The peaks on both sides blocked the sun and cast shadows over the valley road. On this road, a row of military green cars and trucks were driving on the road...

After the last performance last night, the cultural troupe ended its performance mission for the year and will have seven days of rest before starting the new year's performance again.

The road construction now is not as good as it was a few decades ago. After a bumpy journey, we finally returned to the station of the art troupe in Mengzi. As usual, there were still people shouting that the bath water was ready, and they quickly packed up and went to take a bath. The art troupe, which had been silent for a long time, became lively again.

Wang Yan still went to help the props team unload the truck. What he did before was what he had to do now. He still had to unite his comrades. But in fact, this situation is quite difficult. If you do it, people will say that he is pretending. If you don't do it, then they will say that he is awesome and flamboyant. But Wang Yan did it anyway, no one dared to force himself in front of him anyway.

Of course the slap in the face always comes quickly.

Hao Shuwen saw Wang Yan busy there and opened her mouth to mock: "Hey, Platoon Leader Wang is still helping the props team now? This is such a good comrade. Everyone must learn from Comrade Wang Yan and not be arrogant or impetuous."

She actually said what others were thinking, and her sarcasm was quite direct.

"Hao Shuwen is right. Wang Yan is always like this. He has always helped the prop team before. We can't maliciously speculate that Wang Yan is faking just because he is famous and has achieved results. This is wrong, comrade. We should be careful not to distort our thoughts."

Before Wang Yan could reply, Lin Dingding didn't seem to hear Hao Shuwen's sarcasm and said Wang Yan's praises seriously. She was very keen and grasped the key to the problem.

"I think you are just speculating. We are all comrades in arms, so how can we think so much. Okay, okay, hurry up and pack up and go take a shower." Xiao Suizi looked at Wang Yan, "You have to take a good shower. It all stinks."

"This is serious manliness." Wang Yan responded with a smile.

"It's all proof of serving our soldiers..." Lin Dingding said again.

"Hey, Comrade Lin Dingding must be more conscious."

"How many times have I told you, just call me Ding Ding." She looked at Wang Yan angrily, her eyes filled with tears...

A group of people cheered and dragged Lin Dingding away.

Wang Yan smiled, gave Liu Feng a look of "look at it", shrugged his shoulders, and continued to help the prop team with their work.

After working for an hour, Wang Yan returned to the dormitory with Liu Feng and his luggage.

In the dormitory, Chen Can, Zhu Ke, Guan Dongming and others were all lying on the bed, smoking and chatting, unwilling to move.

"You're back. You two are really good, let them do the work of the props team." Guan Dongming greeted.

"There is only so much work. If you finish it early and work quickly, if more than one person is affected, then everyone will be less tired and work faster." Liu Feng replied with a smile.

Zhu Ke gave a thumbs up: "How about you being a pacesetter? Look at this awareness."

Wang Yan was already unpacking his marching bag and the big bag that everyone was paying more attention to. He smiled and took out the cans and cigarettes from it, and said, "The old rule is, one can of cans and one pack of cigarettes per person."

Immediately, there was a lively atmosphere in the dormitory. Wang Yan was not stingy. Even Chen Can, who had some dirty thoughts at the shooting range yesterday, Wang Yan still gave him cans and cigarettes.

Wang Yan took out two boxes of cans and two cigarettes and handed them to Liu Feng: "Yours."

"Thank you." Liu Feng did not refuse. He suddenly liked smoking.

Regardless of how others reacted, Wang Yan picked up the letter and royalties sent to him by the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art, which were what Liu Feng had told him before. When he met with the political commissar before, he also told him that he had given the political commissar another manuscript worth more than 300,000 yuan and sent it to the leaders for review.

After reading it again, Wang Yan packed up his things, took off the quilt cover, took a change of clothes, and went to take a shower with everyone...

The team returned to the group in the morning, and had a shower just in time for lunch.

Because we have a break at the end of the year and have no tasks, everyone discussed during lunch where to go shopping and spend money in the past two days. As mentioned before, due to the stationing of troops and the construction of the third line, although Mengzi is a small town, there are not many people here, the supporting facilities are complete, and there are still a lot of things.

When the time comes, people are always happy to be able to go out and play without worries, so the discussion at the dinner table is quite lively. Especially the female soldiers are even more enthusiastic. It seems that women are born with enthusiasm for this aspect.

