Xiao Suizi had already paid attention to the issues that Little Ballet mentioned. After all, her eyes were fixed on Chen Can.

Chen Can and Zhu Ke, who were punished by Wang Yan, lost both people and battles, and they were arrogant young people who could not hide. If they were the victorious ones, they would not be able to hide it, and might even mock Wang Yan at the dinner table, letting everyone know about their victory. When they win, they are proud and domineering. If you lose, you are afraid of being embarrassed and losing face.

Seeing that Chen Can was not in high spirits, but was eating loudly and faster than before, Xiao Suizi's eyes were full of worry. She desperately wanted to know what happened, and then comfort the man she loved.

Lin Dingding smiled and said: "I wonder why it feels so quiet. Zhu Ke loves bluffing so much. He is all exhausted today. Something was wrong with these male soldiers in the morning."

As she said this, she greeted loudly: "Hey, what happened to you today? So what are you doing?"

No one paid any attention to her, which made her unhappy. Then she said, "Liu Feng, why don't you say anything? You can tell me what you have to say."

Liu Feng waved his hands repeatedly: "It's nothing, it's just that everyone is tired and can't be active. Let's eat quickly."

He looked at the probing gazes of a large number of female soldiers and hurriedly lowered his head to eat. He was not good at lying, and he felt the awkwardness of this table was uncomfortable. He also wanted to finish eating early to avoid this embarrassment lasting longer.

Hao Shuwen and others exchanged glances with each other and reached a consensus that something must have happened to these male soldiers to make something so wrong. But no one told them what happened, which made them very uncomfortable with gossip. So they were not so lively...

Wang Yan didn't feel anything. Although the male soldiers at the table always looked back and forth between him, Chen Can and Zhu Ke, it had no impact on him. Instead, he chatted with everyone.

Chen Can couldn't stand it. He felt that everyone was watching his joke, so he ate all his food and said, "Eat slowly," he got up and left. Zhu Ke himself was left, looking at there was still a lot of rice, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's definitely not okay to waste food, but now that the brothers and sisters are gone, he feels even more uncomfortable here. He picks up the lunch box and leaves. When Wang Yan glances over at him, feeling the gaze of others, he has to sit down again. That big mouthful of food. It was already embarrassing, and he didn't want to be even more embarrassed.

At the table of female soldiers at the back, Xiao Suizi saw Chen Can leave and quickly grabbed her lunch box and chased to the sink.

"Chen Can, what's wrong?" she asked with concern.


Chen Can brushed the lunch box very hard and even sprayed a lot of water on him, but he clearly disliked Hao Shuwen for splashing water on him yesterday when she brushed the lunch box.

"Aren't you full then? I have a lot more here. Would you like some more?"

"Need not."

"Chen Can, what happened? Don't hold things in your heart. Just speak out."

"Are you annoyed? What does it have to do with you?"

Chen Can finally couldn't hold it in anymore and said some hurtful words. Otherwise, what should he say? He said that he was beaten by Wang Yan and it still hurts now? He said that he was still afraid after seeing Wang Yan almost strangle Zhu Ke to death? This woman is so annoying.

Xiao Suizi was also stunned, great sadness welled up, and her eyes suddenly filled with tears, but she didn't cry, she just looked at Chen Can, still concerned: "What can't be said? How big of a deal is it? If the problem cannot be solved, we should go to the squad leader. If the squad leader cannot handle it, we should go to the political commissar. If the political commissar cannot do it, we will go to the director."

"Okay, it has nothing to do with you, don't meddle in other people's business." Chen Can shook his lunch box impatiently and walked away from the stunned Xiao Suizi.

As her eyes followed Chen Can, Xiao Suizi finally lost control and burst into tears. She didn't understand why Chen Can, who had given her tomatoes from the kitchen last night, was speaking so harshly to her after all this time.

She was very sad, and even more disappointed, because she saw disgust and impatience in Chen Can's eyes, which she had never seen before, and she did not hide it. Of course she knew that Chen Can was angry with her, but what she couldn't figure out was why he was angry with her? She didn't understand what she had done wrong. Is her concern wrong?

She was so sad that she cried. In order not to be seen, she ran out to find an empty room, ate the unfinished meal and cried...

From where Wang Yan sat, he could see the sink in the corner, so he naturally saw the movements of Chen Can and Xiao Suizi. Even his excellent eyes and lip reading skills made him clearly aware of the conversation between them.

