Zheng Qiudong had just eaten when he saw the news pushed by his mobile phone. He didn't care at first, because it was too far away from his life, but he also cared about it, because after all, it was the current girlfriend of the woman he was related to. The moment he wanted to ignore it, Roy's smile flashed in his mind.

Of course, if his imagination was good enough, he might still have a picture of the old man Xia Jiguo and the Roy people together.

Of course he was sad.

So now that he saw Xia Jiguo being arrested and investigated, he immediately thought that the situation of the Roy people must not be good, and it was impossible not to be implicated by Xia Jiguo. After all, the company she runs is, to a certain extent, Xia Jiguo's money-collecting glove.

Looking at the sad Zheng Qiudong, Wang Yan said with a smile: "I remember you mentioned that she is quite popular in Beijing. Maybe you should inquire about it. The Roy people may not be smart enough, but at least she is not stupid. I think this She has already considered this situation. Therefore, her problem should not be too big. At most, she can cooperate with the investigation and it will be over in a month or two. There is no need to worry too much.

But after so many years, the two of you have always been destined to be inseparable. It's either one way or another, always together less and more apart. Now that we are well and free again, the time has come for you two to renew their relationship. Furthermore, she is also the boss of the company after all. Although Xia Jiguo has provided a lot of support, her abilities should have been developed after so many years. You can definitely bring her over to join us, and we can do it together.

Don't worry, I won't be stingy in terms of shares. At that time, even if the capital is increased and the shares are expanded, our shares will be reduced, and the Roy people's share will come out. "

"Brother Yan's plan is working." Zheng Qiudong smiled and shook his head.

"Hello everyone is really good." Wang Yan replied, "Okay, you work hard, I have already started the headhunting business. If you are almost done, let Huang Zimu come back. I will lead It will take him a few months. When we can develop our business independently, the landlady and I will go to Hangzhou to support you."

"Zimu, did you hear that? I asked you to go back. Once you are done, you will be the manager of our company in Nanning. Why can't you do it well..."

"If you can't do it well, then do it well. But I've recruited a few more people here. If you want to convince the public, you have to show the strength that people can't find fault with. If you don't have the strength, you are the number one veteran of the company, so you can do your job Okay, what else can you do? Whether you come back or not depends on your ability. Whether you can become a manager or not depends on your strength. Don’t make a decision in a hurry. You should think it over carefully in the next two days. "

"Hey, by the way, Brother Yan, I have something to tell you."

Zheng Qiudong got up and left, finding a room alone, "Didn't I mention Lin Bai to you before? I met him this time. He wanted to introduce me to be a consulting manager of a bank. Of course, this is not the main thing, this Lin Bai Bai is still very capable. He has been headhunting for many years and has rich network resources..."

"Want to recruit him? You can contact him first, but it may not be big. Our scale is still too small. They are serious high-end talents and they need to develop further. When I get there, I will contact him again. .”

"That's okay. He happens to be in Hangzhou. If you want to ask about the Roy people, you have to find him. I'll ask him to chat later."

"That's it, hang up."

Xiong Qingchun said: "If you want to recruit the Roy people, you are afraid that they will look down on a small workshop like ours."

"It depends on whether Zheng Qiudong can do it or not. The Roy people will not come here because of our future. I just said that she is not stupid, so she definitely leaves a way out for herself. In any case, the money must be enough. Yes, there’s no shortage of a job. Okay, let’s eat.”

Wang Yan waved his hand and continued to eat his meal.

The emotional problems between Zheng Qiudong and Roy have nothing to do with this mission. Wang Yan also had the intention of lovers getting married, which influenced Zheng Qiudong.

After all, he and Xiong Qingchun came together and helped Zheng Qiudong. Then he brought Zheng Qiudong over to start a business together, which also delayed the progress some time. Zheng Qiudong has only been in Hangzhou for three months now, so he should still be single.

In terms of the emotional bond between Zheng Qiudong and Roy, when they are both single, there is no room for others. Although the two of them were originally together in the end, it would still be good if there were less wasted time in the middle...

Zheng Qiudong hung up the phone and called Lin Bai again, making an appointment to meet for coffee in the afternoon.

As soon as I sat down after returning, I saw the gossipy eyes of my subordinates, just like Xiong Qingchun did back then, curious about the situation of the Roy people. Of course, except for Huang Zimu, who is an old man and who joined Zheng Qiudong one day, he has already heard about it. He sat there eating without saying a word, which showed that he didn't talk too much.

