"Hao Shuwen, what happy event are you so happy about? Suizi is also the same. I haven't seen you for a few days. I feel like you look much better?"

Several days have passed since Wang Yan appeared on the front page of the newspaper. Lin Dingding has been trying to contact Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi, and finally got in touch today. As soon as they met, she noticed something was wrong between them.

Seeing that Hao Shuwen didn't know how to speak, Xiao Suizi knew that he was worried about her and replied with a smile: "It's your illusion that I look better, just because I haven't seen you for a few days. But Hao Shuwen did have something happy, she We are getting married, how can we not be happy?"

"Getting married? So suddenly? With whom?"

Lin Dingding's heart tightened, and he had immediately thought of the target, but he still had some illusions and couldn't help asking three questions in succession.

"It's not sudden. It's been so many years. Who are you talking to?"

"Wang Yan?"

"What else?" Hao Shuwen smiled brightly, "The date is set, October 4th, it will be at the Beijing Hotel. No big deal, just invite relatives and friends for a meal. You must come then. "

"That Suizi..." Lin Dingding looked at Xiao Suizi who was smiling, but for a moment he didn't understand what was going on.

Of course she knew that both Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi liked Wang Yan, but now it was Xiao Suizi who smiled and said that Hao Shuwen was going to marry Wang Yan, which made it difficult for her to understand.

"What do you think I'm doing? I must congratulate Hao Shuwen for marrying Wang Yan." Xiao Suizi stopped talking about it and turned the topic to Lin Dingding, "It's time for you to get married, right? When you were in the art troupe. , so many men are surrounding you. There must be many people pursuing you after you go to college, but why, you don’t like any of them? "

"It doesn't feel very good..."

Lin Dingding was of course very popular. She talked about four or five people in general, complaining about the shortcomings of these men who pursued her.

After such a conversation, she turned to ask, "Hey, Hao Shuwen, when you marry Wang Yan, does he have to change his job? I see that he has made such a great contribution, and his photos are all over the newspaper, so he can't continue to stay here Are you in the art troupe?"

"Well, now his relationship has been transferred to the General Staff, in the Equipment Department. But it will be more than a year before he can stay in Beijing. Isn't he a writer? He has been involved in the war before, so he wants to write another book. I'm touring the troops participating in the war to get to know the situation. I originally planned to leave at this time, but I'm planning to get married. The north and south are too far apart, and it takes ten days and a half to go back and forth, so I'll leave after I get married."

"Then he is not idle, right? Invite him over for a meal. We are all old friends. Don't you still hold grudges? Let me tell you, Wang Yan and I are fine. It's just normal. Let’s chat.”

"Look what you said, why should I hold a grudge? He is really busy."

Hao Shuwen shook her head in a funny way, "I don't know what's going on with the research equipment. Anyway, he seems to really understand it. He said he was taking the researchers to figure it out together. Also, wasn't he the acting company commander during the previous war? Follow me. All the soldiers under him were transferred to Beijing, and the commander asked him to lead the team for training. I don’t know the details. They say it’s confidential. Anyway, they spend most of the day in the military camp. When they come back at night, they have to write and draw. I really don’t have time. .”

Lin Dingding nodded clearly: "Then, after you get married to Wang Yan, you will have to stay alone in the empty house. When Wang Yan works in Beijing, won't you be too busy and have no time? It won't be easy for you either.

But it’s true, if you think this man is capable, he’ll be around less often. If I didn't have the ability, I would be around him all day long, but it would also be annoying and my life would not be good. "

Xiao Suizi smiled and said: "There is no such thing as a perfect thing. Only when you give up can you gain something. Okay, don't be sad about Spring and Autumn. Let's go, let's go have a meal and then take a walk."

Three beautiful girls wearing the latest fashionable clothes were walking down the street talking and laughing, and they disturbed the minds of the Huaichun boy who was passing by...

Indeed, as Hao Shuwen said, because she and Xiao Suizi had negotiated and comforted themselves, the emotional entanglement between the three of them had been properly resolved and brought to an end, so Wang Yan and Lao Hao decided to get married in October. This is actually It was unplanned. Therefore, Wang Yan did not leave Beijing, but waited until he married Hao Shuwen. At that time, he went south to perform and sort out information, while Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi continued their studies.

