After washing up, Qu Xiaoxiao picked up her phone, looked at the message from her mother, smiled proudly, and dialed Yao Bin's number.

"See if the money has arrived. I told my mother. Yao Bin, in order to help you, I ruined my plan to fight for the family property. My dad gave me a good lecture, and added I failed in the GI project a while ago, and I've been having a hard time recently." Without giving the other party time to react, Qu Xiaoxiao said, "Tell me, how are you going to thank me?"

After being silent for a long time, Yao Bin said: "I have already solved the matter. I got it from a friend. Now that the money has been paid back, let's not owe each other anything. Don't contact us again."

After being stunned for a moment, Qu Xiaoxiao shouted: "No, Yao Bin, what do you mean? Please explain the matter to me clearly, why don't you contact me..." Before she could finish speaking, the call was hung up.

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't know why, so she quickly called again and was blocked. I turned to my friends and asked them what was going on, but they also had no idea. Without hesitation, Qu Xiaoxiao put on her clothes and went out. She wanted to go to Yao Bin and ask him face to face why he came so suddenly.

The furious Qu Xiaoxiao came to a racing track and found the friend who tipped her off: "Where is Yao Bin?"

The friend pointed at the car speeding on the track and said, "Xiao Xiao, why did you provoke Yao Bin? Did it get to this point?"

"I don't know why he is so crazy. Why don't you ask him to find out?" Qu Xiaoxiao said impatiently: "By the way, do you know what happened to him?"

"We don't know either. He borrowed money from his friends in the circle this morning. We don't know what made him so anxious."

"Okay, it's none of your business."

The friend looked at the car below that was out of control, rubbing against the guardrail, and shooting out sparks, and said, "Xiao Xiao, don't say I told you, Yao Bin is really angry."

Qu Xiaoxiao found Yao Bin, who had just been pulled out of the car and was jumping up and down, and smashed the bag in his hand: "Yao Bin, what do you mean? Tell me clearly today."

Yao Bin, who had just vented his anger and was enjoying himself, looked ugly after being hit, and the veins on his neck were prominent.

Seeing Yao Bin's ferocious look, Qu Xiaoxiao was frightened and subconsciously took two steps back: "Yao Bin, don't get excited. If you have anything to say, speak it out."

Throwing the bag aside, Yao Bin took a deep breath and said, "Don't make it too ugly. Come with me." After that, he stood up and left.

Seeing him walking away, Qu Xiaoxiao did some mental preparation, bent down to pick up the bag on the ground, stepped on ten centimeter high heels, twisted her buttocks and followed him.

Finding a quiet place and looking at Qu Xiaoxiao coming behind him, Yao Bin had never felt that she was so ugly, disgusting, and ugly.

When she came closer, Yao Bin said: "Let's not talk about anything else. How dare you come to question me?"

Qu Xiaoxiao shouted: "What shame do I have? Wasn't it clear what I said on the phone? My father had a problem with me when the GI project failed. Now, in order to help you, I asked my family for money, and I was Dad scolded me. You don’t want to thank me, but you still want to break off our relationship with me? "

Hearing this, Yao Bin smiled and laughed: "I asked you to pay me back the money you owe me, but you are helping me instead? Do you want me to thank you? Qu Xiaoxiao, Qu Xiaoxiao, what did I do before? Didn’t you realize you were such a person?”

Qu Xiaoxiao understood that she had said the wrong thing and opened her mouth to explain. Yao Bin waved his hand and said, "I won't go into details about not saving my life. Come on, take a look at this." After saying that, he took out his phone, flipped through it twice and handed it over.

After casually taking the phone and looking at it twice, Qu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and widened her eyes in disbelief, her face changing: "Are you checking me?"

Looking at Qu Xiaoxiao's face, Yao Bin said lightly: "I've given you face, don't be ungrateful." He had countless things to say to Qu Xiaoxiao, some scolding her, some scolding himself, some being scolded. There were playful words of sorrow and anger, and words of ridicule at this moment... But when the words came to his mouth, he found that these were not important and meaningless.

"Don't worry, I won't spread these things." Yao Bin stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your phone and go away. Don't contact her again."

Qu Xiaoxiao's mind went blank. She returned the phone to Yao Bin in a daze, turned around and left in despair.

Smiling, he watched Qu Xiaoxiao walk away and disappear around the corner. Feeling the salty taste in his mouth, Yao Bin wiped his face, and it turned out that tears were already flowing down his face. Although she sucks, in the past years, I have really loved her deeply, but it still hurts...


The next day.

Accompanied by the sound of the door opening, "Xiaoguan, come in."

Hearing the commotion, Wang Yan, who had good driving skills and took advantage of every opportunity to rush home, came out and was writing big characters in the study. He nodded to Andy: "Xiaoguan, what's wrong?"

