The battle of the special forces team went smoothly. Although the people on the other side of Zheyin Mountain were prepared and there was no rain, the battle was still solved perfectly. No soldiers died directly, and the most serious injury was a shot in the thigh. Wang Yan dug out the bullet on the spot, disinfected it, and returned to the country without incident.

After two days of rest, I flew back to Beijing and parachuted into the sky. There has always been training in this area. At the beginning, Wang Yan jumped down from the head...

After the entire team wrote combat reports, the commander came to the military camp to inspect and express condolences, affirming the role of the special operations team and the need to expand its scale. He also asked Wang Yan his opinion on the code name of the special force. Wang Yan didn't pretend to be fake. When he was asked to speak, he said that he suggested the name "Canglong" on the spot. It was auspicious, majestic, simple, desolate and heavy. The leader smiled and agreed to such a name. .

The unit designation is numerical, such as the 14th Army, 40th Division, 118th Regiment, etc. It's not something that Wang Yan can decide based on his mood. He hasn't reached that point yet, and it's not his turn to decide.

As a result, the special operations team became the 'Canglong Special Operations Brigade', and Wang Yan took over as captain and political commissar. It was also decided to expand the number of combatants to 500, and compete in various military regions to identify outstanding talents to supplement the remaining 400. Counting the corresponding logistics and civilian personnel, Captain Wang is also in charge of 1,800 people.

However, his level has not been improved and he is still the deputy commander. The difference is that he is now a full-time deputy regiment and belongs to the combat order. He is no longer the former civilian deputy regiment. Obviously, the current sub-group is more valuable.

It is now 1980 and he is twenty-six years old...

This time when he returned to Beijing, he did not stay too long.

The main purpose is, of course, to make a face-to-face report with the chief on the next development of the special team. Now that he has a serial number, code name, and expanded staffing, his goal of coming back has been achieved.

He reviewed the previous battles for the soldiers and customized the next training plan. At the same time, a selection standard was updated and distributed to each military region.

As for the selection criteria, this needs to be continuously iteratively optimized. Even if it is Wang Yan, he cannot master this degree at once. He needs to constantly improve and refine it. Even if he could master it directly, he couldn't do that. After all, he had to leave it to others to summarize.

Because of the high-intensity training and the fact that it was the early stage of team building, Wang Yan added a lot of people to the team, all of whom were engaged in research. Some study nutrition, some study training, some study sports medicine, etc. In short, they are constantly researching and summarizing.

Meals, training, rest, tactics, etc. are all being studied by people, which is to continuously optimize and adjust various links to become more reasonable, better improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, and better ensure the safety of the soldiers. healthy.

In addition, Wang Yan went to her house with Xiao Suizi, and was scolded severely by her parents. She didn't even have a bite of food, which was quite unpleasant. Of course, this didn't matter to Wang Yan. Before Xiao Suizi could considerately comfort him, he had already comforted Xiao Suizi.

Naturally, he should be the one to comfort Xiao Suizi. After all, it was because of him, and Xiao Suizi made a sacrifice for him. Even if Xiao Suizi is considerate, he can't make others pay more.

He also used the evening time to accompany Hao Shuwen and Lin Dingding. He stayed in Beijing for less than a month and then continued his touring career.

When I returned to Beijing, it was already the spring of 1981.

Wang Yan bought all kinds of meat and vegetables. In the evening, Hao Shuwen, Xiao Suizi, and Liu Feng's family came to his big house and had a meal together.

Looking at Wang Yan who was happily picking up food for his child, Liu Feng sighed: "We haven't seen each other for more than a year. Look, my son is already so old."

"Are you scolding me?" Wang Yan smiled and shook his head, "In fact, there were a lot of things to do when I returned to Beijing last time, and I stayed for less than a month. I heard Shuwen and the others said that you three are good people, so I didn't bother you."

"How can I not know that you are busy? I just feel that time flies so fast. Sometimes when I think of the past, it seems like it happened yesterday, but in detail, from the time of the art troupe to now It’s only been eight years, so many things have happened in these years, and so many changes have occurred.”

"It's normal. After all, he's already turning 30. This guy can drink alcohol, and he feels that life is necessary. Didn't he decide to develop the economy before? He also started contracting. The economic development in the past two years has been obviously good. It looks like there are a lot more buildings in the city. In twenty years, I think it will be completely different."

Xiao Suizi asked curiously: "Hey, speaking of economic development, I heard that disarmament has begun?"

Liu Feng nodded repeatedly: "I heard about it too, but you still have the foresight."

