"Xiao Dongbei, what do you think of this room? It faces south, it's not damp at all, and the room is spacious. The cooking is in the hall outside, and everyone does it outside. It's fifty yuan a piece. Yue, I see that you are a kind-hearted person. Just pay monthly and no deposit is required. Oops, it’s hard for you to be thirty years old. Your parents died young and you don’t have a wife or children. Your background is so far away from home. This is really... "

The old wooden floor creaked as people stepped on it. Teacher Ge, who was slightly stooped, wearing glasses and speaking Mandarin as much as possible, opened the door of this south-facing room.

It was approaching noon, and under the influence of dust, the sunlight took on the shape of light and fell on the dark red decaying floor. The light also shined at the door, illuminating Teacher Ge who was in the hallway. Of course, it also illuminated the person next to him whom he was greeting, Xiao Dongbei.

He had long, middle-parted hair that was more fashionable these days, but his hair looked rather bad and not well taken care of. He wears a loose white half-sleeved shirt on the upper body, a gray jacket on the outside, a pair of starched white military trousers on the lower body, and a pair of slightly dirty handmade cloth shoes. He was holding a medium-sized bag in his hand, and one could tell at a glance that it was heavy. All his wealth was in this bag.

His hair fell down, covering his eyes, which made him uncomfortable. Wang Yan stretched out his hand and hugged her back, walked into the room, and said with a smile: "Teacher Ge, you all know that I am thirty years old, and you still have to take care of me." My name is Xiao Dongbei?"

"What's the matter? Let me tell you, I am fifty-five this year, and I can be your father. Are you not happy to call you Xiao Dongbei?" Teacher Ge followed him into the room and muttered to himself, " It’s just because you’re so attracted to me and you’re as helpless as me, otherwise I wouldn’t rent your house, you know.”

"I understand, thank you Teacher Ge for taking care of me." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, took out a wallet from his pocket, and took out the money, "Just stay in this room, Teacher Ge, this is one hundred yuan, I'll give you two first. Moon."

"You just came here. You don't have much money in your hands..."

"There are still some who are definitely looking for jobs. They have enough money."

Seeing Wang Yan smiling and not looking embarrassed, Teacher Ge took the money and said, "Then I'll take it first. If you can't live with it anymore, I'll give you the money back then."

"Teacher Ge, do you think so little of me?"

"I heard someone say something that makes a lot of sense, and I'll tell it to you now. A capable person will never be too bad anywhere. You are quite tall, and I have to look up when I talk to you. Head, it looks like he has some strength..."

Wang Yan laughed and waved his hand to interrupt him: "I understand, Teacher Ge, you are saying that I am too lazy to work. You can't understand it in the Northeast, let alone someone who is unfamiliar with the place in Shanghai."

"Hey." Teacher Ge waved his hands repeatedly, "You said this yourself, I didn't say it."

"It doesn't matter if you say it. What's the big deal? Can it be done? There's no point in saying it. You have to do it. When will I get a mobile phone and drive a Santana? That will prove that I am capable. Well."

"That's the truth. You are a sensible person, Xiao Dongbei."

Teacher Ge said, "I recently met a person, his name is A Bao, and people call him Mr. Bao. His friend rented my shop to open a restaurant, and he came over to renovate it. As a result, a few days ago There is a woman named Reiko who came back from Japan, and this woman is the boss. Oh, let me tell you, this treasure is spending a lot of money just to win the beauty's favor.

Although the business here is not as good as that on Huanghe Road, I can still get by. Mr. Bao spent money to rent the shop and decorate it, but in the end the shop gave Lingzi 50% of the shares. Making money is all Lingzi's, and losing money is Mr. Bao's. Later I learned that Mr. Bao used to be a watch repairman in a watch shop, but later he started to speculate in stocks. Then he engaged in foreign trade and speculated in stocks, making a lot of money.

Oh, by the way, Reiko lives in the attic, and Mr. Bao comes over sometimes. If you meet him and I introduce him to you, you will definitely make money by working with him. The same goes for Lingzi. I made an agreement that the rent would be waived for him and her, and all three meals would be provided for me. If you can't afford a meal, come with me and I'll introduce you to each other. "

"Teacher Ge, do you think I have Mr. Wang's potential?"

