"You said you want to quit sex?"

At a Huaiyang restaurant located on Mars South Road in the French Concession, Yu Manli stared at Wang Yan in disbelief. She suspected that there was something wrong with her ears and she couldn't hear clearly.

"What kind of look is that? Am I such a lustful person?" Wang Yan asked angrily.

"If you don't want to be lecherous, who is?" Yu Manli rolled her eyes and looked at Wang Yan curiously: "What's going on? Did you hit someone evil?"

"Didn't they start fighting again in Hongkou last night? The explosion was so loud that it woke me up. Wait until... it's almost eleven o'clock, right? The fighting was over by then. After I fell asleep again, I did it. Nightmare. I dreamed that the Japanese wanted to kill me, the Kuomintang wanted to kill me, and the Red Party wanted to kill me too. I was chased and intercepted, and I ran and ran. In the end, I had no way to go to the sky, no way to the ground, and was shot in the head.

After that, all the three people who rounded me up disappeared, except myself. The sky is blood, and the ground is also blood. The blood in the sky falls to the ground, and the blood on the ground spreads in all directions, boundless. My head was bleeding outwards, and my brain fluid was flowing out, and I refused to rest in peace. I looked at my dead self, and what was reflected in my empty and lifeless eyes was a blood-red skeleton spurting out blood. When I realized that it was myself, I woke up with a fright. It scared me to the point of breaking out in cold sweat, and I’m still frightened when I think about it now.

This morning when I was boxing, I was also distracted and couldn't calm down. So after breakfast, I went to see Master Zhao for dream interpretation. He said that I was struggling to survive all day long, which consumed my energy, made me weak, and caused evil spirits to enter my body. It is necessary to abstain from sex, adopt a vegetarian diet, burn incense and rest quietly, rest peacefully and rest your mind, preferably for half a month. If you still feel uneasy, you can do some kind deeds to find peace of mind. "

Of course Master Zhao cannot be so cooperative, but if you say that Master Zhao is incompetent, Shen Shen Nao is quite capable. If you say he is capable, Wang Yan has been around for nearly a thousand years, and apart from his living father, he has never encountered those supernatural beings. Regarding the matter, I can only say that Master Zhao is somewhat wise. Otherwise, the celebrities and tycoons in Shanghai are not fools, let alone good people. Anyone who dares to defraud them of their money or play tricks on them will not be able to stop them.

Such a person is still not enough in front of Wang Yan. Master Zhao fooled him, and he also fooled Master Zhao. He fooled him again and again, and gradually achieved the effect he wanted. This is the art of speaking, which is based on profound metaphysical knowledge. Use words to deceive, use sounds, movements, etc. to hypnotize, and unknowingly pour your own things into the other person's head, making them think that it comes from his original thoughts.

For this reason, Wang Yan chatted with the old boy all morning, and even had lunch there before leaving. He solved the problem perfectly and made the old boy feel that his skills had greatly improved.

Yu Manli was speechless. She didn't know what to say.

Wang Yan didn't care what she thought and continued: "The day before yesterday, I went to see Eiichi Iwai. He told me that Wang Zhaoming would go to Japan next to meet the emperor and cabinet ministers. The first stop after returning to China would be Shanghai. A new National Government will be established in Nanjing. Dai Yunong must have sent people to Hanoi to assassinate Wang Zhaoming, but it is hard to say whether it will succeed. You should make preparations early. Okay, you should go, Wang Manchun is already here."

Yu Manli followed Wang Yan's gaze and looked out the window. Sure enough, she saw Wang Manchun, who was wearing a small suit and a fur coat, getting out of the car. She didn't say much, picked up her bag, got up and left. She didn't want to have any interaction with Wang Manchun, it was too dangerous.

Wang Manchun watched Yu Manli leave. Their eyes met and neither of them paid attention to the other. Yu Manli was afraid of revealing herself by talking too much, but Wang Manchun simply didn't like it. She had investigated Too Manli before, and occasionally paid attention to her. She felt that such a little coquettish girl was not as good as those dancing girls, so she didn't like to talk to her.

