"What did you say? Wang Yan took the initiative to apply to join the war?" Hao Shuwen, who was holding the phone in Beijing, couldn't believe the news. Her eyes widened for a moment, and her heartbeat began to accelerate, as if she had lost someone in panic.

At this time, she even thought of Wang Yan's smiling face, saying, 'I'm not dead yet, why cry in mourning'...

From Mengzi's side, He Xiaoping had roughly understood that she had said something wrong. She actually thought that Hao Shuwen should know, but there was nothing she could do. After all, she could only hold her naughty son in one hand and hold the phone in the other. respond.

"Hao Shuwen, don't get excited. Everything is fine now. Didn't it just take two days of fighting? Didn't Wang Yan claim to be invincible in the Kunming Military Region? I heard Liu Feng say that Wang Yan's marksmanship is accurate and his skills are good. This time he will definitely become a fighting hero.

Liu Feng also said that it was Wang Yan who told him that he was so good at fighting and had such a great reputation. He would not be able to gain a foothold in the army if he did not go to the battlefield. The soldiers would despise him. Liu Feng said that Wang Yan was a strong man and his father was a martyr, so he did not want to embarrass his father.

Besides, Wang Yan knows so many chiefs, and they will also take care of him. And everyone knows Wang Yan's situation. If something happens to him, Liu Feng will definitely be the first to know the news. There is no movement now, which means Wang Yan is fine. You don't have to worry. "

He Xiaoping didn't know how to say it. This was her best effort. She tried her best to comfort him.

But Hao Shuwen could no longer hear those many words, and she was already confused. "The phone bill is quite expensive, hang up, Xiaoping." She hung up the phone politely.

When she learned about the war yesterday, she immediately sent a telegram to Wang Yan, but there was no reply. I sent another telegram to Liu Feng, but still no reply. She thought that maybe the art troupe was busy and conducting wartime condolences. So after waiting for a day, I called He Xiaoping today.

She knew that the child was still young, and He Xiaoping must be at home to take care of the child. But I never thought that the news I got from He Xiaoping would be such a thunderbolt, and I was shocked and confused.

She hurriedly paid the long-distance phone bill, and rode her bicycle home as soon as she left home.

When she got home, she picked up the phone and called her father. Her father is also the chief, so he can definitely get news about Wang Yan...

"You said Wang Yan went to the battlefield? Did he perform meritorious service?" Xiao Suizi's tone was not surprised, but panicked. Before Hao Shuwen could speak, she continued to ask, "Why did he go to the battlefield? Didn't he know the danger? They He is the only one left in the family."

"It was said that he approached the commander and took the initiative to ask for the battle. He said that he would go to the battlefield to observe and collect stories. After the battle was over, he would write a book and write about the gains and losses of the battle. If he didn't go there, he would not be able to write. He also said that he had defeated invincible opponents in the Kunming Military Region. , he would not be ashamed to see the soldiers after not going to the battlefield, and he would also feel sorry for his father.

Seeing that he was determined, the chief granted his wish and asked him to be a frontline reporter and take more photos. But at the beginning, the chief took care of him and asked him to act with the team. But after the war started, the company commander he was following was injured. He was good at marksmanship and rushed forward risklessly, so he was appointed acting company commander. He made sharp knives all the way, and at about four o'clock today, he broke into the old street. "

Hao Shuwen said it in detail, and it was all told to her by her father. Strictly speaking, this is of course a military secret, but there is no way to say how secret it is. After all, the war is going on in Vietnam, and the situation on the battlefield is clear, so it's not considered a secret.

The reason why she told Xiao Suizi was that she was worried alone and couldn't help it. It was better for two people to work together.

Xiao Suizi was stunned, not knowing what to do for a moment.

After a long while, she smiled and said: "Wang Yan must be fine. He never does anything he is not sure of. The reason why he didn't tell us in advance is because he didn't want us to worry. It would become a burden for him. Maybe he would write it before joining the war. I got the letter, but it hasn’t been delivered yet.”

She is soft on the outside but strong on the inside, and thoughtful. She is still better than Hao Shuwen, who is always bluffing.


Hao Shuwen let out a long sigh, "You said he is serious. What will happen if you tell us about such a big thing? There is nothing wrong now, who knows... ah..."

She didn't say anything after all, it was too unlucky, bah bah bah.


Xiao Suizi also sighed and lay on the table, listless...

"But let me find you, why didn't you call me for dinner?"

At this time, with a slightly dissatisfied voice complaining, Lin Dingding sat down at the table, "What's wrong with you two? What happened?"

Hao Shuwen did not answer, but asked strangely: "How did you find it?"

"I was looking for you first, but didn't find you. Then I wanted to find Suizi and go out for a walk. Her classmates in the dormitory said that you were looking for her to go out for dinner. I was about to leave, and I passed by this restaurant and saw the two of you. In this pair of sad faces."