Teacher Ge looked at Wang Yan carefully and said, "The house is empty, so I didn't clean it up. Just wait, I'll get you a basin, a mop, and a rag. You can clean it up quickly. It's fine today." Come on. Don’t you have any quilts yet? They’re expensive outside. I happen to have a lot of them over there, so I’ll bring them to you.”

Looking at the old boy's leaving figure, Wang Yan shook his head and laughed, throwing the bag in his hand on the ground, scattering even more dust, flying in the light.

After a few steps, he opened the window for ventilation and vigorously shook down the curtains. Wang Yan took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, got a lighter and lit it. With his back to the window and the light behind him, he puffed out the clouds of smoke.

This is a slightly larger room, about thirty square meters. There is a bed frame, a broken wardrobe, and a broken sofa on the east side, and an old solid wood table and a row of bookshelves on the west side. After tidying up, it’s clean and concise, which is pretty good.

It is now the year 1990. This time, he has no special status. He is just a person who wants to go south to make a fortune in the wave of reform and opening up. He also had little savings and only had more than a thousand yuan in his hand. It is almost like an ordinary family in a coastal area. Excluding living expenses, they can save enough money for a year and a half. At this time in Shanghai, the monthly income of urban workers was about two hundred yuan.

He can have more than a thousand cash in cash, which is actually not bad, it is enough for him to do some things.

While he was smoking, Teacher Ge went back and got a basin, a rag, and a mop. He said: "Xiao Dongbei, the mop is at the corner of the stairs on the first floor. Please be careful. Don't do it." There's water everywhere. Don't you need me to help you?"

"Teacher Ge, don't move around?" Wang Yan was not polite, "I have read the foreign devil's medical book, which says that people should not be too idle and exercise moderately to ensure muscle activity and exercise physical strength, which can make them healthier. You said that people are getting older, Why are my legs and feet so weak? Except for those who are sick, they are just too idle and have no energy.

Teacher Ge, fifty-five is the time to ensure good health. It will be good for you to move more and sweat. You can have a good appetite when eating and eat more. "

"Did you really say that?"

"We've never met each other. You care about me so much. How can I lie to you? That would be a thunderbolt. Besides, you are the landlord. Before renting to tenants, don't you have to keep it clean? It's better to contribute, it will be good for you too. When I'm done, I'll buy some food and let's have a drink.

The book also said that drinking alcohol in moderation can help the meridians and blood flow smoothly and prevent heart and brain diseases. It's heart disease, cerebral infarction or something like that. The road is not easy to walk, the speech is crooked, the eyes are slanted, and the life cannot take care of oneself. "

"What book are you reading? I'll go to the library and borrow it later to see if it's really what it said."

"Look, you still don't believe me. Let me tell you, Teacher Ge, my family's ancestral tradition is Chinese medicine. Later, when Western medicine became popular, I also learned a little bit about it. Come over here and I will take your pulse."

Teacher Ge came over doubtfully and stretched out his arm: "If you lie to me, I won't rent your house."

"Two together."

The latter stretched out his hands honestly.

Wang Yan tilted his head and smoked a cigarette to prevent the smoke from smearing his eyes. He felt his pulse with four fingers of both hands. For half a minute, he said, "Is your mouth feeling bitter?"


"I often dream at night and I can't sleep well."

"Hey, it's true. Are you really good at it?"

"I often feel like my steps are weak and weak, my energy is low, and I want to sleep but can't."

"It's amazing." Teacher Ge was startled and his eyes widened. "Then, do you think I need to drink some medicine to heal myself?"

Wang Yan let go of his hand, took off the cigarette cartridge and flicked the cigarette ashes: "No need to drink medicine, just free time, a little bit angry, just work and sweat."

"Then why do I still feel palpitations? Is it the heart disease you mentioned? Will it cost me a lot of money to build a bridge?"

"Under normal circumstances, be calm, exercise moderately, go to bed early and get up early, I'll make sure you're fine." Wang Yan patted his shoulder and turned the old boy over, "Come on, Teacher Ge, let's do some exercise first."

Without thinking, Teacher Ge walked over, picked up the mop, and started working: "Xiao Dongbei, I know you are deceiving me. If you cause any harm to me, you have to take responsibility for me."

Wang Yan clicked his tongue: "My heart is set on the bright moon. Teacher Ge, don't you have any trust between people? The symptoms I told you are definitely not lies, right? You believe me, I'm sure That’s right, I guarantee you will live to be ninety-nine.”

