It's midsummer, it's hot everywhere in the country, and Huludao is no exception.

Although it was still early after eight o'clock, it was already poisonous. However, people at home in the village all gathered in the open space in front of the village committee. Men, women, old and young all came out together, and it was bustling and lively.

In fact, at this time, except for those who are studying abroad and young people working outside, all the people who usually go to work outside to make money have stopped going, and many of them even quit working after only a month and came back. What's more, young people who work outside the country have all taken leave, and the more advanced ones have resigned directly.

This is the charm of demolition...

A shed was set up at the entrance of the village committee, and several staff sent by the government were busy under the shed, playing with computers and dealing with thick stacks of documents.

Finally, the preparations were almost complete, and without any nonsense from the village party secretary, the young staff directly picked up the loudspeaker and tried the sound. The people who were chattering just now sat quietly and took their own hands. on the small bench. Some people stood aside with their arms folded, smoking silently.

The squealing child was slapped twice, and he kept his mouth shut and remained silent. They are absolutely not willing to let them run away to play. Children also love fun. Although they don't understand, people are gathering here. Of course, they also want to participate like little adults.

"Everyone knows that Longteng Group has occupied our land in Suizhong and Xingcheng. The previous land acquisition work has been completed, and our small villa has also started construction. This time, our government has made a study decision and will not wait until after the autumn harvest. Let’s start construction again. Seize the time and start construction this morning. The earlier Longteng Group moves here, the earlier we will get benefits.

Therefore, the government has issued detailed rules for crop compensation, and will buy out the crops in the fields based on the highest income in the past five years. According to statistics, one acre of corn... a greenhouse... you just need to know it, you don't need to remember it, it's all written in the buyout contract.

Everyone knows how much land they will plant. Let’s report it today and we’ll do the registration. Tomorrow people will come to verify the registered numbers door to door. If there are no problems, the government will transfer the money to the bank card we registered before in a week.

In addition, I would like to say one more thing, it is easy to get money for land acquisition and occupation, but it is not easy for us to make money. Recently, several groups of people have come to our place, selling financial management and health products. Some people have even started to make money, go whoring, and drink heavily. Although our police crack down hard, there are always those who can't be taken care of. Don't go crying for your father and mother after being defrauded of your money. Everyone, please pay attention.

In the past few years of construction, no one has to go out to work. You can earn more by working for our construction company than outside. In the future, Longteng Group and our government will jointly set up enterprises and arrange jobs for everyone. They will have to pay five insurances and one housing fund, and the wages will not be low.

When the Longteng Group is completely relocated, our area will be prosperous. There are subways, airplanes, a big hospital better than Shenyang, and the schools are better than those in the city. There will also be tourism business by then, and people from outside will come to our area. Come and play

The good days have just begun, so be patient.

Okay, that’s all. Next, those whose names are called will come over to register and sign. "

The action was quite rapid, and the land occupation was completed last month. It's not that I don't want to sell it, it will cost more money, but this place is not in the city, and it would be great if it can be developed. More people understand the truth, and the villagers solve the problem by themselves without even asking the government to come up with a solution. This is a village, and to a certain extent, the rules are different from those in a city. The scoldings were unpleasant, the beatings were really painful, and the exclusion was really serious.

Especially after experiencing a wave of gang crackdowns before, there were no big gangsters, but a large number of shackles who were not doing their jobs were dealt with. The previous intensity will naturally have an impact on the future.

Therefore, the report reflected is that the people in Suizhong and Xingcheng actively cooperated and the land acquisition work was completed in less than a month.

And the words of this government worker are certainly not false.

Demolition is accompanied by a group of people who cannot protect wealth. Although this time the demolition is not as rich as before.

But each family has about 200 square meters of construction land. Longteng helps them build a small villa with one underground floor and two and a half floors above ground. They decide what they want to build. They even receive a lot of subsidies for the decoration. Some of them are Longtang and some are The government, which did not pay for the land acquisition, will try its best to let the people live in good houses with less money.

On this basis, each household will also have cash ranging from hundreds of thousands. In the end, the compensation for one family was more than one million yuan. According to the per capita disposable income of farmers of more than 16,000, this is already a wealth that can be saved by working for decades.