In fact, this arrangement is not bad. More than three months are enough to lay the foundation of the special team, and then the training will be step-by-step.

Although it has only been less than half a month, the current special forces team has grown a bit. For example, cooking classes are needed to prepare meals, and corresponding teachers are needed to carry out cultural classes.

Currently, there are more than ten cultural courses offered, including ideological and political, psychology, language, camouflage, blasting, intelligence spying, tactics, battlefield first aid, biometrics, etc. Quite a few of them are specially brought in by expert professors to teach.

Wang Yan can also give lectures. He mainly teaches cultural courses with combat attributes such as tactics, kidnapping, and assassination. They can be regarded as cultural courses for the time being. He occasionally talks about ideological and political education. After all, he is a master in this field.

In terms of various practical trainings, such as physical fitness, fighting, combat, driving, swimming, etc., such as driving, which involves professional skills, some people are mobilized to join in as instructors, such as car driving, tank driving, Armored vehicle driving, small mortars and related coordinate issues, etc.

In addition, Wang Yan also recruited experts and students studying biology to conduct targeted nutrition research.

At the same time, Wang Yan also compiled teaching materials on physical fitness, fighting, combat, tactics, intelligence, etc. He taught his set of quick killing martial arts and compiled a set of dagger combat routines.

In the equipment department, in addition to sniper rifles, he also put forward some requirements with other research and development groups or personnel from other military factories, such as body armor, combat boots, special warfare clothing and pants, and corresponding armed belts, etc. Etc., from quick-drying and sweat-absorbing to cold-proof and warm-keeping, etc., as well as tactical bulletproof helmets, equipped with small radio equipment, infrared imaging, night vision devices, new multi-functional daggers, etc.

All of them are equipment that future special operations team members will need. Put forward the requirements first and give everyone a direction to work towards. Many things are not difficult, only the idea is difficult.

For example, combat boots are comfortable, breathable, fast, and have strong grip. They can run and jump. They are not that difficult. Even if the current material technology is not as strong as it will be in the future, it can still meet many conditions and is better than today's. Jiefang shoes are much better.

There are also some special warfare equipment, such as Wang Yan's previous leggings holster, chest holster, bullet belt, and grenade belt. There is no technology involved in these gadgets, it just depends on whether the design is reasonable or not.

In addition, the most important point is the reasonable recruitment of personnel. Wang Yan has already reported to the commander. He will first hold a competition in the Beijing Military Region to select outstanding soldiers with strong personal abilities in the army to join the special operations team to expand the scale and improve the system.

But it hasn't been approved yet, and we have to wait until the first batch of people have some shape. Wang Yan is confident about this. He will type up the report first and then he will know if he gets a chance to compete.

After the marriage was settled, there were no special changes in Wang Yan's life. Perhaps he owed Xiao Suizi and only came to the house to have dinner with Wang Yan every now and then, or Xiao Suizi spent more time with Wang Yan. Of course All at night.

During the day, Wang Yan was either in the military camp or in the equipment department. Occasionally, Wang Yan would get up in the middle of the night and run to the military camp for an emergency gathering. Other times, he would do paperwork, write various teaching materials, and then write books. Also benefiting from the current stability, the "Youth Plateau" I have been writing is progressing quite quickly, and I will definitely be able to finish it before getting married.

So in July, Xiao Suizi went home to live on this day. Since Wang Yan came to Beijing and came with him, Xiao Suizi had not shown up, so he went home to see his parents, and there were only a few days every month. Hao Shuwen wanted to go to bed when she got married, so she was determined not to come to Wang Yan alone at night. She was afraid that the gun would go off.

Therefore, Wang Yan was rarely alone today and had a research and development meeting at the equipment department, so he did not go back to the military camp. Instead, after having a meal outside, he went directly back to his house in Beihai.

He had just parked at the door when he saw Lin Dingding, wearing a floral dress and a ponytail, appeared in front of the car.

Wang Yan got out of the car: "Hey, how did you find this?"

Although he asked this question, he actually knew as soon as Lin Dingding appeared here. Lin Dingding simply followed Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi and discovered this place secretly.

Sure enough, Lin Dingding was very honest: "I followed Xiao Suizi here last month. I waited outside until after nine o'clock and didn't see her leave."

