Although the prisoners have not returned yet, Captain Wang's feat was reported to the front commander and then to the headquarters of the 14th Army in a short period of time. But that was it, and no more reports were made. After all, the person had not really been brought back.

However, it also gave the leaders a deeper understanding of the toughness of Wang Yan and his soldiers.

With less than a hundred men in his dissatisfaction, Wang Yan pursued them more than ten kilometers away and attacked more than 200 people who had moved to the headquarters of the Vietnamese Army. He accurately provided bombardment coordinates, predicted the impact point of the artillery shells, and led the soldiers to attack bravely. He killed more than a hundred enemies in one battle, wiped out most of the combatants in the regiment, and captured 89 people, including the main leaders of the regiment. and many civilian personnel.

And all this only took two hours from crossing the river at night, with less than twenty casualties. Even if the opponent is a little rubbish like a Vietnamese monkey, bullets are bullets. No matter how rubbish the Vietnamese army is, they are still capable of fighting with guns and crazy attacks. To say that Vietnam is rubbish is in terms of national strength, strategy and tactics.

Just talking about the soldiers fighting on the front line, in a one-on-one duel, it is really not certain who will kill whom.

But it was different when it came to Wang Yan. The soldiers of a company he led, from the beginning of the war to the present, had been fighting more with less, and had been the main force in attacking difficulties.

When crossing the river, they suppressed the other side and silenced the Vietnamese machine gun positions, and they did not even dare to show their heads. The first sharp knife to cross the river was on Wang Yan's side. Then they attacked Xiaocao from the north. Wang Yan led his troops to break through Xiaocao's defense line first, entered into street fighting, and was the first to penetrate Xiaocao and attack the high ground on the south side.

Then continue to advance, and reach the old street overnight to eliminate the remaining enemies. On the night of the 18th, they crossed the river secretly and occupied the area on the other side of the Red River. The captured Vietnamese company commander learned of the enemy's headquarters movements and pursued them for more than ten miles, killing more than 100 enemy people and capturing 89 people.

In addition, it is needless to mention the impact of the enemy artillery positions provided.

It can be said that in the battle on Lao Cai, Wang Yan has maximized the role of a soldier and a grassroots officer fighting on the front line. Even the direction of the battle in Lao Cai was largely guided by Wang Yan and his soldiers.

Especially the latter point, from the 118th Regiment, to the 40th Division, to the 14th Army, leaders and chiefs at all levels fully recognize it. This is the role of a sharp knife. It is also a true portrayal of using me in the first battle and using me to win.

Wang Yan didn't know what was happening in various places, and he didn't know how the leaders and chiefs would evaluate or praise them. He just rolled around in the wild, crawled, and jumped, firing his gun constantly.

The leader of a regiment already carries a lot of weight, but the weight of a regiment commander is even greater. Reinforcements still came from Baosheng. It should be that when they were attacked earlier, the enemy group immediately asked Baosheng for help. And because of the weight of the regiment, even when facing the attack of the 37th Division of the 13th Army, at such an emergency, nearly 300 people, more than half of the battalion, were mobilized to pursue Wang Yan and others and rescue them. Their leader.

This has become a matter of face. Two days after the war started, the leader of thousands of people was captured alive. It was too ugly, so they sent such a force to rescue him.

But this would be to underestimate Wang Yan. He dared to single-handedly challenge thousands of people from a small Japanese brigade. What did half of the Vietnamese army's battalion count?

They fought and walked all the way, fighting back and forth for a full five kilometers, killing and injuring half of the Vietnamese army. They finally did not dare to pursue anymore and retreated honestly.

Of course, this was not the result of Wang Yan alone. He also brought a platoon of soldiers with him. However, his distance was relatively close, and the soldiers stayed far away, mainly to set up obstacles along the way. When the Vietnamese army was close, they ran to the next place to continue blocking. Only Wang Yan was in front and shot at the Vietnamese army. .

So the result was still very good. Only one soldier in a platoon was hit in the arm and one was hit in the ear by a bullet. The others were all uninjured.

After repelling the pursuit that ensured victory, the soldiers trotted back all the way. Except for encountering the broken troops who escaped from the direction of Laojie, the return journey went very smoothly. The soldiers were also very happy. How could they not be happy? They captured a regiment's leader, political commissar, staff officer and many confidential personnel. This was an absolute great achievement. In the words of Company Commander Wang, this guy can brag about for a lifetime... …

It didn't take long to catch the person. After fighting Baosheng's enemy and rushing on two legs, it was already midnight when we returned to the old street on the south side of the Red River. At this time, the street fighting here has ended.

If not, Wang Yan and others would not have encountered the remaining enemies on their way back.

"Aiya, the great heroes are back." The battalion commander greeted the convoy in a very exaggerated manner, patting the soldiers' shoulders enthusiastically and kindly, until he punched Wang Yan in the chest with his last fist.

"You are really a capable person, Wang Yan. Who would have thought that you, an artistic soldier, could be so powerful when you hold a gun on the battlefield, hahaha..."

