When Ye Wen saw that Jinshan had left, he knew what he was going to face. He sighed and said nothing, what a damn world.

Hearing Ye Wen's long sigh, Wang Yan said: "How about you wander north too?"

At this time, Zhang Yongcheng came out and said first: "No, the child is still so young. What do you want us to do?" Ip Man didn't hide anything they were doing. It didn't matter if his own safety was at stake, so Zhang Yongcheng just let them do whatever they wanted. Seeing Wang Yan tricking Ye Wen into going to war, Zhang Yongcheng quit: "Ayan, don't say this again. Otherwise, don't blame your sister-in-law for not letting you in."

Wang Yan waved his hands indifferently: "How can I? It's just a joke, sister-in-law, don't think too much about it."

Zhang Yongcheng rolled his eyes at Wang Yan angrily and went to coax Ye Zhun. She didn't believe Wang Yan's lies. Based on her understanding of Ip Wen, Ip Wen was definitely tempted just now.

"Ayan, Yongcheng is her..."

"It's okay, ask brother, I know everything. Besides, how could I possibly send you to the battlefield?"

Ye Wen sighed again and said nothing. Sometimes he envied Wang Yan's free and easy attitude, and wished he could mount his gun and follow Wang Yan out for a killing spree. But every time he thought of his wife and children at home, and then looked at Wang Yan with murderous intent, the thought disappeared. This damn world.

Ignoring the sentimental Ip Man, Wang Yan said hello and left. It was obvious that Zhang Yongcheng did not want to see him today.

After a period of time, Wang Yan stopped for a rare moment. Perhaps this was the calm before the storm.

In March of 1936, Wang Yan received the news that Gong Baosen was going to retire from the world. He was raised by Gong Baosen. He had to go, both emotionally and rationally. He had to go.

Immediately took the new soldiers and Li Qiankun and headed north. There was still more than a month left, so he went over to help him fight.

After half a month, we rushed in batches, gathered the people who were active here, and started doing what they said. I asked my subordinates to contact Lao Yang, mainly to exchange information. Suddenly, someone like him, Wang, came over.

When Lao Yang received the news, he counted it instantly. He hurriedly started to formulate a battle plan all night long, which was so high and low. After various discussions, it was finally decided to attack an important area guarded by a regiment. This is why Wang Yan is here, otherwise he would not dare to make such a big move.

Although Wang Yan's men are all ruthless, their fighting skills are quite adequate. But without Wang Yan, those people would just be non-staff members of their resistance alliance. With Wang Yan, it's different. They are completely two teams.

Wang Yan waited for a day and received information from the anti-alliance fighters. Lao Yang is also an old friend and knows Wang Yan's fighting style quite well. Tell him directly what time to do it and what time it will be done.

Naturally, they played the main role without hesitation, and Lao Yang was responsible for the support. There is nothing that can be done about it, otherwise if there is a mistake, Lao Yang's men who have never done anything to others will have to be used as backup if they cannot outrun Wang Yan's men.

The strategic goal must have been achieved, but in the end it was a bit ruthless and a bit too hasty. Even if there is no intention of calculation, it is drugged and assassinated. But Wang Yan's men still directly killed nearly a hundred people. Most of these people were new arrivals. Others were more or less injured. It depends on whether they were lucky or not. Lao Yang's side was not much better. And he himself was shot twice. One shot wiped off a piece of flesh and blood, and the other shot hit his shoulder. This is all normal operation. He was already injured all over his body and it would be over after just a short while. Other than a little pain, it's not much of a problem.

Jinshan was luckier. Even Li Qiankun, who was being protected by Wang Yan, was shot. He was only a little scratched, but nothing happened.

This one basically cripples me, and I have to cultivate myself for a while. After dealing with the aftermath, Wang Yan rushed to Fengtian.

Hurrying slowly, I finally made it to the place on the day Gong Baosen retired.

