If Abao's business is doing well, Ye Tokyo's business will naturally not be bad either. During dinner, people came here looking for A Bao, wanting to discuss business, or wanting to make a fortune with A Bao.

In fact, under normal circumstances, Ye Tokyo's business is still okay, and it's not really losing money. Even though Reiko's attitude was bad, her service quality was not high, and her prices were expensive, she couldn't stop the little monk from improving his craftsmanship. The level that was barely level 3 before has reached the peak of level 3 after more than two years, and occasionally a few specialty dishes can break through level 4.

This level is already very good. Players who go to the front row of big hotels to hang out will naturally have better business in the long run.

Reiko sat in front of the counter, happily checking money and accounting, taking inventory every day. Maybe her neck was tired from checking the money, so she raised her head and moved. When he looked up, he saw a black car parked outside the window.

Immediately, he saw a man wearing shorts, half-sleeves, and sneakers carrying his brother out of the car with his bag under his arm. He locked the car door with a key with his free hand and walked into the store.

Lingzi put the money aside with a smile and stood up to greet him: "Long time no see again, Boss Wang."

"Hey, we just met during the Chinese New Year."

"Oh, you're so sorry. It's been four months since the Chinese New Year. Looking at how you're dressed now, are you really done with it this time?"

"Now that we're done, we'll have more time in the future." Wang Yan sat on the empty seat by the window, "Your business is pretty good now."

"It's thanks to Mr. Bao Bao that if he does well, it's just fine here. It's not like you don't know."

"Where are Teacher Ge, Tao Tao and the others? Have they broken up?"

"Of course not. At Teacher Ge's place, they have to play mahjong at night. Oh, it's not too hot. Teacher Ge's room is not big. They squeeze together to play mahjong. They are really making themselves suffer. . Oh, one more thing. Your original house is rented out to a tailor from Suzhou, and they all call her sister-in-law. Oh, sister-in-law is so talkative and has charming eyes. Tao Tao is drooling just looking at it.”

Wang Yan nodded: "Hurry up and serve the food, boss lady, let me see if the little monk's skills have improved."

"I'm sure I've made progress, but my progress in the past year and a half is limited. I still need your guidance. What do you want to eat?"

"Look at the arrangements. You haven't come here often for a year and a half. Are you feeling rusty? Don't you know that my appetite has improved?"

"Oh, you don't know, Teacher Ge and Tao Tao talk about you every day."

"Drinking my wine, accepting my gifts, and still saying bad things about me?"

Reiko smiled and shook her head: "I can't say it's a bad thing. You know what they are doing is just complaining. I feel like it won't be lively without someone like you."

She turned around and went into the kitchen, and when she came out she was carrying a plate of cold dishes and a bottle of Maotai from the counter. "You sit down for a while, Boss Wang. I'm busy right now, so I have to wait. If you If you can’t wait any longer, then you can make enough food and clothing by yourself.”

Wang Yan nodded with a smile, and did not need to be greeted by Lingzi. He drank and ate by himself, feeling very comfortable.

Outside the window is the ever-changing era, and inside the window is endless wine, sex, and wealth. Sitting by the window and having a drink, Mr. Wang is already standing on the top of the wave...

This feeling did not last long. With the bells jingling as the doormates were tied together, Teacher Ge, Tao Tao, and Ling Hong were already surrounding Wang Yan.

"Did you call them?" Wang Yan raised his head to Lingzi behind him.

Lingzi smiled and said: "Boss Wang is back. It's not good to be so deserted. He needs to be welcomed."

"Xiao Dongbei, you have no conscience. Please call us before you come. It would be great if we can all help you."

"That's right, Boss Wang, let's have a drink and talk about your scenery outside to give us some insights."

Ling Hong also said on the side: "That's right, Boss Wang, you are not particular about not telling us in advance. If you had told us in advance, everyone would be busy tonight."

Wang Yan shook his head: "It's not like I can't see anyone, so what's the rush? After this year and a half of work, I'll be free and at ease from now on. I'll have a lot of time."

Teacher Ge asked in surprise: "You won't leave this time?"

"As I said, I haven't left since. I just want to live and make more money, so I can only run around outside. There is no other way. Lingzi told me just now, saying that you, an old boy, and Tao Tao are two He drinks my wine, accepts my gifts, and speaks ill of me."

