The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 916 Meeting my father-in-law by chance

"After you gave me a massage and prescribed so many medicines, I was able to walk normally in less than a month. I asked the political commissar to go to dance school. There wasn't much work, so I did a little bit of everything. Everyone knew that I had a weak waist. Well, they don’t let me move’s all good.”

There was light snow falling in the sky, Dong Lai Shunzhong's hot pot was smoking. Liu Feng ate the mutton and muttered to Wang Yan.

This was already a year ago, and Liu Feng came to participate in the disaster relief commendation meeting. There were those who had been involved in the Longling earthquake and those who had sent out flash flood relief. There were also soldiers who participated in the rescue in Tangshan and the Beijing-Tianjin area after the Tangshan earthquake. Others will wait and the meeting will be held at the Jingxi Hotel the day after tomorrow. They are all in the Jingxi Hotel, and the standards are naturally very high. The central government's condolences and commendations are national honors.

His resume is really very good, and it has nothing to do with Wang Yan. If Lin Dingding had not been involved, people like him would not have been laid off even if the army was reduced later, but he would have been appointed elsewhere. Although he may not know how to deal with people and behave like dogs, but with his hard work and qualifications, he will not be bad in the future.

Wang Yan writes songs, articles, and long works. He has written and published more than four million words so far. He is considered a literary giant. He also went on a storytelling tour in the Kunming Military Region and won unanimous praise from all officers and soldiers. He participated in the Longling earthquake relief work, and was even more valued by the head of the Political Department. Until now, he is only a deputy company, just like Liu Feng.

Of course, this is in terms of level treatment. When it comes to actual influence, Liu Feng is certainly not enough. Moreover, in terms of age, Wang Yan was only twenty-two, and Liu Feng was more than a year older than him. He was working hard to reach the age of twenty-four, so there was a difference.

As for Liu Feng's work in the props team, Wang Yan didn't say much. Liu Feng's life is not bad now, and it will definitely not be bad in the future. After all, he is working as a nanny here.

Listening to Liu Feng's gossip, he talked about a lot, including of course things about Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi and others. Of course Wang Yan knew this. After all, he wrote one letter a month and they both responded to him.

Wang Yan smiled and asked, "You have to work hard. We are already married, and Xiaoping hasn't moved yet?"

"Go, go, go, I'm like this, what's going on?" Liu Feng used his anger to cover up his embarrassment. After all, decades later, most people are ashamed to talk about sex.

"You worry about yourself. When we were in the group before, I'm embarrassed to say that Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi were both good girls. Everyone in the group knew that you three were confused. I just don't understand. What do you think?"

"If you don't understand, don't think about it. Just watch." Wang Yan smiled and raised the orange soda from Arctic Ocean. "Time will give you all the answers."

You are so good at pretending, Liu Feng was speechless and choked: "I'll just see what you do."

Wang Yan laughed, put a plate of mutton into the copper pot, stirred it with chopsticks, and changed the subject: "You haven't brought Xiaoping home yet, have you?"

"Well, I was originally going to take family leave to go back and have a look, but now I'm just lying down. I told the political commissar that I would take Xiaoping back to have a look after I finish the performance tasks for the beginning of the new year. Over at her house... …”

Liu Feng was silent for a moment and said, "We have to take a look. After all, she is her biological mother. Although she is not very good to her, she still raised her. These years are not easy, and she is a stepfather. Mom can’t run the house or be the master, so that’s good.”

"Xiao Ping said that?"

"That's what I advise."

Liu Feng shook his head, "Is this all human nature? The stepfather already had his own child, and he also had a son with her mother, both of whom are biological children. Xiaoping is a burden. If she eats one more bite, they will It's understandable to eat less than one bite.

The kindness of raising her was so great that she never starved or froze to death, and she was also provided with education. How could she ask for so much? I plan to visit their home tomorrow. I sent them a letter when I got married before. This time I am in the capital, and it makes no sense not to go and visit. "

Wang Yan nodded with a smile. He recognized Liu Feng's words. There are several children in a family, but they are not biological, and there will be situations like this. To say she was grateful, she was not particularly grateful. After all, being hungry and beaten was her real experience, and it was not a pleasant feeling.

But when it comes to resentment, just like He Xiaoping, who has changed the trajectory of her life now, and many of the original things have not happened. She felt the warmth from Liu Feng in advance. Her thoughts have changed, and she can't hate it. Get up. It's so contradictory.

"When are you leaving?" Wang Yan asked.

