Hong Kong was relatively chaotic at this time, after all, it involved the issue of return. There are a lot of messy things. But on the contrary, the development is indeed very good. This was Hong Kong's glorious era. After recovering from the stock market crash of 1987, Hong Kong's economy was on the rise.

To a certain extent, this rapid development has also covered up and weakened those messy things. This has resulted in social stability without any turmoil, and the lives of ordinary people seem to have not been affected at all.

Wang Yan is really familiar with Hong Kong. After all, he has stood at the top here several times, still in different capacities. Either a gangster, a businessman, a businessman plus a gangster, or a Hong Kong policeman. I think back then he was also the first brother in the police force and a Chinese leader.

Even though he lived a long life of more than a thousand years, Hong Kong accounted for one-tenth of his life. In comparison, his life in the real world only accounts for more than one-thirtieth. In this way, we can understand that Wang Yan has a deep relationship with Hong Kong.

The Peninsula Hotel is the oldest high-end hotel in Hong Kong and can be said to be one of the best in the world.

A taxi stopped at the door of the hotel. Wang Yan got out of the back seat and stamped his feet...

The weather was very hot. He was not wearing a suit jacket, just a white shirt, with his sleeves rolled up as usual, and an embroidered pattern tie. The lower body is wearing trousers and leather shoes. It is a normal dress, nothing unusual.

Without Wang Yan taking action, someone helped him get his luggage in the car. After checking in all the way, he went down to the restaurant and ordered a table of dishes.

"Betty, right? That's all you need. Please hurry up and bring the food up."

Wang Yan sat there, loosened some of his tie, and smiled friendly at the woman in waiter uniform in front of him.

Beidi, or Xuezhi, she has never seen such a person here. The dress looks very serious, but it is very unbusinesslike. He had to roll up his sleeves, loosen his tie, and unbutton the top button, which was so loose that he gave off a natural scornful air. Even though I am alone, I still want to order a table full of dishes.

She knew that this man was from Shanghai, and many people came here to be serious. I was very careful in everything I did because I didn’t want to be seen as a joke. After all, in this era, it is not easy to come out. But the person in front of him was completely different. Of course, it didn't leave a good impression on her.

"Mr. Wang, do you have any friends coming over?"

"As I said, it's just me, but I have a better appetite. I know it's shameful to waste. Besides, I see some disgust in your eyes. I have to explain that although I am from the mainland, People who have become rich have not yet reached the level of nouveau riche.

But I have a good appetite and I usually like to eat. This is my first time in Hong Kong and it’s such a famous hotel. I think the food here shouldn’t be too bad, so I’ll just order more and have a taste. "

"Mr. Wang, you misunderstood, I..."

Wang Yan shook his head with a smile: "Don't tell lies, I didn't say I was going to complain to you, so don't be nervous. Go ahead and place your order, and hurry me up. I'm really hungry."

"You speak Cantonese very well."

"Thank you. From what you're saying, you should be from Shanghai, right?"

Beidi, who was about to leave, was stunned for a moment, then turned around and said curiously: "Others say my Cantonese is pretty good."

"Who would say to your face that you are not good enough? But I am sure that everything you say about your beauty must be true." Wang Yan raised an eyebrow at her.

Betty covered her mouth and smiled: "Thank you, I'll go place the order."

After that, she left.

Wang Yan lit a cigarette, propped up his chin and looked at her back...

Speaking of which, that was also a long time ago. From time to time, we meet old people we haven’t seen for a long time in some new world. Fortunately, he, Wang, has a heart of iron and blood, and memories are really a sharp knife that pierces the heart and bleeds blood.

The food was served quickly, and Betty didn't stay away. She stood in the distance and watched Wang Yan eating and drinking. She was surprised to find that Wang Yan's eating style was very natural. Although he used his hands, he was definitely not rough, but could still feel elegant.

After Wang Yan finished eating, she stepped forward to pour tea: "Mr. Wang does have a good appetite. How about it? Are you used to the taste here in Hong Kong?"

"Not bad." Wang Yan nodded and asked, "How long have you been here?"

"It's been more than ten years, and I've been here for three years."