"Girl, please don't wander around at night, it's too dangerous."

"Won't you invite me to come in and sit down?"

"Come with me." Wang Yan did not refuse, took out the key, opened the door, and walked in with Lin Dingding.

"Your house is really big, aren't you afraid of living in it?"

After looking around, Lin Dingding arrived in the study and sat opposite Wang Yan, who was boiling water and making tea. "You are a combat hero who has been on the battlefield and made great achievements. I read in the newspaper that you killed three people." One hundred and sixty-five people, there must be no taboos, and they are not afraid of anything."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile and didn't say anything. He just put some tea leaves into the cup and swished them around.

"Are you going to marry Hao Shuwen?"

"October 4th."

"You haven't cut off contact with Xiao Suizi? Don't lie to me. I just watched her come in."

Wang Yan smiled and said nothing else.

Lin Dingding said: "What about me?"

"What do you want?"

"I have no idea."

She shook her head, "Do they both know?"

Seeing that Wang Yan was silent, she said to herself, "It seems that he knows. How did you..."

"Don't be so curious. Before you come, you should have considered it and done some psychological preparation. You should tell the final result. What do you want to do? What do you want to do?"

Such Wang Yan made Lin Dingding feel strange. You were obviously so embarrassed before, why are you so cold now? She thought that it must be because of sleeping with Xiao Suizi and Hao Shuwen that Wang Yan lost interest in her.

She was about to cry, so she leaned over and hugged Wang Yan: "Don't do this to me, okay? You were not like this before."

Wang Yan was very decisive. He held her on his lap and rubbed her: "Have you made up your mind?"

Lin Dingding did not resist, and even her breathing became heavier. She murmured and asked: "Will you be good to me, will you be as good to me as they are to you?"

As Wang Yan said, she had indeed made up her mind before coming. But when this moment really came, she felt a surge of extreme insecurity in her heart.

She could no longer remember why she approached Wang Yan in the first place. Was it because Wang Yan gradually revealed his excellence, or because she didn't want to be worse than Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi.

There is no doubt about Wang Yan's excellence. In the art troupe, Wang Yan is the best one. In fact, after leaving the art troupe, Lin Dingding thought for a long time that there were better men than Wang Yan out there, and there must be better ones in college.

But she found that she was wrong. Whether it was the man introduced to her by her relatives in Shanghai, the man who pursued her in college, or any influential figure she knew, they were all worse than Wang Yan.

The books she wrote are best-sellers across the country and are read by men, women, old and young, and the songs she writes are sung all over the country. Even now, when she walks on the road, she still often hears passers-by humming the songs written by Wang Yan. The most inconspicuous storyteller, Wang Yan Yan was also recognized by the majority of soldiers. He also took the initiative to invite Ying to participate in the war. He went to and fro on the battlefield, killing enemies like hemp, and became a nationally famous fighting hero, recognized by many leaders.

She didn't know when, maybe it was because there were only one or two long-distance calls that year, or maybe it was the letters she sent anonymously from Ding Lin, or the telegrams she sent, and she found that she really couldn't let go of Wang Yan. It seems that Wang Yan, or getting Wang Yan, has become her obsession.

She didn't understand why she was so obsessed with Wang Yan...

Wang Yan knew clearly that it was just because of his excellence that Lin Dingding, who began to think about playing with him, fell into trouble unknowingly. She acted so seriously that it was difficult for her to escape.

His hand was already on the big baby: "As long as you stay safe and don't cause trouble, then everything will be fine."

"Wang Yan, you were really not like this before."

"It seems we need to get to know each other again."

There is no doubt that this understanding is deep and thorough. It is the blending of the body and the communication of the soul. It is a wonderful experience.

Even though Lin Dingding had no communication experience, she tried her best and ignored the discomfort. Perhaps she was also using physical pain and happiness to vent some of her emotions.

This hearty battle finally ended, and Wang Yan once again skillfully cleaned the battlefield. He leaned against the head of the bed, Lin Dingding, with springy brows, rosy cheeks, sweat on her forehead, and even her hair was tangled with sweat, was tightly in his arms regardless of the heat.