"No need, I've already thought about it. I just need to live to my seventies healthy and without any disease or disaster. Do you want me to work? Do you live with me?"

Wang Yan laughed, but he also smoked a cigarette and started working with Teacher Ge. Although the combination of two people is not as good as the combination of men and women, it is not tiring. The small house quickly became clean, and the air became much fresher.

Because Wang Yan smoked, Teacher Ge even thoughtfully got him an ashtray. Wang Yan was given an advantage by saying that he got it from Mr. Bao and Lingzi's Night Tokyo. In addition, the old boy also remembered what he said before and brought Wang Yan his extra bedding.

Throwing the quilt on the bed, Teacher Ge sat on the chair with his back bent: "Go out and walk a few hundred meters east to the vegetable market. I need to eat some meat."

"Don't worry, Teacher Ge, you've put in a lot of effort, I can't treat you badly. Just stay here, I'll go buy groceries right away, and we'll have some drinks tonight."

"Don't buy that pot or anything like that. I don't usually turn on the fire, so you can just use mine. You need to buy some oil, salt and seasonings."

"Okay." Wang Yan responded with a smile and walked out.

Teacher Ge really helped out a lot. He had really worked hard to clean up the room just now. He also brought bedding and pillows, and gave him pots and other things to help him save money. Maybe it was because he said he was alone.

After all, Teacher Ge has no wife and no children, so he just guards some houses by himself. Life must be okay, but being alone is inevitably miserable. Taking care of Wang Yan, of course, I also hope that Wang Yan will take care of him.

This house is on Jinxian Road, which is the old city. Although the Shanghai Beach today is not as good as it was later, it is still very popular here.

In the early spring of March, although it is not that warm here, it is not cold either. People on the street were dressed in colorful clothes. Some people were guarding the door of the store chatting with each other, and some people were passing by on bicycles in a hurry. From time to time, cars pass by. It's quite lively.

Going east, you will pass by Jinxian Road. Wang Yan had already seen Ye Tokyo, which was under renovation. Coincidentally, he also saw A Bao, Tao Tao, and Reiko standing at the door with traces of renovation.

Lingzi is not familiar with them, but Abao and Tao Tao are really acquaintances. After all, in the last world, these two people were still growing bigger and stronger with him. Now here, A Bao has become A Bao. What has changed is his name, but what remains unchanged is his high spirits. Tao Tao, on the other hand, collapsed.

This is also an interesting point, the difference between ‘acquaintances’.

Speaking of which, in Wang Yan's long life of more than a thousand years, Abao had some unforgettable moments. After all, it was the first time for them to meet in such a tight series.

While the three of them were chatting and laughing, Wang Yan walked leisurely in front of them and headed towards the vegetable market.

I bought a lot of food such as peppers, eggs, tofu, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, meat, fish, etc. I also bought some rice, oil and salt seasonings, etc., and finally bought a bottle of Maotai for 45 in the store. As well as some other daily necessities, he carried a lot of things and returned to the house.

Teacher Ge didn't leave. He got a book and read it in Wang Yan's room.

"I'm not talking about you. You have to close the door when you go in. It's better for you. If someone leaves and leaves me here, it doesn't matter if I leave, or if I don't leave."

Teacher Ge, who was thinking casually, noticed a bunch of things in Wang Yan's hand, especially a bottle of Maotai. "Oh, why are you buying such expensive wine? Just a few yuan. You are so lavish in your life." They are all destined to be poor. That money is earned and saved.

You spent so much before you earned a penny. No wonder you are thirty years old, have no wife, and no children, and come to Shanghai alone to make a living. If your parents knew, wouldn't they be mad at you? "

"It's a housewarming, let's celebrate. Come on, come on, Teacher Ge, no matter how hard you work, come and choose the food with me. Only by doing it yourself can you have enough food and clothing."

"When you were cleaning up the house, why didn't you say you would do it yourself?"

"Then I'm going to take action too. Hurry up, Teacher Ge. If you want to eat early, you have to take action early."

Teacher Ge sighed, but still chattered and followed Wang Yan downstairs, and started working in the public kitchen downstairs. It was also at this time that Wang Yan roughly met all the neighbors in the same building.

Teacher Chen who loves painting, Teacher Shi who likes to sing, Teacher Kong who plays piano and teaches, and Mother Jinbao who takes care of her children alone. In addition, there are other migrant workers living here, who are generally in the same situation as Wang Yan.