"I'm not familiar with Hong Kong. When will you get off work? If you don't mind, could you take me for a walk here and eat some snacks?"

She hesitated: "I get off work early today, about half past six."

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll wait for you at the door. Don't worry about me while you're busy."

Betty smiled, turned around and walked aside again.

After smoking a cigarette and drinking a pot of tea, Wang Yan wandered away and went for a walk outside. He may not have been to Hong Kong for a long time, so it would be good for him to take a stroll.

Betty looked at Wang Yan's leaving figure and didn't know what she was thinking...

It was already afternoon when Wang Yan had dinner, and it wasn't long until half past six.

Betty is very punctual, just as it is difficult for people who are off work to be willing to stay in the company for one more second.

She had changed into the waiter's hip-hugging uniform and was wearing a floral dress. Finding Wang Yan squatting smoking at the door, she smiled and said, "You've been waiting for a long time, Mr. Wang."

"I just came back from the beach. Let's go and follow your orders."

"Then let's go have a meal first. Causeway Bay is more lively. Why don't we go there to have a look?"

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "I will follow your command."

Causeway Bay has a lot to offer, but after all, this is not the world of Young and Dangerous. Although there are inevitably some unruly people on the bustling streets, there are not a large group of people fighting over the territory here.

After buying a lot of snacks and a few bottles of cold beer, the two of them sat down at a roadside food stall to enjoy a table full of various delicacies.

Betty said: "The person who eats with you must be very happy."

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows: "Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy." After being stunned for a moment, Betty nodded and smiled, "Who wouldn't be happy if we can eat what we want together without worrying about waste? In fact, I have wanted to eat these things for a long time. It's just that I usually I don’t have time. When I have time, I always want to have a good rest by myself and don’t want to move around. Here’s to you, Mr. Wang, thank you.”

"I was always said to be a loser when I was little, but I didn't expect that one day I would be said to be someone who makes people happy. I want to thank you too." Wang Yan raised his glass with a smile and drank one with her.

After chatting for a while, Betty asked: "What kind of business does Mr. Wang do in Shanghai?"

"Anyway, I have a lot of time. I can tell you from the beginning."

"Appreciate further details."

Wang Yan told the truth, starting from how he arrived in Shanghai, how he started making seasonings, and how he made a mess and wanted to build a clothing factory, all the way up to now.

Betty didn't expect that Wang Yan would speak out without any hesitation, without her having to ask questions. She said in surprise: "So you made millions in just four months?"

"It's almost the same, but I still owe hundreds of thousands to the bank. You see, I'm living in the Peninsula Hotel now, eating and drinking so much, but I don't actually have much money in my hands. I've caught up with the good times, and I'm not a junior. I have no parents, no wife and children, and there is no good job in my hometown. I can eat enough, but not enough. I also didn’t expect that some of the spice recipes at home can make so much money.”

"Then you came to Hong Kong..."

"Someone told me that foreign investors have good policies, paying less taxes and getting more loans. There must be no one investing in my business. Even if there is, they are trying to use my barbecue ingredients. So I came here to take a look. , if I open a company here, make some money, and then invest in my factory in Shanghai, wouldn’t that make it Hong Kong-owned? It’s still my company inside and out.”

...Betty said: "What a great idea."

What else could she say...

"What kind of business does Mr. Wang plan to do here? Or sell barbecue ingredients? I don't know if the people here are used to it."

"I also have herbal tea recipes, which taste better and have better conditioning effects. You can make them all. You can't make a lot of money, but there should be no problem with a small amount."

Betty shook her head: "Mr. Wang, let me say something disappointing. If your barbecue ingredients are as good as you say, they will definitely be remembered by interested people, and the same will be true for your herbal tea recipes. It may be worse in the mainland. There are really gangs here, look at those people."

Looking at a few arrogant gangsters with dragon and tiger tattoos gathered together in the distance, she said, "They are just mazai from the underworld, and they are not members of the real society. They just follow a small leader and serve as a guide to a more senior leader. Doing things. You have no background, no people, and you are doing the most basic business. Seeing you making so much money, I’m sure you won’t have some thoughts."

