The Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle drove leisurely on the road, with busy traffic outside and melodious music inside.

It's not far to work. I drive along Zhijiang Road along the river, walk to a few traffic lights, and then turn a corner and it's not far away. Starting from home, including all kinds of messy time, the whole journey only takes about twenty minutes.

There are pedestrians, traffic, and electric donkeys on the road. No matter what, they are all people living their lives.

There are always so many office workers, and places near office buildings are always crowded. Longteng Group has grown rapidly. In just over a year, it has grown from a small workshop to a large company with more than 3,000 employees. The offices are scattered in five office buildings near the CBD business district. It was even more lively on the day.

One of Wang Yan's main tasks now is to interview various talents and expand the company's team. More than 3,000 employees are certainly not within the capabilities of a large company. There are 100,000 direct employees, and millions of people in the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain rely on large companies to make a living, which directly affects the food and life problems of tens of millions of people, including their families. Coupled with various research, investment output, etc., this is the value of the existence of large companies.

Now that Boss Wang is here, he is naturally of greater value. After all, he is a man with a debt of more than 1 trillion. And this trillion-plus, reflected in the next ten years, will have an impact of ten trillion or even twenty trillion. At the same time, it has effectively solved many debt problems, economic problems, etc. to a certain extent.

Solving problems by increments is naturally better than relying on left-hand and right-hand control.

After greeting her colleagues who were laughing and smiling all the way, occasionally calling others by name, and asking questions, Wang Yan helped the pregnant Wei Lan to her office, and then went upstairs to his own office.

As soon as he sat down, drank the tea made by his assistant, and turned on the computer, Zhao Fu knocked on the door and walked in.

"Good morning, Mr. Wang."

"Good morning, what's the business?" Wang Yan asked with a smile.

Now that the two of them have worked together for a long time and have become familiar with each other, Zhao Fu has also relaxed little by little. He knows that Wang Yan is a truly casual and free-spirited person.

Therefore, Zhao Fu was not too polite and sat across from Wang Yan's desk: "The land acquisition work on Huludao has been completely completed. Construction units such as China Railway, China State Construction Engineering Corporation, China Railway Construction, Beijing Housing and Urban-Rural Development Corporation, and other construction units have fully started construction. Regarding the construction issues, we still need to communicate with you again. There are also planning matters that need your approval. So you'd better take time to go there.

There is also the matter of Longteng Bank. You have to make a decision in this regard. Did Mr. Wei tell you? "

"I said it this morning. There is nothing difficult to handle about this matter. After all, it is a joint venture with state-owned assets, and our bank is certainly not a private bank. The purpose of its establishment is the same as that of local banks opened by local governments. The main thing is It is just for the future growth of the company and the convenience of financial operations. At best, it is just to pay more wages to employees, and the resulting savings business, and a small amount of loan business.

At most, it will provide savings and loan services to the people of Huludao in the future, and then do some financial activities to earn interest on savings, and there will be nothing else.

We don’t have any special rules, and our employees are not guaranteed jobs. Mr. Zhao, are you interested? If you are interested, this job can be given to you, and it can also be considered as exercise. You used to be in a central government agency and had relatively broad exposure, so you definitely don’t have enough practical experience in this area. This is all experience for the party that will be in charge in the future. "

"I know you're the best at arranging work for others."

"This is about knowing people and appointing them well." Wang Yan smiled and took a sip of tea. "Then this matter is settled. I want to meet the president, vice president, manager, and finance. I want to meet these people, and you can decide on the rest. Okay. No matter how special a bank is, it is still a company, so it’s no big deal. Don’t be afraid that something will go wrong. Nothing is absolutely safe. You understand the truth, so you don’t need to give me any more instructions. Just go ahead and do it.”

Zhao Fu nodded repeatedly. Of course he understood what Wang Yan meant, which was that he didn't want bureaucracy.

"Where is the bank's address?"

"First arrange an office in Huludao City to make do. Our headquarters has planned a banking area, so we don't have to worry about running out of space."