People always subconsciously hurt people who are good to them, including family members and friends. They always say words to hurt others inadvertently because of all kinds of illusory emotions that make people unscrupulous.

The same is true for Chen Can, he is young and he also has hidden arrogance. He was a son of a high-ranking cadre, but he was bullied by a rootless person like Wang Yan. He felt angry, but he did not dare to go to Wang Yan. Xiao Suizi's concern embarrassed him and he was unhappy, so of course he said those words casually. As for the consequences, he didn't care at all.

After having a lunch that Zhu Ke found difficult, Wang Yan followed the flow of people to wash the lunch boxes. Lin Dingding and others dragged Liu Feng and desperately tried to find out what happened.

They wanted to ask Zhu Ke, because Zhu Ke is usually very lively, talks about everything, and likes to watch the fun the most. But today Zhu Ke had a straight face. They were not sure, so they naturally changed their targets and looked for whoever was honest.

Liu Feng subconsciously looked at Wang Yan. Seeing the latter cleaning his lunch box with peace of mind, he still shook his head and refused to say another word. He believed that, after all, he was in a dormitory and could digest it internally. If word spreads, Zhu Ke and Chen Can lose face, which will intensify the conflict, and of course they cannot be told. He also repeatedly asked others not to talk outside.

As long as the people in their dormitory don't tell, others won't know. Everyone knows Chen Can's background clearly. Zhu Ke was originally the dominant figure in the dormitory. The two of them were the parties involved. How dare the other four passers-by dare to talk too much.

Unlike others who complained about Liu Feng, Hao Shuwen paid attention to the way Liu Feng looked at Wang Yan, and her intuition told her that it must be Wang Yan who caused the trouble.

She was thinking while cleaning the lunch box.

She knew the nature of Chen Can and Zhu Ke. Zhu Ke, in particular, is even more active. He must be at a disadvantage if he looks like this today. So Wang Yan must have had a conflict with the two of them, and then Wang Yan took advantage. This made her curious. Wang Yan usually kept a low profile. Although he started to hate them yesterday, how did he deal with Zhu Ke and the others?

She was quite curious... but she didn't ask. She glared at Wang Yan's back and swiped her lunch box...

In fact, some people came over to ask Wang Yan, but Wang Yan just smiled and said nothing, and it just passed by. He cleaned the lunch box, raised an eyebrow at Hao Shuwen, who stared at him, left the cafeteria with a smile, and returned to the dormitory to deliver the lunch box.

There was no one in the dormitory either. Chen Can and Zhu Ke were avoiding meeting him and deceiving themselves. Like a child, trying not to stay in the same place and staying far away is still immature and does not have the spirit of Jesus. Of course, the spirit of Jesus here is a literal representation, not the complete truth, and it does not satirize Western God.

Wang Yan didn't stop at the dormitory. Although he still had time to eat and even take a nap, he was full of energy and didn't need it. So after putting the lunch box away, he went back to get the suona and an extra flute, and then he went to his small house where he wouldn't disturb anyone's ears.

After all, you can’t play the suona all the time, you have to adjust it.

There are always many coincidences in the world, and there are especially many coincidences that happen to someone like him. He pushed open the door of the utility room and saw a girl with red and swollen eyes sitting on a chair, looking at him confusedly. Who else could it be if she wasn't a sad Xiao Suizi. It's really pity for me to cry like pear blossoms and bring rain to my eyes.

After reacting, Xiao Suizi covered her eyes in panic, picked up her lunch box and left, not wanting anyone to see her crying secretly. But she realized that Wang Yan was in the same dormitory as Chen Can. He must know something, so she stopped moving again.

She wiped her tears and smiled while crying: "Wang Yan, what a joke."

Wang Yan smiled and shook his head: "What's so funny? Everyone has times when they feel sad, and they cry when they can't hold it in any longer. This is based on science, and seems to have been researched by scientists from the foreign devils. Proper crying is beneficial. Don't we often say that people's physical and mental health will be better after crying.

Besides, you are pretty, and you are one of the best in the singing and dancing troupe. You are also good-looking when you cry like pear blossoms and bring rain to your eyes. I feel sorry for you, and it is very suitable for you. "

He did not go in, but leaned against the door with a pile of things, leaving the door open.

