Ten miles outside the south city of Luoyang, there is an altar, nine feet and five feet high. There is a hall on the altar to ask the sky. Around the altar, a complex of tall palaces was built. Water system and landscaping are all available. There are sergeants standing guard here, but there are no high walls. These buildings are where sacrifices are made to Haotian and the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The ancestral temple of the Wang family is also located here. Offer sacrifices to heaven and comfort the ancestors.

Ten miles outside the east city, there is also an altar, and the same large palace complex is where sacrifices are made to the earth and grains. I pray for good weather, abundant harvests, peace and tranquility, and no disasters of all kinds, to bless the people on this land.

Doctors of agriculture who study seeds and farming are here, and they cultivate all this land. Sacrifice and research on seeds and improving farming to increase food production are of course not in conflict, but rather complementary to each other.

The construction of these two buildings had begun long ago, after the renovations in Luoyang City were almost complete and the manpower was freed up. As Wang Yan's subordinate, no one would doubt that Wang Yan could not defeat Cao Cao.

The year 2907 of China, which is the year 210 of the Western calendar, is Zhengshuo.

The altar outside the south city was full of people. Wang Yan was dressed in a black rolling dragon robe, with a long sword on his waist, a crown on his head, and walked in all directions. Amidst the simple and desolate yet gorgeous rituals and music, you can climb up the stairs step by step.

In 184, he rebelled against the Yellow Turbans, gathered the Yellow Turbans' defeated troops, and fled Liaodong. Destroyed Gongsun Du, Wuhuan in the east of Liaodong, and conquered the grasslands in the west.

In 189, he went south to Youzhou.

In 190, he killed Gongsun Zan.

In 194, during the Battle of Hebei, Yuan Shao was driven away to Henan, and all the land in Hebei was taken.

In 195, Han Sui conquered the west and pacified the three thousand miles of grassland. Fuyu and Goguryeo existed in name only.

In 200, the navy who went to sea in search of grain seeds returned with potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other crops.

In 201, he went to Henan.

In 202, Zhang Lu and Liu Bei surrendered and took Hanzhong and the eastern part of Yangzhou.

From 202 to 208, under the inspection rule, we went deep into the grassroots level and actively rectified internal civil and military problems.

In 208, he attacked Cao Cao.

By the spring of 209, the war would end and the country would be unified.

Today, in the year 210, Zhengshuo, he worships heaven and ascends the throne.

These steps are all steps he has taken in the past twenty-six years. The introduction looks very simple, but in fact it is also very simple. Of course, this is for Wang Yan, after all, he is very familiar with this set.

Relatively speaking, the difficulty this time is actually greater than that of the previous Song and Ming Dynasties. Because the opponent is more powerful, productivity is even lower.

During the Ming Dynasty, he refused to defend the Northeast and directly killed the Manchus. Later, the cause was the peasant uprising organized by Li Zicheng and others, which shattered the original social structure. His troops were the strongest and pushed them all the way.

During the Song Dynasty, he helped his father-in-law to resist the Liao and Jin Dynasties, and then mutinied from within, completing the transition of power with almost no damage.

Although there was a peasant uprising represented by the Yellow Turbans this time, it actually did not have a great impact on the original social structure. In the end, they just became rogue bandits. Those who took advantage of the situation were all members of wealthy families.

And ever since when Yuan Shao was beaten, someone acted as a second-in-command and sent him messages, but in the end he still didn't escape death. The wealthy family has been working on him wholeheartedly.

On the other hand, insufficient productivity and insufficient development in various places have also seriously limited the speed of development. After all, even now, the people are still not full. This is the result of more than 20 years of development, so it is more difficult.

But for him, there is a difference between easy and difficult, but not big.

Finally, Wang Yan climbed to the top of the altar. The heavy cauldron was burning with blazing flames, and flags were flying in the wind. Civil servants and military generals, dressed in gorgeous attire. Elite soldiers in brightly colored armor stood in awe holding halberds.

This is a kind of weight that is unique to China. In this weight, the blood and wisdom of our ancestors for thousands of years have been condensed.

The ceremony officer presided over the ceremony, and Wang Yan was just a machine without emotions and at the mercy of others. The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs. Developed from generation to generation, many things have fixed rituals. It is impossible to say how useful it is, but it represents the inheritance of history and the continuation of civilization. This is the biggest role and is indispensable.

After offering sacrifices to heaven and earth, Wang Yan officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and Guo Jia recited the first imperial edict. After reciting, the messenger soldiers under the altar will go to various places with the imperial edict and announce it to the world.