Liu Feng was heartbroken and stopped cooking noodles for Lin Dingding. Naturally, he didn't come over to make trouble for her. However, Wang Yan had grown up to the table of female soldiers. He was still sitting next to Hao Shuwen, opposite Xiao Suizi, and diagonally across from Lin Dingding.

Lin Dingding took the initiative to ask: "Wang Yan, what are you going to do?"

Feeling his thigh being bumped by Hao Shuwen, Wang Yan said with a smile: "Of course I have a good rest in the dormitory. There has been no relaxing time for more than a month. I am too exhausted. I don't have the time to walk around."

"That's right, you have traveled so many places, so you need to take a good rest. But you also need to walk more and relax more. You are now paid, and you earn more than fifty yuan a month. I heard that you can get paid for writing a book. I’ve paid dozens of dollars in royalties, so you have to be kind to yourself, because you’ve lost weight.”

"That's not possible. I have a lot of money in the past few months, but I don't dare to spend it randomly. I am saving up for my wife."

Lin Dingding blinked: "What are you looking for?"

"I just want to find someone who can support me. I don't do anything all day long. I can just lie down at home and eat and drink."

"You're so funny. Are you looking for a wife or a maid? It's a new era, so we can't follow the landlord's style." Lin Dingding smiled tenderly, "You are so talented, you must not let it down. Can I really stay at home? The chief can’t agree to it either. I’m telling you something serious, please explain it carefully.”

Wang Yan said: "What I'm talking about is serious. This is not contradictory. What can I do with my little allowance? It's just a few meals of meat for thirty days a month. I can still pay for the remaining twenty meals." I haven’t found a place yet. Of course, this is also a good wish. If I can really find such a wife, it will be eight lifetimes of good deeds in my family."

"What if I can't find it?"

"Isn't it necessary to live a good life? Who said that revolutionary marriages are unhappy? If the couple works hard together, they can always live a good life."

Hao Shuwen nodded: "Yes, I am afraid that I will encounter someone who is not working hard. If I still delay, it will be over."

"Marriage is a major matter, so you must be cautious." Lin Dingding expressed her approval.

Xiao Suizi said: "Okay, let's eat quickly. The more you talk, the farther you go. You are only twenty years old, why are you in a hurry?"

Everyone just finished their lunch without stopping, brushed their lunch boxes, and Wang Yan wandered back to the dormitory.

Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi caught up, one on the left and the other on the right: "You really have a rest in the afternoon?"

"No, that's not what I asked you to kick."

"You know the truth."

Xiao Suizi asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

"Go to the post and telecommunications office to send the manuscript. This time I wrote more than 300,000 words. I sent a copy to the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art and Beijing Literature. Beijing Literature was introduced to me by the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art, and also introduced me to the People's Literature Publishing House Society to see if it can be published as a book to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the people."

Wang Yan explained without them having to ask in detail.

Hao Shuwen bumped into Wang Yan's shoulder: "Okay, you are really going to become a great writer."

"The consciousness is too low. What family doesn't serve the people?" Xiao Suizi imitated Wang Yan's tone and asked Wang Yan with a smile, "Can I imitate it?"

"I've grasped the essence." Wang Yan laughed and asked, "What's wrong with you two?"

Xiao Suizi replied: "You have all the money, and you are just waiting to eat meat. What can happen?"

"Look at you, what you said is pitiful. Don't you two still have money? It's like I've become Huang Shiren. I'm not exploiting you." Wang Yan said, "How about we go to a state-owned hotel? Let's have a big bowl. , I’ve had it once before, and the craftsmanship was particularly good.”

"Okay, you spilled the beans and ate alone behind our backs."

"Just say whether you want to go or not."

"Go, hehe..." Hao Shuwen laughed without ambition.

"What about after the New Year? Can I still eat braised pork?" Xiao Suizi still missed the taste of braised pork, and perhaps also missed the feeling in the dark.

Hao Shuwen also reacted and looked at Wang Yan.

"You two have given me more than a hundred together. How many meals of meat can't you eat? You must eat it." Wang Yan said, "But you two have to pay attention, especially you, Hao Shuwen, what you said at the dinner table just now , you can’t hold back. If you two have a little money and put it all into your mouth, how can you still live a good life? "

"I'm willing, don't worry about it. It didn't cost you any money, and you're still benefiting from both of us."

"That is, women can hold up half the sky and spend their own allowances. We are not like Lin Dingding."

