"I heard that Wang Tianfeng was transferred away, and Chen Gongshu, who assassinated Wang Zhaoming in Hanoi, was transferred here. Will you follow Chen Gongshu in the future?"

This was the third day after the cocktail party. Wang Yan asked Yu Manli, who was sitting opposite and eating.

"Are you so well-informed? Do you know all the changes within the military command?"

Wang Yan laughed and shook his head: "Ever since Wang Tianfeng sent you to my bed, you have become useless. In addition to being a convenient mouthpiece between me and the military commander, the rest is to deal with the affairs of my school for workers' children. Take me to give Spend your money to enjoy the prosperity of Shanghai, join a club, and make no progress. Can you still shoot now? Are you accurate? Can you still shoot? Can you kill with one hit? I said, don't let it happen You were so mesmerized by the glitz and glamor of Shanghai that you didn’t listen and didn’t even think about it?

You have met Mao Qiwu. We have some good personal relationships. Zheng Jiemin and I also have some friendships. This is the leader of the upper echelon of your military command. Tian Biao, who used to follow Wang Tianfeng and was responsible for liaison with me, was transferred back to the Chongqing headquarters to work in the second logistics department because of the previous joint prison robbery operation with the Red Party and the assassination of Major Zhang Xiaolin Gongsheng. This is considered a middle-level position.

The most important thing is that there are some things that the military commander's actions in Shanghai require the cooperation of the Youth Gang. Although I am a mascot in name only, it does not mean that I am really at the mercy of Dai Yunong and Du Yong. Previously, because of the incident involving the Red Party, the Special High School was so angry that they had nowhere to vent their anger and arrested three people. You know this. Now they listen to me. What are you talking about that I don't know? "

Wang Yan was injured when he rescued Song Xiwen earlier and asked the fortune teller Master Zhao to cover him, so he really opened a primary school for workers' children, and he opened twelve schools at once. All the industries he controls, including Yonghua Industrial, instant noodle factory, beverage factory, Qinglian Bank, rickshaw company, restaurants, hotels, casinos, and even Qinggang members, etc., as long as they work in Shanghai, they can send their children to Go to primary school for four years, which can be regarded as eradicating illiteracy.

Yu Manli used to be a Chinese teacher at a Catholic primary school. She had nothing serious to do all day long. Apart from attending a few classes, the rest was to join the club, or go out and spend money with the rich lady friends she had made. So Wang Yan left the school affairs to her. These twelve schools were basically built by Yu Manli. She does all the messy things like finding a place, recruiting teachers, ordering tables, chairs, and setting up courses.

Of course, she didn't do it by herself. Participation in the society cannot be in vain, and progress cannot be in vain. She found many young intellectuals to participate. So the composition of those teachers can be imagined.

This is not entirely because of Yu Manli. Of course, she must have subjectively wanted to squeeze people into Wang Yan's men. After all, Wang Yan's men are the safest in Shanghai. But on the other hand, it was Wang Yan who took the initiative to report his plan to the leaders. The teachers in the twelve schools were not so busy at work on weekdays, so they were good concealers behind enemy lines. The leader even asked him to open a junior high school and a high school. Those students are the main patriotic force.

It's also being prepared, it's just the right one. He attended his workers' children's school for elementary school, middle school and high school. After college, he could directly go to Datong to further his studies. Money is not a problem. He is very wealthy now. After all, prices in the Soviet area have been suppressed...

Yu Manli curled her lips and said: "Wang Tianfeng didn't say anything. He only said that there was a new superior, but no one made it clear to me. He just asked me to pay attention to the secret code agreed before, and the new superior would contact me when the time comes. .”

As soon as she finished speaking, Wang Yan understood that Wang Tianfeng had put Yu Manli's relationship into Minglou's hands.

Wang Tianfeng was the most value-conscious person. He believed that Minglou was more valuable than him when he was alive, so he died. He thought that Yu Manli's relationship would be valuable if given to Minglou, so he gave it to her.

