the world, and first make his reputation as a king. Whenever you want to do something, you must have a reputation, and you must be able to respond to everything and follow the same circumstances to do things well.

With his back against a big tree to enjoy the shade, Wang Yan can go out and sit back and relax, but he can avoid a lot of bad things, just like the situation in "The Master". Although there may be assassinations or something like that, there will never be anything like overtly overpowering others.

Wang Yan went all the way south, to the capital and to Jinmen.

In Jinmen, Wang Yan stopped, because Li Shuwen, the sharpshooter, spent his old age and trained his disciples here.

After inquiring all the way, Wang Yan went over.

As soon as he came out of the big house at the north gate of the southern suburbs, Wang Yan informed the disciples at the door and stood at the door waiting patiently.

He, Mr. Wang, still has this bit of face. Not to mention Gong Baosen's relationship, just because he defeated the masters in Beijing and Tianjin, he is now famous, and everyone in the world is looking at him. . As a senior, Li Shuwen had to meet this fierce junior like him.

After waiting for a while, the person who just came out said: "Sir, I have agreed to see you. Come in with me."

Wang Yan followed him through the front hall and came to the spacious courtyard at the back, where a group of people were practicing martial arts hard. An old man was sitting on an imperial chair, drinking tea from a tea cup.

Seeing Wang Yan following him, the old man raised his head and looked over.

When their eyes met, Wang Yan felt that the old man's eyes were shining brightly, and he was facing him with the most domineering look in the world.

Wang Yan didn't compete with the old man, so what's the point. Looking at the old man, Wang Yan smiled slightly, bowed and bowed: "Junior Wang Yan, I have met senior Li."

"You're not bad, why are you here?" Li Shuwen glanced at Wang Yan and continued drinking tea.

Wang Yan doesn't have a nagging temperament. Besides, he is the only one who will be successful in his life. Of course, he still had to lick his hand, and he immediately cupped his hand and said, "Senior has been famous for a long time, and wants to show off my martial prowess. Firstly, I want to see the real dragon, and secondly, I want senior to give me some advice."

Although Li Shuwen is so old, his body is still strong, but he is not as brave as before, but his temper is still extremely hot. He rolled his eyes at Wang Yan and said angrily: "Are you trying to flatter others at such a young age? Don't talk about being a dragon but not a dragon. Let's practice first."

After the words fell, the crowd practicing martial arts fell silent. With skillful movements, he quickly vacated the field. A tall and strong man under thirty, shirtless, stood in the center. He bowed respectfully to Li Shuwen, then stood up straight and faced Wang Yan who turned around, cupping his hands and saying, "Baji , Li Qiankun. Please give me some advice."

Looking at the skilled movements, Wang Yan knew that they had seen this scene many times. And this Li Qiankun is probably the most outstanding third generation disciple.

Wang Yan stood in front of Li Qiankun in the middle of the aisle and exchanged a greeting: "Bagua, Wang Yan. Please." Ever since Wang Yan recognized Gong Baosen, a cheap master, he would raise his head in "Bagua" when he saw others. Gong Baosen was also very cooperative and had already spread the news.

Then I saw Li Qiankun getting into a boxing stance. Is this thing useful? That must be useful. But since Wang Yan had a clear understanding of his own strength, he stopped doing these useless things.

After Li Qiankun had finished posing, Wang Yan was stunned with one kick. Li Qiankun's reaction was not slow either, but his speed was far inferior to Wang Yan's, and he managed to dodge in a narrow way. As a result, as soon as he dodged the kick, before he could react, Wang Yan's fist came over. After all, he was educated in his family and trained by a martial arts master. Once again, he hurriedly protected his face. Immediately afterwards, a huge force came, and Li Qiankun took several steps back with a bang. Enduring the pain, he raised his arm and was about to fight back when a strong wind hit his face. He saw Wang Yan 44's big foot stopped in front of him, just shy of his nose, and he quickly stopped his movement.

This isn't martial arts after all, it's just a slap in the face that hits several points. In a real fight, victory or defeat can only be determined in an instant. Whoever is slow will die.

Wang Yan calmly put down his legs and cupped his hands towards the shocked Li Qiankun: "I accept."

During this period of time, he faced a large number of enemies, coupled with his daily training, his physical attributes were all 25, his height increased by one centimeter, reaching 184, and he estimated his weight to be almost 200. Unless there are special circumstances, in a one-on-one duel of fists and kicks, it would be difficult to find an opponent in the world. But beating him up in a group is not enough. For someone like Li Qiankun who is in his prime and can be called in, eight or nine people will surround him and beat him. If he is desperate, at most four or five will be killed. At that time It's almost time for him to die.

Then Wang Yan cupped his hands towards Li Shuwen and said, "Senior."

Li Shuwen said hello: "That's right, that's right. Your strength is not much worse than mine back then. The waves behind push the waves ahead, and the new ones replace the old ones." After sighing with emotion, Li Shuwen said: "Come on, sit down first."

The disciple waiting next to him saw that his master had already asked people to sit down, so he quickly took a teacup and poured some tea.

Wang Yan thanked him and sat on the chair.

"I saw that what you just performed was not only the Central Plains moves, but also many traces of Western boxing?" Li Shuwen asked.

Wang Yan knew that he had fought a lot of foreign devils back then, so he had a better understanding of the ways there. Wang Yan said, "I studied abroad in the United States before, and learned some Western boxing, Nanyang boxing, Japanese karate and so on."