"It's so ugly. It's not as good as you said." Xiao Suizi smiled sheepishly and changed the subject, "Why are you standing at the door with so many things? Put them in quickly. Did I disturb you? This Have you been practicing here by yourself for two days?"

She asked three questions in one sentence, but Wang Yan only answered one with a smile: "A man and a woman alone are in the same room, so people bump into each other. You say you are beautiful, but I want to say that I have nothing to do with you." , do you believe it?"

"Fuck you, aren't you and Hao Shuwen on good terms? That's what they said." Xiao Suizi already had a smile on his face.

"Aren't you pretending to be stupid? It's all a misunderstanding. If others see the two of us, they will also say that I'm in love with you. Maybe I'll involve Hao Shuwen and create a drama about two women competing for one man. I don't care. Do you want to?"

"The more you talk, the more you talk. You're not serious. Why didn't I find you so glib before? No wonder Hao Shuwen has been calling you a stinky hooligan for the past two days. I really haven't wronged you at all."

"You have really wronged me. Hao Shuwen doesn't like me. Can you believe what she said? She just deliberately ruined my reputation. I am the most honest person and I always say what I mean."

"Just be poor." Xiao Suizi pointed at Wang Yan with a smile, "Can I ask you something?"

"Ask Chen Can?"

"Well..." She responded in a very soft voice, a bit shy.

Still shy? Wang Yan said viciously: "Is Chen Can angry with you?"

"how do you know?"

"All men without seed are like this."

Xiao Suizi frowned and said, "Does it have anything to do with you? Are you having a conflict? Oh, what's going on? Tell me quickly."

"It's not a big deal. After breakfast this morning, when I went back to the dormitory to clean up..." Wang Yan told what happened that morning exactly, without exaggerating or covering up.

After hearing this, Xiao Suizi fell silent. She was not brainless after all.

It was the other people in the dormitory who let Liu Feng do the dirty work with peace of mind. Wang Yan casually said that everyone would take turns cleaning in the future. Zhu Ke made a sarcastic comment. Chen Can sided with Zhu Ke. Of course Wang Yan also wanted to save face. Besides, Zhu Ke also The rude words brought Wang Yan's parents with him. There was nothing wrong with Wang Yan beating Zhu Ke. Chen Can helped Zhu Ke bully others, so it was natural that he was beaten unjustly.

She was silent about this matter and also because Chen Can was unkind beyond her imagination. The Chen Can in her eyes is sunny, kind, and positive, but the Chen Can from Wang Yan's mouth is a bully, indiscriminate, and a person who vents his temper on others. .

But she believed what Wang Yan said, because Wang Yan had no need to lie, he was the one who won the battle.

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Okay, it's good if you know. I don't want to say more about this kind of thing, as if it's my fault. You'd better not go to Chen Can to talk about these things, then he will I’m really angry.”

Xiao Suizi was silent for a while and said, "You should be more careful. Although I don't know the details, Chen Can's father seems to be in a high position."

"I know."

"How dare you hit him even if you know that?" Xiao Suizi's eyes widened.

"I'm a loner. I'm going to die, so what's there to be afraid of? Liu Feng also advised me. I told him that if he got into trouble, I would go to the capital to find a teacher. No matter how awesome Chen Can's father is, he can still Isn’t it possible to go to heaven?”

Wang Yan shook his head and chuckled, "I told Chen Can that if he was really capable, he wouldn't come to the art troupe to hang out. Not to mention his brothers, his brothers are all in the army, there aren't that many Reason. Of course, I can’t just talk about Chen Can. I am not capable, otherwise I wouldn’t come to the art troupe.”

Xiao Suizi stopped talking. Wang Yan even scolded herself, so what else could she say.

After another moment of silence, Wang Yan said, "Come on, you can think about it by yourself, I won't disturb you anymore."

"I won't bother you anymore."

"First come, first served, it's okay, you can just cry."

Xiao Suizi burst out laughing: "I can't even cry anymore. You should practice hard and let's go."

She held the lunch box and passed by Wang Yan. She smiled at Wang Yan with red and swollen eyes, waved her hand, and turned to leave.

Wang Yan smiled, carried a bunch of things into the house, closed the door, and began to study hard and create behind closed doors again.