After walking into the hotel and sitting down, Wang Manchun said, "It's her turn to go back to the prince's mansion with you today. Why, do you really want to quit sex?"

"Then I can still lie to you? I'm afraid something will happen. Didn't I tell you everything on the phone? How scary did you think my dream was? Although I often killed people when I was young, it fell on me. It’s different after all. The older I get, the more I believe in retribution. Not only do I want to quit for half a month, but I’m also thinking about opening a school for workers’ children to teach the children of workers under me. And the group of envious brats outside, Send them all to study. Master Zhao is right, spend money to do good deeds, not for fame or profit, but for your own peace of mind."

"It's really strange that with your little courage, you can make it this far."

"Don't bully the weak, don't be afraid of the hard, assess the situation, and take steps step by step. What's weird? I'm just timid when it comes to matters involving the Japanese, the Kuomintang, and the Red Party. Because I know that I can't get involved. Other things. , I’m not afraid of anything. Didn’t you see what happened with the Youth League before? If that old boy Du Yong hadn’t moved out of Dai Yunong, do you think I was afraid of him? Okay, let’s not talk about it anymore, it’s meaningless.”

Wang Yan drank a small drink and asked, "Did you get scolded again?"

"You know and you still ask?"

Wang Manchun rolled his eyes, picked at the food, and sighed: "I can tell you about it now. Didn't I tell you that I arrested a big shot? That person is the core of Shanghai's underground party. He is responsible for the Red Party's transportation lines, confidential documents, rare materials, key figures, etc., and is in charge of most of the transportation stations arranged by the Red Party in Shanghai. Unfortunately, guns were used during the arrest. He had a strong will to resist and actually wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide. Fortunately, he was rescued in the end, but because of his serious injuries, he could not be sentenced...

The Red Party is really powerful. Until now, we didn't know that they had already grasped that person's situation. Unfortunately, we thought we were sure of victory before and vowed to use that person as a trap. Now I know, the Red Party members are just playing with us, they are so well hidden. But this time, it wasn’t just me who was scolded. Everyone involved in the operation was scolded by Section Chief Nantian. Even Section Chief Nantian was scolded by the military and reprimanded by the consulate. It was not easy for her. The last time he robbed a prison, this time he saved people. If it happens again, then Section Chief Nantian will be in danger. "

"Yoko Minami's job is actually good, and she is very effective in cracking down on the spies of the two parties on weekdays. But this time, although it has nothing to do with Yoko Minami, someone has to take the blame and someone has to die for the Japanese. After all, people are responsible because of the special high-level courses. The superiors are like that. If you have merit, you may not be rewarded, but if you make mistakes, you must be punished. So you see, there is nothing surprising about the Japanese except for their military strength. , it’s all like that.”

"Nonsense, you don't need to talk about this? The key is that the Japanese are at their peak. You know best that this world is about the jungle and the winner takes all. You can't see the situation clearly and you have to cause trouble for yourself. Are you still having nightmares? Why don’t I scare you to death?”

Wang Manchun was very dissatisfied because the red party made another show and was sprayed. She was in a bad mood and needed to let go of Wang Yan, a big animal. But now Wang Yan is so scared that he wants to quit sex? She couldn't force it yet. Because she knew that Wang Yan said one was one and two was two, so he went to find Master Zhao, and even paid to build a school for his workers' children. It was obvious at first glance that he was serious.

Besides, she is a woman after all. How could she take the initiative to ask Wang Yan to break the precept? How passive would she be...

This is why she didn't wear a figure-showing cheongsam today, but came here in her work clothes. The main thing was to come over and have a face-to-face chat with Wang Yan to see what was going on. She was helpless when she thought about it.

Sighing secretly and cursing in her heart, she turned to say: "I mentioned the Youth League just now. Let me tell you in advance that you are also prepared. Section Chief Nantian was very angry about this failure and planned to arrest a few people and beat them. , let them be honest."

"It's useless. Even if I knew it in advance, I wouldn't be able to take advantage. Du Yong won't do it. Unless you sell me face, arrest but not kill, and give me a chance to plead, then I can have room to express myself. Otherwise, I can't intervene." hand."