Jia Xu recited the second imperial edict, which was a reward for all civil and military officials. Of course, only senior civil and military officials, local officials are not included. There are too many people to count.

The civil and military officials who have followed him since his early years are all founding dukes and have received various titles. Civil servants such as Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Guan Ning, etc., military generals such as Liao Hua, Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, etc., Lu Bu were all made Dukes, and Zhang Wu, who had followed him during the Yellow Turbans, also became Dukes. Of course, there are also the three Liu Bei brothers. They have similar forces, so it is normal to give them to a prince.

The number of founding dukes who were granted the title was not large, only about thirty.

The rest are the county princes, county princes, county princes, county princes, township princes, and pavilion princes. They have sealed more than a thousand people, large and small, and many of them are not present.

Zhuge Liang was not made a duke, not even a duke, he was just a prince. The main reason is that he has little qualifications and his only credit is winning Jiangguan. Compared with the group of Duke Feng, Liao Hua was so awesome at pacifying the Three Thousand Miles Grassland. Even Lu Bu, a famous second-fifth son, had countless military exploits in the north and south. Zhuge Liang's achievements were really not enough.

But speaking of Zhuge Liang, after the war, Zhuge Liang recommended talented people to Wang Yan, namely Pang Tong, Xu Shu, and a large number of Nanyang hermits who met him.

Zhuge Liang was young and vigorous, so he wrote a letter recommending himself. But Xu Shu and Pang Tong didn't do that. They were stable officials and basically followed the same promotion trajectory as Zhuge Liang. These people were all capable. The children of the common people trained by Wang Yan are indeed much inferior in ability. But this is normal. Are they all talented people? They have talents.

But the base of the common people is large. After so many years, it is not that there are no capable people. On the contrary, there are many. Most of the so-called officials in Luoyang are ordinary people, who have climbed up one level at a time. The vast majority of the various princes who were awarded awards were also sons of the common people. This is solid proof.

Wang Yan didn't pay special attention to these two people. Someone with the ability would come up sooner or later.

As for other so-called hermits, this is a relatively special group. Their origins are also different, but they are generally aristocratic. There are very few people who are truly from the common people. The main reason is that obtaining knowledge is an insurmountable barrier for the common people, and there are too few channels.

However, these hermits do not harm others. To a certain extent, they can be said to be good to the people and are quite respected. These people all have jobs, whether they are talking or cultivating immortals, they are all good at medicine, and they are also proficient in the Five Elements and Bagua. Some people change with time, and some people really retreat into self-cultivation and are quite amazing.

But under Wang Yan, this group of people is in trouble. Because they do not produce and do not have the means of production, whether they are practicing medicine or teaching knowledge, exchanging mental and technical labor for the means of production must be recognized by the government, otherwise they will be punished. The land is also divided according to head count. If their land is not cultivated well, they will also be punished.

If you want to be an official, you must start as a pavilion chief. If you do not do well as a pavilion chief, you will have no official career in your life. If you want to do technical work, you have to be incorporated. If you don't do it, you won't be able to do it.

Even if they hide in the mountains, they are not allowed to eat or sleep in the open. Now that the world has settled down and the army has no opponent, it is time to search the mountains, wipe out the wild beasts, and drive the wild beasts deeper into the mountains to prevent them from going down the mountain to eat people and destroy production. During the process, I encountered a hidden household. I didn’t say a word of nonsense. Once I caught him, he would apply for a household registration and allocate his land.

In short, idle people are not allowed and must work.

Therefore, the number of so-called hermit masters is rapidly decreasing. A few are officials, a few are opening local clinics, or have been trained to teach in schools. This training is not to teach these people with profound cultural background knowledge, but to convey the ideological spirit of Wang Yanding in depth. They cannot interpret the contents of the textbook at will. It is the most important thing to keep it consistent across the country.

Most of the remaining people are basically engaged in learning. There are also a very small number of people who went to Huashan to join Zhang Lu and go to the mountain to cultivate immortality. This is the only sect recognized by Wang Yan. But these people couldn't escape in the end, because many of Zhang Lu's men were also engaged in learning, but they specialized in Taoism, Yin-Yang, Five Elements and Bagua.

Of course Wang Yan is not so overbearing and does not allow other sects to exist. He has opened up the registration of sects, but the requirements are relatively strict. They must have a clear program and doctrine, and the content must undergo strict review. There are also restrictions on the development of believers and sect property. The conditions are too high, and many people cannot meet them.