Wang Yan waved his hands with a smile and said, "I just finished my meal and digested it. We will meet at the gate of the group at three o'clock, and then we will go to the state-owned hotel."

"Ok, deal."

Time passed quickly, and it was three o'clock in the blink of an eye. It was not until he chatted with the guard standing guard at the door for more than ten minutes that Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi ran over.

"I'm sorry, Wang Yan, I'm late."

"It's okay, let's go." Wang Yan said a few words to the soldiers standing guard, then took his manuscript and went to the post and telecommunications office with them.

"It's all Lin Dingding's fault for insisting on coming out with the two of us. It took a long time." Hao Shuwen complained.

"That shouldn't be the case. Director Wu and Doctor Zhang didn't find her?"

"Can you not look for me? She didn't go." Xiao Suizi's resentment was not small, "She said that she should pay attention to the impact and not let everyone misunderstand. I see, she is just here to protect you."

"You didn't use the word well. I didn't touch her body. What kind of body was she guarding?"

"You really want to touch me, you bastard."

"Look at you two, you are so weird. Comrade Lin Dingding discovered my talent and was impressed by my charm. This is understandable... OK, OK, I won't say it anymore, I won't say it anymore."

Looking at the second daughter with burning eyes, Wang Yan said with a smile, "I guess she has only been like this for a while, how can I really live with her? When I had lunch today, I just said what I said to her. I thought she could think too much. Think about it, who knows you don’t care at all. In the words of you two, if I get along with her, it will exhaust me to death in this life, so what do I want? Do you think so? I make money, why don’t the three of us eat meat together? That’s great, right?”

Hao Shuwen glanced sideways at Wang Yan: "How new is it? Don't you want to save money for your wife?"

"If you save money for your wife, who will spend the money in the end?"

"Give it to your wife, why don't you call her Ben." Xiao Suizi answered positively.

"Then look at it, aren't they all the same?"

"What's the same?" Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi looked at each other, confused.

Then, they both reacted at the same time, and the red clouds appeared on their faces, just like the fragrant flowers in April, pretty and full of spring, this one was beautiful, that one was beautiful, and it was intoxicating.

"Why are you thinking so beautifully? I think you are a landlord. I'll beat you to death." Even Xiao Suizi, who was relatively gentle to Wang Yan, took action this time.

Hao Shuwen was naturally more aggressive: "Go ahead and dream about your spring and autumn dreams. I think you should be taken to target shooting and die suddenly."

Wang Yan accepted the two's small fists and went to the post office happily. He divided two packages and mailed the newly written story of more than 300,000 words this time. Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi were astonished by his high yield.

It is indeed terrifying. Since Wang Yan started writing articles, in just over four months, he has written more than one million words. Otherwise, the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art would not accept it, and push it to Beijing Literature and Art, and then publish it.

It’s just because he writes too much, unlike other writers who write so little that they need to save up to publish a collection. Even literary magazines cannot publish Wang Yan’s articles. That’s why I introduced him to Beijing literature and art, and used Beijing literature and art to spread his reputation among the masses before publishing it.

After finishing this matter, the three of them went to the state-owned restaurant to eat eight large bowls. There are state-owned hotels in every place, and naturally they have their own characteristics. Many places in Yunnan Province have these eight bowls. This is a special dish here, but the cooking method is slightly different. It is basically not much different from windy places. In other regions, there are also eight bowls, all with different characteristics.

It's the end of the year, everywhere is busy, and state-owned hotels are no exception. It's overcrowded. Local cadres, cadres from various other units, and people from all positions who want to enjoy themselves at the end of the year are full of people and the air is filled with the aroma of meat.

Wang Yan and the three of them ate deliciously at a round table in the corner, not only eating vegetables, but also drinking soda. Even though Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi were lesbians, even though they had already eaten at noon, they still ate very enthusiastically.

"It's better to eat outside." Hao Shuwen said with emotion.

"That's for sure. Look, it's both fish and meat. How can it be better? It's definitely better than the food in our cafeteria." Xiao Suizi said, "It's just not as good as the braised pork made by Wang Yan."

"Then you see, I just have this skill. With my skills, I can make a living wherever I go. This is called having too many skills to be overwhelmed."

In fact, the master chefs in state-owned restaurants are quite good, some of whom are Level 4. There are many mediocre people in the units these days, and there are also many capable people, and their cooking skills are not much worse than Wang Yan's. It's just that the braised pork has a filter, which makes it more unforgettable.