"Hey, don't mention it, the stupid Wang Yan has gone to the battlefield." Hao Shuwen didn't hide anything and said it casually.

Although she and Xiao Suizi didn't like Lin Dingding very much because of what happened in the past, but now that they were both studying in Beijing, Lin Dingding took the initiative to get closer, so they reluctantly got closer. After all, we are all comrades in the same regiment and in the same dormitory, so we can never look too ugly. After going back and forth for a while, he could barely get better.

Of course, the main reason is that Lin Dingding no longer pesters Wang Yan, nor does he seek to be angry with the two of them.


Lin Dingding was even more surprised, eyes widened, "Wang Yan went to the battlefield?"

Seeing the dangerous looks in their eyes, she added, "Isn't Wang Yan the only one in his family? Why did he go to the battlefield?"

Hao Shuwen gave a general explanation, and Lin Dingding understood the whole story. She nodded and said: "Since Wang Yan took the initiative to ask for help and is so brave now, what are you still worried about? Don't worry, it will definitely be fine. Okay, okay, you two hurry up Stop thinking about it, the more you think about it, the worse it will be. Do you want to eat? If so, I will have a meal with you two. If not, let’s go out for a walk and relax. "

She said it very easily, as if she was doing her duty as a friend to comfort her, but who could know her heart...

They invaded Laojie at about four o'clock. Although there were not many troops in Laojie, it was already noon when the street fighting to eliminate the remaining enemies ended.

Of course, Wang Yan and others were not fighting alone. They were just the leading sharp knife troops. At around eight o'clock in the morning, another company of soldiers, as well as militia troops, as well as the troops that had crossed over earlier, completely blocked it. In the old street, every building was carefully scanned.

They saw mountains of supplies in the warehouse, with Chinese characters written all over them. The soldiers cursed and directly used the supplies to make rice.

Wang Yan took photos all the way to the Red River and took a photo of the opposite side.

The old street includes both sides of the river, connected by bridges across the river. Now, of course, the bridge has been blown up, and it was blown into three pieces. The Vietnamese army built fortifications on the opposite bank to prevent our army from crossing the river.

Seeing Wang Yan standing there arrogantly taking pictures, without saying a word, he just fired a machine gun with plenty of ammunition.

Wang Yan lay on the ground, and the bullets fell not far in front of him, leaving craters and raising a pile of dust. The midday sun shines on the earth, making it very warm on the body.

After waiting for a round of shooting, Wang Yan spat a few times and spit out the dust that entered his mouth. Then he set up the gun with a smile and said, "If you want to play, then let's play."

The field of view was very good, and the Vietnamese army was very crazy. Wang Yan took away the machine gunner with one bullet, and received more strafing. He moved calmly, shot over again, and killed another machine gunner. Gunner.

After doing this twice, the Vietnamese army was enraged and set up mortars to bombard Wang Yan.


Wang Yan hid with a smile, and then asked the correspondent to report a series of coordinates. It makes no sense that others can only criticize him, but he cannot criticize others.

The correspondent was always with Wang Yan. He immediately obeyed the order and contacted the artillery to fire the cannon.

Now the artillerymen like Wang Yan more, and they call the artillerymen even if Wang Yan is fine. They also knew that this was a unit led by Wang Yan. After fighting for almost two days, everyone in the 40th Division knew that Wang Yan was the company commander.

Of course, the reason why they like Wang Yan is partly because of his personal charm, but mainly because of Wang Yan's standard of sitting. The artillery has already bombarded three enemy artillery positions. These are real achievements. Everyone remembers them. It's good to say Wang Yan.

In fact, this is one of the reasons why the process was much faster than the original process. Our army's artillery support was rapid and the enemy's artillery positions were blocked, which played a considerable decisive role.

The Vietnamese army at this time was indeed good, but it was just like that, not as good as our volunteer army back then. That was the style of the strongest army on the surface. You can win without airplanes and cannons.

After a while, artillery shells from the rear came over and bombarded the fortifications on the opposite side of the river. Wang Yan raised his gun again and started fighting with the opponent.

The attack on Lao Cai was not limited to the 40th Division. There was also the 37th Division of the 13th Army attacking Baosheng on the south side of Laojie and cooperating with the 40th Division to attack Laojie. Therefore, the other side was actually not safe, but Wang Yan came over too quickly, which exceeded the Vietnamese army's expectations, and they did not have time to retreat. They didn't expect that their defense would be so weak, but they still allowed Wang Yan to attack them quickly.

Wang Yan is free now. The old street has been defeated, and the soldiers who have fought all night need to rest. He took photos casually and landed on the river bank. The Vietnamese monkeys across the way were ignorant, so he just played with them.