The reason why registration is open is mainly because the current trend of thought is relatively intense, hundreds of schools of thought are resurgent, and they are experiencing unprecedented prosperity. With Wang Yan's reading speed, he can't even keep up with the publishing speed. Therefore, like-minded people need a place to deeply cultivate their own culture.

Obviously, Wenchang Pavilion cannot accommodate it. This requires them to clearly sort out their ideas and find a place to develop on their own. In doing so, Wang Yan is also using policies to drive them to transform themselves.

As for developing into various political parties in the future, and then forming a single party to unite and oppose differences, that is impossible. Generally speaking, they are all engaged in research, whether it is theory, application, life, or the universe.

Once you start seeking political power, you want to die. Killing a few people will make you happy for a while. This is a necessary side effect of the development of a prosperous culture.

In other words, no matter what it is, once it develops to a certain level, it will always seek political power in order to have a greater say. The struggle for orthodoxy is fierce, even more fierce than the political struggle. Struggle is extended and not static in a fixed area. The most important point is the human standpoint.

Back to the title, the title given by Wang Yan is not hereditary and irreplaceable, and the noble group must be suppressed. Of course, it is not the first generation that suppresses people. In this regard, Wang Yan has always been a good boss and will never do anything to make things worse. There is only one reason to deal with these old brothers who are fighting for the country, and that is that they are tired of living and are restless. It is not his fault.

He suppressed nobles in order to avoid class consolidation and maintain a good upward path. The first generation is strong and the second generation is strong. It is impossible for every generation to be strong. We must do our best to avoid putting idiots in high positions.

As for whether it is not hereditary and whether his subordinates are willing to do it, he has already made it clear that if he is not willing, he will die. He can only guarantee that the descendants of these people can at least live a good life without being too stupid.

This is guaranteed by the system, and there is no need for the state finance to provide money to support waste, as long as business is opened up. After all, they have strong resources and will definitely make a lot of money from doing business.

Then when the money is short, just clean it up and everyone will be happy...

Sun Ce and Shi Xie wisely chose to leave. They ran to Southeast Asia and took away some of the people. As for Lao Cao, preparations for going to sea have been made, and final preparations are being made recently. He will leave China for Tianzhu in more than a month.

In fact, his subordinates disagreed with letting Cao Cao and Sun Ce leave. They also thought that raising tigers would cause trouble and they might come back to attack them in the future.

Wang Yan also explained the reasons for this, and that was it for those who agreed or disagreed.

Of course what they say makes sense, but in reality it is useless. Instead of thinking about whether Cao Cao and others will fight back in the future, it is better to think about whether their descendants will become wealthy again, poaching corners of the empire, destroying the laws of the empire, fooling the emperor of that time, and bullying those of that time. The common people have also caused the people to live in dire straits and the world is in chaos.

At that time, was it really that important whether Cao Cao and others fought back?

In other words, he himself sent people to occupy the land outside the domain. Now it seems that it does belong to him and does obey his orders. What about the future? Could it be that the sky is high and the emperor is far away? It has become a separatist regime again. It has broken away from the rule and plans to plot Chinese land again.

If there were no Cao Cao and others, Wang Yan would have sent someone himself. Regardless of whether you send Cao Cao and others, or send your own people, if the abilities of the younger generation are not good enough, the final result will be the same. So since there are people with these extraordinary abilities, there is really no reason not to use them. Compared to killing him directly here, it is a huge waste.

Because of the lack of manpower, what Wang Yan can do is to develop all the land in China before he leaves and initially expand outward. If he leaves and the world is still functioning, then what his successor will have to do is to stabilize the domestic situation and further improve national life, drive the descendants of Cao Cao and Han Sui to continue to expand, and let them rule those lands and follow the footsteps of their elders. Behind Cao and the other juniors, they were driven out to fight.

He can ensure that the successor to power is a good great-great-grandson with sufficient skills, able to cope with the situation, and wisdom. Who knows what will happen next. The empire fell apart in just a few decades, but the foundation was still solid. If not, it might not be over in a few years.

After all, it is problematic to imagine that an ancient centralized dynasty can be passed down for a long time, because it does not conform to the laws of historical development. Even if everyone under his rule now knows that there is a mainland overseas, they cannot stop the changes here. Some people may rebel, or for various reasons, a constitution may finally be established. This is not certain.

What is certain is that the Wang family will not always be the one who calls the shots. Unless the king declares that he will live forever and remain forever...

In this case, why should he care about so many things. The system has been established and the path has been pointed out, but if it cannot continue to develop, why bother talking nonsense...