In fact, there was a woman who asked questions and proved it for him without him having to explain it.

The woman asked curiously: "Boss, who is Roy? Your girlfriend?"

"Jia Yimei, do your job well, why do you ask so many questions?"

Jia Yimei was a character in the original drama, and she found Zheng Qiudong when she was looking for a job. It's the same now, I'm still here. Because Jia Yimei is always looking for a job and Zheng Qiudong is always recruiting people, Jia Yimei was interviewed later, so it is not surprising that she still showed up.

"Just now, the big boss said that if we want to renew our relationship, she must be his ex-girlfriend. Can you tell me something?"

"We already know she's an ex-girlfriend, so why are you asking? Hurry up and eat your food." Zheng Qiudong waved his hand and ignored them.

Jia Yimei's eyes flickered, but in the end she didn't say anything more and put some of her thoughts back...

"I guess you asked me to meet because you wanted me to ask someone to find out about the Roy people."

Lin Bai looked capable, sitting on the chair with his legs crossed, his body leaning back, his hands on the armrests, completely relaxed.

"Indeed, you know I don't know anyone in Beijing anymore. I have a bad reputation." Speaking of past experiences, Zheng Qiudong was quite relaxed. "I want you to help me inquire about it, and help me find someone named Zhong Huailan." 's lawyer, she is a friend of the Roy people, I will get to know her better."

"About Zhong Huailan, I will give you news tonight. I know you are looking for me for this, and I asked around before coming. The release of this news is already late. Xia Jiguo was taken away eight days ago. Luo Yi Ren was also taken away for investigation that day. More details are still unclear. However, rumors about Roy Ren and Xia Jiguo's original wife are now flying all over the sky."

"How did you fly?"

It was just like in the original drama, Xia Jiguo's daughter-in-law got a divorce after dividing her property, and then remarried using Xia Jiguo's excuse, with Roy as a mistress.

Of course, this is somewhat unreasonable. For Xia Jiguo's sake, marriage is a very important issue. The answer to this may be found in Gao Yuliang. It is impossible for Xia Jiguo to divorce his wife and marry someone from Roy. If a powerful leader in his 40s or 50s falls in love with a girl in her twenties, no one would believe it.

After hearing the whole story, Zheng Qiudong sighed silently: "It's not easy for her either. Please help me find out more. I'm very worried about her."

"Understood." Lin Bai nodded with a smile. In fact, he was not that familiar with Zheng Qiudong, but he recognized Zheng Qiudong's ability as a headhunter to make friends from all over the world and build good relationships.

He said: "I told you before, do you really not consider it? The salary is good. If you do well, you can easily get two to three hundred thousand a year."

"Our company, including me, had a net profit of 600,000 yuan last month. I own 20% of the shares, which is 120,000 yuan. After paying taxes, that's 100,000 yuan. I can earn a serious million a year. "

"Do you think I'm stupid? Shareholders are shareholders, money is money, and the company doesn't want to develop? But what this small company does really surprises me. I didn't understand it before. I'm not humiliating you. Now I'm dead. I’m sorry. Let me ask one more question, how much is your monthly salary?”

"In the early days of development, of course our salary was not much. When we received 4,000 yuan, we received living expenses. The salary was pretty good, with the highest social security payment. Rent, food and drink, as long as we opened the invoice, the company would reimburse them all. For example, ours this time Coffee, but most of the time I forget about it, but today I remembered it and I have to reimburse it, haha. Generally speaking, life is not a worry."

"You are the founder, how can you not do that? But you are indeed amazing. It has only been less than a year and you have already reached this level. Many start-up companies have been losing money for several years. Most people are full of enthusiasm. It’s very difficult to do, and in the end it’s all in vain.” Lin Bai smiled and asked, “Is it all being done by your fellow inmate?”

"Of course Brother Yan has put in a lot of effort, he is very capable. As I told you before, haven't you also seen the situation in Beihai Prison? He is not bad at human resources, and the company's foundation was laid by him. Being able to support our operations and even going to Hangzhou to open a branch are all thanks to the part-time market created by Brother Yan."

"Just like you are here?"

"Don't underestimate part-time jobs. There is still a huge market in this area. But I'm not as good as Brother Yan. Now I can barely earn my cost, which is about 70,000 to 80,000 yuan a month. Brother Yan is very good. In Nanning, It took him three months to make a profit of more than 200,000 yuan.