"The car leaves in the morning the day after tomorrow."

"I guess the commendation meeting won't last long, so let's go eat roast duck the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. I'll buy everything I want to take home by then, and I'll drive over in the morning and take you to the train station."

"Okay, please."

"Too many kind words, eat meat, eat meat, eat more."

Because he had to pick up Liu Feng, Wang Yan took a special leave and borrowed a jeep. When they first met, Liu Feng was still shocked. He was surprised that Wang Yan could do well wherever he went. After all, Wang Yan had only been here for half a year, and it was still a place like the Military and Political University, so he could drive around here.

Of course Wang Yan borrowed it for convenience, not just to show off to Liu Feng.

On the same day, Wang Yan sent Liu Feng to the arranged residence and picked him up the next day.

From a distance, I saw Liu Feng standing and talking to a man with mixed black and white hair and a lot of vicissitudes of life.

Wang Yan parked the car aside, got out of the car and walked over.

"Here we come, Wang Yan." Liu Feng looked at Wang Yan coming and said to the people next to him, "Uncle Xiao, this is Wang Yan of our regiment. He is very good. He writes songs and books, and also gives gifts to the soldiers. Storyteller, now studying at Military and Political University. Wang Yan, this is Xiao Suizi’s father."

Before Wang Yan could say anything, Xiao Suizi's father took two steps over and grabbed Wang Yan's hand: "I know you. I read your books when I was in the cadre school, Heroes of China, and the 14th Army. . Suizi always mentioned you in her letters to me, and I even took the medicine you prescribed for me. I finally met someone today."

He smiled kindly, and what he said had no deep meaning. He just said, 'He's your kid'...

Wang Yan quickly moved up his hands to shake hands and said with a smile: "Hello, Uncle Xiao. Suizi wrote me a letter and told me the address. I originally planned to visit my aunt in two days, but I didn't expect that we met first. Now this is …”

Xiao Suizi's father smiled and nodded: "The clouds have cleared and the moon shines brightly. Now I am idle at home, waiting to arrange a job for me. Just a few days after I came back, I happened to read Suizi's letter saying that Liu Feng was coming to accept the commendation. , I just wanted to ask him to bring something to Suizi, but she doesn’t know about me yet.”

"This is a good thing. Originally, Liu Feng and I wanted to eat roast duck. Let's choose a different day and go out to eat together. Suizi is not here. We are all Suizi's comrades. Let's celebrate for you."

"Hey, what can we eat out? It's too expensive and it's not easy for everyone. You young people should save more and not be too extravagant. If you want to eat, you can go to my house. Suiko's mother is very good at cooking. She also After reading the book you wrote, I have long wanted to meet you. Hey, don’t talk, if you don’t come to my house, then I won’t have dinner with you.”

When he said this, what else could Wang Yan say? He could only nod his head and said: "Uncle, it's settled, I'll come to your house for dinner in the evening. Liu Feng was also entrusted by other comrades in the regiment to help bring some food. Things. In this way, uncle, I will send you home first, then accompany Liu Feng to finish all the things, and then go there in the evening. "

"Okay, I'll just go back and I'll go out with Suizi's mother to buy some groceries. Let's go now. It's too late and it's inconvenient for both of you."

Immediately, the three of them got into the car, and without asking Xiao Suizi's father to guide him, Wang Yan sent him downstairs. Although Xiao Suizi's father had been punished before, the house was still a small building and had not been taken back.

After arriving at the place, Wang Yan left quickly.

After turning out to the road, Liu Feng asked, "Why aren't you nervous at all?"

"You don't eat people, so why should you be nervous? Were you nervous when you went to Xiaoping's house yesterday?"

"well enough."

"Have you been left to eat?"

"Can we not stay? Xiaoping's mother made arrangements to go buy groceries, and her stepfather also asked me to stay and have a drink. She seemed nice and enthusiastic, but I didn't stay and made excuses to leave. .Hey, no..."

Liu Feng reacted, "This is your business, why did you kidnap me?"

"What's there to say about me? It's not like you haven't seen how polite Suiko's father is. When we get to their house later, her mother will probably be even more polite. They are more nervous than me."

"That's because they don't know about Hao Shuwen. If they knew, you would still be rude." Speaking of Hao Shuwen, Liu Feng turned his head and looked at Wang Yan who was driving, "You said before that you planned to go to Xiao Suizi's house before. Let’s see, do we have to go to Hao Shuwen’s house too?”