Xiao Suizi is pretty good and sensible. There is no one who blames Chen Can for beating him without distinction of right and wrong. Instead, he will reflect on it. Of course, the main reason was that Chen Can lost his temper with her before and hurt her with his words, which made her a little disappointed. She was hiding in this room by herself. She didn't just cry, she also had to think. This thought naturally reminded her of Chen Can's shortcomings and how he was no longer perfect in her eyes.

This can be regarded as an unintentional move. Of course Wang Yan would not have thought that a little tidying up of Chen Can would lead to such a chain reaction, but this is the fun part of messing with people's fate. You never know what the next step will be. Development, how will it unfold...

The ease of the cultural troupe is relatively easy. As an art troupe directly under the military region, its tasks are also very heavy, and it is impossible to stay idle all the time. Their art troupe has a large team and many programs, including solo dance, group dance, situation dance, chorus, male solo singer, female solo singer, male and female chorus, drama, sketch, cross talk, etc.

The main purpose is to convey happiness and spread ideas. Of course, for the majority of soldiers, taking a look at the beautiful girls of the art troupe is also an important way to relieve the boring military life.

At breakfast the next day, the political commissar came and announced the mission. He was going to perform a condolence performance for the troops training in the field. After breakfast, they packed their luggage and set off as a whole army.

Without being greeted by others, Wang Yan did not join in the crowd of women. He consciously went with Liu Feng to help the band load some large musical instruments into the truck. He also went to the props team to help load various props onto the truck.

This is not because of Wang Yan, he has always done this, this time is not special. In Hao Shuwen's words, he almost joined the props team. This is true. Because his professional ability is not good, and he cannot really be idle and do nothing, he can only do what he can.

After being so busy, he quickly set off to where the troops were training. For border troops, the place where they train is naturally also on the border, so they cannot train inside.

The purpose of training is to prepare for battle and maneuver quickly. At the same time, it is also a process of finding problems. All matters big and small during the march are valuable experiences. If you practice more, when war does break out, you will be able to respond quickly and rush to the front line. The same goes for military exercises.

But now that the country is poor, it is not easy to get a training trip. There are countless cars, various tanks, artillery, etc. Even though they don't fire guns, they are still counting the gas money. It's not like a few decades later, when you can fire off a cannon to listen to the sound, use naval cannons to hit a luxury house for maintenance, or conduct coordinated all-round three-dimensional combat exercises by sea, land and air. How dare you think about it.

Speaking of which, Wang Yan had never interacted with the military system before, and this was his first time. Looking at the various 59, 62 and some Type 69 tanks, as well as the Type 63 armored convoy passing by, he felt a little emotional.

Just like in the movie, there are some shows along the way, where a bunch of girls are playing Allegro and saying some cheering words to encourage the soldiers.

There were also people from the cultural troupe who followed the army's logistics team, boiled water and supplied supplies along the way, and greeted the soldiers enthusiastically.

Wang Yan had no program at all. He followed the prop team to the station where the troops were stationed today in advance, and began to set up the stage in the designated open location, setting up lighting, speakers, power supply and other equipment. At the same time, we also need to set up a dressing and makeup area for male and female soldiers, as well as a rest area at night, etc. There are still many tasks. As for the toilets, they are handled by engineers from the army and are quite standard.

By the time Wang Yan and the others were almost done with their work, the large troops were in place.

"Hey, isn't this Comrade Wang Yan from the band? Helping in the props team?" Hao Shuwen mocked Wang Yan with a smile. She held a grudge and had to say something whenever she got the chance.

Of course, the main reason is that she has looked away now and lets others say whatever they like, otherwise she would not dare to talk to Wang Yan.

"Yeah, I can't play the instrument well, so I'll do what I can." Wang Yan smiled and spoke honestly and sincerely.

Hao Shuwen was stunned, admitting in public that she was not good enough? She couldn't say anything else. After all, although her accordion skills were higher than those of Wang Yan's other musical instruments, she was actually not that good at playing the accordion, and she had never been recognized by the conductor.

"You're cruel!" Hao Shuwen snorted coldly and turned away proudly.

"Why do you two start fighting each other as soon as you meet?" Xiao Suizi, who was a few steps behind, stepped forward with a smile.

"She is unilaterally dissatisfied with me. I can't help but retaliate, right?" Wang Yan waved his hand, "Okay, time is tight and the tasks are heavy. Stop gossiping and go and clean up."

"Let's go. Find a place to stay for a while. It's very cold." Xiao Suizi turned and left, going to the tent prepared for them over there.