He carefully observed all the way, and even if he wasn't careful, he knew the relationship between Wang Yan and Gong Baosen, and Xiao Nippon was very worried about it. In the south they are weak and cannot control him. Fengtian is the base camp, just waiting for him to throw himself into a trap so that he can be tortured to death. Fortunately, Wang Yan had plenty of experience lurking behind enemy lines. After dressing up in disguise, I managed to sneak into the ceremony venue without any risk. It was a large restaurant, the best in this place at this time.

After all, Ma San was raised by Gong Baosen from childhood, so he was no worse than his biological son. When Wang Yan came in, Gong Baosen was on the stage shaking hands with Ma San. This is equivalent to a grand ceremony for passing on the throne. It rectifies and promotes Ma San's name. From now on, Ma San will be the face of the Gong family.

Wang Yan silently looked at the incomparably beautiful Ma San on the stage, wondering if Ma San still had the guts to surrender to the enemy with someone like him, Wang.

After watching for a while, Wang Yan left here silently. There were too many people and it was not advisable to stay for a long time, so I turned around and went to the Gong family mansion to wait.

The people in the Gong family are very familiar with Wang Yan. Without bragging, sometimes they have to rely on Wang Yan's reputation to get around. Seeing Wang Yan's true appearance at the door, the disciples who had been left behind had seen him before. They quickly stepped aside to let Wang Yan in. They glanced left and right and closed the door.

The disciple asked while leading Wang Yan in. "Senior Brother Wang, why are you still here?"

"The palace master has retired. I, the king, can be where he is today, thanks to the palace master for his promotion." Wang Yan stepped into the room and said, "It's all deserved."

"Senior Brother Wang is a believer. You should rest here first. Master and the others won't be back for a while, so I won't disturb Senior Brother." After saying this, the disciple left.

Anyone who can guard the house at this time can be trusted. And Wang Yan has also been in contact with this person, so there is nothing to worry about.

Wang Yan entered the Kang in the side room, lay on it and fell asleep. Little Japan is really crazy, the loss is not small, they are risking their lives to catch them. During this period, I couldn't even sleep well. Now that I relaxed a little, the sleepiness couldn't be stopped at all.

Gong Baosen came back slightly drunk with a large group of disciples. The former disciple quickly stopped him and whispered a few words in his ear quietly. Gong Baosen felt refreshed and sober. Then he reacted and returned to his previous appearance.

To be honest, Gong Baosen is also quite confused. Wang Yan didn't come, he still felt a little regretful. But when this really happened, he was still surprised and happy.

After dismissing all the disciples, Gong Baosen took Ma San and Gong Er to the room where he was receiving guests.

He didn't see Wang Yan when he entered the door, so he turned around and opened the curtain of the side room and walked in. Ma San and Gong Er followed Gong Baosen behind.

Wang Yan's sequelae were now severe, and Gong Baosen's movements awakened Wang Yan from his deep sleep. He rolled directly on the kang to the wall. The pistol appeared in his hand instantly, and he stepped forward at the same time.

His gun is loaded and fired in space, just take it out and do it. Fortunately, Wang Yan reacted in time and did not shoot, otherwise Gong Baosen would have been beaten to death by him.

It wasn't until Wang Yanqi stopped in front of him that Gong Baosen reacted. As for the two people at the back, they didn't react at all. When they came in, they saw Wang Yan coming with a gun.

Wang Yan put away his gun, bowed his hands to Gong Baosen in embarrassment and said, "Master Gong, I'm really sorry, I'm used to it."

Gong Baosen smiled and said: "Haha, I understand, I understand. It's okay, don't take it to heart. Sit down and talk." After saying that, Gong Baosen sat on the kang.

Wang Yan nodded to Gong Er, turned around and went to the kang. As for Ma San, it is unnecessary to pay any attention to him.

Gong Baosen noticed Wang Yan's movements and said with a smile: "Let me introduce to you, this is my daughter, Gong Er."

Wang Yan said to Gong Er: "Hello, Miss Gong Er."