Generally speaking, it is quite lively with the clanging sounds every day.

Chef Wang's cooking skills are naturally top-notch. With a big spoonful of food, the aroma fills the entire building.

"Want to eat?"

The little chubby guy named Jinbao stood there, his mouth slightly open, his small eyes squeezed by his chubby face full of desire and hope, and his nose twitching from time to time.

Hearing Wang Yan's words, Little Fatty nodded repeatedly: "I want to eat."

Wang Yan made a bowl with a smile, put a chopstick in this one, a chopstick in that, put a bowl of vegetables in it and gave it to the boy. He stretched out his hand and pinched his chubby face: "The boy is a little fat. He needs to run more and jump more. After eating the food, you have to wash the bowl for me yourself and put it here. Don't let it go." Your mother takes action, do you understand?"


"Go ahead."

"I just say this kid is fat, but every time I say, Ouch, that's terrible, it's like poking a hornet's nest, and Jinbao's mother will quarrel with me." Teacher Ge looked frightened.

"Maybe it's because I had a hard life in the past, and now I have a child by myself. The fatter I am, the more blessed I am." Wang Yan shook his head and smiled, "Okay, Teacher Ge, take these two and go up to eat."

"Don't tell me, your cooking is really good. It's better than many restaurants I've eaten at. Especially this Dongpo pork, it's just the right amount of tenderness. It's really good." At this point, Teacher Ge clicked his tongue and asked. , "I said Xiao Dongbei, you are not going to open a restaurant in Shanghai, are you?"

"Opening a restaurant requires capital. Do you think I'm rich? But now that you've mentioned it, Teacher Ge, I'll give you a chance to make a fortune. You invest in me and I'll open a restaurant."

"Forget it, the little coffin I have is pension money and cannot be touched. I think you can go to a restaurant to be a chef first. I have never eaten at Huanghe Road, but I think you are good enough to hang out there. The food is eaten. The chefs over there are very expensive. If you become a head chef, you can open a small shop by yourself in less than two years."

"Is Huanghe Road very luxurious?"

"Rich people eat there. They do business during the day, promote business at night, and even enjoy themselves. It will be lively until late at night. If you hang out there and meet a big boss who appreciates you and is willing to take you, then You will get rich. Do you want to go? Then I will help you ask Mr. Bao tomorrow, he should have face there. "

"Thank you for taking care of me, Teacher Ge, but I don't need it yet." Wang Yan raised his glass with a smile and touched his glass, "Here, take a sip. Drink less. Drinking less is better. Drinking too much is poisonous. .”

"You don't need to tell me, I fainted after just two drinks."

Teacher Ge gestured with his head and twirled his fingers, then raised his glass and took a sip.

He looked at Wang Yan who was eating food and drinking, and said curiously: "Xiao Dongbei, I think you have a plan in mind, what are your plans? Otherwise, you come here alone, you are not familiar with the place, and there is no one to help you. Why don't you come here alone?" I'll tell you if it's easy to do. Now, in the market economy, there are a lot of scammers. Tell me what you want to do."

"You said that my skills can open a restaurant, and you said that Huanghe Road is full of rich people."

"That's right. Why don't you become a cook and join me on a raft?" After three sips of wine, the old boy couldn't speak Mandarin well.

But Wang Yan can understand. Except for the emperor who has been in Luoyang for decades, he has stayed in Beijing and Shanghai the longest.

"I know how to grill skewers. I got a small cart and set it up on the Yellow River Road. I grilled the mutton skewers over the charcoal fire. The oily and delicious aroma spread all over the Yellow River Road. Teacher Ge, this is a small business. Okay?"

"I'm afraid it won't be easy. Where is Huanghe Road? All the people coming in and out are rich people, and there are big hotels there. If you go there to set up a stall and sell meat skewers, aren't you afraid that people will deal with you? Let me tell you, you go to Wujiang The other side of the road is better. There are snack vendors there, such as fried vegetables and stinky tofu. It’s also closer than the Yellow River Road.”

"Then let's take a look." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Mr. Ge, do you know someone who sells tricycles? I'll buy one back tomorrow. If you don't work hard then, please help me and put on some meat skewers. I won't let you It’s free and busy, so you can eat as much as you want.”

"I won't do it. I'm telling you, Xiaodongbei, don't always fool me. I know which is lighter than a meal or sitting there wearing clothes for a day."

