The world of film and television begins with the God of Medicine

Chapter 942 A battle breaks out on Qingyun Road


"It's me."

"I didn't know it was you, you bastard?" Hao Shuwen yelled into the phone, "Why didn't you tell me in advance that you were going to fight? Do you know how worried I am? Why didn't the Vietnamese monkey kill you? Woolen cloth."

"If you really kill me, you have to go all the way to burn paper. It's not worth it." Wang Yan laughed.

"Ganggun, are you not hurt?"

"Everything is fine, don't worry. Just hang up. The phone bill is quite expensive. Just let me know that I'm safe and that I'm still alive and kicking. There should be a commendation meeting in a while, and I'm still going to Beijing. , we will meet then. I will write you a long letter tomorrow."

"Are you still worried about the phone bill? If you don't want to chat with me, just say so."

"Where are you? I'm at the post office, and there are comrades lining up behind me. We can't delay them."

"Okay, that's it. I'll wait for you to come to Beijing and see how I deal with you."

Hao Shuwen hung up the phone neatly. Wang Yan smiled apologetically at the person behind him and called again, this time to Xiao Suizi.

"Are you okay?" Suiko's voice sounded a little crying.

"Okay, I'm an invincible fighter in the Kunming Military Region. What are the Vietnamese monkeys? Are you worried? I won't go to the battlefield, just because I'm afraid that you will have random thoughts and scare yourself all day long."

"Then why don't you give us some news? That's good, there's no news at all. It was Shuwen who asked her father, saying that you became the acting company commander and made great contributions..."

"If you don't know, you must be thinking about me going to perform a show for the rear. I won't think about anything if I haven't done anything for a month. By the time you know, I will be back safely."

"Then what if you can't come back?"

"Don't worry about things that didn't happen for sure and scare yourself. Not only am I back, but I've also made so many contributions. You should be happy for me. I'm doing a good job. I'm going to buy something later. We'll have dinner at Liu Feng's house in the evening. There will definitely be a commendation meeting in a while, and we'll see each other then. We're at the post office now. There are a lot of people waiting to call, so I'll hang up now and I'll write to you tomorrow. "


Xiao Suizi didn't insist on saying more and hung up the phone.

Wang Yan turned around again, showed an apologetic smile, and called Lin Dingding again.

"I miss you so much~" she began, passionate, bold and direct.

"It makes you worry."

"Actually, I'm not too worried. I believe in you, and I know you can do it. I heard from Hao Shuwen that you have made a lot of contributions, and I know that you are the best in everything you do."


"You still have reservations about me, but it doesn't matter. I think you should know that I am the one who loves you the most." Lin Dingding said instead, "You don't know yet, but Chen Can and Zhu Ke both passed the exam last year. Renmin University, which has just resumed school, Chen Can approached Xiao Suizi again, but Xiao Suizi did not give him a good look."

After mentioning it casually, Lin Dingding did not wait for Wang Yan's reply and continued to ask, "You have made so many contributions, do you want to come to Beijing to receive commendation?"

"Yes, but the time hasn't been set yet. Okay, let's not talk about it anymore. It's at the post office. There are many comrades queuing up behind me and they have hung up."

"I will always miss you~"

Click, this time I really finished the call.

Lin Dingding is still so considerate. As for the problem she mentioned about Chen Can, what is the problem? Chen Can's father is the chief, and Wang Yan has actually known him for a long time, and even admires him quite a bit. This also shows that Chen Can is a sensible person, or that the chief is so upright that Chen Can dare not speak at all.

However, it is better to be the son of a cadre. Hao Shuwen and her father knew Wang Yan's situation even before he was in the war. Not to mention that Chen Can's father was in the war. Chen Can must also be aware of Wang Yan's brilliant record. He was probably so scared that he couldn't sleep. Sleep.

Wang Yan went to settle the phone bill. At this time, someone asked: "Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, I heard you call just now. Have you just come off the battlefield?"