Seeing that Wang Yan just nodded and said no more, she asked curiously: "Do you know any other news related to Juntong? Let me hear it? I have been training since I joined Juntong, and after training I was sent to your place. I knew that Juntong was called Juntong, but I didn’t even know which way the door opened..."

This was a bit pitiful to say, especially when matched with her big, helpless eyes. But this is the normal state of underground workers, especially those with a single line of contact like her, who do not know any unnecessary information.

The same is true for the Red Party. Many people have spent their entire lives fighting for national liberation and the great ideal of communism. They are lonely and no one understands them, and they have nowhere to express their inner thoughts. When they meet with comrades, they always talk about how it is ‘organizationally’, but they have never seen the organization. The hope of their struggle lies in Yan'an, but most of them have never been to Yan'an in their lives. They are developed in various situations and they fight in various environments.

They dance on the tip of the knife, not knowing which one will come first, tomorrow or the accident. But Yan'an has thousands of different faces in their hearts.

"Then let me tell you something interesting. Have you ever heard of Wu Qiren?"

Wang Yan looked at Yu Manli, who was full of curiosity and shook her head ignorantly, and said, "It's okay, don't be upset. You are a soldier working hard at the front. It would be good to know Chiang Zhongzheng and Dai Yunong. Wu Qiren is a member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang and has served in the Central Committee The deputy director of the Organization Department is the absolute top of your Kuomintang. In terms of rank, he is a head taller than the military commander Dai Yunong. He was influenced by Wang Zhaoming's treason and his intention to establish a pseudo-National Government with the Japanese, and even openly convened the Sixth National Congress of the Kuomintang. , Chiang Kai-shek sent Wu Qiren to work in Shanghai.

Served as a standing member and secretary-general of the Shanghai Municipal Unification Committee, supervising the party affairs work of various southeastern provinces and cities. I won’t mention the supervision of the Southeast. I will only talk about one city and one place in Shanghai. This Wu Qiren is fully responsible for the party, government, army and regiment in Shanghai, revitalizes party affairs and underground work, and presides over underground anti-Japanese activities. In other words, he is the top leader and the first person in charge of the Kuomintang in Shanghai. He can control the Shanghai station of military unification and central unification, and can mobilize the loyal and national salvation army around Shanghai. According to the Manchus, he is the imperial envoy. "

Yu Manli didn't know why: "What does such a big person have to do with you?"

"I just said that if the military commander wants to do things in Shanghai, he needs the cooperation of the Youth Gang. Do you think Wu Qiren, the secretary of the Shanghai Unification Committee, does not need the help of the Youth Gang? But he didn't come to me. After all, he has no friendship with me. He just asked people to He sent me a letter and roughly wrote down the reason. It was considered as a favor to the dock and a greeting, asking me to know something better in the future and not to ruin their actions. Then he didn't come to me, you said he Who can I turn to?"

..."Du Yong?"

Yu Manli thought for a moment and said Du Yong's name. She didn't know anything else. The situation in Shanghai was still very clear, and she knew even better about the leader of the Green Gang sleeping on the same bed. In Shanghai now, the only people who can compete with Wang Yan are the two political parties, the Japanese, and foreigners. Recently, there is a Wang Puppet Group. No one can control Wang Yan's beard. Only Du Yong, who fled to Hong Kong, was competing with Wang Yan for the power of the Green Gang. Or to put it another way, Wang Yan is challenging the authority of Du Yong, the long-established leader of the Youth Gang, and is challenging Du Yong to death.

Wang Yan drank and ate food, and nodded with a smile: "Finally, he was smart, and it was Du Yong. This Wu Qiren had an old relationship with Du Yong in the early years, and they had a very good personal relationship. This time he was transferred to Shanghai to borrow the power of this old friend. . It is also because of this that Du Yong became a standing member of this committee, and your Director Dai is also a standing member. So, my trouble comes again. The previous People's Action Committee was not effective. This time, we have a platform for KMT officials. Although it is The situation is a coincidence, but I have to say that this old boy Du Yong is very lucky..."