After finishing speaking, he paused, feeling a little unconfident, and continued, "I just won't help you. You can't let me watch or give me food, right?"

"You want to eat meat if you don't work? Unless you give me ten yuan less in rent."

"You drink Maotai, and you want me to cut off your rent by ten yuan? You're a little Northeastern kid. I'll take the quilt away right now and let you sleep on the bed board."

"Look at you, why are you so anxious? I can really let you watch from the side? Besides, I need someone to help me taste the kebabs. Don't you know the best about Shanghainese tastes?"

"You still have a conscience." The old boy sat down proudly and said, "I can't wear a string for you, but I can find someone for you."

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Jinbao's mother?"

"Your brain is your job. Let me tell you, it's not easy for Jinbao's mother to take care of her children by herself and not have a formal job yet. She does odd jobs here and there. If you ask her to do it, she'll be right here. You don't have to go far. If you give her six or seven yuan a day, she will definitely be willing to do it. How about it? Let me talk to her for you? "

"What are you talking about, Teacher Ge?"

At this time, a confident and arrogant female voice sounded outside the door. It was like Wang Xifeng appeared. First she spoke, followed by a clear sound of high heels clicking on the wooden floor, and then a fashionable woman in a red coat appeared at the door carrying a bag.

"Lingzi is back. Have you eaten? Do you want to eat something together? Xiao Dongbei's cooking is delicious." Teacher Ge stood up and greeted her, her old face turned into a chrysanthemum smile.

"Little Northeastern? Are you from the Northeast?"

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Wang Yan."

"My name is Jin Ling, and everyone calls me Lingzi. Just do the same for you." Lingzi greeted Wang Yan with a smile, "I'm not going to eat anymore. I've already eaten. What did you two say just now?"

"He said he wanted to get a small cart and go to Huanghe Road to set up a stall to sell barbecue. He asked me to dress him at home. What did I do? He wanted Jinbao's mother to help him. She took care of the child alone. It’s not easy, but it’s still helping her, don’t you think so, Reiko?”

"You want to sell barbecue on Huanghe Road?" Lingzi was a little surprised, "They don't allow stalls there, right?"

"Go to Wujiang Road as well. I'm new here and don't know anything about it. I'll go take a look first."

"Then I want to try your craftsmanship. Do you have chopsticks?"

As soon as Reiko finished speaking, the old boy took out clean chopsticks and handed them over.

Reiko was not polite. She came over and tasted each one, her eyes widening: "You can be a master chef, what kind of barbecue do you sell? I opened a shop on this street, called Night Tokyo, and it is being renovated. , it will be open in another half month, how about you come to my place. As for salary, I will give you five hundred yuan a month, what do you think?"

"Thank you. I still like to make it myself. But Teacher Ge said that he will reduce the rent for you, and you will take care of three meals for him. He also said that he will take me to eat. Then I will really take advantage of Teacher Ge."

"Come on, can I give you a bite of food?" Lingzi waved her hand, "Forget it if you don't do it. I'll live in the attic. If you need anything, come to me."

As she spoke, she took another bite of fish, gave Wang Yan a thumbs up, then turned around and left...

"Okay, Teacher Ge, everyone has left, why are you still looking at the door?" Wang Yan came closer and said to the old boy, "You are not fifty-five years old and miss someone in their thirties, right?"

"Nonsense, how could I think that? All I can think about is my dead old woman. I thought, it would be a good idea for you to go to Reiko's place. Five hundred yuan, do you know how much other people earn? Two or three hundred is all. Aren't you satisfied yet?"

"When I arrived at Huanghe Road, I sold a piece of mutton skewers. If I made more, I would earn two hundred a day."

"Just brag. If you can make so much money, why are you still coming to Shanghai?"

"My hometown is too small, and the provincial capital is also a strange place. I have nothing to worry about, so why not go south to pan for gold. In my hometown, I can only earn two hundred. Here, I can earn two thousand or twenty thousand. Isn’t that Mr. Bao you’re talking about doing stocks with one hand and foreign trade with the other? I can’t do that in my hometown. I have to study stocks these two days to see if I can make money too.”

"That's a trap. You don't know anything and it will kill you. No matter how many skewers I sell, it won't be enough."

"I came here naked, Teacher Ge."