Guan Ju'er, who was crying silently, felt extremely wronged. Wang Yan's question made him burst into tears.

Wang Yan said to Andy on the side: "Andy, you comfort her, I'll make tea, and let's sit down and talk." Crying is a good way to relieve emotions, and crying twice is also good for the body. But he couldn't stand this, it was so annoying.

Andy held Guan Ju'er steady, Wang Yan's tea was brewed, and the three of them settled down in the living room.

After pouring a cup of tea for Guan Ju'er, Wang Yan said, "Xiao Guan, you're done crying. Please tell me what happened."

After thanking her, Guan Ju'er wiped her tears: "Just a few days ago, my colleague Michelle in the same group caught a cold, and then she asked me to do a favor and help her complete the work she was doing... ... She made the mistake, but I was the last person to sign, and then I was approved by my boss."

Andy looked at Wang Yan and saw that he was concentrating on drinking tea. He turned to Guan Ju'er and said, "Then why are you crying? Your boss wronged you? Michelle doesn't admit it? Or the mistake you made is too big, you Can’t bear it?”

Guan Ju'er choked up and said: "Both... and because our boss asked me to write a written review, this written review is likely to be included in my file. It will definitely affect my internship results, and it will definitely affect whether I can Stay with this company.”

"Did you explain?"

"I explained, but my boss didn't listen. She assigned the work, and she must know that it belongs to Michelle. Michelle is the first responsible person, and she knew I was criticized, so she didn't say anything. It’s up to her to clarify for me.”

Andy glanced at Wang Yan aside and said, "Tell me my point of view, but it may be a bit unpleasant." Seeing Guan Juer nodding, he continued: "A senior executive friend of mine told me that if there is Another opportunity will allow him to start from the bottom..." Then Andy explained to Guan Ju'er the theory of screwing workers.

Wang Yan listened silently without saying a word. He didn't want to say more about this because there were a group of people in his company, including Qiu Yingying, working overtime silently, while he was drinking tea here.

The only thing he is better than others is that he is paid for his work, and he is fully paid for overtime in accordance with laws and regulations. He also has a series of other benefits such as commuting and meals that are never left behind. Qiu Yingying always takes the last train on the subway because she wants to save money. When the time comes, she will estimate the price based on distance, convert it into cash, and put it directly into her card.

As for Guan Ju'er's question, Wang Yan would do the same in that position, because he has always been a result-oriented person. The difference is that he won't criticize others with useless nonsense, and just do it again.

After listening to them talking for a long time, Guan Ju'er said: "Then I will divide this self-reflection letter into three parts. In the first part, I will write down the context of the matter. In the second part, I will admit my mistakes. In the third part, I will Write a solution.”

After saying this, Guan Juer's tears that had just stopped flowed down again and said: "It's so uncomfortable. I have to admit my mistakes against my will. After I graduated, more and more things happened against my will, but I can only endure it." , there is no way at all. Growing up is so tiring..."

"Okay, okay, Xiaoguan, hold back your tears." Seeing that he was almost finished, Wang Yanfa put down the teacup in his hand and said, "You have to learn a lesson and understand that if you are in your boss's position, you What will you do? At this point, I hope you will not be affected by Andy. In the future, you will have to go through a lot of things, so where is this?"

Seeing Guan Ju'er nodding silently, Wang Yan continued: "But to be honest, Xiaoguan. Look at Xiaoqiu, how fulfilling her life is every day. I think it's better to take this opportunity and you just follow Xiao Qiu is good company. The two sisters can work happily together."

Guan Ju'er stopped crying and asked, "Why haven't you forgotten this? Why do you always want to kidnap me to your company?" What is Qiu Yingying like? I can’t see her? Even those who are five hundred stronger than me are tired, no matter how many pounds they have lost, how can they be happy? Wiping his tears, Guan Ju'er said helplessly: "Thank you, Brother Wang, but I am doing well now. Let's see if I can survive this year. A person must have a beginning and an end, right?"

Andy shook his head in amusement and said nothing.

"Okay, it's good to have a beginning and an end." Wang Yan waved his hand: "Let's not talk about work anymore. Let's go out for a meal and relax. Just in time, we have an appointment with a handsome guy later and I will introduce you to him."

Guan Ju'er shook his head repeatedly: "I... I'll forget it. It's not appropriate for me to go while you are having dinner with your friends."

"What's inappropriate? Xiaoguan, don't say I didn't remind you, you will regret it for the rest of your life if you don't go this time. If you don't believe me, ask Andy."

Seeing Guan Ju'er looking at him, Andy nodded dumbfounded and said: "It's true, Dr. Zhao is really excellent, you should be able to chat. And didn't you eat too? We happened to be together. Go, little one close."

Wang Yan made a decision directly: "That's it, do you two want to change clothes?"