"Then you are asking for trouble." Yu Manli said with a smile: "If you don't want to unify the Youth Gang, then you and Du Yong have no conflict. Now you want to seize Du Yong's power, and he won't let go. Aren’t we just stuck here?”

"Life is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. When you have the opportunity, you must seize it. You have to know that people like me have no way out. If I retreat, what will the tens of thousands of workers under me eat and drink? What will they eat and drink?" Those people under my command are all at risk of their lives. If I retreat, they won’t be able to eat. What do you think I should do?

When that time comes, these are the people who will kill me first. There are also the Japanese and Wang Zhaoming. I have lost power. Do you think they will let me go? When it comes to me, it’s no longer something I think about. There are too many people and too many things pushing me behind my back. I can’t stop even if I want to.

This old boy Du Yong is different. He has already fled to Hong Kong. How about retreating and living a comfortable old age? He still has a good reputation. After all, he resisted Japan and contributed to the country and the nation. It’s not like me who is scolded by future generations. But this man never has a moment of contentment. If he refuses to give up his love for power and even wants to continue to be promoted, that is his fault. Old-timers, don’t give up positions and opportunities to young people, so I have to take them myself. "

"It sounds like you are so right. Is there no one behind Du Yong to push him away? If you don't listen to your great truths, you will always blame other people's problems. I finally understand. This person is talking about other people. If this is not good and that is not okay, when it comes to yourself, it is still the same as others. "This is not good and that is not okay."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "You're right. I really blamed you wrongly. With this understanding, you won't be too bad in the future."

"We are all going to be slaves to the country's subjugation. A person as big as Wang Zhaoming has defected to the Japanese. What can we do if we are not bad? Let's live one day at a time..."

Wang Yan shook his head and said nothing. She knew that Yu Manli meant to say that if she really had no faith, why would the Red Party develop her? Although she is indeed the person around him, if Yu Manli herself is not good, then not everyone in the Red Party wants her...

The arrival of Wu Qiren did cause some trouble for Wang Yan. The Youth League, which had been quiet for a long time, became noisy again, except of course the three people he saved. It was good that they were alive, and they had no right to speak at all.

He didn't attack those in the Youth League, it wasn't that he couldn't. It was just because he didn't really want to unify the Qing Gang that he didn't take action. Otherwise, how could he, a big inhuman beast, be used to those people's problems?

The unified Green Gang is different from the fragmented Green Gang. If they are really unified, what will the Japanese say? What do the two parties say? Even if he doesn't do something, he won't let him go. If he does something, he won't let him go. Because if you want to do something, you have to have a bias. Which side does he prefer?

Now the Youth League is not unified. Although those people are not very capable or bold, they are doing anti-Japanese things and providing help to the anti-Japanese people.

He can't help on the surface, and he can't hold him back.

So why does he keep fussing over it? Du Yong was so worried about losing his hair that he couldn't sleep well?

Because what he wants is the right to speak, what he wants is for someone to listen to his words, and it is also to pave the way for the future. Just because we can't unify now doesn't mean we can't unify in the future. If Japan is beaten away, it's up to Wang to take the lead. The struggle has not stopped, he wants to have a higher position and do more things. He secretly pokes and infiltrates other people's forces behind his back. This is a long-term operation to prepare for future attacks.

So this time Wu Qiren came and caused agitation in the Youth League, but he ignored it. After all, Wu Qiren had already greeted him in advance, and his status was indeed high, and the words in his letter were very polite, so it didn't matter if he just stepped back. But after all, he still controls the power in the Youth League. Those three families are on one side, and Liu Yitong is still there. When he speaks as the mascot of the Youth Federation, he is listened to and his opinions must be considered. This is enough.