Moreover, Wang Yan was very practical. Half of the financial compensation was given first, and the construction of the house started immediately. Although these demolished households live together in a small area, it still affects the overall construction. The most important thing is the laying of many underground pipelines, which has a big impact. Therefore, in the remaining months of this year, the most important thing is to move people into new houses, and at the same time to level the land, and carry out various digging and reclamation operations.

Naturally, it attracted a lot of people who came here with ulterior motives and were thinking about their money. Eating, drinking, whoring and gambling are commonplace. Various scammers have also come around. Of course, the public security situation is still very good. Except for the fact that my family has been fooled by the demolition money, there is basically nothing serious. It is just that the number of people being deceived and deceived is increasing day by day...

The roll call started and the people behind started chatting. Most of the chats were around the Longteng Group, saying that the boss of Longteng was from Chaoyang, how could they not go to a big city and build their headquarters here instead of going to a big city, talking about the bad things going on with various real estate companies, and speculating about it? Does the big boss of Longteng also have to go abroad?

It’s not like the gentlemen in the village, or the gentlemen all over the country, are just like this and are willing to talk about national affairs in plain words.

On the side, someone was playing with their mobile phone and posting the words of the government clerk they just filmed online. In fact, as soon as the news came out, they posted various videos, and netizens watched the plan being implemented.

Today, it is not just this one village, but many villages are doing it simultaneously. Statistics, including verification, only take half a month. The equipment and materials behind have begun to be mobilized. Since it has been decided to start construction as soon as possible, of course everything must be done quickly.

Although it is the headquarters of Longteng, in the final analysis it is an emerging high-end urban area, with only one company as the main body.

However, if the construction of an urban area is still of high standard, the impact will be too great. The construction market, material market, high-tech market, in short, all aspects involved in urban construction, the market is very active.

After the official document of the country was released, the sharpest financial market reacted positively. As the subsequent construction budget increased step by step and was continuously disclosed, there was an even more intense reaction.

However, it has to be implemented in the end, so procurement by various companies has also begun, and production and transportation across the country have begun. And this time is different from some previous government projects and real estate projects. They are all real, and you will be billed once the goods are delivered and accepted. This was paid in advance by each unit, and would be contacted by Longteng later. Longteng's finance would then transfer these funds, and the overall operation was quite smooth.

The project has really started, the procurement has really been implemented, and the payment has really been received. Financial bloggers on the Internet are relying on Longteng to get by.

On the current Internet, there are many people who are following the popularity of Longteng, and even more people rely on Longteng to earn traffic. Digital and technology bloggers who experience products are one type, rich Internet celebrities who experience and evaluate Qianshen pills are another type, and those who rely on the traditional Chinese medicine properties of Qianshen pills, various science popularizations, and taking advantage of the opportunity to make money are another type. Longteng's food is also of the same type, and generally speaking, the ingredients are quite complex. Some people are really stupid, and some people are really bad.

This time, the news that the farmland was being bulldozed, food was not required, and that full-scale construction was to start four months early, naturally, criticism was inevitable. The three topics that were talked about the most were the waste of food, occupying a large amount of cultivated land and violating the red line of cultivated land, and denying Long Teng. Cats and dogs all came out to speak.

It was also at this time that a digital blogger released a video, pushing Long Teng's popularity to a higher level.

"Hello everyone, I'm Xiao Li. I can't believe that a company as big as China Longteng Group, a state-owned enterprise prefixed with "国", actually has an internal blacklist of consumers!!!

The thing is like this, when the Longteng Zhixiang first came out, it was very popular on the Internet. I followed the trend and bought one to review it for everyone. The video is still there, you can watch it by yourself. I think my evaluation is entirely on the side of consumers, and my evaluation has been supported by many netizens. I even said at the time that Longteng’s artificial intelligence technology was very powerful.

But what's the result? Last month, Longteng held a smart home product launch conference, launching the second generation smart speaker, smart home solutions, as well as a full range of self-developed products, as well as products from cooperative brands. As a digital blogger, I also have some smart devices at home. Old fans who follow me should know this. I introduced it during the live broadcast before.