"I'll change it."

"Then I'll send the things back first."

Wang Yan nodded and said, "Okay, Xiaoguan, let's meet in the underground parking lot."

After Guan Ju'er left, Andy went into the room and changed clothes, and said, "Can the two of them do it? Besides, Xiao Guan has a senior brother Lin who is pursuing her."

"Let's talk about whether it's okay. Whether it's Senior Brother Lin, Dr. Zhao, or Xiaoguan himself. I'll call Dr. Zhao and tell him."

It is now November, and the wind blowing is slightly chilly. In the noisy barbecue restaurant, there are mostly urban men and women who have been working all day, their colleagues, or friends, having skewers, drinking, and laughing and cursing loudly.

Zhao Qiping stood up, waved and shouted: "Here."

Hearing the sound, Guan Juer, who was following Wang Yan, looked over subconsciously.

After a thousand years of glance, Guan Ju'er finally understood what love at first sight means today. Time seemed to stand still, and she stood there blankly. There was no noise around her, and there was only a hazy white in her eyes except for the handsome, smiling and waving man. Unconsciously showing a smile, Guan Juer was immersed in his own little world.

"Xiaoguan? Xiaoguan?" Andy called twice to Guan Ju'er, who was standing beside him and giggling. Seeing that she didn't respond, he followed his gaze and saw that Zhao Qiping was shaking hands with Wang Yan and talking.

Falling in love after just one meeting? Young people today really don’t understand.

Patting Guan Ju'er beside him, Andy said: "Xiao Guan, wake up, you've come to your senses."

"Hmm. Hmm? Hmm..." Guan Ju'er, who was photographed back to his senses, responded blankly twice, reacted, and said with a red face: "I'm sorry, Sister Andy."

After giving Guan Ju'er a narrow look, Andy said nothing and turned around to lead the way.

Noticing Andy's eyes, Guan Ju'er blushed even more, stamped his feet, secretly cursed himself for not living up to expectations, and quickly followed Andy in front.

"Come on, Xiaoguan, let me introduce you." Wang Yan greeted Guan Ju'er and pointed to Zhao Qiping beside him and introduced: "This is Zhao Qiping."

He turned around and introduced Guan Ju'er again: "This is Guan Ju'er, you guys know each other."

Zhao Qiping stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, I am a doctor by profession. It seems that I am older than you. You can call me Brother Zhao or Doctor Zhao, that's what they call me."

"Hello, just call me Xiaoguan, that's what they call me too." With that, Guan Ju'er blushed and stretched out his hand to shake Zhao Qiping's hand.

Zhao Qiping was very well-educated, and before Guan Ju'er could twitch his hands like a kitten, he was quick to break up. This made Guan Ju'er happy and disappointed at the same time.

After letting go of his hand, Zhao Qiping said: "Stop standing, sit down."

Wang Yan nodded: "Sit down, everyone, Xiaoguan, you and Dr. Zhao can sit on one side." After saying that, he pulled Andy to sit on the other side.

Zhao Qiping looked at Wang Yan dumbfounded, gave up his position and said, "Xiaoguan, you can do it inside."

Guan Ju'er nodded blankly: "Okay, thank you, Brother Zhao."

"Is it recommended by a colleague again this time?" Wang Yan asked with a smile after the two of them sat down and glanced at Guan Ju'er, who was pretending to be an ostrich.

"Wrong." Zhao Qiping asked the waiter for two menus and handed one to Wang Yan: "This time it was recommended by the patient. I have already ordered some. You can take a look and order some of your favorites." As he said, He handed the other one to Guan Ju'er next to him: "Whatever you want, you're welcome."

Guan Juer quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no, I can do it. Let Brother Wang and Sister Andy order."

Wang Yan casually handed the menu to Andy beside him and said: "It's okay, Xiaoguan, you may not be familiar with me just now, so don't be too restrained. You and Andy will take a look at it. Dr. Zhao is treating you today, do you want it?" Seize the opportunity."

After hearing Wang Yan's words of 'seize the opportunity', Guan Ju'er hurriedly studied the menu with Andy and ignored Wang Yan.

Zhao Qiping answered: "Yes, I'm treating you today, Xiaoguan and Andy, don't be polite."

Andy smiled and nodded, she would not be polite. We have known each other for a long time, we have eaten frequently, and we are very familiar with each other.

But speaking of it, this was her first time eating barbecue, and everything she saw was strange. She would never eat these before, because they felt unclean.

Wang Yan has always quietly influenced others and will never be influenced by others. Now that she is with Wang Yan, she will inevitably be affected. Besides, if she is with Wang Yan, she will subconsciously ignore these things. Just like drinking only Evian when drinking water, it is quite natural for her to drink the noble water now.