"Okay, I understand. Then about going to Huludao..."

"Forget it, Wei Lan is already seven months old. I'd better stay a little more cautious and feel more at ease. I'll make an appointment for a video conference in the past two days. Technology has developed to this extent, and I can understand clearly even remotely. Let's make an appointment. In my past, it was nothing more than climbing mountains, talking to leaders at all levels, and then contacting the leaders of the construction unit. How long can I talk about serious matters?"

Zhao Fu nodded with a smile: "Mr. Wang can see clearly. But it is always good to see it on the spot. It saves a certain communication cost. After all, everything is clearly there, so it is reassuring to see it on the spot."

"It's all arranged by the state, why should I feel uneasy?"

"Okay, let's make it today. They are also waiting for news. They should contact you soon." Zhao Fu simply stood up and left.

Wang Yan continued to sit there, drinking tea and looking at the computer.

Although Zhao Fu is from the government, he works in Longteng and actually shares some work. He does not simply carry out party affairs within Longteng Group. For example, the construction of the region, internal personnel, external government contacts, and other matters were all handled by Zhao Fu, which indeed helped Wang Yan share a lot of work.

His working ability is very strong, and he may not be used to it at first, but now he is doing very well, he is very handy, and he is a great talent.

He also worked very quickly, and he just spoke to Wang Yan. Wang Yan had only been looking at the computer for a while. Not long after, he told him that he was going to have a meeting on the internal communication software and pulled up a video of the meeting.

There were many people attending the meeting, including Wang Yan, Wei Lan, Zhao Fu, the person in charge of the Huludao construction site, the person in charge of the construction unit, and some people from the government working group, as well as planners, designers, etc.

This office software is of course Longteng's own, and it integrates many functions, but of course that's all. Stability, silkiness, efficiency, and confidentiality are the inevitable meanings of its existence.

Wei Lan only entered the meeting for three seconds. After reading the title, topics, and participants, she left with a smile.

This is the difference between the software. It will generate meeting logs and retain video files at the same time. Under the function of the powerful artificial intelligence language module, every sentence spoken by the participants will be written into text and generated simultaneously. The meeting report is to summarize the content of the discussion, what problems were raised, who raised them, what solutions were proposed, and who raised them. Keep it together with the video file to facilitate future retrieval and traceability, and of course, it is also convenient for participants to view.

However, even if there is a summary of the meeting, people will habitually get a pen and paper. On the one hand, they can avoid program errors. On the other hand, it seems that they cannot show their solemnity without a pen and paper.

There are three points in this meeting. The first is to tell Wang Yan that the construction has already started and the scheduled completion time of some facilities. The second is to tell Wang Yan that the budget has been further increased to 1.5 trillion. The third is to establish relations with Wang Yan and make some guarantees with the heads of various ministries.

The important part is of course the second point. The budget has been raised again, from the previous more than 1200 billion to 1500 billion.

The numbers are so big that they feel numb just looking at them. Seeing more than one trillion now is far less pleasant than the hundreds of thousands at the beginning. It is a kind of fatigue. In this regard, Wang Yan became even more tired. He really didn't have any fluctuations at all. Not to mention more than one trillion, even if it is more than one hundred trillion, he is still unwavering and dares to acknowledge and repay.

This time's expenditures include the construction of some high-end laboratories and rocket launch platforms beyond the original plan, as well as some reclamation construction, maintenance and construction of the upper reaches of the Liugu River, etc.

It is necessary to build laboratories. There are many, various types, and cutting-edge scientific projects. This is what Wang Yan has been doing for so many years. Besides, he had to study many things before he could apply them.

The rocket launch platform was originally proposed by Wang Yan, but because this thing was too sophisticated and could not be implemented in a short time, it was not listed. Now that it has been added, it means that there is no place to spend money.