Yesterday, on a whim, I felt that the lights at home were not pleasing to the eye, and I wanted to change a few more, so I thought of Longteng. As a result, when I opened Longteng’s official website and chose to purchase products, what did you think I saw? "

At this time, a picture was posted. It was an interface for confirming the order. There was a pop-up text prompt, 'Hello, due to your inappropriate remarks about our company, our company believes that you do not need our products. We will now You are included in the company's blacklist and the restrictions will be lifted on January 28, 2034'.

"Did you see it, friends? I made a video to help Long Teng increase its popularity, but they actually blacklisted me and banned me for ten years. Can you believe this? Why, such a big company doesn't let people Did you say that? I even bought their fitness pills, but I never expected that they would treat consumers like this.

In fact, some people have commented on my video before, but I didn't expect that this matter turned out to be true. What does that sentence say? Criticism is not free and praise is meaningless. Does such a big company not allow anyone to talk about it? You can only say good things, not bad things, right?

And could you please explain to me the official Douyishouyin website, how did Long Teng know my identity and blacklist me? Was my citizen information leaked?


This guy said a lot, but the summary is that he is innocent, he is a consumer, what he said before is all true, and he did nothing wrong. Shift the conflict to Long Teng and talk about the arrogance of a large company like Long Teng. He even pulled Huawei out, saying that his previous review video had been removed from the shelves due to Huawei's complaints. Longteng is more powerful than Huawei. They will directly create a blacklist and won't sell you, and so on.

Of course, the influence of bloggers is greater than that of ordinary people, especially in the past two months, Long Teng has maintained a high popularity. As soon as this video came out, it was all about Long Teng's blacklist incident.

The public was furious, and the official accounts of Aite Longteng, smart home accounts, and even the account of Wei Lan, who has always been suspected of being the real Longteng proprietress, as well as officials of Douyishouyin and other platforms, asked them to give explanations. How did Long Teng know their identity information and accurately blacklist them.

What's more, various people called to report and complain about Longteng Group.

At the same time, this also supports a group of Internet celebrity lawyers, who collectively analyze whether Longteng’s blacklisting is illegal and illegal, and how to obtain the identity information of netizens and accurately blacklist them.

There was an uproar for a while, as if Longteng Group was going to die. If it were a listed company, it would lose five yuan at least if it came down like this.

"Have you read the news? Nowadays, people on the Internet are talking about our company's blacklist, and it was on the hot search just now." Zhao Fu opened the door, and Wei Lan walked in behind with a bulging belly, asking Wang Yan.

"What's going on?" As Wang Yan spoke, he stood up and walked around the desk, helping Wei Lan to sit down on the sofa.

How could he have so much time to pay attention to the Internet? He watched news every day, but he only watched the morning news in the morning while cooking, and the Xinwen Network after dinner in the evening. Everything that needs his attention is there.

Zhao Fu then sat across from him and explained: "There is a short video digital blogger who posted a video saying that he was included in our company's blacklist. This attracted many people who were on the blacklist to speculate together, and then triggered public opinion.

Some people called the above departments to complain and report, causing a stir. Some even called our customer service phone to abuse us. Although no one has called me yet, this kind of public opinion does have a bad impact, so we should calm it down as soon as possible. This is the video of the digital blogger. The next one is the video of the previous review of the smart speaker. Mr. Wang, please take a look. "

Wang Yan took the phone and started watching it. The two videos together took more than ten minutes. At double speed, he finished watching the videos quickly.

"There's nothing wrong with blocking him," he concluded.

People have a stance, so what they say has a tendency. Various celebrities and bloggers on the Internet have the ability to guide. Maybe Longteng didn't give me money, or maybe a friend gave me money. This person's review video clearly shows that he's not neutral, and his words have crossed the line, and are a bit uncivilized. He has a huge number of fans. Less than a million.

Returning the phone to Zhao Fu, Wang Yan said: "Wei Lan, please arrange for someone to release an explanatory video on the entire platform. Explain the principles of establishing a blacklist, the channels through which we obtain Internet users' identity information, and then focus on the importance of this blog. Our company’s opinion on the main review video. In addition, add a link to our official website, put the blacklist on it, hide the name and ID number, and provide search methods.