"Okay, you finally got your brain figured out." Wang Yan laughed and said, "Don't tell Hao Shuwen this when you go back. Or don't tell it. If you want to say it, just tell Suizi alone. Do you understand? "

Liu Feng was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Hao Shuwen is right, you should indeed be taken to target practice."

"Don't worry, I will definitely be alive and well."

Wang Yan did not lie to Xiao Suizi's father. Liu Feng did receive requests from many comrades who lived in Beijing to help bring some things back. Firstly, it is faster than the postal and telecommunications system, and secondly, it also saves money. So Wang Yan drove Liu Feng around Beijing and picked up some things from various houses.

Of course, he didn't forget to buy things for Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen, including the roast duck he mentioned before coming here, as well as other smoked meat and pastries. Vacuuming machines have been available in recent years, but the equipment is not very good, the effect is relatively poor, and the output is not very high, but there is still no big problem in transporting food over long distances.

More importantly, Wang Yan was about to visit his future father-in-law at his home. Of course, Wang Yan couldn't go empty-handed. So he bought more of the same thing and ate it today. In addition, I bought melons and fruits, canned food, bacon, salted hairtail fish, a box of thatched grass seeds, and a few squid seeds. I bought a lot.

As for where his money came from, after all, he couldn't come to the capital in vain. Although he was very busy on weekdays, he didn't have any time. He still went out for a few walks and had a friendly exchange with the treacherous man in the capital. The Wealth Boy helped Wang Yan become wealthy.

There's really nothing he can do, he really doesn't have that much free time. No matter how well he did in the Military and Political University, the rules and regulations were there. It was impossible for him to be unorganized and undisciplined, and there was no time for him to slowly make a fortune by himself. You can only go wherever you go and communicate with these people whose wealth cannot be seen in the light. Simple and efficient, saving time and effort, and very safe.

At around four o'clock, with the sunset reflecting the red glow, Wang Yan drove Liu Feng to the downstairs of Xiao Suizi's house. He unloaded various things from the car and brought some light items to Liu Feng before going up. Then I heard footsteps. It was Xiao Suizi's father who heard the sound of the car and came downstairs to pick him up.

"Oh, I said, what are you doing with so many things?"

"Isn't this the New Year's holiday soon? It's something you should get both emotionally and rationally. Besides, look at these, they're all what we ate today, so they're really not much. Uncle, hurry up, it's very cold outside."

"You..." Xiao Suizi's father shook his head, stretched out his hand to help get some things, and the three of them went upstairs.

The building here naturally has stairs inside, but the stairs are a bit narrow. Although it may not be good enough in the future, it is very good now, and there is central heating here, which is very hot.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt the heat wave on her face. A woman stood at the door. The years of hard work in the past have inevitably made her older, but Xiao Suizi's beauty was inherited from her mother, so this woman's beauty is also the foundation of her beauty. It's still there, but there are more wrinkles and the skin is dark yellow.

Behind him, there was a boy about fifteen years old, who was Xiao Suizi's younger brother.

"You kid, just come here. Why did you bring so many things? Come in, come in." Suiko's mother greeted her warmly.

Wang Yan smiled and entered the house with Liu Feng. Brother Suizi walked up and said simply and directly: "Hello, brother-in-law!"

"What are you yelling at? Get out of here." Suizi's mother glared, but then looked at Wang Yan.

With a laugh, Wang Yan nodded: "Hi, I bought you some candies. Come on, eat them. There are also pig's trotters here, take them and gnaw them."

Seeing that Wang Yan had no unnecessary nonsense, the atmosphere suddenly became better. But this excitement has nothing to do with Liu Feng, he only feels that he is redundant. He could only accompany others when they raised their glasses, listen and laugh when others spoke, and eat a large table full of various dishes with brother Suizi.

The main target is of course Wang Yan. I asked Wang Yan about various situations, how he had spent these years, and also talked about writing books, many experiences of touring abroad, etc.

Wang Yan couldn't remember how many times he had met his father-in-law and mother-in-law. He only remembered a lot, too many to remember. He does not have to have any so-called rich experience, although he does have it, but more importantly, it is his own excellence. As long as he sits here and everyone chats with each other, no one who is a normal-minded parent who thinks about their children will think that he is not good enough.

Speaking of which, he is only slightly inferior in appearance, but in other aspects he is very good. As for appearance, aesthetics is always changing and always relative.