Compared with Wang Zhaoming and Zhou Fuhai, this matter of the Youth League is completely worth mentioning.

September 1st is not a good day.

On this day, Wang Zhaoming sent a telegram "To Comrades at Home and Abroad."

This telegram stated, "As shown in the Comprehensive Declaration, domestic peace cannot be maintained unless the red evil is eradicated; peace in East Asia cannot be maintained without cooperation with Japan; peace in East Asia cannot be maintained unless friendship is enhanced with other countries." ...There is only a relatively simple and feasible method, if the armed comrades at the front can express their ideas of peace, anti-communism, and nation-building, then they can not only preserve their original military strength and the land they have not lost, but also externally echo our peaceful movement. , in order to promote the decline of authoritarian forces and communist forces, the most effective result is nothing more than this. ’

The intention was written simply and clearly. 'Eradicating the red disaster' means attacking the Red Party, 'cooperating with Japan' means willing to be Japan's puppet. His 'easier and more feasible method' is to win over the soldiers who are fighting Japan on the front line and the other two parties. Party members turned to his command, and everyone worked together with the Japanese to conquer Chongqing and destroy Yan'an.

Of course, no one believes it, this is all for fools...

Also on this day, at 4:40 in the morning, the Luftwaffe air raids bombed Polish towns. At 4:45, the German Army invaded Poland from the north, south, and west.

Germany dispatched 58 divisions, 2,800 tanks, 2,000 aircraft and 6,000 artillery pieces to start the war against Poland. Likewise, it also turned a new page in the history books of the world to record this overwhelming greed and ambition, which allowed countless tears. The innocent soul shouting...

On September 3, due to the failure of mediation, France, the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth member states formally declared war on Germany!

Experts and scholars have not reached a unified conclusion on the time when the Second World War broke out. Some people think that it was the German blitzkrieg on Poland on September 1, 1939, and some think it was the Sino-Japanese all-out war on July 7, 1937. , and some people think that it was Japan’s invasion of Northeast China on September 18, 31.

There is no doubt that most Chinese believe that the start of World War II occurred on September 18, 1931. However, in the movie "One Hundred Regiments", there is a clearer conclusion on this.

In the movie, there is a conversation between Baldhead and Lin Sen.

Lin: When did we start resisting Japan?

General: It is the twenty-sixth year of the Republic of China, but if we count from September 18, we have been fighting for a full ten years.

Lin: It was the 21st year of Guangxu. In that year, the Qing government ceded Taiwan to Japan. In that year, I joined the anti-Japanese army in Taiwan. The Chinese Lin Sen's resistance to Japan began at this time! I have been fighting this war for forty-five years!

The 21st year of Guangxu was 1895 in the Western calendar. In this year, due to their defeat in the Sino-Japanese War of 1898-1895, the Manchus signed the humiliating Treaty of Shimonoseki and ceded Taiwan Island and its affiliated islands, the Penghu Islands, and the Liaodong Peninsula to Japan. .

Wang Yan strongly agrees with this statement.

But no matter what, the war that affected the world and killed tens of millions of people began...

Xue Lihua Road, Central Patrol Room, in Egg's office, the foreign devil is still the same, holding a cigar and drinking wine, looking lazy.

Wang Yan asked: "Your country has declared war on Germany, but you don't seem worried?"

"What is there to worry about? As a defeated country, I don't believe that Germany will be France's opponent. What's more, France also has its allies in England, and the United States has also intervened. How can Germany be so rampant? What's more, a declaration of war is a declaration of war. It’s not like a large-scale war really started. Wang, you know, sometimes declaring war is just a threat. Just like this gun, when war is declared, it is loaded and the bullets are ready to fire at any time. It depends on how Germany chooses."

What a proud and arrogant French gentleman...