"Maybe the contact was relatively short and you don't know me well. You will know better later."

"In the future?" Betty was stunned again and asked in confusion, "Mr. Wang, I don't understand what you mean."

"I want to develop in Shanghai, and I need someone to manage it here. Do you understand?"

"So Mr. Wang means to let me be the manager?"

"What do you think?"

"But this is the first day we met and the second time we met."

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Now it's not whether I believe you or not, but whether you believe me or not. Maybe everything I said is false and I am lying to you, and I want to defraud you of your money. You must not only believe me , and you must be prepared for hard work. I can export the barbecue ingredients and transport them from Shanghai and package them, but herbal tea is a specialty here. In the early stage, you have to work with me."

Betty remained silent for a while, then looked at Wang Yan who was eating and drinking across the table: "Why are you looking for me?"

"Because you're beautiful."

"Want to sleep with me?"

"I think so." Wang Yan smiled. Betty asked sincerely, so his answer was naturally sincere, "I think you should give yourself a chance."

There is no doubt that this Betty, like the woman from long ago in Wang Yan's memory, is yearning for material things and pursuing something. Of course, this does not mean that she is a woman who sells her body. That is one of the methods of pursuing material things.

Betty is not like that, she is an exquisite woman. She loves reading, she likes music, she yearns for material things, but she doesn't like poverty. So she left A Bao and married in Hong Kong, but she was unfortunate later.

Now Betty is a woman who has no more illusions about life. She may no longer read the books she likes, and she will definitely no longer play the piano she loves. Her spirit and soul are wasted.

So she is very direct because it saves the most energy. Being a waitress every day is not that easy. Of course, she has to do all kinds of lies in order to work. Now that I'm outside, it's naturally more straightforward.

Wang Yan likes this kind of directness very much.

"Do you think I should need this opportunity?"

"You are thirty-one years old and you won't be able to work at the Peninsula Hotel for long. I know that you are not a casual woman and will not use your body to make money. If you have the idea of ​​​​making money, you will not work at the Peninsula Hotel for three days. Years. I think you are not a person who is content with the status quo, just like you left Shanghai more than ten years ago. You don’t know how to make money, I will, I tell you how to make money, you do it, it’s that simple.”

Wang Yan raised his glass with a smile, "This will affect the rest of your life. Don't rush to give me an answer. I will stay at the Peninsula Hotel for two more days. You can do it at any time before checking out."

Betty smiled, picked up the wine glass and took a sip with Wang Yan...

This night was certainly not a unique one, but Wang Yan was certain that Betty would not be able to sleep because no one had ever said such a thing to her...

Betty was indeed not asleep. In the small and cramped public house, there was a faint light shining through the small window on the patio side of the public house. A little spark was held between her slender fingers and slowly approached her thin lips. The spark flickered and disappeared. Di blew out the smoke in a long breath.

She asked if he wanted to sleep with her, and the man thought as he spoke, but she was sure that she was not mistaken. In the man's deep eyes, she did not see any lust at all, they were all appreciation. She confirmed that she had seen it right, because she had never been stared at by that lustful look. She is confident that she is a beautiful woman.

But no matter what, she never thought that one day, a man from her hometown would tell her that he wanted to sleep with her and asked her to give herself a chance.

The man spoke in an understatement, as if wealth was coming just as easily as a floating cloud. He has strong self-confidence and speaks with certainty even if it is a question. She felt that there was no secret in front of that man, as if she was sure that she would agree.

But what she originally thought was just because he was a fellow villager from her hometown of Shanghai, and he was an interesting person. She hadn't been back for many years and wanted to know the changes in her hometown. But I never thought that as we chatted, we talked about starting a business in Hong Kong with her, inviting her to do it together, and even sleeping with her...

She couldn't help but think of the long past. There used to be two roads in front of her, in Shanghai and to go to Hong Kong. Now she is in Hong Kong. Now there are two paths in front of her: continue working as a waiter at the Peninsula Hotel and wait until she gets older, or stay with the man she met on the first day, who traveled from the Northeast to Shanghai and then to Hong Kong. In the words of that man, give yourself a chance.

