The Beijing Hotel was very busy that day. There were all military-green jeeps parked on the road outside. Most of the people coming in and out were cadres in their forties and fifties wearing military uniforms and leather shoes. Others are in their fifties, sixties, or even sixties.

Hao Shuwen's father is the chief of the Beijing Military Region, so naturally all the people she knows are from the military. Whether they are other chiefs or other juniors, they are basically all from the military. Of course, there are also people from government units, but relatively speaking they are too few.

As for Wang Yan himself, there were far fewer people who were purely called by him, but they were all from the military. He called over the first batch of forty-nine people from the Special Forces Team, as well as civilian staff and researchers from the Armament Department, as well as other familiar editors, editors, and chief political officers of the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art and People's Literature. Some people from the cabaret and so on.

Of course, some higher-level chiefs are also indispensable. Since they couldn't come, it was very honorable to send secretaries, clerks and the like to attend.

Of course, Xiao Suizi, Lin Dingding, and Liu Feng and He Xiaoping are also indispensable.

As mentioned before, there is no ceremony, just a simple meal. Wang Yan and Hao Shuwen followed their father-in-law everywhere to recognize people.

Of course Xiao Suizi's feelings were complicated, and Lin Dingding, who was sitting at the same table, was even more thoughtful. I've known this for a long time, but when this moment really comes, I still can't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

"Congratulations." Xiao Suizi clinked glasses with Wang Yan and Hao Shuwen and drank their drinks.

"Yes, congratulations really." Lin Dingding blinked and flirted secretly with Wang Yan.

Relatively speaking, she actually has a psychological advantage. Ever since she avoided Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi and secretly hooked up with Wang Yan, she had a psychological advantage. Now that Wang Yan and Hao Shuwen actually slept together, Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi didn't know it, and it was very exciting.

Hao Shuwen smiled happily and drank drinks with them. She also did not forget to greet Liu Feng and He Xiaoping who were sitting at the same table.

Just toasting, recognizing people, and bustling like this, it was a perfect wedding banquet.

As for the members of the special operations team, they are not allowed to drink, mainly to show a sense of participation. Two trucks drove over, just to eat when they arrived. Wang Yan and Hao Shuwen made a toast. They drank the drinks, so they met people. When they were full and full, they got into the truck and headed to the military camp in the suburbs. Go back and continue training.

The Beijing Military Region is currently holding a competition between scouts, and the content of the competition is determined by Wang Yan. Fifty people were selected from across the military region based on multiple dimensions such as physical fitness, strength, marksmanship, memory, learning ability, etc. Relatively speaking, these are the real top players, who are of higher quality than the thirty official special operations team members left now.

However, veterans are veterans. Although the first batch of forty-nine people are not good, they are responsible for the assessment and will occupy a certain position in the future expanded special operations team.

Of course, Wang Yan will never let incompetent people or people with insufficient abilities take important positions, but these are serious professional soldiers who can work in the army until retirement, so they must take care of those who should be taken care of. On the other hand, the people who followed him to fight the Vietnamese monkeys were there, and they were all working under his command, so of course he couldn't treat these soldiers harshly.

In fact, these soldiers are all good. In addition, Wang Yan personally gives ideological and political lessons, and they are very aware...

After a wedding banquet, they went to Hao Shuwen's house and sat for a while. By the time Wang Yan and Hao Shuwen returned to Beihai's yard, it was already dark.

The current yard has undergone some renovations. The red character "Happy" is posted on the door, and the windows of the houses in the courtyard are also decorated with window grilles. The quilts are also bright red mandarin duck quilts, and all the thermoses and the like are replaced with red. These were all organized by Hao Shuwen's mother and sister-in-law. The simple decorations were considered festive.

Hao Shuwen sat on the edge of the bed, clutching her hands nervously, not knowing what to do for a while.

Wang Yan asked with a smile: "Are you hungry?"

"well enough."

"That's why I'm hungry. I've been busy all day and haven't eaten a few bites of food. Just wait a moment. There's still some food at home. I'll fry two and we'll eat some more."