There are many people in the post office, and it is very noisy. It is inevitable that the phone calls will be louder. Wang Yan now listened to people around him saying that he had sent money to his family, and he quickly took his mother to the provincial capital for medical treatment.

"Yes, I just came back to Mengzi. Pay more attention to the newspapers and you should be able to see my photos."

Sometimes, there are always some lovely coincidences. Wang Yan smiled and pointed at the set of '14 Army' that the man was carrying, and said, "I wrote this book. Thank you for your support."

"Are you Wang Yan?" The man reacted and asked curiously, "Aren't you from the art troupe? Why did you go to the battlefield and perform meritorious service?"

"You volunteered. Hey, don't think I'm bragging to you. Whether I'm the real Wang Yan or whether I'm really on the battlefield will be known in the future."

"That's true." The man nodded in agreement. After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "Comrade Wang Yan, could you please sign this book and write a message for me?"

"No problem." Wang Yan agreed with a smile. Dangzhi took out a pen from his pocket and asked for the person's name. Different words were written on each book.

In fact, Wang Yan has signed many names and written many messages. During the year when he was studying at the Military and Political University, he was invited to the publishing house and accepted an interview. At that time, a batch of printed books were to be sent to various places, so he took the initiative to write a signed message on the title page, which was a surprise for readers.

Seeing Wang Yan's powerful characters written on the title page, this comrade had confirmed Wang Yan's identity. He had seen others buy signed books and had a deep memory of Wang Yan's calligraphy.

He asked: "Comrade Wang Yan, this time the 11th Army and the 14th Army are participating in the war. Do you plan to continue this battle? Add it to these two books?"

"No, this time I will write a separate book about this battle, including all the participating troops. I have already asked my superiors for instructions. In the second half of the year, I will go to various troops to understand the situation. I have already thought of the title of the book. , it's called "Blood-stained Style", and I also wrote a song with the same name. I'm arranging it, and Fang Hongmin is going to sing it. You should be able to hear it on the radio this month.

In addition, I also have a book about our border guards called "Youth Plateau". If nothing goes wrong, it should be published by the end of this year. You can read it then. "

Wang Yan wrote and talked at the same time, and he talked a lot. He knew that being able to know this news in advance was a good thing for this comrade who seemed to be living a pretty good life. After returning home, he would brag with others, which was a wonderful feeling.

After writing a signed message to this comrade, Wang Yan went back to find friends with whom he had friendly exchanges. The spring breeze of reform was still a bit far away from this small border town, and supplies were not really that abundant, so the so-called black market still existed. With.

However, compared to three years ago, the situation is definitely getting better year by year. Especially for the army with the most adequate support, it can be seen from the food that more and more meat is eaten every year, and the variety of dishes is gradually increasing. It is no longer like before, with cabbage for one meal and potatoes for the next. Although it is still inevitable that it will occupy the mainstream, it is also gradually decreasing.

Wang Yan went through another round of shopping and bought a lot of things. Fish, meat, and eggs were a must, and he also bought several cans of milk powder and the like. I had a busy time at Liu Feng's house, cooked a sumptuous dinner, and exchanged glasses with Liu Feng to eat and drink.

While joking, Liu Feng patted his head and said, "By the way, Wang Yan, I wanted to tell you before you left for the war. Didn't I go to Beijing again at that time? To go to the house you bought for me. I also went to see your house. The people you arranged were very attentive. The yard was well taken care of and the furniture was all there. I heard it seemed to be antiques or something. It’s really nice. It's just too big.

You said that Xiaoping and I are only a family of three. If we have children in the future, we will be a family of four. The same goes for you. I see that your yard has three entrances and dozens of rooms. If you live in it one day, won't people seep in? "

"You have no future, and you still think the house is too big? Let me tell you, when there are high-rise buildings everywhere in the future, you will know how big the yard is. Beijing is the capital, and every inch of land will be precious in the future. For the same place, Others build high-rise buildings with dozens of households living in them, but we only have one household and can do whatever we want. You can experience it."