"The layoffs have started a long time ago. When we were in the art troupe, we had been reorganized before, including after the war in Vietnam. Last year, various ministries had ordered the disbandment. You know the news. It was the art troupe that started to be disbanded, right? Before What did the comrades in the regiment say?”

Hao Shuwen responded: "Little Ballet and Dolma wrote a letter, saying that all military-level art troupes are going to be disbanded. Those people in the troupe are like the Eight Immortals who have crossed the sea to show their magical powers, and they are all trying to find a place to go. Didn't you say that you will wait until The situation is clear, do you want to retire from the army and go into business? Now that the chief attaches so much importance to you and you have so much work, do you have no idea? "

"Now and then, if I change my job now, not to mention others, your father will first shout that he wants to kill me. As for other things like having too many jobs, they are secondary. No one is indispensable. . But now that the team has just formed, they really still need me. It’s not time for me to retreat yet. Let’s see about it later.”

Wang Yan looked at Liu Feng, "Do you have any plans?"

"Do you have any plans?"

"No. It's up to you. If you are bored with staying, I will give you some advice, get you some money, and you can change your job to do business. If you stay well and don't want to move, then it's okay to maintain the status quo. Okay, it depends on your choice. But if you go into business, it will definitely be much harder than it is now, and you may not be able to take care of your family when you are busy."

Liu Feng looked at his wife and children, and thought about his current life: "The children are still young, let's talk about it later. In fact, I don't have that big ambition, but I feel good now. It's just that I earn less, so it costs a little bit." If you spend a little money, there won't be anything left, and I might not be able to pay you back the money I owe you."

"I should give you a set of martial arts boxing to fight back to the art troupe. I can't stop talking about this." Wang Yan put his hands on the table and nodded at Liu Feng with his chopsticks.

"Seek truth from facts. I am not afraid that you will forget. I am afraid that I will forget. I will talk to you and remind myself. Come on, come on, drink and drink."

After having such a dinner with such gossip, Liu Feng and his family were sent away.

In the alley, Liu Feng was riding a 28-year-old bicycle with a small wooden chair on the handlebar. Liu Jingxiu was holding on to the handlebars and swinging his short legs back and forth. On the back seat was He Xiaoping, who was sitting on one side. The three of them just walked away.

Seeing their backs, Xiao Suizi felt a little envious.

She turned to look at Wang Yan, who was holding a cigarette: "I'm leaving too, so there's no need to see me off, and I won't delay the warmth of the two of you."

"Stay for a while, chat, let's go, go back and have some tea." After that, Wang Yan turned around and returned to the yard.

Hao Shuwen and Xiao Suizi were behind, following slowly.

Returning to the study, Wang Yan continued to sit there making tea. The two women sat casually on one side, neither of them sitting properly. Hao Shuwen crossed her legs, while Xiao Suizi sat sideways, resting her legs on the armrests, wearing fashionable jeans that outlined her curves.

"Aren't you going to leave this time?" Hao Shuwen asked casually, fidgeting with her fingernails.

"I'm not leaving. From now on, I'll just train my troops, study equipment, and write books and stuff."

He really doesn't have to leave anymore. The special forces team has already fought and proved its value. The team has been expanded and there is no shortage of all kinds of personnel. From now on, he only needs to be in charge. He can't be a captain who has trained a lot of special forces, but in the end he has to rush forward with a gun in hand. Then he is still training soldiers and engaging in special operations. He is risking his own life.

The folk-collecting tour that I mentioned earlier has been completed, and I just need to concentrate on writing it. It will be another long novel, but it will take a long time, and there will always be something to do in the future.

Even if nothing happened, he still had to pick up the instrument and practice playing it. When I came here at the beginning of the year, I wanted to practice a few more instruments to cultivate my sentiments when I was bored. As a result, I have been busy for many years, and I can only play the suona properly...

Wang Yan took a sip of tea and asked, "Are you two going to graduate this year?"

"Isn't it? It's been four years in the blink of an eye. What's the matter, do you have plans?" Xiao Suizi held the tea cup in her hand and blew gently.

"What arrangements can I make? I want to see what you want to do. Some things need to be considered in advance."

Hao Shuwen said: "Isn't the state allocating jobs? We are the first batch of college students after the resumption of the college entrance examination, and we all take advantage. Especially since our school is not bad, the jobs assigned are not too bad."

"I'm talking about what you want to do, not what the country arranges."

"If you put it that way, you know, I want to be a writer like you, and I also like to write. I also want to open a big bookstore full of books. I will be in the bookstore all day long. Read and write.”