In this era, Wang Yan's appearance is actually quite handsome. On the one hand, he has a pair of charming eyes that he has experienced. His face shape itself is quite resolute, which is in line with the public aesthetics of this era and is very attractive. Unlike a few decades later, women's preferences for men's looks tend to be weak and powerless.

Therefore, Wang Yan is not ugly. After all, among the crowd, if his height is ignored, he will not stand out in people's memory. And after a few decades, people's average height has been increasing, and he will become even less prominent.

He is a man who needs to be savored slowly, and the more he savors, the deeper he sinks. If not, how did he get so many confidantes besides the women he spent money on during his many years in the world...

"Liu Feng? Are you back so soon?"

Hao Shuwen asked when she saw Liu Feng getting out of the car in the yard of the art troupe.

"I attended the commendation meeting for most of the day at the Jingxi Hotel. I stayed in the capital for three days and spent all my time traveling back and forth. Come on, lend me a hand and help me get my things."

"Is there one for me?"

Liu Feng shook his head: "No."

Hao Shuwen immediately frowned: "You haven't seen Wang Yan?"

"Yes, I'm kidding you. Hurry up, there are a lot of things. After I went to the capital, Wang Yan borrowed a car from the Military and Political University to pick me up. After Wang Yan took me to the homes of other comrades, he helped me get the things. When we arrived, they watched us drive there. They didn’t take much at first, but they took some more. After all, there was still a lot left.”

"Wang Yan can borrow a car to drive at the Military and Political University?" Hao Shuwen was surprised, and then affirmed herself, "Yes, he is very popular everywhere. What did you get for me?"

"Roast duck from Quanjude, pastries from Daoxiang Village..." Liu Feng muttered.

"I guess he'll cause trouble."

Immediately, the two of them, together with the driver who picked up the car, took down a lot of things from the truck. This driver was naturally Wang Yan's driver and assistant during the performance. Wang Yan made a long-distance call and asked this guy to pick it up.

Quickly, the three of them moved everything into the rehearsal room. The song and dance team and band that had arranged new shows also took a break, and Liu Feng began to greet people and distribute things to people.

"Did Wang Yan bring anything?" Xiao Suizi asked Hao Shuwen.

"If he dares not to bring it, let's see if I don't kill him. I brought roast duck, some cooked food with smoked sauce, pastries and so on."

After listening to it, Xiao Suizi nodded. He didn't look at anything in a hurry, but went over to get a drink of water.

At this moment, Liu Feng came over carrying a box: "Suizi, your father gave this to you."

"My father has been rehabilitated?"

Liu Feng nodded: "Your dad went all the way to where I live and brought it to me."

"It's a good thing. Wang Yan just happened to come back with a lot of things. I'll go to your house in the evening and let's have a meal together."

Hao Shuwen was talking on the side and had no interest in paying attention to what Xiao Suizi's father had given her. After saying that, she ran over and looked through a lot of things that Wang Yan had brought back for them. The reason why she came closer was because she naturally heard how many things Xiao Suizi had. She thought it was Wang Yan who sent it alone, and quickly observed the enemy's situation...

When Liu Feng saw Hao Shuwen leaving, he thought about it and decided to tell Xiao Suizi. After all, even if he didn't tell, Xiao Suizi's parents would definitely tell him when they wrote to her later. They would have to ask him then, so he might as well tell him first. It’s over.

"At that time, your dad came to deliver something, and Wang Yan came to pick me up to eat roast duck, and then they met."

Xiao Suizi was full of surprise: "Did Wang Yan meet my dad?"

"Not only that... after entering the house, your brother told Wang Yan how good his brother-in-law is... In the end, Wang Yan prescribed medicine to both your parents, saying it was a secret recipe for regulating the body."

Liu Feng talked about the whole process and finally said with certainty, "Your parents are very kind to Wang Yan. I guess they will write to you later."

Xiao Suizi was shocked. Although Wang Yan had written before and asked her for her home address, she did not expect that Wang Yan would meet so suddenly and still see all the other three members of their family. Her brother also told Wang Yan Call me brother-in-law? Wang Yan hasn’t said anything else yet?

Looking at Liu Feng, and then at Hao Shuwen who was rummaging through things behind her, Xiao Suizi blushed and nodded: "I understand, thank you, Liu Feng."

"You guys...hey..." Liu Feng shook his head. He wanted to say something but didn't know what to say. He wanted to persuade but didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only turn around and leave.

Of course Xiao Suizi heard the meaning of Liu Feng's last words, but she pretended not to hear them at all. Ai thought and said whatever Ai wanted. They had been entangled for more than two years and had reached this point today. They just broke up.