We talk about fighting, but what cannot be ruled out is that Wang Yan is now the subordinate of Battalion Commander Liu, and the soldiers are all the subordinates of Commander Liu. The achievements of Wang Yan and his men in the front line are all attributed to Commander Liu. Of course, the regiment headquarters of the enemy's 192nd Regiment, which was captured this time, also had a share. Even if it doesn't happen, if your subordinates fight with great authority and have great achievements, then that's still a pleasure.

"I say Battalion Commander Liu, your ideological awareness is still not enough. No matter how fierce I am, how fierce can I be? Didn't the soldiers sacrifice their lives and everyone fight together?"

"Yes, yes, your company commander Wang and his soldiers are fierce." Battalion Commander Liu shook his head in amusement. He looked at the prisoners jumping out of the car one by one. He came closer to Wang Yan and spoke in a low voice, "I said, this is Captain Monkey. , also called a person, you didn’t abuse others, did you?”

"He talked too much, and four of his teeth were knocked out in one mouth, and his face was swollen."

"Look at you, you still say that I don't have enough ideological awareness. Let me tell you, you will definitely be punished if you turn around. I am just a little battalion commander, so I can't protect you."

"No, I'm not in the combat force, and I don't want to be an official. I'll just give you the punishment. It's okay."

"That's true. You, a great writer, really don't care about that. Are you trying to calm yourself down?"

"Look, it's here again. The effect of that force is mutual. Give him a mouth, and my hand still hurts. There is nothing to relieve the anger of a defeated general. Such a person will be taken prisoner by us. I already want to die. Now that I am the leader of the regiment, when the battle is over and I am sent back, it will be nothing more than bullshit. Just be normal and there is no need to pay too much attention to it."

"It has to be you."

Wang Yan waved his hand and asked, "Where should we fight next?"

"Cooperate with the 37th Division to thresh grain willows and ensure victory. They were originally the ones who cooperated with us to attack Laojie. But thanks to you and the brave soldiers under your command, we fought too fast and the battle plan was completed ahead of schedule. Isn't this counterproductive?" Come here to cooperate with them? But you are not in a hurry. Although the trip is quite fast, you are also tired from fighting. Just rest here today and talk about it tomorrow. Okay, I will arrange for the prisoners. "

Battalion Commander Liu patted Wang Yan's arm and ran to direct the placement of the prisoners.

High-level prisoners naturally have high-level placement. This group of people won't be able to stay here for long, and they will probably be sent to the division headquarters or even the military headquarters behind them tomorrow. After all, it was the regiment headquarters that took charge, and the people in charge were all alive. They knew more and were of higher value.

After working for several hours, Wang Yan and the soldiers had extra meals, had another full meal in the middle of the night, and found a place to sleep and fell asleep comfortably. Although the faint sound of gunfire can still be heard from a distance, for the soldiers, it is more of a sleep aid.

It was also at this time that the prisoners were completely obtained. After reporting at all levels, they reached the Military Commission and the Central Committee. After hearing Wang Yan's fierce and brave performance, I couldn't help laughing and sighing about Wang Dapao.

In fact, although everyone tried to persuade Wang Dapao to take the initiative to go to the battlefield, everyone was satisfied. It's just that their expectations for Wang Dapao were too low, so what they showed now really shook the hearts of a lot of old leaders. It was really unreasonable.

Of course, there are many brave people, such as the seawater dry mentioned earlier, and when the two armies were fighting, they rushed out of the bunker, ran in front of the enemy, grabbed the gun, and attacked the enemy's ruthlessness. However, in comparison, Wang Yan is the bravest. After all, he has guided the direction of the local war. This is already extremely brave. All obstacles in the way of Wang Yan and his men's attack were not blocked, and the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves forward rapidly...

The self-defense counterattack against Vietnam is divided into three phases. The first phase is from February 17 to February 26, the second phase is from February 27 to March 5, and the second phase is from March 6 to March 16. It's the third stage. The first and second phases were the attack, and the third phase was the retreat. On March 16, the last soldier crossed the border, marking the end of the battle.

Wang Yan obeyed his orders and led his soldiers to various places, fighting from beginning to end. It truly plays the role of a sharp knife and must be the first in every battle. The superior leaders thought they had realized the fierce combat effectiveness of Wang Yan and his men, but the results always surprised them.

Every time, Wang Yan was able to complete the battle plan ahead of schedule and achieve a terrifying battle loss ratio.

The main reason for this is that Wang Yan's troops have not been replenished. The soldiers who fought along the way are becoming more and more elite and have a better understanding of each other. Interspersed, assault, street fighting, etc., the ability has been greatly improved.

Of course, there is also the reason for Professor Wang Yan. He tells these soldiers about his combat experience every day. This is on the battlefield. Especially everyone admires him as the company commander who is like a god of war. His memory is quite reliable and his combat effectiveness is soaring.

However, the various methods of the Vietnamese monkeys are also endless. Our army does not harm ordinary people. The Vietnamese monkey militia and a large number of special agents pretend to be ordinary people and approach our army, and then suddenly attack. There are even female monkey soldiers who come directly. To seduce, take off your clothes as soon as you come up. The methods are various and have indeed caused a lot of trouble to our army.