Wang Manchun frowned in thought, thought for a while and said: "They are not important anyway. I will ask Section Chief Nantian when I get back to see what she means. I think she will give you this face, and we will not kill them." There will be benefits, and doing you a favor is actually a win-win situation."

"Then I'll wait for your news."

Wang Manchun snorted and said nothing more. The meal passed in her dissatisfaction.

Qi Si looked at Wang Manchun who was twisting his butt and leaving in a hurry. He came to Wang Yan and helped his eldest brother light up his cigarette: "Brother Yan, this bitch is not happy anymore. I can see that pout. She really said Just quitting sex?”

"In your eyes, I am just a lustful devil in the head of a sperm. I only think about such nonsense all day long? The master has said to quit, so you have to quit. I have to burn incense and rest tonight when I go back. .”

Wang Yan slapped him on the back of the head: "It's you, you must know restraint and don't follow Shi Changxing around every day. Confucius said that a gentleman has three precepts, a young man's precepts lie in lust, and a prime man's caution lies in fighting. Old age is a warning. Your body bones haven’t grown yet. If you don’t pay attention, you will release your essence prematurely. In the future, you will not be able to grow taller or have enough strength. You are young now, and I haven’t asked you to do other things. . When you actually lick the blood with the knife and someone puts a gun to your head, you will know how regret is written."

Qi Si smiled and rubbed the back of his head: "I don't always go to Brother Shi. I still care about practicing martial arts. Don't worry, Brother Yan, I will definitely not delay your important events."

"Don't worry about me, because if you delay anything important, you probably won't be able to come back to see me if you delay. It's not that I asked someone to kill you, it was someone else who killed you."

Wang Yan smoked an after-dinner cigarette, drank tea, and looked out the window. Look at the various people outside who are anxious to go home, and also look at the little beggars playing and making noise across the street.

Qi Si was also watching, and he asked, "Brother Yan, are you really going to send them to school?"

"There are so many things that happen casually that I can't take care of them. These brats have eaten my leftovers for so many years, but they can still take care of them. Throw them into school and take care of two meals a day. If they don't study hard, I'll beat them. , when they are fifteen or sixteen, arrange for them to do some light work in the factory. After working for 57, 8 years, they can save some money by the time they are in their twenties, buy a house, and find a wife. , give birth to two or three children. This life will be changed."

"so good……"

Qi Si's eyes were empty, as if he had already thought of the heartwarming scenes of those little beggars teasing their grandchildren, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose.

"so good……"

He said unconsciously again...

Qi Si is much more honest now. He had never been disciplined in the past and was a bit untamable and wild, so he often spoke indiscriminately. This is normal. After all, Wang Yan only taught him martial arts at that time, gave him money to learn how to read, and gave him instructions on how to work in an organization. He basically ignored the rest. When I was little, Qi Si would squat across from him and wait for his leftovers.

But what Qi Si had to face before was not easy. If he is alive, others are not. He has food to eat, but others have nothing to eat. And everyone is a beggar, why should you be jealous if you are doing well? The fight at the lowest level is also the most direct. They cursed when they opened their mouths, hit when they started, and took out knives to kill people.

Not as good as Wang Yan, most of the time it's a literary fight. Of course, that doesn't mean that players at Wang Yan's level are civilized. It's just because there are too many people, things, and things involved, and the impact is too great. Everyone is pretty much the same, so it's hard to be rude. Otherwise, if you can directly see life and death with your fists and solve the problem simply, who would be willing to play tricks there. Wen Dou is always an opponent of the same level. When Xiao Xiami is not qualified enough and can be killed directly, no one wants to talk nonsense.

That's why Qi Si was like that before. It wasn't that he didn't understand, but that he hadn't learned to control or be hypocritical. It’s been almost a year now, and there should be some progress...

Wang Yanzhen didn't go out to look for dancers for half a month. If he hadn't continued to eat three extravagant meals every day, people would have thought he had disappeared. At the same time, he is really preparing to open a school for the children of workers, and is conducting a large-scale statistical analysis of the general distribution of all workers in the industries under his name, including Yonghua Industrial, instant noodle factories, beverage factories, restaurants, casinos, rickshaw shops, and the Shanghai headquarters of Qinglian Bank .