After the year, I started to do serious headhunting business. I made 200,000 yuan without any accumulation. I had been working for four months at that time, and I had done 80,000 yuan that month. When I came to Hangzhou, he took a job and was looking for the editor-in-chief of New Media.

That month, he found two content editors in the city, and the new media company wanted them all. Not only that, but let's give the combination a complete high-capacity team. That one made a profit of 250,000 yuan. Counting this order, his sales that month were 600,000. Last month, he did less, only 300,000, but the employees he trained have started to do it, and with his already strong connections, he can do 100,000 in a good month.

I heard that we are currently hunting for a CEO with an annual salary of one million. If this job is completed, Yan Chunqiu will reach a higher level and enter the high-end talent market and start competing with top headhunting companies. "

As Lin Bai said, he really didn't investigate the unknown Yan Chunqiu, otherwise he wouldn't bring up the old matter again and fight for Zheng Qiudong. But even if he didn't understand it, he still had an expectation in his mind. Obviously, what Zheng Qiudong said far exceeded his expectations. So following Zheng Qiudong's words, his eyes couldn't help but widen.

After reacting for a while, he smiled and said: "Your development is really unexpected. I really admire you and that Brother Yan. But it's not appropriate for you to tell me so clearly."

"What's inappropriate about this? Are we friends? Besides, this is not confidential data. If you are willing to investigate, you will know everything. To put it bluntly, even though we are developing well, we are currently not even being investigated by our peers. There’s no value at all. It’s probably the headhunting company that has stolen business from Brother Yan that will pay attention to us.”

"You are underestimating yourself. Anyone who cares must have noticed it. Otherwise, where did you get the business? If this momentum continues, you will be earning one million per month and tens of millions per year in less than two months. This number has exceeded the vast majority." Most of the headhunting companies. By that time, those who are in charge of you will be those well-known institutions at home and abroad."

"In that case, I wonder if you are interested in joining us."

"You want to hunt me?" Lin Baishe laughed.

"Why not?" Zheng Qiudong raised his eyebrows, spread his hands, showed his palms to Lin Baili, then took a sip of coffee and said, "Since you are so optimistic about us and join us, for you, no matter what happens in the future, Development, personal value, or making more money, in the long run, will be far better than your current situation. After all, you have done well and the room for improvement is already very small, right?"

"What you said does make sense, but now is the present and the future is the future. I still have to think about it carefully."

"So, when you say that we have a promising future, are you talking politely to me? Lin Bai, you are not a friend enough."

"You, you, are not forgiving at all. This is a major event in life and cannot be ignored. When Brother Yan comes to Hangzhou, please arrange for us to meet and have a chat. After all, he is the major shareholder."

"That's it. Let me tell you, Brother Yan..."

After Zheng Qiudong boasted for Wang Yan, and finally told him to find out the news about Roy and Zhong Huailan's contact information, the two grown men who drank a lot of coffee finally dispersed.

Lin Bai, who had a relatively higher status, watched Zheng Qiudong take a taxi and leave.

Of course, his hesitation was also due to the relationship between Zheng Qiudong and Wang Yan. At this time, Zheng Qiudong did not go undercover in the bank to steal customer data. He finally stopped the action and said that he had sincerely changed his mind and was a down-to-earth person.

Although Lin Bai made friends with Zheng Qiudong, they were based on Zheng Qiudong's abilities and were not truly close friends. After all, before that, Zheng Qiudong was a liar who forged his identity, and even before that, he was a criminal who was jailed for pyramid schemes.

Similarly, Wang Yan, Yan Chunqiu's major shareholder, was also a criminal. How big of a heart does he have to dare to follow two people with criminal records without saying anything.

Zheng Qiudong naturally knew about Lin Bai's worries.

He sighed to Wang Yan: "Lin Bai knows our details, so he is hesitant and resisting. But it's normal. If it were me, he wouldn't be sure and wouldn't dare to make a decision."

Wang Yan said with a smile: "It's indeed normal. Don't say that he knows that we have made mistakes. Even if he doesn't know, when we went out to run business, others just agreed without saying anything. Let's wait until I go over to meet him." . In addition, although I am sure about the Roy people, we don't know what it is like. If there is anything you can do to help, don't be polite to me."

"Sure, which one of us will follow which one?"

"That's it, hang up."

Thanks to the (naked little zombie) brother for the reward of 5,000 coins for continued support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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