Wang Yan, Andy, and Zhao Qiping were chatting and joking. Guan Ju'er on the other side didn't say anything, but looked at the joy in Zhao Qiping's eyes from time to time. As for your previous boss? Michelle? Sorry, not familiar with it. How could I have time to think about them? I had already forgotten my heels.

It was originally a gathering of friends, but when Guan Juer happened to catch up, it was different. Guan Ju'er still looked like she wanted to get close, but was afraid. How could this be done? She had to give her a helping hand.

When various skewers were served on the table, Wang Yan opened a beer and shared a bottle with each other. Seeing that Zhao Qiping also filled a glass and poured wine like Andy and Guan Ju'er, he said, "Doctor Zhao, let's forget about lesbians." , why do you, a grown man, pour a glass of beer when you drink it?"

Zhao Qiping put down his cup helplessly and said, "Okay, don't talk to me and blow the bottle." Zhao Qiping understood what Wang Yan meant and wanted to match him with Xiaoguan. Knowing that Wang Yan was right, he was not disgusted.

"That's right." Wang Yan nodded. After Andy and Guan Ju'er filled their glasses, he held up a bottle of wine and said, "Come, today is the first time that Dr. Zhao and Xiaoguan meet. We are acquainted." .”

After finishing speaking, Wang Yan drank a bottle of wine without saying a word, and turned the bottle upside down with only a little foam remaining to signal to Zhao Qiping.

Zhao Qiping was not a errand boy, he just wanted to liven up the atmosphere and drank a bottle without saying a word.

Andy and Guan Ju'er on the side also drank up their glasses.

After a drink, the atmosphere warmed up slightly. Wang Yan silently guided the conversation, and drank two more bottles with Zhao Qiping without leaving a trace. Guan Ju'er also drank less than one bottle, and his face turned red.

That's basically it. Beer reacts more to blowing from the bottle than to pouring it into a cup. After three bottles, he talked a lot more. Zhao Qiping, who was almost half-hearted at first, became more enthusiastic and started talking more closely.

Guan Ju'er couldn't drink in the first place, but as he continued to do this, he gradually opened up his chatterbox and was able to have normal conversations with Zhao Qiping.

The most difficult part of contact between people is the period from stranger to familiarity. It requires testing and judging each other. This is true for making friends, and the same is true for getting it right.

The two were talking about classical music and discussing Dvořák. Zhao Qiping talked eloquently, and Guan Ju'er was full of admiration and expressed his own thoughts and opinions from time to time. This is a good start, but no one can say what the outcome will be. It all depends on fate.

Looking at the two people talking and laughing, Andy and Wang Yan clinked a glass of wine and whispered to them: "I think they are both good at it."

After taking a sip of wine, Wang Yan smiled and said, "Let's see."

Zhao Qiping, who was enjoying chatting with Guan Ju'er, noticed the intimate movements of the two: "What are you two whispering about?"

After touching Zhao Qiping, Wang Yan said, "You guys really enjoyed your chat. Please communicate more."

"Well, I am indeed very happy." Zhao Qiping took a sip of wine, looked at Guan Ju'er next to him and said, "Xiao Guan has a wide range of interests. I didn't expect that we could have such a good conversation."

Guan Ju'er smiled shyly: "No, compared to Brother Zhao, I'm still far behind."

Shaking his head, Zhao Qiping did not dwell on the question of who was far away. He looked at the two people sitting opposite and said, "I have a question that I have been holding back for a long time and haven't asked yet."

Seeing Wang Yan nodding, Zhao Qiping continued: "You two have been together for a long time, and you are not too young. When do you plan to get married?"

Andy immediately looked at Wang Yan. She wanted to ask this question but never said it out loud. Today, she took advantage of Zhao Qiping's light.

Noticing the nervousness in Andy's eyes, Wang Yan smiled faintly and patted Andy's leg with his hand under the table: "If nothing else happens, next spring."

Andy raised the corners of his mouth and said nothing, and grabbed Wang Yan's hand under the table.

Zhao Qiping happily held the wine and said, "Let's agree first, I will be the best man."

"Of course, come on, have a drink."

Thanks to brother (attacker) for the reward of 1500 coins for support.

Thanks to (Xiaoweixuan) (Langyuhuitou) (Pin Dao surnamed Zhang) (Cheating and stealing fragrance) four elder brothers for their continued support, and (Master, do you want to see me get the Zen staff) (Book friend 20170613100933931) (Agony) (Jun Mo Laughing Qianji Umbrella) (Rebellion - Angels Also Lose Their Hair) (Lone Star in the Western Region) (Autumn Morning Rain and Dew) Seven big brothers support it with monthly votes.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to all the brothers who recommended me for their support.

Thanks to the good brothers who spoke and who only read books without speaking for their support.

Thanks bro.

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