Furthermore, the parents have all seen it and are quite satisfied.

And that stupid brother, even if he behaves well and knows how to call people, he should be kind to him later, but he can't hit him again.

While calming down, she looked through the things her father had given her...

He Xiaoping on the other side looked at Xiao Suizi. Liu Feng was back. Of course she came here immediately, so she also heard He Xiaoping's excited words just now.

"Liu Feng, when do you think my father will be rehabilitated?"

"Write him a letter and ask. When I was in the capital, I already bought some bacon and mailed it with your letter and the newly obtained medicine. I don't know if I can still eat it when I get there."

"Did you go to my mother's place?"

"I went and took a lot of things..."

The couple was together, talking harmoniously.

On the other side, Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi had already run to the side and looked at what Wang Yan brought back. I opened the pastry, tasted it, and shared it with others.

Lin Dingding was holding a water glass and standing against the wall, drinking sip after sip with a resentful look in his eyes...

Of course, Wang Yan was not idle. A year ago, he ran to the military compound and met Hao Shuwen's family. Hao Shuwen has a relatively large family. She has three brothers and one sister, all of whom are married. She has two brothers who are out of town. She is the youngest and is more favored. So going to the art troupe is also in response to the policy and I have to go.

Their family is no different from Xiao Suizi's family. They are all very good to Wang Yan and very satisfied. Hao Shuwen naturally also wrote a lot of good things about him in the letter, and everyone knew about it. It was nice to meet the person, so naturally it would be nice to settle down early.

But since I didn't hear an accurate promise from Wang Yan's mouth, I was not very satisfied and felt that it was almost meaningless...

Since the beginning of ordering things back to order, some "new" things have sprouted up and some changes have also appeared. Under such circumstances, even time seems to have sped up a lot.

Wang Yan’s ‘Army 11’ was released, and it still received praise from people from all walks of life, and sales are still very good, although this has nothing to do with him. These two books established his status in the literary world.

After writing the book, he was not idle. He continued to write the "Chinese Heroes" series every day to promote the country and national heroes. People also like to read what he wrote, so he should write more to let people understand the heroes.

On the other hand, if he comes to the Military and Political University and studies politics, he cannot fail to achieve results. So he wrote a book about the military. It is based on his insights from performing in the Kunming Military Region over the past two years, contacting soldiers and leaders at all levels, and consulting a large amount of relevant information. To a certain extent, Explored the 'theoretical' aspect.

But it's not pure theory, that's not what he should write about. What's more, he is only twenty-three years old, so stability must be based on qualifications, which he does not have, but he has the ability.

The whole book discusses his personal views on the development and methods of military political work, writes about national defense modernization, and talks about some thoughts on military modernization. From an ideological level, he writes about the techniques and tactics he understands, as well as the weapons he understands. issues, and made horizontal comparisons with Western countries such as Europe and the United States. At the same time, they thought about future war methods and looked forward to what China's future military will look like.

This is a very complicated book, so it is called "My Views on the Chinese People's Liberation Army."

He deliberately wrote it in a complicated way, but not in a messy way, with clear logic and organization, and it was divided into several large modules. The whole book contains 500,000 words, and it was fifty years after the founding of the army when the book was compiled.

After writing it, it still caused a stir inside. After all, he was good at it, and the book was written clearly and clearly, and everything was on target. However, although people have foresight, they are trapped in reality and there are still many doubts.

Before Wang Yan graduated, the Military and Political University held a special conference on the book he wrote. A group of school leaders and various lecturers and students, in short, all leaders, sat in the audience. He stood on the stage, and the leaders raised various questions about his views, while Wang Yan answered them. Someone was there to record the information, which would then be sorted and sent to the Military Commission.

It was also this conference that gave people a new understanding of Wang Yan, and naturally they paid more attention to him.

Previously it was Wang Yan, the chief political figure, but this time he was replaced by the general staff.

Of course Wang Yan refused, because it would be of no use if he went there, and since he was not allowed to make the decision to promote military reform, there was no point in going to the General Staff. Of course, he definitely can't say that. What he is talking about is his lack of ability, which is all his personal opinions. He can't play a major role in the General Staff. Instead, in the art troupe, he can perform for the soldiers and continue to create some good works. The works are like this.

So it passed, I packed my backpack, packed my things, and got on the train back to Mengzi...

Thanks to Brother (Baidatang) for the reward of 100 coins for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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