Whether Wang Yan ascends the throne or not has no impact. There are no internal or external rivals, so we just focus on development. Then follow the development of society, constantly improve the law, and constantly adjust the system.

Generally speaking, what Wang Yan does is a service-oriented government that solves problems for the people. Therefore, Wang Yan is more concerned with dealing with disciplinary issues. Power breeds corruption, this is the norm. He mainly uses an iron fist to maintain the fairness and justice of the government and to be as clean as possible to maintain overall stability.

The population is increasing day by day. When the world was first unified, the population was only 34 million. Next, the population will grow by millions every year, and it will get higher and higher.

Correspondingly, food production is also increasing. Because improvements in crops such as potatoes and sweet potatoes have supplemented food consumption, people are eating more and more food. Animal husbandry has also been developed, constantly enriching people's dietary structure.

Thanks to the construction and development of health and medical care, infant survival rates are increasing year by year, and life expectancy continues to increase.

This is the credit of Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing, they are real great doctors. Of course, they are not the only two who are awesome. In fact, there are many people who are awesome. Many hermits also have superb medical skills and have made outstanding contributions. Zhuge Liang is good at it. Although his level is not as good as that of top people, he can easily deal with common minor ailments. He is a capable person.

It is the continuous efforts of these people that have promoted leaps and bounds in health and medical care. They constantly improve medical records, summarize different causes of the same disease, optimize the compatibility of medicinal materials, and continue to overcome difficult and complicated diseases. Their level is quite high.

Their level is higher than that of doctors during the Song and Ming Dynasties. Maybe it’s because people at this time were more powerful, or maybe it’s because the older it is, because the closer it is to the origin of germination, the more advanced the level of Chinese medicine is.

He even gave Wang Yan some new inspiration, and at the same time came up with several improved body-building pills for the group of people to continue optimizing. Whether it is reducing costs or enhancing drug efficacy, as long as you can do one thing, it is a good thing. If you can do both, it is naturally better.

At the same time, as time goes by, the literacy rate continues to increase, and the number of people with higher educational backgrounds continues to increase. Wang Yan has made great efforts to achieve universal education. At the same time, the imperial examination was held to select officials. We will continue to split up the giant Wenchang Pavilion and build high-level academies and universities in various places to provide more development routes.

With the increase of high-quality talents, we continue to promote the advancement of tools and improve productivity, thereby promoting the development of the country. Water conservancy is becoming more and more perfect, land transportation is getting faster and faster, and water transportation is becoming more and more developed.

This once again feeds back into commercial circulation, prospering the national economy and improving people's living standards. Changes in the social environment will further affect the cultural and artistic level. The trend of thought has never stopped and is always progressing. China's culture and art have achieved unprecedented prosperity.

Everything is running healthily.

Lao Cao's side also went smoothly. They landed along the coast and started working without saying a word. They can't do it without fighting. Their food won't last that long, so the quickest way is to rob. The combat effectiveness of the Han army was not overwhelming, and Wang Yan also equipped them with weapons.

Even if it was an away battle or a plain battle, Lao Cao's wisdom and the quality of the soldiers still defeated the Tianzhu army. After Tianzhu reacted, Wang Yan had already diligently transported all the soldiers. Lao Cao easily settled down and began to enslave the Tianzhu people and slowly expand.

Wang Yan actively provided logistics for Lao Cao, or to put it another way, it was called targeted economic control and plunder. People in Lao Cao's camp don't understand this truth in the short term, and even if they understand it, there's nothing they can do about it.

Because this is the suppression of productivity, they can't resist it. It can be seen that Wang Yan's generals have sent all their money there.

In the same way, the same is true for Sun Ce and Shi Xie. They are not as good as Lao Cao. It's because Han Sui's side is overland and the distance is too far, so it's not convenient. But even so, Wang Yan's money is still circulating there, but trade is not as fast as sea trade.

Wang Yan has not opened up maritime trade to the merchants under his rule, not in the short term. Because although they plundered resources from other places, the development within the territory was not good, and there was still considerable room for growth. Only after they prospered within the territory would they relax their control and conduct large-scale voyages and plunder the world. Now it is still state trade, subsidizing the people.

By the time he left, he probably had just started to implement it...

Time is a hero's greatest enemy.

Heroes of the Three Kingdoms emerged in large numbers, but they still could not fight against time. Even Wang Yan has no choice. Although he has gained a long life in another form, he will repeat the aging process again and again.

When he once again felt the aging process and realized life, others began to die.