"Oh, Boss Wang, I don't have the courage. Don't listen to Lingzi's nonsense. I just miss Boss Wang. You don't have any news, so I will tell you. Boss Wang doesn't know where he is. Get rich, I don’t know if you still remember Night Tokyo, I know you must remember it, otherwise I would drink Maotai every day. The bad things are all said by the old boy, he said you have no conscience, every time you drink, you mention it You have to tell me how I took care of you..."

"Taotao, why don't you accuse me so unfairly."

"Then did you tell me?"

"Oh, Xiao Dongbei, am I right? In 1990, if you came here alone, should I rent your house..."

"Okay, okay, it's the same thing all the time. Didn't you drink Maotai? Why don't you pay me back?"

"That's our friendship, it's not worth it. Besides, I don't have any money. If you want to go back, I'll spit it out to you."

"The old boy is getting more and more shameless." Wang Yan shook his head in amusement.

"The older he gets, the more shameless he becomes." Tao Tao mocked.

"I agree." After Linghong finished speaking, she didn't give Teacher Ge a chance to fight back. Instead, she asked, "Boss Wang, I remember you sued Naike before? Why has there been no movement recently?"

"The news in the past was news that I paid for, but now I just accept it as soon as it's good. I can't always do marketing, and the leaders above are also in trouble. Moreover, my direct-sale stores have not yet opened all over the country, and the people who benefit the most are Those pirated copies of my brand have been sold all over the country. What's more, some people come to my store with pirated clothes and ask me to provide after-sales service and change their clothes."

Speaking of this, Wang Yan also shook his head in a funny way.

The lawsuit against Naike happened last year. After he sent the banner to the clothing department, he arranged for people to do it, and then bought all kinds of news and overwhelming publicity. The purpose is to step on the foreign brand of Naike to prove how good his luck is. Although Nike copied the design, it is indeed better than Hongyun in terms of materials at this time, but for marketing purposes, it must be ignored.

He directly raised Hongyun to the same level as Naike, and denounced them for being shameless and plagiarizing. At the same time, Wang Yan also canceled all domestic and foreign discounts, and the prices were directly matched with Naike. Yes, he not only buys news at home, but also abroad.

Anyway, it’s just to belittle Naike and elevate yourself.

The effect was quite good. During that period, sales of less than a hundred stores opened surged, and supply exceeded demand. Fortunately, Wang Yan had anticipated this situation and had already distributed the goods in advance.

But as Wang Yan said, those who gain the most are those who make piracy. Just imitate the style, put on the good luck pattern, and sell it for ten to eight yuan, which is very popular. After all, it's cheap, good-looking, and I heard it's a big brand.

This lawsuit has been going on for almost a year now. It has been heated up several times, but there is still no concrete result. Naike continued to copy, and Wang Yan continued to complain. The marketing stopped after the new year, and the advantages were taken. The lawsuit was unclear, and Naike pretended to be dead. If he continued marketing, he would cause trouble for the relevant units and leaders. It was all a lawsuit, and it was really not necessary at this time. easy. Wang Yan is very considerate.

"Boss Wang, then I don't understand. Naike can't win if he sues, and those who make fakes can't be left alone. Why don't you sue them?" Linghong asked directly and her thoughts were direct.

"Although some manufacturers are bold enough to sell fakes at the same price as my authentic ones, most of them are very cheap. They are all small workshops and do not have very good machines. My clothes are novel in style and good. If they sell it, of course they will do it. If I sue them and ask them to pay compensation, how will they be able to eat in the future?"

Tao Tao thought for a while and said, "Wouldn't that affect your genuine sales? The streets are full of clothes like that. Others spend ten yuan, but I spend a hundred. That makes me feel uncomfortable."

Wang Yan shook his head and said: "More people will snicker in their hearts. If you can't afford genuine products and buy pirated ones, and you don't even know it's pirated, then I have a kind of psychological superiority."

"Hey, what Xiao Dongbei said is right. On the contrary, people who wear pirated clothes will be encouraged to go to his store to buy genuine clothes in the future."