Gong Er nodded: "Hello."

Gong Baosen said: "Okay, everyone is our own people, no need to be so polite." After saying that, he looked at Gong Er and said: "Go make a pot of tea."

Gong Er glanced at Wang Yan, turned around and went out to make tea.

There was no need for anyone to give in. Ma San got behind Gong Baosen on his own. Now he knew that Gong Baosen didn't hide anything about Wang Yan from him. To be honest, he sounded a little scared. Of course, if you should be dissatisfied, you should still be dissatisfied. If Wang Yan doesn't want to see him, will he want to see Wang Yan? If he doesn't provoke you, it will be over. His master should have some respect.

"You shouldn't have come." Gong Baosen said to Wang Yan, who was sitting across from the small square table.

"What I am today is all thanks to the support of the Palace Master. How could I not do such a big thing?"

"You..." Gong Baosen smiled happily and said, "Looking at your movements just now, the hand holding the gun seemed unsteady. Is he injured?"

Wang Yan glanced at Gong Baosen in surprise. He didn't expect that he could control it so well and that Gong Baosen could still notice it at such an old age. Wang Yan said: "The palace master has good eyesight. He was slightly injured, but it's not a problem."

Gong Baosen didn't believe it, could the bullet-riddled injury be a minor injury? He asked, "How is the injury?"

"The leg was scratched and the shoulder was shot. Everything has been taken care of. It's not a big deal. There is no need to worry, Palace Master."

Gong Baosen asked curiously: "Are you making moves again? Why didn't I receive any news?" In the past, when Wang Yan caused trouble, the news spread all over the place, but this time he didn't receive any news at all.

Wang Yan explained: "Lao Yang's resistance to the alliance was something we did together."

"Hiss..." Gong Baosen was startled and said: "That is a regiment, the casualties are not small, right?"

"It's basically useless. I need to rest for a while."

Gong Baosen sighed: "Hey... they are all good, good." After a moment of silence, Gong Baosen adjusted his mood: "No more, no more, just say something happy. In fact, You don’t need to come this time, the Foshan Jingwu Association invites me to go over and hold another retreat ceremony.”

At this time, Gong Er came in with tea, poured tea for them, and finished cooking on the side. Listening to the conversation between the two, there was no room for her and Ma San to interrupt.

She has known Wang Yan since she was fifteen years old, but has never met him. Now at the age of twenty, I finally got my wish and met this legendary man.

Wang Yan thanked him and said: "Master, taking this opportunity, I suggest you move directly to the south. It is already difficult for you here, and because of me, it is even more constrained. Now the situation is unclear and it is not appropriate. Please stay for a long time."

"I know everything you said. Let's take a look. Let's take a look."

Wang Yan didn't try to persuade him any more. He knew that Gong Baosen was not a pedantic person and he could figure it out on his own.

Then the two chatted some gossip and dispersed. Wang Yan was indeed tired and fell asleep again.

In another room in the mansion, Ma San retreated, and the father and daughter began to talk.

"Aren't you always clamoring to see him? Why didn't you talk to me today?" Gong Baosen teased. He was extremely optimistic about Wang Yan, and he had this idea since Wang Yan took someone north for the first time in 32 years. It's just that following Wang Yan is not stable. It's very precarious, and he will be tortured to death at any time. His wish is very simple, he just wants Gong Er to be safe. One side is suitable and the other is stable, but it is wavering and in a dilemma. This delay has lasted until now, and the girl is already twenty.

Gong Er said sheepishly: "You don't look as majestic as the legend says." Gong Er also practiced martial arts since he was a child. He doesn't like red clothes and prefers weapons. But when it comes to this kind of thing, the shyness of his younger daughter is inevitable.

Seeing his daughter like this, how could he not know what she was thinking? Gong Baosen sighed and said, "Have you thought about it?" Although he also hoped that Gong Er would choose this way, he still couldn't help but worry.