In the distance, Chen Can watched this scene and remained silent...

Of course Wang Yan also noticed it, but he ignored it and continued to help others. If he was not good at business, he would have to have work in his eyes.

The dormitory is very harmonious now. Yesterday it was Zhu Ke who cleaned, and today it was Chen Can who cleaned it. It was tidy, and even their quilts were straightened up. It's just that I'm not cleaning it clean, it's just that I'm lazy and don't want to do it.

And since Chen Can broke Xiao Suizi's heart the day before yesterday, he happened to meet someone Wang again, and after a small exchange. Xiao Suizi didn't talk to Chen Can anymore yesterday, and even rarely looked at him. However, she became familiar with him, Wang, and talked more.

Of course, this was not because Xiao Suizi was empathizing with Wang Yan, but because Wang Yan saw Xiao Suizi crying secretly that day, it was a little secret, which brought the two of them closer, and naturally they talked more.

After all, Wang Yan has never had the ability to make women fall in love with him at first sight. If he had to, it would only be some women sometimes. His money-making ability played a role, but it was definitely not because of him.

As for whether Xiao Suizi had some tricks up her sleeve. For example, if she knew that Chen Can was beaten by Wang Yan and Chen Can would never forget it, she would stay close to Wang Yan and let Chen Can take advantage of him. This is not necessarily true.

Xiao Suizi is not Chen Can's plaything that comes and goes at a moment's notice. Chen Can treated her so harshly before, so it's understandable that Xiao Suizi would hold a grudge.

Wang Yan didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't care.

After finishing the chores, the cooking team over there also prepared meals. Wang Yan lined up with his own lunch box and packed a full box of rice, even the top. Then he found a place with the wind and ate it. This was the first time he had eaten meat in this world. It was really delicious.

It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Wang Yan is indeed not picky about food, but it does not mean that he is willing to eat. After all, he has never been tired of fine food and fine food.

After a full meal and a short rest, the soldiers sat down in rows, and the performance of the cultural troupe officially began. The daytime is considered as adjustment, but the night is the big drama.

This had nothing to do with Wang Yan. He was an audience backstage. After watching the show for a while, he found a place where no one was around, took out his big front door from his pocket and lit one.

Dian Province is a plateau area. They are located at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters above sea level and surrounded by many mountains. It just so happened that there were no clouds tonight, which did not cover the new moon. When the moon was not bright, there were many stars vying for glory. The stars in the sky were spread out for countless miles.

If you ignore the hardships and hardships in China today, then this scene is still very good, it is the time of burning passion. But the fate of an individual has always been closely related to the country, so how could it be ignored.

"The wind is roaring, the horses are braying, and the Yellow River is roaring..."

The male and female choirs, along with the passionate music, sang the unyielding roar of the Chinese nation...

After the song ended, Wang Yan also finished smoking a cigarette and went back to continue watching the show. As soon as he turned out of the darkness, he saw He Xiaoping running out in a panic. He was so frightened that He Xiaoping was shocked.

"Comrade He Xiaoping? Why are you in such a panic?"

"It's just... oh..." He Xiaoping didn't say anything after all. She glanced back and ran away quickly.

Wang Yan turned around and looked over, and saw Lin Dingding trotting out.

Lin Dingding was not embarrassed when he saw Wang Yan, and said hello with a smile: "Are you taking a break here?"

"Do I still need to hide?"

"Haha, that's true. Let's go, it's my turn." As he spoke, Lin Dingding ran away and went backstage to prepare.

Wang Yan remembered the plot in the movie and turned around to look again. Sure enough, he saw Director Wu who was doing the promotional photography walking out with a smile. He was not in a hurry.

When passing by Wang Yan, he smiled and nodded. Wang Yan knew at a glance that Director Wu was happy for the further development of his relationship with Lin Dingding.

It was Director Wu who found a box of cans and hid with Lin Dingding. When Director Wu was kissing Lin Dingding, he was bumped into by He Xiaoping. He Xiaoping had never seen this before, so he didn't just run away in a panic. He Xiaoping was embarrassed when she broke up with Qingqing. On the contrary, Director Wu and Lin Dingding didn't look embarrassed at all.

Of course, it's nothing. Being friends is normal and free love is encouraged. As long as you don't mess around or do anything immoral, there won't be a big problem.