"Let me help you."

"No, it won't take long to cook two dishes. Just take a rest."

Wang Yan was very considerate, waved his hand and went out to get busy.

Hao Shuwen did not choose to rest in the room, but went out to help. She sat on the stone bench with Wang Yan and chose vegetables around the stone table.

After a moment of silence, she said, "You don't blame me, do you?"

Wang Yan shook his head in a funny way: "What nonsense are you talking about? When a beautiful woman like you marries me, my ancestral graves are covered in smoke. Where is the strangeness?"

"That Suiko..."

"It's not easy for her to propose or for you to agree. It's not whether I blame you or not. It's whether you two can blame me or not. You are still willing to be like this. If you really let me be the landlord, my ancestral graves are not worth a few wisps. The green smoke is much thicker than the smoke from our stove, so stop thinking about it and just keep your heart in your stomach."

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Hao Shuwen laughed, "But you are indeed a bastard."

"I'll just take it as a compliment from you."

"Then what if we don't explain it clearly? What are you going to do?"

"You might as well ask more directly, do I like you or her more?" Wang Yan lit a cigarette, took a sip melancholy, and sighed, "If we can really tell the difference, why have we delayed it for so many years? It’s just because they all like it and can’t bear to part with it.”

Hao Shuwen also sighed: "I sometimes think about it. In fact, I didn't have any feelings for you at the beginning. Later, people in the group spread the news that we were getting along. Then I saw Suizi walking so close to you, and then we fell in love with each other. I like you a little bit. I asked Suizi about it later, and she said that when you comforted her in the utility room, she felt that you were a good person. Later, when you two walked together in the back during the performance, she liked you. .

If you want to calculate it this way, then..."

"It's boring to calculate it like that."

Wang Yan interrupted her, "I like it, but it's an indescribable feeling. Who can tell when it started? You said it was later, but why wasn't it at the beginning? How can you say it so accurately? When will it come out? If you like it, you just like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it, it's that simple. And you, don't think about it, our days are still long."

"Where are you?" Hao Shuwen said angrily, "When do you plan to leave?"

"It would be bad to leave just after getting married. Let's wait until the end of this month and spend more time with you. I have to leave this time. To be honest, I don't want to go now that I'm married. I can't write a book. It doesn’t matter if I write about it. It’s just that Haikou has been praised before, so it would be bad if I don’t write about it.”

What Wang Yan said was half true and half false, but the truth was definitely correct. He would write everything in this book. The main difference between true and false lies in whether he did it voluntarily or not. Obviously, he was willing and was just comforting Hao Shuwen.

In fact, he is the most afraid of trouble, but he is also the least afraid of trouble. The difference, of course, lies in whether he is willing or not. There are many things that he is willing to put in some effort into doing.

"Won't come back in the middle?"

"How is that possible? I will definitely come back and take a look after half a year. Writing a book is not the main thing. Training of soldiers and the equipment department are more important. You need to pay more attention to it. Especially training soldiers. , we can’t delay it, we must keep track of their training progress.”

"How can you say that the days are long..." Hao Shuwen curled her lips.

"It will be fine when more than a year passes. I will be in Beijing by then."

The two of them talked like this. After all these years, they still spent so little time alone together. But from now on, there should be more...

After finishing her meal, Hao Shuwen went to brush her teeth and asked Wang Yan to brush them together. Then she sat beside the bed and was at a loss as before.

"You're not usually like this."

"It's annoying."

Wang Yan smiled and sat next to Hao Shuwen and helped her take off her clothes.

Hao Shuwen stiffened: "Suizi said it hurts?"

"Everyone is different. How you feel is yours."

"You lied, it obviously hurts~"

"It'll be ready in a moment. I'll make some old hen soup for you tomorrow. I've already bought all the chickens. That's a recipe passed down from our ancestors. It's definitely a great supplement."