Just like that, after Wang Yan fired more than twenty shots, there was no movement on the other side.

They were frightened by Wang Yan. He shot more than twenty people and killed at least fifteen people. There were only a few dozen people setting up guns across the river.

They not only have to defend here, but also other places. The manpower is not enough.

"The company commander is awesome."

The correspondent who was hiding aside looked at the Vietnamese monkey who was beaten so hard that he didn't dare to raise his head, and gave him heartfelt compliments. After two days of fighting, he knew best how powerful the company commander was. Because most of the time, he was the one following the company commander. Let's put it this way, he killed an entire squad with just one last strike.

"Hey, it's not the first day I know this. Don't be bluffing. Be more cautious." Wang Yan laughed and waved his hands, "Let's go back, eat and sleep, and have a good rest. In this war, you have to rest well before you can be strong." .”

"Company commander, where do you think we should fight tonight?"

"What do you think?"

"I think the battalion commander should let us sneak across the river, close the door and hunt the dogs, um... close the door and hunt the monkeys, so as not to let the Vietnamese monkeys on the opposite side escape. Or else he should go into the mountains and kill all the monkeys hiding in the mountains. "

"Well..." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, "Xiao Liang, you can be the battalion commander!"

"The company commander is teasing me. You can tell from this. There are only two ways." The correspondent scratched his head and giggled.

"Then tell me, which of these two roads should we take?"

The correspondent thought hard and said: "We should be allowed to cross the river. You are so good at fighting, company commander. Even if your brothers rush behind you, they won't die. Let us fight in the old street. The most important thing is that we can attack the enemy. The sooner we can cross the river, the more important it is." , the more enemies will be annihilated. However, our superiors must have sympathized with us. After fighting for a night and a half, our combat effectiveness could not be maintained, so we were allowed to have a good rest. "

"You can be the leader!"

"The company commander is teasing me again."

"A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier."

"I know this, company commander, you told us before, it was Napoleon who said it."

"With a good memory and high understanding, you have a bright future. Work hard."

Wang Yan was still taking pictures with his camera. He really brought a lot of papers and walked back laughing with the correspondent. The correspondent drank the chicken soup that Company Commander Wang poured out and was very happy. There wasn't much tension in fighting with Captain Wang, and it was all gone.

It's not easy for the correspondent either. Most of the time, he runs behind Company Commander Wang, that is, they charge together and provide fire suppression. This trabeculae had a piece of flesh blown off his arm, his ear was knocked off, his shoulder was scratched by a bullet, and his knees were bruised and bruised due to various tactical movements. He was only 19 years old...

The pride of the West is that it was the first to enter industrial society. Their high-rise buildings were built one hundred years earlier than the East. Li Hongzhang was shocked when he visited the United States. It was because the mighty historical trend rolled over his face. No one knew what to think when he landed in the United States and saw high-rise buildings and busy traffic.

But the backwardness of the East is naturally true. As a provincial capital city, Lao Cai is not that good even if you look at it from black and white old photos, but actually with bright colors. The city is not that good, it is just as dilapidated.

But if you take into account the blood stains on some walls, the bodies lying on the ground, and the bullet marks everywhere, then this place looks better. The city is still an unattractive city. What is attractive is the power of China’s military.

Wang Yan pressed the shutter again and again, recording exactly these...

This time, the militiamen who followed up were responsible for cleaning the battlefield. The team led by Captain Wang, which had been upgraded to the Sharp Knife Company, naturally ate and slept early. This time they fought against Laojie. They fought for eighteen consecutive times. After an hour, I couldn’t do it anymore. No matter how relaxed he was with Captain Wang, he was still dancing on the line of death. His nerves were so tense, and his body was so exhausted that he needed to rest.

Wang Yan ate canned food and rice. These were all donated supplies and were written in Chinese characters. The soldiers were still like that. After eating, they would inevitably scold the Vietnamese monkeys, and then talk to their brothers about their highlight moments and count their heads. Of course, they would also be ridiculed by their fellow soldiers. In war, no matter how brave you are, there will always be moments of embarrassment. For example, if you fall while running or something like that...

After sighing and sighing, what happened to the brothers who were sent back to the rear? Of course, it is also indispensable to remember the brothers who died in the war. After all, he was still laughing and joking, and soon he fell asleep with his gun in his arms, snoring loudly.

Wang Yan put his hands behind his head, closed his eyes and squinted, brewing sleepiness...

Thanks to the (naked little zombie) brother for the reward of 5,000 coins for continued support.

Thanks to Brother (Moldy Star) for the reward of 2,000 coins for your continued support.

Thanks (speechless) to my brother for the reward of 233 coins for continued support.

Thank you (Uncle Big Big Wolf Huang) for the 100-coin reward for your support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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