Just this braised pork meal, no matter how it develops in the future, they both have to remember that there are too many elements in it until they die. The background of the times, youthful years, hazy emotions, small stoves in the dark, and so on, the second meal is not as delicious as the first.

"You said you were fat and you were breathless."

"Just tell me whether you want to eat or not."

"Eat!" Hao Shuwen's answer is always so straightforward, "Why don't you eat meat? You must eat it."

"Just be tough." Wang Yan ate the food with a smile.

The three of them ate in harmony and talked about random things. They were happy even if they had a couple but not the other. But this happiness will always be broken.

Wang Yan was sitting in the corner. He had a wide field of vision and could easily observe most situations in the hotel. Also by the window, you can see the children passing by outside, taking deep breaths and looking eager. You can also see people coming into the restaurant.

He watched a man and a woman in military uniforms walk in. The man wore glasses and the woman was very beautiful, attracting the attention of many people.

"Lin Dingding is here." Wang Yan said.

"Where?" Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi turned their heads and looked over subconsciously. At this glance, he met the eyes of Lin Dingding, who was subconsciously scanning the environment in the store.

Lin Dingding was stunned for a moment when he saw Wang Yan and the others, and then walked over with Director Wu with a smile on his face.

"What a coincidence that you are eating here too." She sat next to Hao Shuwen and said, "Wang Yan, do you hate me very much?"

Although Director Wu on the other side looked at Wang Yan with displeasure, he didn't say anything.

Wang Yan asked with a smile: "Why do you say that?"

"Asking knowingly." Lin Dingding looked at Wang Yan resentfully, "During lunch, you clearly said you would do nothing in the afternoon, but in the end you were eating here with Hao Shuwen and the others, and it was so rich."

"Hey, I misunderstood. I went out this time and wrote more than 300,000 yuan of manuscripts. I just remembered when I went back to clean up, so I took a nap in the dormitory, got up, and went to the post and telecommunications office to mail the manuscript. Isn't this just right? When I met the two of them coming out, they had a good time together.

Didn't you also say that I lost weight and asked me to be kind to myself? I thought so. I don’t know when I will get my wife, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. It just so happens that the three of us will come together to have a meal together. It's a bit oily and slippery, so I'll eat more during the Chinese New Year. "

"Oh~ That's right, I thought you didn't want to see me." Lin Dingding stood up with a smile, "Okay, seeing that you are almost finished eating, I won't disturb you anymore. Director Wu insists on inviting me to dinner, so kindly It's hard to say, we just sat at the table. Goodbye."

Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, two awkward contestants who picked their feet, smiled awkwardly and nodded to Lin Dingding, saying some scene-related remarks.

After Lin Dingding left, Xiao Suizi let out a sigh of relief: "This is too embarrassing."

Hao Shuwen nodded repeatedly and looked at Wang Yan: "How can you be so good at making up lies? You didn't even make a draft, but what you said seemed to be true. If I didn't know better, I would have believed it. You are so deceitful at first glance. ."

"Obviously you didn't let me say it. Now in order to avoid embarrassment, I explained the reason why we are here with kind words. Now you are lying to me all the time? Dou E has not wronged me."

"Oh, okay, okay, I say one thing to you and you say eight things, it's so annoying." Hao Shuwen took the initiative to end, and then said, "Why do you think Lin Dingding has the nerve to come and ask? How embarrassing."

"Or you are Hao Shuwen, and she is Lin Dingding." Wang Yan responded with a smile.

Xiao Suizi said: "I must say she was embarrassed, even if she was standing straight. Didn't she say she was afraid of being misunderstood when she came? But Director Wu invited her to the state-owned hotel, and she came out? Besides, didn't she tell Wang Yan before? Well, Dr. Zhang and Director Wu are all scandals, but they were alone today. Is she still flirting with Wang Yan?

Besides, now that she sees the three of us sitting at the same table, she will definitely think about what she said before about Wang Yan delivering canned food to her. She feels that the two of us must ask Wang Yan. Now that her lie has been exposed, she may not know what to think. . But in the future, in the dormitory, it may not be the same as before. "

"It's really interesting. If I didn't want to see how wild she could be, I would have fallen out with her a long time ago. Who cares about her?" Hao Shuwen was as arrogant as a military commander's daughter.

But it was indeed quite disturbing. She and Xiao Suizi wanted to see how far Lin Dingding would go, but they ended up getting very angry...