"I've realized it a long time ago." Liu Feng sighed, "You don't know, I even went around to inquire about the price. Didn't you buy it for 3,500 yuan at the beginning of the year? How much do you think it is now?"

Wang Yan was very cooperative and guessed with a smile: "Five thousand?"

"Five thousand? More than ten thousand!"

Liu Feng gestured with one finger forcefully, and his slight trembling reflected his inner uneasiness when he mentioned this matter. He said, "Otherwise, you can also write down the difference, and I will pay you back slowly in the future."

"Buy it and leave it, that's the same thing. It was 3,500 at that time, so it's 3,500. Our country will definitely get better and better in the future, and houses in Beijing will definitely become more and more expensive. You count it as 10,000 this time, Will you remember if it goes up by 20,000 next time? What about hundreds of thousands or millions in the future?" Wang Yan shook his head in amusement.

"Hey, I owe you so much."

"Don't keep saying these useless things. We are the only two brothers in the entire art troupe. You keep nagging about it. What do you want to do in return? How about a kidney transplant now?"

Liu Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head. What Wang Yan said must not sound good, but it is true, but after all, there is really no way to return it. He stopped chatting and picked up the wine glass: "Come, drink, I wish you a great job in defending the country!"

Wang Yan smiled and clinked glasses with him and took a sip of Maotai.

After eating and drinking like this for a long time, the two of them together could not eat as much as Wang Yan alone.

Seeing that the meal was coming to an end, Liu Feng spoke again: "I have to tell you something first. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it in time."

"Tell me." Wang Yan ate the peanuts with a smacking bang, and laughed while teasing the little one in He Xiaoping's arms who blinked at him. When he raised his head, the little one giggled for no reason.

He was the one who named the child. Liu Feng said that he was a great writer and highly educated, so he was better named than him, a father. Little did they know that Mr. Wang was already tired of naming his children, but he couldn't resist the kindness, so he still named him Liu Jingxiu.

This name is taken from Zhuge Liang's famous saying, a gentleman's journey is to cultivate one's morality through tranquility, and to cultivate virtue through frugality. If it is not indifferent, it will not clear its aspirations, and if it is not tranquil, it will not be far-reaching. So he could also be called Liu Jiande. He chose these two names at that time, and Liu Feng chose Liu Jingxiu. He believes that one should be quiet and cultivate oneself in peace. He also said that Wang Yan was literate, so he wanted to name him Liu Ping...

Liu Feng continued: "Isn't it already April? Xiaoping will go to Beijing to go to university in less than half a year. You said before that you might transfer me there too. I really listen to your heart. Went. You said the child was so small, but Xiaoping went so far away, and she stayed there for several years..."

Wang Yan waved his hand and stopped him from talking: "I've been thinking about this for a while, and I'll do it for you when I go to Beijing. Tell me, where do you want to go?"

"I listen to you. I think you know a lot of leaders. If it's easy to handle, just transfer him to Beijing. If it's too troublesome, forget it. I remember you said before they took the college entrance examination that our art troupe will be abolished. Vigorously develop the economy, and he said that you might want to change your job and become a big boss. If not, you can give me some advice and I can change my job."

"You have to wait four or five years to change your job. There is no specific policy yet. If you want to do it, you are just buying and selling. It won't take you three days to arrest you, and I will still have to fish for you by then. . Do you want to go to a song and dance troupe, or go to the General Administration as an administrator? Or go to a song and dance troupe as an administrator?"

"Everything is fine. I just want to have more free time so that I can take care of my children."

"Then go to the song and dance troupe to work as an administrator. It's easier there. It just so happens that you're a pretty good dancer. Although you're just hanging around, you're not just doing it for a living."

Wang Yan said with a smile, "That's it, I'll do it for you when I go to Beijing. Xiaoping will start school at that time. Oh, looking at it this way, it seems that the house I bought is not appropriate. It is a bit far away from the school. "

"It's not far at all. I made a special trip and estimated that it's only ten kilometers. By then, it will only take half an hour to ride a bicycle. This time is a lot for us, but it doesn't count in Beijing... …”

The topic turned to Beijing again, and Wang Yan smiled as he listened to the couple thinking about their future life in Beijing. This is good. The couple has developed and their life is stable...