Xiao Suizi said with a look of yearning on her face.

Hao Shuwen curled her lips, she felt that this little girl was so cruel.

"I don't know what I want to do," she said.

"Didn't you study political economics? Go into economics and earn money for me to open a bookstore." Xiao Suizi encouraged.

"Well, what she said is right. If you don't know what to do, you can go into business. But you may have to wait until you have the baby, otherwise it will be inconvenient. It's not me who's urging you, it's your parents. They always care about my family. I am a one-person seedling."

"You are already a landowner, how can you still have a small population?" Hao Shuwen rolled her eyes.

Xiao Suizi helped: "That's right, that's right."

"Even if you are a landowner, you don't have a family. Then you two have to be willing, so that my family, Old Wang, can prosper. But to be honest, I don't care whether the child is born or not. It depends on what you think, I can have a child if you want. If you don't want to be born, pull it down.

But Suizi, you don’t have to let Shuwen earn money for your bookstore. I heard that there are talks about self-employment. Wait until next year to see if you can register. Then you can find a shop and open one directly for you. It won’t cost much. "

"We'll see when the time comes. It's still early to say this."

"Are you going to have a baby?"

"What about annoying? I'm leaving."

Wang Yan stepped forward and hugged Xiao Suizi: "I've already said it, why are you so anxious?"

"Hey, I'm still here."

"You can come too."


"Damn it, I knew you had bad intentions."

"I'm already a landowner, and I haven't enjoyed the blessings of others. How can I be honest?"

Of course Wang Yan did not forget Lin Dingding, but his communication with Lin Dingding was relatively simple and direct, and everything was said under the covers. Lin Dingding doesn't have high requirements for him. If he has money to spend, can meet people, and can solve problems, then there will be no problem.

She didn't know when she was caught by Wang Yan. Anyway, she didn't want to ruin the situation. Everyone was fine...

No matter where he is, Wang Yan's life is always so comfortable.

During the day, he was either in the military camp in the suburbs or holding meetings in the equipment department. At night, he was sorting out interview records at home and writing "Blood-stained Style". Occasionally, he may travel on business. It was nothing more than following the soldiers' field training, or running to the beach to watch the soldiers swim with arms in the turbulent waves.

His book took three years to write, so it took so long just because he had a lot on his plate. Moreover, the first thing he wrote was the book "My Views". The book had more than 700,000 words, and all the leaders agreed after reading it.

After all, if there is a story, it is naturally much better than dry data. As for whether it's really good or not, that's a matter of opinion.

As for "Blood-stained Style", the whole book contains 1.7 million words. It not only clearly describes a month of war, but also describes many soldiers and commanders at all levels on the battlefield. There is no confidentiality requirement for this.

After publishing it, the response was pretty good. There have been many articles published around the Vietnam War, but as far as the pattern is concerned, what they wrote is not enough and far less grand than what Wang Yan wrote. He even wrote about why the war started, why the war started at this time, and other international issues. Even if other writers have a big picture, they are not bold enough.

And relatively speaking, writers at this time took a breather, and most of them were studying and writing about the past, and they have been writing for forty years without stopping...

It is worth mentioning that at the first Mao Dun Literature Award, Wang Yan’s ‘11 Army’ won the award. The first edition was published between 1977 and 1981. The "11th Army" happened to be published at the beginning of 1977, so it caught up with this time.

This is the book that established Wang Yan's status in the literary world. A large number of big names from all walks of life affirmed it and cannot avoid it no matter what. If you judge the award, they are also worried. If you don't judge, there is no way to show authority. There is still a story here.

Of course Wang Yan would not cause trouble to others, so it was decided. He even attended in person, which was quite a face-saving gesture.

When the military rank system was restored in 1988, 35-year-old Wang Yan became the first batch.

At this time, the special operations team had expanded to more than 2,000 people, which was enough to be called the Canglong Special Operations Brigade. Wang Yan still played a key role in it, and he had made great contributions, so he was successfully promoted to the next level.

But he can't be here much longer. After nearly ten years of special operations, it's time to leave.

It's just that Wang Yan doesn't care about it, he is still happy and leisurely.

In fact, he rarely had any leisure time, and he also played a considerable role in the equipment department. In fact, he is more capable of causing trouble, and the more he studies, the more powerful he becomes.

It's so awesome. It's his fault. Thank you Dad for letting him have this mistake...

Thanks to brother (Moglu Jingrouren) for the reward of 100 coins for continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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