"Don't worry, it's definitely the same as before. Do you think she never thought about being exposed?"

Wang Yan shook his head with a smile, "We are all in the same group, who doesn't know who is who? There are so many men around her, who can believe that she is fine? Besides, I saw her with Director Wu that day, and she Can it be revealed in a word without any hesitation.

As for me sending her cans, she just had to say it was just a joke. After all, she didn't say it was from me. It's all your guess. There is indeed guidance, and she can also be said to be joking with everyone. Why do you think this is? "

"Isn't she shameless?" Hao Shuwen rolled her eyes and looked down upon Lin Dingding.

"This is one of the things. The main reason is that she is pretty, and she does not object to getting close to gay men. This is her capital. Which man can withstand it? Look at Mr. Wu, you really Do you think he doesn’t know anything? He just knows and is willing to immerse himself in Lin Dingding’s gentle land.”

Xiao Suizi asked: "Do you also want to immerse yourself in it?"

Looking at her dangerous eyes, Wang Yan shook his head and smiled: "I am already in the world of ice and fire, why should I be obsessed with it?"

Hao Shuwen glared at Wang Yan with a tigerish face: "Ganggun, who is the ice and who is the fire? Will it freeze you or burn you? A dog's mouth can't spit out ivory."

"Really, don't tell me, Lin Dingding is really seducing people. Look at what she did to Liu Feng." Wang Yan chose to change the subject very wisely.

Xiao Suizi responded with a face-saving reply: "Didn't you persuade him yesterday? How about it?"

"It worked this time. Lin Dingding really hurt him and he was very sad. He even smoked cigarettes, one after another. He vomited yesterday."

"Liu Feng is a very good person, but why is he blind? He is staring at Lin Dingding." Hao Shuwen shook her head repeatedly.

"He said that I don't understand how he feels about Lin Dingding."

"How does it feel? It's so exciting..."

Wang Yan laughed and laughed: "Eat quickly and retreat after eating. If it is later, we will have to go back with Lin Dingding."

The three of them immediately speeded up, finished eating and drinking, greeted Lin Dingding and Director Wu with a smile, and then left the state-owned hotel and strolled back.

"It was a good meal, but Lin Dingding spoiled it and I wasn't happy about it."

Hao Shuwen patted her belly in an ungentle way, which was recognized by Xiao Suizi...

After returning to the dormitory, Liu Feng was the only one in the dormitory, lying lazily on the bed, staring at the bed board on the upper bunk. He got a stool and placed it next to the bed. He placed a can on the stool and flicked cigarette ashes into it.

Seeing Wang Yan open the door and come in, he greeted: "I'm back, where were you playing?"

"What are you playing for? I went to the post and telecommunications office to mail the manuscript, and then went to a state-owned hotel with Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi to have a meal. What's the matter with you? Are you sad alone here?"

"You are so generous." Liu Feng pretended not to hear what was said behind him.

"Guess who I saw at the state-owned hotel? Hey, yes, you are right, it was Lin Dingding. He went with Director Wu. He said that Director Wu insisted on inviting her to have dinner in the state-owned hotel. She was so kind that she could not but."

Wang Yan is really annoying when he annoys people. If he hadn't known about Wang Yan's combat prowess, Liu Feng would have wanted to compete with Wang Yan and learn a set of martial arts boxing.

But unfortunately, he couldn't beat him, so he just took a sip of the Zhonghua that Wang Yan gave him and continued to look at the bed board without saying anything.

"Don't pretend to be dead. Didn't you go out with He Xiaoping to get medicine? Is there any progress?"

"I just take medicine as usual and then go to the post office. What progress can I make?"

"Where are the cans?"

..."Give it to her."

"It's done, I'm waiting for the wedding banquet."

"Whatever you say is done, it depends on where you go."

"When you are not hanging around Lin Dingding, you still have brains." Wang Yan lit a cigarette, sat on his bunk, and muttered, "You have been here for more than two years, and you have been a pacesetter for two years. No matter how good you are at dancing, it’s time to propose marriage. I’ll talk to the political commissar when I have time to see if I can propose marriage to you this year. Otherwise, your marriage will be restricted. If you don’t mention marriage, you won’t have a house when you get married.”

"This isn't appropriate." Liu Feng sat up directly.

Wang Yan brought him two cigarettes and he kept them. But if Wang Yan gave him activities, helped him speak, and helped him do things, he couldn't bear it.