Wang Yan kept his word and spent a month with the newlywed Hao Shuwen. Of course, he also balanced Xiao Suizi and Lin Dingding in the process. He also gave lessons to the fifty new special forces members and left a training plan for the next six months. At the same time, he also held a meeting with people from the equipment department to make a plan for the research projects and goals to be carried out. With everything arranged in this way, at the end of October, he took the train south to continue his unfinished work.

His performance this time was naturally the same as before, with one regiment performing two performances in order to see all the soldiers and commanders at all levels. When describing a war, obviously we cannot just write about the grassroots fighters. That would not be comprehensive, let alone authoritative. Although we praise the soldiers for their desperate battle, we cannot forget the decision-making of the commander. After all, the decision is made first, and the soldiers fight to the death last.

Wang Yan was already very popular in the military and was familiar with the upper-level route. When he was in Beijing, he had chatted with the heads of the Military Commission about combat matters. Now wherever he goes, he can basically see various leaders. And the chiefs did not mince words about him, who was already well-known in the system, because many things had already been finalized. They would even discuss some experiences and lessons with Wang Yan, as well as the results of their own meetings. Reflection and the like.

He walked around like this, understanding every place, and he had a deep understanding of history. The depth and density of the information he came into contact with cannot be easily understood later. For him, it actually increased his knowledge. After all, he had never been a soldier before, so he did not know enough information in this area, but this time he understood it thoroughly.

We even gained some new understanding of the past battles to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea. After all, a large number of today's officers are former soldiers.

For Wang Yan, it was a rewarding journey. Although what is gained is the life-and-death fight of the soldiers, which is not a happy thing, but wars are always like this...

Of course, when Wang Yan was touring various places, he still didn't forget to call Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, and Lin Dingding from time to time to express his feelings of missing them and talk about their current situation.

A bad thing happens without incident. That was Wang Yan's marriage, which Xiao Suizi's parents found out about.

This is really a normal thing. Wang Yan himself is a very well-known person, and his wedding was really grand. In an era like this, I hired a Beijing hotel to treat guests to dinner, and the attendees were all soldiers. The cars parked outside were all Jeeps, and there were guards with guns. There were even dozens of dark-skinned soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and tactical boots arriving in trucks.

During that battle, those who knew that Wang Yan was getting married thought that something had happened. Likewise, the news spread rapidly.

As leading cadres, Hao Shuwen's parents are certainly well-informed people. In fact, they heard the news of Wang Yan's marriage within a few days. People in the unit regarded it as a hot topic and talked about it in casual chats.

At first, they didn't believe it. But later, when others said that he had a nose and eyes, he had to believe it. They wanted to find Xiao Suizi for confirmation, but there was no one around. That's when they knew it was true.

Xiao Suizi heard it from her own words that she didn't want to cause trouble to Wang Yan after Wang Yan left Beijing in November. Of course she couldn't be so detailed on the phone. She smiled and told Wang Yan that her parents wanted to report Wang Yan and so on.

But after all, there was no report. Of course, this was all Xiao Suizi's contribution, and Wang Yan understood it.

This level must be passed, and Wang Yan has rich experience in dealing with it. From the first guilty conscience to the later indifference, he also had a serious mental journey.

When they return to Beijing, Xiao Suizi's parents always have to pay a visit. As you can imagine, the process must not be very pleasant. But if you have done all the shameless things, you can't be ashamed. This is the simplest truth, and Wang Yan understands this truth very well...

In addition, his book "Youth Plateau" was published and received a good response. After all, his name is there. When many readers see that it is his new book, they will buy a set without even looking through the content. This is a great recognition of Wang Yan. After all, the calligraphy of his books is so good that nothing is cheap. If he can just buy it without thinking twice, it is quite flattering.

But it wasn't that Wang Yan had to write so many words, he had tried his best to control it. Mainly, the subjects he writes about are very big. Needless to say, "11th Army" and "14th Army". Even the "Youth Plateau" he wrote this time also wrote about many characters.

Although a group can be summarized by an individual person, it cannot be summarized so easily as when he scolded Feng Pants for nothing, so Wang Yan still did not write like that. Everyone has a story, and they all see greatness in the ordinary. He tried his best to promote it to the soldiers...

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