Cai Yong lived for more than eighty years, and the old boy was quite able to live. He even met Wang Yan's grandson and his great-grandson was born. He devoted his life to learning very purely and left behind a legendary life that belongs to him.

Huang Zhong also lived to be more than eighty years old. Before attacking Cao Cao, his eldest son died and he witnessed the development of his younger son.

Liao Hua, the boy who had given Wang Yan the weapon with a silly smile, died in the winter of his seventieth year. His life was wonderful, but the rest of his life was unhappy because the world was peaceful and there was no war. Although he still has military power, he still studies various tactics and sums up his own insights, but there is no opponent, there is no opponent.

The only one who felt differently from him was Huang Zhong. The remaining generals all told Wang Yan about their unhappiness. They always say that generals should die on the battlefield when they are strong, instead of becoming old and unable to control their poop and pee.

Jia Xu is also dead. He spent his whole life showing what he has learned, working as diligently as an old scalper.

Guo Jia, the boy who led a donkey and carried all his belongings to Wang Yan and recommended himself, always talked about hiding out, but in the end he worked all his life.

Liu Bei traveled for half his life and finally found his home under Wang Yan. Although it was impossible for him not to return, he had no choice at the time. It was also under Wang Yan's wise leadership that he lived to the age of seventy-three.

After he left, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also passed away one after another. The sworn friendship in Taoyuan seemed to be happening right before our eyes. This time Guan Yu did not leave Maicheng, and Zhang Fei did not get drunk.

With Wang Yan's help, Cao Cao lived for ten more years and died at seventy-five. Lao Cao is still quite hard-working, and he has spent his whole life thinking hard. In China, he was studying how to fuck Wang Yan, and in Tianzhu, he was studying how to fuck foreigners. He spent his whole life playing tricks, and of course there was no shortage of women and wine.

After these people were dead, Wang Yan's many wives also began to leave. Then came the sons’ generation, and then the grandchildren’s generation.

Everyone couldn't understand why Wang Yan wasn't dead yet. Many people were looking forward to his death.

Wang Yan did not fulfill their wishes, and there was not much sadness. He was still out patrolling the world with his people when he was eighty or ninety years old, which made many people despair...

The commanding heights of the Imperial City offer a panoramic view of the entire city of Luoyang, as no buildings are allowed to be higher than the Imperial City.

After a hundred years of development, Luoyang City has become increasingly larger. The country's population is nearly 700 million, and Luoyang is a serious super city with a population of 10 million.

Wang Yan, standing on a high point with his hands behind his back, could not even see the whole city clearly with his slightly dim eyes.

One hundred and thirty-four, this is Wang Yan's age this year. At this moment, he has a full head of white hair, a white beard and eyebrows, wrinkles all over the place, and a lot of age spots, and the whole person is wrinkled.

But his back was still straight, his hands were clasped behind his back, and the wind blew through his loose clothes and blew his three thousand white hair, still remaining natural and harmonious.

The wind in late summer was very cool, and in the evening the flaming clouds reflected by the setting sun spread thousands of miles. It was very beautiful, Wang Yan admired it.

Wang Ge looked at his ancestor's back and felt a moment of weakness and strong reverence. There is no way, the ancestor's life is too wonderful.

"How is this country?" Wang Yan spoke slightly hoarsely without looking back.

"Back to the emperor, it's so beautiful."


Wang Yan looked up to the sky and laughed, "It's so beautiful, so beautiful..."

Wang Ge didn't understand the point of the laughter, but he laughed too.

Wang Yan laughed for a while, turned his head, and looked at Wang Ge with a smile. He took out the national seal from his sleeve and threw it casually.

He said calmly: "It's yours."

Wang Ge panicked and bewildered and took the imperial seal. Looking at Wang Yan's indifferent eyes, he swallowed the useless nonsense and immediately kowtowed. "My grandson will live up to the expectations of the emperor."

"Just go."

Wang Ge kowtowed three more times, stood up, looked at the back of the emperor, turned around and went down the high building, and told the guards to keep an eye on Wang Yan's movements to avoid any accidents.

After walking a little further, he held the national seal in his hand with trembling hands and looked at it back and forth. He had touched this thing before, but the meaning was different.

"If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live forever..."

His voice was shaking violently, suppressing his excitement. He understood what kind of empire it was.

On the high-rise building, Wang Yan still stood tall with his hands behind his back, looking down at the huge city with deep eyes.

In the sky, burning clouds sweep across three thousand miles...

"It's so beautiful..."

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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