Coming back after the war was no different than before the war. If anything, the life of the art troupe has become busier, with constant performances outside to relieve the pressure on the soldiers.

Wang Yan did not rest for a long time. He only stayed in the troupe for a week and then started performing again.

As mentioned before, the scale of this performance is quite large. Perhaps, this is also his last performance as an artist. It was what he had applied for before, to conduct a tour of all regiment-level units participating in the war to collect battle details for writing a book later.

There are two books he wants to write this time, one is "Blood-stained Style" which is a documentary about the battlefield, and the other is about the problems, gains, experiences in the battle, how to solve the problems, some thoughts about the future, etc. He named it "My Views on the Vietnam Self-Defense Counterattack". Both of them are large volumes, one can be published publicly and the other is internally distributed. Maybe it will take three to five years before the two books he wrote can be released into the market.

That’s not to say it’s a secret. After all, it’s all published stuff and it’s impossible to keep it secret. It's just that the things written are not suitable for the times, and the broad masses of the people, or the vast majority of intellectuals among them, are not suitable to read. It is easy to arouse thoughts and in turn affect decision-making. This is obviously not possible, so it is necessary to wait for a few years before publishing.

There is also a series of Chinese heroes. During the performance, he will also write about the heroes of this battle.

On this tour, Wang Yan received an even warmer welcome. His bravery has been widely spread. Although everyone thinks it is too exaggerated and cannot be accomplished by humans, no one has any doubts. Because it is impossible to lie. Soldiers can’t tell lies, leaders can’t tell lies, and even a lot of chiefs above, as well as chiefs in Beijing, can’t tell lies.

And what he talked about was also about this battle, and he no longer told the stories of previous characters. Just talk about how he and the soldiers in his company fought. This is what the soldiers want to know most. When Wang Yan praised himself, he was just talking about it. Although the soldiers booed, they also laughed happily. Talking to himself always gave people a feeling of bragging, which also made people happier.

Wang Yan never hesitates to make fun of himself. He is very entertaining, even though he tells the truth. But it’s too good, there’s nothing you can do about it. Unlike what the soldiers thought, he must be exaggerating. He even said it was not so awesome anymore and was very restrained.

At the same time, he did not forget what he said to the soldiers before. When he was sorting out the photos, he had already washed several more copies with him. During this performance, when he arrived at the 40th Division, he also went to send them to the soldiers. Take photos and chat with them.

It was obvious that the battle had only been fought not long ago, but everyone was already feeling a bit sad when talking about it. This was naturally due to the casualties. The seriously injured soldiers have not returned yet, many will change jobs directly, and some have clearly died. Before the war, they were all good brothers who boasted and fought together. After the war, it was difficult to see each other again, and it was inevitable to feel that things were different.

Another thing happened in the meantime, that is, Wang Yan's treatment was mentioned again, saying that he would be promoted to the main camp first, and he would be one step ahead, so he would be considered a member of the regiment. After the commendation, I don’t know what level it will be raised to.

Wang Yan personally estimates that claiming death is just the deputy regiment. Even for art soldiers, the level and treatment cannot be determined casually. After all, he is young, only twenty-five years old this year, and he is already doing well at the regiment level. This is because his contribution is really huge.

Of course, this does not mean that the credit is in vain. The level of treatment is only the most basic thing, even the most unworthy thing. Most importantly, the future.

But this seems to be not worth mentioning to him either. But if he is from this world, what the political commissar Ning Shan said is very accurate. It is really a battle to break the Qingyun Road...

Thanks to brother (Denny Hao) for the reward of 600 coins for support.

Thanks to the reading user (Lin Hui_ea) for the reward of 588 coins for support.

Thanks to my brother (Moglu Jingrouren) for the reward of 100 coins for your continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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