"Think about it." Gong Er had met the son of a family friend arranged for her by Gong Baosen, and she liked Wang Yan better than him. No matter what, you have to get married. She specified that she could not marry ordinary people. It didn't matter whether Kung Baosen would marry him or not. Whether she could like ordinary people was another question. Now it's enough to meet someone she thinks is good and whom she admires.

The next day, Wang Yan woke up in high spirits, washed up, dressed up, and took a bite of the breakfast sent by Gong Er. During the process, Gong Er looked at him strangely, and Wang Yan didn't pay attention, just thinking that the little girl was curious.

After the meal, Wang Yan did some simple activities in the house. He was planning to leave today, and there were many things waiting for him to do.

Gong Baosen came over after dinner and was stunned for a moment when he saw Wang Yan's appearance: "Are you leaving today?"

Wang Yan nodded and said: "It's quite a lot. The losses are too great. We estimate that we will arrive in Foshan around the same time."

"I won't waste your time. I'll tell you directly. What do you think of Gong Er? Might he be a good match for you?" Gong Baosen also knew Wang Yan's situation, so he didn't beat around the bush.

Wang Yan muttered: "What the palace master means is..." Guan Er said that Gong Er looked at him with something wrong before, but it turned out that he was here.

Gong Baosen said: "Yes, what do you think?"

He won it without him taking action. What could Wang Yan say? He immediately bowed and said, "It is better for me to obey my orders than to be respectful."

Gong Baosen nodded with satisfaction: "I've chosen the wedding date, and it will be on the tenth day of August next year. I'm just a girl, so you have to live a good life, kid."

Wang Yan nodded affirmatively: "Don't worry, Palace Master, I know it. As for what I mentioned before about going south..."

"There's no rush, let's wait. Let's go."

Nodding helplessly, Wang Yan cupped his hands and said goodbye, "Junior, farewell."

When he came out, he saw Gong Er absently rubbing his feet on the ground outside. Wang Yan stepped forward and said, "I'm leaving. Let's see you in Foshan."

Gong Er nodded: "Yes, be careful." After speaking, he called Wang Yan who was about to leave and said, "Wait a minute, my name is Ruomei."

Wang Yan turned around and said again: "Ruomei, I understand." The two looked at each other for a moment, and then Wang Yan left.

Gong Er didn't go to see him off, he just watched Wang Yan's back disappearing around the corner.

Gong Baosen looked at Gong Er without moving for a long time, with a smile on his lips, how nice it was.

Go north in late spring and return when the fire is flowing.

After returning to Foshan, Wang Yan tidied up and found someone to notify Zhou Qingquan to go to Ye Wen's house for dinner.

After eating, Wang Yan asked, "Are the supplies ready?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago. It's all hidden as you asked." Zhou Qingquan nodded and continued to ask: "Why do you want so many this time? What happened?"

"The team is crippled and we need to increase our manpower."

Ye Wen was shocked and asked: "Crippled?" He knew the fighting power of that team. Four or five people could kill him.

"Yes." Wang Yan nodded, and then explained the matter to the two of them.

The two of them sighed for a while after hearing this. It sounded scary to them. They almost had people tortured to death several times. It was so thrilling.

Wang Yan said no more and changed the topic to everyone talking about home affairs.

Ye Wen took a puff of cigarette and said: "By the way, Ayan, the Jingwu Association told me that they invited Mr. Gong to come over to hold a retirement ceremony. It will be the day after tomorrow, do you know?"

Wang Yan said: "Of course I know. I was present when the palace master was in Fengtian."

Ye Wen nodded and said, "That's good." Ye Wen was also afraid that Wang Yan wouldn't know about Gong Baosen's arrival and would lose etiquette.

Thanks to the five brothers (Chu Kuangtu 110) (In the Boundary of Rain) (Flying Too Fast) (1234 Unknown) (My Favorite Min Ning) for their monthly support.

I would like to thank the good brothers who recommended me every day for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who spoke and those who did not speak but only read for their support.

Thanks bro.

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