"Yeah. It's good to learn from others' strengths and go your own way." Li Shuwen expressed his affirmation. People at his level no longer value those who can kill people with good punches. After a pause, he continued: "Since you have studied abroad, why do you still want to practice martial arts? In today's world, people like you are very popular."

Wang Yanshu asked this question so many times in order to gather like-minded people, and also to get recognition from those seniors who truly care about the country and the people, and to get their coffin boards, the standard answer came out: "It's like this, this junior thinks..." He repeated the same thing he told Gong Baosen. He, Wang, has a clear conscience and is not deceiving the seniors. He really wants to do this.

After listening to Wang Yan's words, Li Shuwen was silent for a while and said in a slightly old-fashioned way: "Okay, your path may be right, but I can't see that day."

Without Wang Yan's words of comfort, Li Shuwen suddenly became more energetic and fierce again, as if he was not the one who said this just now: "Stay here for a few days and communicate with an old man like me."

Wang Yan stood up, raised his hands and saluted, "Thank you, senior, for your support."

In the following period, Wang Yan learned a lot from Li Shuwen, including some of the secrets of Baji and Li Shuwen's big guns, and of course, unique prescriptions. Apart from these things, he was more interested in learning from Li Shuwen's experience and his wisdom in life, which Wang Yan needed.

In the process, he also helped train the disciples and spread some of the things he summarized. After integrating and absorbing these things from Wang Yan, these people have benefited a lot.

Wang Yan has laid a good foundation, has a solid foundation, and can learn things quickly. A month later, Wang Yan said goodbye to this legendary master. He knew they had no chance to see each other again. Wang Yan gave a respectful salute to the old man standing at the door to see him off, and continued southward under Li Shuwen's smiling gaze without looking back. All he thought in his mind was, "It's too late for a hero."

Alone, Wang Yan continued southward, challenging, learning, and improving all the way without any failure, and his reputation became more and more famous.

In July 1931, Wang Yan arrived in Shanghai. At this time, Shanghai was an international metropolis, but everywhere was a special concession area.

The news of Wang Yan's arrival in Shanghai has long spread, and the people here have been gearing up to teach this ignorant boy a lesson.

As usual, Wang Yan, amidst the disdain of this group of people, penetrated the Shanghai arena, including the masters of the Youth Gang. Although they were dissatisfied after being slapped in the face, this group of people did not do anything drastic. After all, Wang Yan had beaten more people in front of them, so they felt relieved.

On this day, Wang Yan came to the door of a courtyard in the suburbs of Shanghai and knocked on the door.

After a while, the door opened, and an old man dressed in blue and dressed as a servant came out and said to Wang Yan, "Who are you?"

Wang Yan cupped his hands and said, "Junior Wang Yan, I heard that Senior Sun is here again and came here to visit me. Please let me know, sir."

The old man suddenly realized: "It's you! The master said, let me take you in when you come. Come with me."

After politely thanking him, Wang Yan and the old man walked in.

Wang Yan came to the yard and saw an old man with a rosy complexion and good energy, punching vigorously.

The old servant invited Wang Yan to sit down aside, served him a cup of tea and then left.

Wang Yan sat on a chair and drank tea quietly, watching the moves of the old man in front of him.

After a long time, the old man stopped standing and exhaled. Taking the towel from the old servant's hand and wiping his sweat, he walked over and said, "You must have been waiting for a long time."

Wang Yan quickly stood up to greet him and said respectfully: "Junior Wang Yan, I have met senior Sun." Then he straightened up and said: "Senior, what did you say? I am lucky enough to see my senior practice martial arts. I have benefited a lot. It is a great honor. .”

This was also the war god of the Republic of China. He was proficient in Tai Chi, Bagua, and Xingyi. He was the master of Tai Chi who opened the Sun School. He had a fight with Gong Baosen’s master Dong Haichuan, the tiger-headed Shaobao Sun Lutang. If we really have to calculate by seniority, he must be a grandchild.

"Haha, slippery. Sit down, no need to be polite." Sun Lutang said with a smile.

The two sat down, and Sun Lutang handed over the tea by the old servant and said: "Since you became famous in the first battle in the capital, many old friends have written to me and asked me to take a look at you. I also received a letter from a colleague a while ago, saying that you are... He is a figure who will carry the weight of the next generation. Now that I see him, he is truly a talented person."

Wang Yanxin said that you are always so eloquent, don’t you think I can count on you? But on his face, he said modestly: "Senior's words really embarrass this junior, but I don't dare to admit it. I still have to thank Senior Li and other seniors for their love and support." As he said this, Wang Yan bowed his hand to the north. To show respect.

"Haha, okay, let's not joke. I also know your purpose of coming. Let's leave some time for us to communicate." Sun Lutang said.

Sun Lutang was even looking forward to Wang Yan's arrival. What he just told Wang Yan was not a lie. Moreover, he has also been looking for talented successors recently. At his age, he hopes to see the next wave surpass the previous wave, the inheritance will continue, and the spirit will last forever.

"Thank you, senior, for your help. I don't dare to communicate properly. I still need senior to take the trouble to give me advice." Wang Yan bowed and saluted.

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Thanks bro.

PS: The first order was over 1,100. I thought it would be enough if I had four or five hundred. I really want to thank you guys. Maybe the elder brother really has nothing to look forward to and has given me some favors, but please allow me to extend my most sincere blessings and heartfelt thanks.

I hope you guys are in good health and everything goes well, go to bed early and get up early, and pay attention to your health.

Thank you.

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