"I don't have that many ideas. I just want to make money from rich people. Foreigners can sell for more than 100 yuan in China. It doesn't make sense for them to make money. There is no reason why I can't make money. Everything is foreign. It’s good, I don’t believe it.”


Wang Yan waved his hand: "How are you guys doing lately? I heard that a little sister-in-law came to the house where I live, and she is obsessed with Tao Tao."

"Oh, Boss Wang, don't talk nonsense. If Fangmei hears it, I will die. As a woman, what man can resist not looking at it? Speaking of which, I still have to blame Teacher Ge. . The old boy is old-hearted, and the houses are all rented to single women."

"Don't talk nonsense, what kind of single woman am I renting?"

"Stay tough, Lingzi, Linghong, Teacher Shi, sister-in-law, Jinbao's mother, and..."

Teacher Ge felt very wronged: "You understand, Tao Tao. It was you who came to rent this store first, and then Mr. Bao came over, and then brought Lingzi to rent my house, and then Linghong came back from Japan. . As for Jinbao’s mother, I saw her making a living alone with her children. It’s really not easy..."

Within a few words, these people started arguing again.

Lingzi did not participate because the waiter was busy. She was the only one who served the food back and forth, took the bowls, chopsticks and wine glasses, and everyone started eating and drinking together lively...

Of course, Wang Yan is not really idle. After all, the business is developing at a high speed. He still has to do some work, such as personnel, finance, etc. He must be aware of it and grasp the direction of development. Some internal matters must be well understood. Corruption must also be controlled, and relations among all parties must be well coordinated.

In addition, he also has a semiconductor company, and he has to participate in the research projects there and give some research suggestions. Moreover, the distribution of packages for college students is no longer a question of talent, but a problem of employment. He also wants to go out to find some people and trick them into joining them for research.

However, his boss has done a lot, has rich experience, and fully trusts the work ability of his subordinates, so it doesn't matter if it doesn't work. He has always believed that people all have potential but lack a platform. Maybe there is indeed an upper limit, but there is no need for such a high upper limit when obeying orders and following instructions. If things are handled clearly and personnel are managed clearly, or in other words, as long as the management is not messed up and high-quality and safe production is done, there will never be any big problems.

After all, this is an era of barbaric growth and land grabbing. Even if there are some minor problems, with the rapid development of business and the rapid expansion of the company, they will be suppressed and will not have any major impact.

So he was very relieved.

Just walk around and take a look every day. Occasionally, if I'm interested, I'll go out and take pictures with my camera.

He hasn't seen Po since he came back. I heard that I was going out to inspect factories and also made treasury bills. When the base of wealth reaches a certain level, making money will become easier. Today's Abao is no longer what it used to be. His wealth is rapidly accumulating and he has gained a reputation. To be honest, the current Abao is much more awesome than the original Abao. He was still more or less influenced by Wang Yan.

However, Wang Yan is not very interested in Abao's glory. He is still living a comfortable life...

"Miss Wang is here." The owner of the pork ribs and rice cakes greeted warmly.

"Boss, it's still the same."

Miss Wang's voice was still so energetic. She responded to the boss, took a bottle of ice-cold soda, sat down by the window, took a sip, and enjoyed the coolness.

She supported her chin with her hands, looked out the window blankly, and asked without looking back: "Boss, has Boss Wang been here?"

"Oh, I really haven't been here before. He came once on the first day of the Lunar New Year last year, and he hasn't been here for almost a year and a half."

"Ms. Wang, aren't you and Boss Wang friends? If you need anything, just call him."

"It's different, you don't understand."

Miss Wang replied lazily. The tone was familiar to her boss, but she just didn't want to say anything anymore. The little girl was very fierce, so he shut up and stopped talking.

The last time she met Wang Yan was when Wang Yan went to deliver the banner on the 27th. It had been more than half a year now, and they had made several phone calls in the process, asking her to help with the customs clearance procedures. Because Wang Yan has so many clothing stores, there are basically stores in major cities in Asia. Opening a country requires one more procedure. Other than that, it’s just to say hello if everything is okay, nothing more.

She often wondered how she felt about Abao. In the winter when she met A Bao, A Bao invited her to attend a New Year event at the Peace Hotel. She admitted that she was very moved that day and suppressed such feelings. But then, she was a little unsure.