"Now that I think about it, it seems that I came here for nothing." After the passion passed, Lin Dingding inevitably looked back on the past, her voice was hoarse because of the previous madness.

"When you were in the art troupe, you would feed the two of them the canned food you brought back from a performance. When you had a break, you would go out to buy meat and open a small stove to make braised pork for them. When you came to Beijing, you also took them to Youyi I went to the store to buy things, and even met my parents at home. As for me, I didn’t get anything, and I got a benefit from you in vain.”

Wang Yan understood her intention very well and said, "I bought a house for both of them, and I will buy one for you too. In addition, I will get you some money, other tickets, foreign exchange coupons, etc. Buy whatever you like, I still have some money."

"I'm not asking for it from you~" Lin Dingding's tone was aggrieved.

"Of course, I gave it to you on my own initiative. After all, I can't always be by your side, so I can only give you some money to spend."

"You said...if the two of them knew..."

"Ding Ding, I know you are a smart woman. There is no need to make the situation originally harmonious into a mess."

"Oh, I did this voluntarily, and I will definitely not harm you. Otherwise, it will affect your future. How can I not distinguish the importance?"

Lin Dingding nuzzled Wang Yan. She was keenly aware of Wang Yan's unhappiness, and her heart was frightened. The little sense of security she had gained disappeared in an instant.

She changed the subject, "You know, many people in our university want to go abroad. They said it would be great to go abroad, and I also learned about it... What about you? You definitely don't want to go abroad, right? You have a high level of consciousness. But with your If you have the ability, you will definitely have a better life abroad."

"If the country is not good, then build it and make it better. This is what we should do. Of course, individuals have their own choices. Some people want to break away from China and integrate into European and American countries, while others want to Learn advanced technology and come back to build the country. No matter what, I respect it.

But it’s not that easy to get around abroad. I’ve heard that many people go there and the first thing they do is wash the dishes, and the money they earn every month is barely enough to eat. In this way, I am afraid it will not be easy to take care of my studies at the same time. If you don't get along well, I'm afraid you will end up blaming the country for your failure. I'm sorry for them. What, you want to go abroad? "

"It's just chatting. My academic performance is average, and I can't get a quota from the government. I can't afford to go there at my own expense. Besides, if I go over there and wash the dishes, I Although I can't say that my fingers are free from the sun, I can't do those jobs. Unless I find an overseas Chinese, I will marry him directly, which will solve my identity and solve my life-long problems. "

Wang Yan chuckled and lit a cigarette.

"Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying that. If I wanted to do that, why bother doing this to you?" She rubbed Wang Yan, not as reserved as Xiao Suizi, but a wave from the inside out, breaking through. The more barriers there are, the more relaxed they become.

"I have no misunderstanding. As I just said, individuals have their own choices. Of course I respect your choice. I think a marriage certificate cannot firmly bind a man and a woman. Just like I am going to marry Hao Shuwen, but I am going to marry Hao Shuwen. You... like this? There is no doubt that I betrayed Hao Shuwen, and I am also sorry for Xiao Suizi. I am already a disloyal man, and you and I have such a relationship, how can I have the nerve to demand so much from you. "

"Okay, you just want to drive me away as soon as you win? Let me tell you, Wang Yan, I won't leave, so I will pester you." Lin Dingding rubbed harder...

She is a smart woman, and all her smartness was used on Wang Yan. She was constantly testing Wang Yan, and she was also constantly trying to stir up Wang Yan's emotions in order to complete the change in status, and then control Wang Yan through time.

There is no doubt that if things continue like that, Wang Yan will be ruined and miserable. Because Lin Dingding must have wanted more at that time.

But unfortunately, she met Wang Yan.

But having said that, if Wang Yan was really manipulated by Lin Dingding, how could the two of them develop to this point.

It was precisely because he couldn't control it that he went from teasing at the beginning to touching himself and falling into the situation now... like this.

Wang Yan chuckled: "How do you want to pester me?"

"Of course you are so entangled." Even though she was still a little uncomfortable, Lin Dingding still smiled charmingly and used her legs to tease her.

"You light the fire and you are responsible for putting it out."

"I really can't do it~"

Wang Yan smiled and pressed her head down...

Thank you to Brother (Xiang) for your support of 1666 coins.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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