In fact, Liu Feng could have been promoted. He was originally arranged to go to the Military and Political University to further his studies, just to help him advance to Zhenglian, and he was also offered a job. At that time, Liu Feng was the deputy company commander and had made meritorious service three times. It is said in the play that Liu Feng injured his back while fighting floods and providing disaster relief, and the deputy company should have been promoted at that time. In other words, Liu Feng had already quit before this, which is almost the same as this year.

Liu Feng's resume is actually very good and he has a bright future.

Wang Yan waved his hand: "What's inappropriate? I'm just a friend like you. If I don't take care of you, who will I take care of? Don't tell me that I'm just a comrade-in-arms, so why are you so close? Besides, you are so young. It’s time for me to be promoted as a model of the year. I’ll ask the political commissar when I find time, and I’ll talk to you later. Okay, gentlemen, don’t be like a bitch.”

Liu Feng was so moved. He didn't know that many people in the group laughed at him, encouraged him, and made fun of him. But Wang Yan was different. He stood up for him and offended people with backgrounds like Chen Can and Zhu Ke. She also asked him to give up chasing after Lin Dingding, asked him to be friendly with He Xiaoping, gave him cigarettes, and gave him canned food, and now he was given the opportunity to think about things to do. Closer than his father...

"Thank you." He could only hold back a casual thank you.

"Why don't you show your spirit now and give up the opportunity to your comrades who need it more?"

"You're a pretty good person, but your mouth is too bad."

"As long as you don't worry about Lin Dingding, you're fine."

Liu Feng lay back again and smoked melancholy.

Wang Yan laughed and stopped teasing him. He lay on the bed, picked up a book and read...

The dinner bugle sounded on time. Even though he had eaten another good meal after lunch, Wang Yan still took his lunch box and went to the cafeteria with Liu Feng.

Today’s dinner is white flour steamed buns and potato stew with beef. Although there is not much beef, the stewed potatoes are extremely soft and glutinous, with the taste of beef, and combined with the broth, it is still very good.

Goulash with potatoes is a very famous dish. It originated in Hungary and was later introduced to the Soviet Union. It became a model of communist life in the Soviet Union. China was deeply influenced by the Soviet Union, so this dish was popularized in China. Of course, it’s not possible now. You can’t even eat pork, let alone beef.

"Wang Yan, Liu Feng, thirty-year-olds are helping to kill pigs. They have been serving for a year, but they are just waiting for this day." The chief of staff greeted.

"Okay, I'm a good pig-killer. You've found the right person. Besides, I'm not telling you, Lao Zhang, you're superfluous. You can't finish your breakfast after killing pigs? If you greet me then, we two brothers can still do it. Why did you run away?"

"Why are you so secretive?" The chief of staff laughed and scolded, and settled the matter.

Wang Yan took the lunch box and the steamed bun in his mouth, and went to the table with Liu Feng. Sure enough, Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, and Lin Dingding were all here. Even though they had eaten, they were still sitting there eating without a bite. The main reason was that they were afraid of being hungry at night, so they cleverly packed some food and brought it back to the dormitory to prepare it.

"Wang Yan is here, sit down." Lin Dingding was still so enthusiastic. Seeing Wang Yan, Yingying's eyes were full of indescribable charm.

Still sitting next to Hao Shuwen, she put down her lunch box, which caused Lin Dingding to exclaim.

"Wang Yan, you have been eating in a state-owned hotel with Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi. It has only been two hours, and you still eat so much? You can really eat."

"People who practice martial arts consume a lot of energy. Don't you forget? They said I lost weight just at noon. Why don't I eat more to make up for it?"

"If you don't have enough, just eat mine. I can't eat even this because I'm afraid I'll be hungry at night." Lin Dingding smiled and said, "You really need to eat more. We'll just have a few days off during the Chinese New Year. You'll have to go out for a run then. Maybe you have to go to the 14th Army. I've heard about you, but you haven't been there yet. The soldiers are looking forward to you. You have a heavy mission."

"I'm not sure at the moment. Just obey orders and follow directions." Wang Yan responded with a smile.

He had already seen that Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi were not in high spirits. They must have had a confrontation in the dormitory. Or it can't be said to be a confrontation, but Lin Dingding's reaction was beyond their expectations, but Wang Yan predicted it...

Thanks to Brother (阘光) for the reward of 500 coins for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly for their support.

Thank you to all the brothers who recommended me for your support,

Thanks to the big brothers who read silently for their support.

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