It's just that when it comes to Wang Yan, it's simple. Anyone who comes up will be killed. After all, when seeing the enemy approaching, normal people would hide far away. Those who move up must have ulterior motives. Killing is the right thing to do, but killing the wrong person... then it means killing the wrong person. In his life, he has never killed the wrong person. So many that he may not even know.

In short, the purpose is very simple, never let the soldiers under his command have unnecessary casualties, and ensure the safety of one's own side as the first priority.

When it was time to prepare to retreat, Wang Yan's mission changed from attacking the enemy to defending the rear. At this time, the Vietnamese army had already dispatched some troops, and even gathered heavy troops in Hanoi to fight with my army to defend their capital. However, our army's goal of "self-defense and punishment" has been achieved, so it began to retreat. At this time, the Vietnamese army became more energetic and attacked behind them like crazy.

Wang Yan also became more energetic, and with the help of the artillery behind him, he forced a regiment of Vietnamese pursuers to dare not move forward. This battle after the retreat was the pinnacle moment of the battle for Wang Yan and his soldiers.

The other soldiers, as well as the militia troops, carried out the actions of burning, transporting and destroying all the troops as they retreated. However, in the words of some people, it is said that our army is responsible for burning, killing, and robbing little Japan in our country. Over the years, I haven’t seen many people condemn Little Japan.

The main purpose was to remove all support materials, as well as some of Vietnam's output and other military materials and economic materials. In addition, schools, hospitals, governments, communes, factories, etc. in the occupied areas were blown up. Everything that could be transported away was transported. Go, everything that cannot be transported will be blown up, such as mines and equipment.

In fact, the Vietnamese army could not withstand our offensive before. When they retreated, they had already destroyed it themselves and did not want to be picked up by us. This part of the destruction is something we don’t even have to think about, and it will be blamed on our army.

Overall, this war had a huge impact on Vietnam. The door to North Vietnam was completely opened, the main cities were completely destroyed, 3.5 million people were displaced, and their lives were difficult. To this day, the impact of this war still exists. Still haven't kept up with development. Of course, Vietnam has not stopped provoking to this day.

Just as after the fighting was over, they still refused to accept it and continued to provoke at the border, and then continued fighting in the border area for ten years. This is what we call the Battle of Two Mountains. It is also part of the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam. But that is no longer the main thing, because it has become a battlefield for our army to test its combat effectiveness, and troops from various military regions are drawn in to fight.

If I don't say stop, you will fight with me, which is quite domineering.

Our military's ten years have not affected its development. Whether it is military reform or economic reform, they are all in full swing. The monkeys in Vietnam have been beaten for ten years, but they only stretched their crotches...

"Oh, haha, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, you Wang Dapao, you really have a chance to go to the battlefield, and you really become a cannon. You don't know, the evaluation of you in Beijing is quite good, He said that you are capable of both literary and military skills and that you are the pillar of the country. In the future, you will no longer be Wang Dapao, but will become Wang Dongliang."

The old chief laughed and patted Wang Yan on the shoulder with a satisfied look on his face. It's abnormal to be dissatisfied. Anyone who has a soldier like Wang Yan under his command will really be able to wake up and be called a man who can be both civil and military.

For example, a certain political commissar named Ning is now crazy with joy. He didn't do anything, he just took some credit because Wang Yan was his subordinate.

"The chief doesn't need to be so exaggerated. I'm really not as tough as a cannon. As for the pillar, I haven't always been the pillar. The same goes for the chief in Beijing, but he just taught the Vietnamese monkeys a lesson and did it with his soldiers. Eighteen hundred people died and the main leader of a regiment was captured, so it’s not a big deal." Wang Yan responded with a smile.

"Hey, you said you're fat and you're breathless, right? You still have the nerve to mention a prisoner?"

The old commander's eyes widened, "The fine traditions of our army are gone with you? Four teeth were extracted from one mouth, the eardrum was perforated, and it took more than half a month for the swelling to subside? The commanders are very dissatisfied with you, you must make a decision A profound self-examination. Aren’t you a writer? Give me 10,000 words later. It’s not enough if you don’t think deeply.”

"The Vietnamese monkeys just don't need a lesson. They were caught, and they still yelled at me. If the captive leader hadn't treated us better, I would have killed him at that time. Hey, don't be angry, chief. He is so old. Don’t be as knowledgeable as a little warrior like me.”

Wang Yan still smiled and didn't care, "Don't worry, I will definitely write a review. Don't say 10,000 words, I will write a hundred thousand words. In addition, I not only have to write a review, but I also have to write about our battle. Heroes need to be praised. , the problems discovered must also be spoken out, and experiences must be summarized.

Chief, I'm going to take a walk with our participating troops. These troops all need to go around and sort them out, so they can write about them. That’s what we do. Chief, please help keep in touch, and I will go to various places to read and chat with the soldiers for a year. "

"You tell me your problem first, and I'll listen." The old chief put his hands behind his back and smiled.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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