This didn't seem like a difficult choice, because she really had nothing to lose...

That night, Wang Yan returned to the hotel and saw Beidi waiting at the door with a small bag.

As soon as they met, she said: "I resign."

Wang Yan was not surprised and nodded with a smile: "You haven't eaten yet? Let's go. We went to Causeway Bay yesterday. Today we go to Yau Ma Tei."

"Aren't you surprised?" Although she knew this was the case, Betty still couldn't help but ask.

"Before me, did anyone ask you to give yourself a chance?"


"Do you have anything to lose?"


"So are we at the Peninsula tonight, or are we going to your place?"


"If you don't want to, you just don't want to. It's nothing."

Wang Yan said with a smile: "You have to understand the relationship between us. We are partners first, and secondly I want to have something happen with you. You are very beautiful, and no man will not think about things in bed. Son, this is a human need, and so are women. Unless they like the same sex, or have other perverted hobbies.

Of course, I can't deny that if our relationship is no longer limited to cooperation, then I will be more assured about the operation of the Hong Kong company, because you are truly mine. Although we will never get married in this life, in fact, we are a mom-and-pop shop. . I'm not going too far. If you make money and get what you want, then under such circumstances, you will not betray me for any other reason.

But this is something that can’t be said for sure. After all, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. "

Betty looked at Wang Yan and asked, "Have you always been so straightforward?"

"It's almost the same, but you have to separate people. There are always things that are hard to say directly. I like what you said yesterday about 'want to sleep with me'. It's simple and direct. So I'll explain it to you clearly and save you the trouble of thinking about it. , being very guarded against me, as if that’s what I’m doing.”

"I still don't understand why it's me. We just met twice yesterday, just because I'm pretty."

"There are many beautiful women, you are not special."

Wang Yan shook his head, "I can't see the brilliance and energy in your eyes. But when I talked about how to get from Northeast to Shanghai and how to make money, there was yearning in your eyes. Maybe you didn't know it. , but you were a completely different person at that time. In addition, when I chatted with you, your conversation was also good and you had accumulated experience.

This, coupled with your beauty, is what sets you apart from others. Of course, it must be because you showed up just right. I'm here, you're here, it's that simple. I don't think too much, and I'm always used to grabbing what's in front of me. Instead of thinking about whether there is a more suitable person after you. "

While speaking, Wang Yan had already waved to stop a taxi. He opened the door and turned to look at Beidi, who was motionless. "What are you doing standing there, let's go?"

Betty looked at Wang Yan and this man whom she had only met for the third time.

She said: "Go back to the hotel. I have been here for so many years and I have never stayed there..."

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows, turned around and smiled apologetically at the taxi driver. After receiving a friendly greeting from the taxi driver, he turned around and went back to the hotel with Betty...

Betty is not a talkative person. When she is not talking, she looks like the heroine in some literary films, holding a book by the sunny window, her long hair swaying, mottled with light, calm and beautiful.

She doesn't talk much, but she has good ideas. Now he decisively followed Wang Yan and handed himself over. Just like when she left Shanghai and came to Hong Kong.

Her relationship with Wang Yan was not to sell herself, but to entrust her. She was just like Wang Yan said, giving herself a chance, the future is after this night.

Wang Yan fell asleep and turned against the person, so she lost. But when she starts her career after tomorrow, no matter whether she makes a lot of money or not, she will always have a way out. Unlike now, she couldn't see the road at the Peninsula. Even if someone wanted to sleep with her, she couldn't see the way. She saw it in Wang Yan.

Betty doesn't talk much and is usually very good. Wang Yan was buzzed by the noise from the people in Tokyo at night, and Betty is very good. But it's not good in bed because she's always depressed.

Fortunately, Wang Yan is living a good life. After contacting her, Betty's emotions that have been pent up for many years are finally expressed. It is different from the quiet and beautiful heroine's wildness. Wang Yan likes to help her people in this way...

He asked, "What's the view like at the Peninsula Hotel?"

Betty looked at the sea and neon lights outside the window and said it was very good...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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