We must pay attention to online public opinion, but we are doing it right and there are no laws or regulations. It can only be said that we are petty. There is no need to worry about this kind of thing, just clarify it. The silent ones are the majority, and they have their own ability to distinguish. Those who clamor are those who have been blocked, and those who have no brains to follow the trend.

Big trees attract the wind, and our sudden appearance is not a good thing for many people. This kind of thing will definitely happen in the future, just pay attention to it all the time. If it is our problem, we should solve it. If it is not our problem, we should clarify it and make people pay the price. This blogger turned around and asked the legal department to sue him to improve his memory.

In addition, those who have made recent remarks against us and called us to scold us will be blacklisted by them. Mr. Zhao will also cooperate here. If anyone has party membership, he will send a letter to the local party committee and suggest that their party membership be cancelled. He is from a government unit, so it is recommended that he be appointed with caution. "

"Is it possible?" Wei Lan was a little unsure. It was the first time she had experienced this kind of thing. She was scolded even for the account she took photos of cats and dogs, but she thought she had nothing to do, so she didn't tell Wang Yan.

Zhao Fu was not sure either. He had never been exposed to this kind of public opinion incident and could not grasp the degree of it.

"Just do as I say, and I guarantee there will be no problem. Our products are indeed expensive, but there are more products that are not as good as ours in terms of technology and quality and are more expensive, but they are still selling well. It cannot be because we are a domestic company It is wrong for companies to naturally target us. People who criticize us either have ulterior motives, are not living a satisfactory life, or are a little less smart. There is no need to tolerate their shortcomings.

As long as we clarify it, the popularity will definitely continue for a while. But we are not for those who scold us, but for those who say nothing and just watch the excitement. As long as our quality is consistent and we are expensive from beginning to end, there will be no problem. "

"Okay, I'll make arrangements. If it doesn't work, let's talk about it later." Wei Lan said no more, got up and left.

Zhao Fu talked about the monitoring system discussed with the Huludao government. Of course, it went very smoothly. He could start special development and connect it to Huludao's public security and traffic monitoring systems for testing, and then left.

Wang Yan continued to return to his desk to work, never finishing.

Regarding this public opinion incident, one cannot underestimate or overestimate the quality of people.

In fact, Wang Yan had held back before, and of course he has held back now. Otherwise, he could have sent letters to non-governmental companies and enterprises, which would have killed society. He can even sit together and block relevant immediate family members and friends.

In the era of big data, it is not difficult to do this. How can the people have secrets? Then initiate legal action and sue one by one. Those who are on the blacklist are those whose legal affairs believe that they have a high probability of winning if prosecuted. The law is the line on the blacklist.

But that would be too much, unjustifiable, and too overbearing. Although there is nothing wrong with the approach, it is indeed unfriendly to the masses and is too radical. Reality is diverse and we cannot really act like that. Otherwise, Wang Yan would have implemented it long ago. Since he is short of words and weak of hands, he will naturally have to bear the corresponding price.

Now there is a hole left, you can use the identity information of your parents and relatives to purchase. But when Longteng develops for another two years, they should know what they have lost. After all, a bottle of body-building pills can be sold for 5,000 to 10,000 yuan. This is the most direct loss.

The reason why it is two years is that it is the development time reserved for cross-border gangs. However, according to the current order volume of strengthening pills, it will definitely be faster. Maybe a year, maybe two or three months. To be specific, you only need to look at when the growth of foreign orders slows down, which means that the group has grown.

In fact, according to what Wang Yan learned, some people have already started transporting them across borders. The international airport caught several backpackers who were unaware of the control of Qianshen Pills and brought dozens of bottles with them. As expected, he was caught, suspected of smuggling, and the pills were confiscated. It was quite miserable...

Thanks to brother (Tianshan Eagle) for the reward of 500 coins for continued support.

Thanks to brother (Sbaracine) for the 165 coins support.

Thanks to brother (Dongyue 0 Pioneer) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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