But Iger is right when he says that a declaration of war is a declaration of war, not a real war. The British and French allied forces were not fighting at all. They were just trying to scare Germany with big thunder but little rain. They believe that Germany should be afraid of the country's overwhelming power, and should normally give in. At the worst, it’s time to stop after the attack on Poland. But they didn't expect that the art student driving the German tank was determined to get back everything lost in the First World War, and more. He is not afraid of the overwhelming power of the country, so he will overthrow them.

What Egger didn't know was that the France he was so proud of was not strong. It has indeed been a long time since the war was declared. But that's because Germany didn't get there. Germany really started to attack France, and the great France only stood strong for about forty days before it was over...

What can Wang Yan say? He could only nod with a smile: "You are right, then I wish great France a victory."

Egg laughed and didn't care. In fact, he is not afraid of war in France, because his family is still somewhat capable. Although it is good to win, defeat will not have much impact on their family. Just like the Japanese use China to control China now, Germany will also use law to control law.

He shook his head and sighed: "It seems now that Mitchell made the wrong choice. He finally managed to return to France to retire, but now the situation in Europe is tense and a war may break out at any time. He should regret it now, right?"

"Sorry, Iger, I have to interrupt you." Wang Yan sighed and said with some pity: "You should not think about Mitchell now, but about our business. Now that Europe is at war, the impact on prices Hugely. If Europe raises the price and then transports it to China by sea, the price will inevitably be higher. How can my poor compatriots who have been devastated by war afford it? I'm afraid you will lose money."

Egg frowned and said: "Why you and not us?"

"I just make less money. As you know, I spent half a year researching and found out that the sales of instant noodles and drinks are good. And I also cooperated with the Japanese to sell their products to the Kuomintang-controlled areas and Soviet areas. In addition, I also conducted research on the Red Party I sell the penicillin that comes out, but the supply exceeds demand. I heard that Pfizer in the United States is doing crack research, but I haven’t heard anything about it yet. If there is a war in Europe, the price of penicillin will definitely skyrocket again. I might make a fortune."

"Oh, damn." Iger looked like he was about to die, slumped on the sofa, and said with a sad face: "You make money, I lose money, I feel so uncomfortable. Wang, we are best friends, you have a way, right?"

"There is no good way. Apart from giving you some penicillin share, what else can I do?"

"That's good, that's good. Wang, you'd better tell me your plans in the future, otherwise my heart won't be able to bear it, and you will lose such a good friend of mine."

Wang Yan laughed and said nothing. Ige is a good person, but he is a foreign devil after all. If it weren't for these reasons, would Wang Yan give them money? Just kidding, according to his ethics, if he doesn't rob these foreign devils, that's just a mercy on his part. Of course, he would still make friends with foreign devils without delay. It's as if they are friends now and don't delay him from sending money. Isn't it just Egger who is robbing him of his money?

He drank a glass of wine, stood up and said, "Okay, you can enjoy your life. I'm just here to see if you're okay. If you have something else to do, I'll leave first."

"What's the matter? Are you busy so early?"

In fact, it's already half past eight, which is regular working time, but none of them are working people...

Wang Yan said helplessly: "What else could it be? Of course it's Wang Zhaoming's side. The Japanese helped them form a government, and you think I can run away? These people have been looking for me every day recently. It's not enough if I don't go, otherwise Not to mention them, the Japanese can't even explain it. The Economic Department organized it today. They found a talent who came back from abroad to serve as the director. This person is still my neighbor. He has just taken office and invited businessmen from Shanghai to attend the meeting. , let’s discuss the future of Shanghai’s economy. As the richest person in Shanghai, I can’t hold the meeting without me. Let’s go, it will take a while to drive.”

"It's better than before. Look at you now, asking for trouble..."

Iger mumbled about drinking, but he was thinking about making money. That was his life...

Thank you to the six elder brothers of (Boundary of Rain) (LEO~RYAN) (Tears of the Beauty and Poor Life Hero) (Pindao Wants to Have Sex) (Gu Lianjian,) (Ye Xihu) for their continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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