As for the maintenance of the upper reaches of the Liugu River, this is quite easy to understand. There is only such a river in Suizhong, so the water quantity and scenery must be guaranteed. Liugu River is the downstream river of Daling River, so it needs to be maintained along the way to Daling River. The villages along the way have received some benefits. After all, similar operations that need to be carried out in the village basically involve nearby farmers.

From this point of view, if an additional 100 billion is budgeted and spread across various projects, the total figure will be 1600 billion, which will be the final cost of the regional construction. The scheduled construction period is eight years, but according to China's speed, this construction period is very conservative and can probably be advanced by one to two years. The initial put into use will only take more than a year.

Overall, it was a good time.

After a while, Wang Yan continued to look at the computer and recall the previous affairs.

There are currently three businesses that he needs to master. One is the research and development of the engine, the second is turning the Longteng application into a mobile phone smart assistant, and the third is the development of the payment system. As for the rest of the various studies, they are of course also densely packed in the to-do list, but these are all ideas provided by him and implemented by various researchers. He has a good grasp of the progress.

In addition, businesses such as Yiyi Translation and artificial intelligence are already very mature. What needs his attention is the robot project. Other things are trivial and cannot reach him unless something goes wrong.

Engine research and development is still adding personnel to speed up research progress. According to the statistics of working hours, it will probably take more than half a year. The mobile phone smart assistant project will be completed in more than a month. As for the final payment system, it has a mature framework. It is not difficult to develop. If enough people are recruited, and he can handle it together, it will be completed in two or three months.

By then the bank should have been completed and started to operate, so it can be applied directly...

So busy, all kinds of affairs are progressing steadily. With Qiangshen Pills as the basic backbone and branch businesses such as artificial intelligence as branches, it continues to grow. The number of people is increasing day by day, the project is making progress day by day, and the overall situation is improving.

As for the Lifeline Strengthening Pills, Wang Yan had already changed the latest formula and reduced some costs before this. Several new fully automatic production lines have been established and put into production.

Its business development is already quite impressive. This is an exponential development. After such a long period of fermentation, the current domestic monthly sales have exceeded one million.

Of course, this is not the limit. If we consider a family of three, there are only more than 300,000 wealthy people whose annual family income exceeds one million. In fact, there are 700,000 people doing tax statistics alone, plus those who hide wealth, the number should be more than one million. Also based on the data of a family of three, his sales should be more than 3 million per month. It has touched the vast majority of wealthy people in China.

This does not include the foreign middle class who purchase smuggled products.

The number of overseas orders is much smaller, only about 250,000. But because one bottle costs more than 6,800 US dollars, even though the sales volume is much less, the sales volume is not much different.

The current sales volume of health pills is more than 250 billion, with a gross profit of 70%, about 18 billion. But this is only the latest month's sales, not forever. It will still grow, whether it is domestic sales or foreign sales. There are so many capitalist countries out there, how is it possible that there are only twenty-five?

Annual sales are in the trillions, easily.

He was able to get into his current situation by relying on the body-building pills, and he was really invincible. If not, even if he had the most advanced artificial intelligence technology, he would never have been able to develop to this point in just two years. Without this money printing machine, if he wants to develop rapidly, he must introduce capital. Even if capital is introduced, it is impossible to develop so fast, not even one tenth of it can catch up.

After all, he is engaged in artificial intelligence and researches rockets? There are other biology, chemistry, life sciences, balanced ternary systems, quantum computers, photonic computers, etc., and even nuclear research. Who in their right mind would let him do this?

In fact, the country also had reservations about his research. In other words, because he really had a lot of money and had nowhere to spend it, it not only agreed to the research, but also opened up some projects for cooperation, or to put it another way, it was Begging for alms with him, and if it yields results, give him some appropriately.

After all, the country is not easy either. There are too many things to study, and they are all measured in hundreds of millions after all. It's a good thing that some people are willing to risk their lives to spend money...

Just like that, a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the living dad found the big boy on time.

""The Hunting Ground" Xiong Qingchun: Happiness."


Wang Yan was thinking silently, as if he hadn't seen this familiar mission for a long time...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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