Of course, he is not doing charity. It's just that he used part of his profits to subsidize half of the expenses, providing four years of primary school education for the workers' children who worked for him, and completing literacy. This was already a rare feat.

He is actually making a lot of money now, even more than before. After all, he is cooperating with the Japanese. This little money is not a big problem, and it can also give him a boost of reputation.

Not to mention the repercussions caused by the announcement of this news, along with this series of abnormal behaviors, the incident of him having nightmares and being frightened also leaked out, becoming the second biggest news in Shanghai. The people are very satisfied with Wang Yan. Such a big man always has some fun and relieves everyone's boredom. The key is that he really spends a lot of money to eliminate disasters. How great. Of course, the workers who worked for Wang Yan did not laugh at him. They were almost becoming living Bodhisattvas and wanted to worship him.

As for the biggest news, of course it is about Wang Zhaoming. Although the demonstrations to denounce Wang Ni have stopped, his popularity still exists and will not stop. People in newspapers and on the radio are scolding him in different ways every day.

Wang Yan smiles and listens to the excitement every day. Although it is sad, he is enjoying the hardship.

As for the Youth League, Minami Yoko really sold him this face. After secretly arresting three relatively honest people, and beating them to death, I also learned from them the whereabouts of the people from the Kuomintang Party who came to manage the People's Action Committee, and almost caught them. .

Then the Japanese found him. After all, he was the nominal leader of the Youth League and the first person responsible. In the past, he performed a show with the Japanese, scraped off most of the wealth of the three captured gangster leaders, and bailed them out.

Of course, the help was not in vain. After all, they betrayed the Kuomintang people. This cannot be justified in any way. The money was divided into three parts, one was given to Yoko Nantian, one was given to Dai Yunong to buy his life, and the other was swallowed by himself. After all, in the final analysis, no one was really caught, so there was still room for relief.

At the same time, Wang Yan also took this opportunity to directly intervene in the internal affairs of these three gangster leaders. It was a roundabout way. He didn't care about the affairs of the Youth League, but he controlled some of the forces in the Youth League.

Dai Yunong didn't say anything. Today is different from the past. Wang became the inspector general. This time he gave money again, and he was still grateful for the three people's lives. If he intervenes again, he will force Wang Yan to defect to the Japanese and specialize in military unification. He also knew that Wang Yan knew many strongholds and personnel of the Juntong Shanghai Station. If we really start to work, the Shanghai Station of Military Reunion will be abolished immediately. Even if he punishes Wang Yan by then, what's the use? So he pretended not to see it.

Du Yong was worried. Now that Wang Yan was poaching people openly, how could he sit still? The old boy was so worried that his white hair was beginning to fall out.

That has nothing to do with Wang Yan. He just lives his normal life, occasionally holds meetings, builds good relations with foreign devils, and then goes to various industries to understand the situation, and just lives like this day by day.

The situation is chaotic, with fighting at the front and trouble looking for things at the rear.

When the Kuomintang held a meeting, the central topic was to decide on the anti-war policy and the policy of "dissolving the Communist Party, preventing the Communist Party, limiting the Communist Party, and opposing the Communist Party". The Red Party issued a statement saying that it would cooperate with the Kuomintang but not merge...

In this volatile situation, after the Spring Festival, Wang Yan even took the initiative to cook at home. Yu Manli, who was also alone, was called to accompany her. Together with Qi Si, Uncle Wu, Aunt Liang, and the subordinates standing guard at the door, they had a New Year's Eve dinner together, which was quite lively.

On this day, Wang Yan took a walk around the prison house as usual and came to the North Station Warehouse.

As soon as he came over, Gu Yongcheng trotted over: "Brother Yan, just as I was about to call you, you came over. Well, early in the morning, one of us came back from Yan'an with a big box, saying it was from there As ordered by the leader, I also wrote a letter to you, please read it quickly."

"It's just a letter from Yan'an, why are you so anxious?" Wang Yan shook his head with a smile, but glanced at the reactions of everyone around him, and followed Gu Yongcheng into the office...

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