Wang Yan smiled and went back to find a place to sit and watch the show.

In less than ten minutes, Lin Dingding came on stage and sang "My Motherland". Liu Feng likes Lin Dingding like this. When Liu Feng confessed his love to Lin Dingding, he said that he fell in love with Lin Dingding when he first met her and listened to her singing A Big River.

After admiring it carefully, Wang Yan felt that it was pretty good. Lin Dingding's business ability was sufficient. Otherwise, she would not have been scheduled to sing solo.

Lin Dingding is also versatile. She can sing, play the piano, and dance. She can also take over when there are not enough people...

Wang Yan looked at Liu Feng with a smile on the other side, whose eyes almost fell into his eyes, and then at Director Wu who was pouting in front of the stage and patting Lin Dingding. They were all infatuated. He decided to go back and talk to Liu Feng about this matter. Although Liu Feng would probably continue to be in love with Lin Dingding, he still had to say what he should say.

That night, they slept in the tent with their clothes on. In late autumn, it is still on the plateau and it is difficult to survive at night. However, after a busy day from morning to night, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally. Everyone fell asleep very quickly, and the pain was also in their dreams...

Early the next morning, I got up to the sound of the bugle and went to the cooking class to get water to brush my teeth and fill the kettle. Some people wash their faces, some don't. On a cold morning, it is very uncomfortable to wash your face, and it can even break easily. Although there is cream, it is still not that comfortable.

Wang Yan was more aggressive. He didn't even add hot water and just washed his face with cold water. His skin was quite durable.

"You don't mind the cold either. Here, put some cream on your face." Liu Feng looked at Wang Yan's fierceness and pinched his teeth, and handed over a glass bottle with milky white cream inside.


Wang Yan dipped some on his index finger, spread it on his palms and rubbed it evenly. He rubbed it twice on his face and then wiped his hands.

"Hey, this is something..." Liu Feng had his own grandeur.

Now Liu Feng and Wang Yan have a very good relationship. The main reason is of course that Wang Yan dealt with Chen Can and Zhu Ke. Liu Feng thinks it was because Wang Yan stood up for him. He thinks Wang Yan is very loyal and very kind. Be principled. After all, Wang Yan didn't just sit back and enjoy the success, he also followed suit. This is called leading by example. He was indeed much more relaxed these past two days in the morning.

Chen Can and Zhu Ke were filling the kettle with hot water...

At this time, the female soldiers had also packed up and came over to get water to brush their teeth and queue up for hot water.

Liu Feng cared about his comrades: "Did you sleep well yesterday?"

"Stay like that, I'm used to it already." When speaking, Hao Shuwen stared at Wang Yan with her eyes wide open, and greeted Wang Yan with her murderous eyes.

The latter still raised an eyebrow at her...

"Lin Dingding, how are you?"

Lin Dingding yawned: "I woke up from the cold in the middle of the night, and finally fell asleep again."

"I brought two extra clothes. If you don't mind, you can use them first? Our trip lasts for five days."

As soon as Liu Feng finished speaking, Little Ballet spoke up: "Hey, Liu Feng, you only care about Lin Dingding, don't you care about us?"

"That's right." Zhuoma supported with a sweet smile.

"I have two of them, you guys can sort them out." Liu Feng responded with a smile and responded with ease. This is not the first time.

He always paid special attention to Lin Dingding in the name of caring for his comrades. But it also comes down to the method, just like when he first asked if he slept well yesterday, he did so to all the female soldiers, and then asked Lin Dingding.

However, for Liu Feng's concern, Lin Dingding sweetly said thank you and refused, giving two pieces of clothing to each of Xiao Baere and Zhuoma.

While they were busy, Xiao Suizi took a kettle to fill them with hot water.

Chen Can hesitated for a long time and then came over: "Suizi, let me help you."

"Thank you, no need." Xiao Suizi concentrated on scooping hot water and didn't look at him.

In the past, Xiao Suizi was very happy for his help. After another moment of silence, Chen Can murmured: "It was my fault that day. I shouldn't have talked to you like that. I'm sorry, Sui Zi."

Chen Can has his pride, and it's not like he really doesn't know right from wrong. There's nothing wrong with Xiao Suizi caring about him, it's because he lost his temper. Of course, he didn't want to argue with women, so he still apologized.

Xiao Suizi finally raised her head and glanced at him...

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