Teacher Ge fell silent and raised his glass: "You are open-minded. I feel that you might become President Wang."

"The thirty-year-old Xiao Dongbei is really not nice to hear."

"Little Northeast."

Wang Yan couldn't help but laugh: "Drink."

"Wang Yan, I called for you. You can tell her."

Teacher Ge walked in, and the woman following behind also showed her appearance.

Jinbao's mother is a thin woman, and working hard makes her look older than Lingzi, but in fact, she may not be as old as Lingzi. After all, Jin Bao, that chubby little boy, was only in the first grade.

"Sit, sit, sit." Wang Yan greeted.

Jinbao's mother sat down and said, "Thank you. My son has washed your dishes and put them in the cabinet downstairs."

"It's a small matter. Teacher Ge has told you what to do, right?"


"Maybe I have to cut everything. Anyway, I have some work to do. Three hundred a month, what do you think?"

"Really three hundred?"

"Teacher Ge is here, how can I lie to you?" Wang Yan took out his wallet from the table on one side and counted out three hundred yuan, "I will give you one month's wages in advance. Today is the 8th, and every day from now on If I give you money on the eighth day of the month, I’ll give it to you one month first.”


Teacher Ge next to him also hesitated to speak.

"Take it, I'll work for a month and see. Maybe I won't be able to work next month. It just so happens that you don't have a fixed job, so we are right." Wang Yan said with a smile, "Okay, that's it. . You go back and we will start tomorrow. Just wait at home. I will find you when I come back from shopping."

"Okay." Jinbao's mother was not verbose, she responded simply, thanked Teacher Ge and went back.

"Are you too generous? Three hundred yuan is a lot. How much money do you have?"

"There's another thousand. It's not easy to wear a string dress. It's not easy for her, so give more and take care of her. If I make money, dozens of dollars doesn't matter. If I can't make money, then this month It’s time to help her.”

Wang Yan waved his hand, "Teacher Ge, is the person you are talking about reliable?"

"That's my old friend, how can I lie to you? I'll take you there after breakfast tomorrow, and you pay for breakfast. No more, I have to go back to sleep. You go to bed early too, there's no place to stay, You can’t sleep well, so take a good rest, you will be the one who will be tired later.”

Teacher Ge waved his hand and wandered back to the house where he lived.

Wang Yan also went to wash up briefly and returned to the empty room to sleep...

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning came.

Wang Yan didn't run or box. He wasn't familiar with the area yet, and it wasn't easy to take a shower in the morning. He just walked around outside to see what it was like here early in the morning.

At any time, there are always working people getting up early to make a living. At about five o'clock in the morning, the heat in the breakfast shop had begun to rise. Gradually, some cars passed by, and the whole place began to become noisy until later on.

At this time, Wang Yan returned and saw Teacher Ge's door open, sitting on a stool and looking at the door.

"Teacher Ge got up very early. Are you waiting for me?"

"I thought you were still asleep."

"Go to bed early and get up early. Let's go out for a walk and take a look at the surrounding environment. Let me wash my face and brush my teeth, then let's go."

Wang Yan acted quickly, went back to the house, took off his coat, went shirtless, took the basin and went downstairs to get water to wash up. The tendons all over his body made everyone in the building dizzy, and they all greeted Wang Yan politely.

After quickly washing up, Wang Yan went upstairs again and saw a room that was wide open for ventilation. A man wearing glasses was sitting in a small space sketching on a drawing board. There are many books visible to the naked eye in the room, and perhaps many scattered drawing papers.

"Teacher Chen, did you draw it so early?"

"What time do you have to paint? Naturally, I can paint whenever I want."

"Teacher Chen deserves to be a great painter in art, and what he says makes sense. I'm going to buy some mutton today and plan to sell barbecue in the future. In the afternoon, Teacher Chen will also try it and comment on it."

"It's easy to talk about."

Teacher Chen said this, but he waved his hands, saying, "Go and have a rest." He thought Wang Yan was disturbing.

Wang Yan smiled, returned to the room with the basin, got dressed, and went out with Teacher Ge who had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

"Let me tell you, the breakfast at Li Ji Shengjian at the intersection is the best. Theirs..."

Teacher Ge neither speaks fast nor slow, and still lacks some strength. He doesn’t walk very fast either, but he always talks a lot...

Thanks to my brother (who enters sage mode in three seconds) for the 1,000-coin reward for his support.

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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