She shook her head and continued to hold her chin up, holding a straw in her mouth and drinking sip after sip. She looked out the window, looking forward to the fifth meeting of the pork ribs and rice cake...

Under her gaze, a black Poussin stopped at the door. She saw Wang Yan, wearing a cool dress with shorts and half sleeves, waving to her, and she responded with a smile.

Then, she saw that Wang Yan seemed to have remembered something, and she saw him bend down and take out a camera from the car, and started taking pictures of her. She also smiled and posed in cooperation. After doing this, Wang Yan threw the camera into the car, locked the door, and went to the Spare Ribs and Rice Cake store.

"Oh, Boss Wang, it's been a long time. Miss Wang asked you if you've been here just now. What a coincidence." Seeing Wang Yan come in, the boss greeted Wang Yan in surprise.

He was not sure before, but now he is sure that Wang Yan is the richest person he has ever met.

"Oh, the boss is still so energetic. Oh, and the clothes he wears are still good luck? The boss has good taste." Wang Yan gave him a thumbs up.

"I know that Hongyun is Boss Wang's business, so I specifically support Boss Wang's business. But Boss Wang, I have to be honest, it is indeed too expensive. This half-sleeve of mine cost ninety-nine yuan."

"Look, you still have a misunderstanding about my brand. You say the foreigners are expensive and you say they are high-end, but I am benchmarking them and you say they are expensive? Isn't this appropriate? Now, Miss Wang knows very well that Hongyun is also an internationally renowned brand. , I have driven all over Southeast Asia.”

Wang Yan waved his hand, no longer embarrassed the boss who had not thought of how to respond, and said with a smile, "You support my business, and I support your business, it's still the same as before, remember?"

"It's impossible in this life. Boss Wang, please sit down. I'll be Miss Wang's first. I'll be there soon."

After grabbing a bottle of soda, Wang Yan stood there and looked at Miss Wang. She was wearing a half-color Hongyun half-sleeve, a floral skirt, and white shoes produced by Hongyun. Because the weather was relatively hot, her permed hair was tied high, and she was still wearing the glasses given by Wang Yan.

Miss Wang felt embarrassed and her eyes averted, but she was still her own character and asked loudly: "What are you looking at? Is there anything interesting to see? Sit over here!"

Wang Yan raised his eyebrows at her and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for more than half a year. Miss Wang is even more beautiful."

"Boss Wang is also talking sweet words now?"

"Miss Wang is really beautiful, I never lie."

Seeing him sitting down with a smile, Miss Wang said: "Looking at what you are wearing now, you are completely relaxed?"

"It's almost the same, but it's not easy either. You know, it's a logistics company, a seasoning company, a clothing company, clothing and overseas business, so there are still a lot of things to do. But in the future, you don't have to do it like before. You have to fly all over the world. If you look at it this way, it is really easy."

"When did you return to Shanghai?"

"It's been ten days, right?" Seeing the unhappiness in Miss Wang's eyes, Wang Yan continued, "I haven't forgotten that you wanted to treat me to dinner, but fate is really elusive and I can't be sure of it. Stay. I came early, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to meet you. If I came late, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to meet you. After these days, I felt that it was almost done, and then I came. I didn’t expect that the fate between the two of us is really great. .

We have known each other for two years. This is the fifth time I have come here. I meet you every time. You will treat me to this meal today, as agreed. "

"No problem, I'll treat you. You can eat whatever you want." Miss Wang patted her chest, very happy.

"How have you been in the past half year or so?"

"What do you think of me?"

"I think you are beautiful."

Miss Wang clicked her tongue and ignored Wang Yan's teasing. She said, "Thanks to you and Mr. Bao's care, my work is excellent and the leader is very satisfied. Oh, by the way, you will have to ask me for your finances later." That’s it. We are going to conduct a half-year inventory. Your company is the only domestic brand sold abroad, and we need to track the sales abroad."

"Okay, I'll go there tomorrow." Wang Yan nodded with a smile, "Ms. Wang, how do you think my clothing company is doing?"

"Of course. I take back what I told you before. I never expected that in just two years, you would build a brand and sell it abroad."

"In fact, there is no need to take it back, because I have lost more money now. In addition to a large part of the money to buy the shop, I also paid for it with a loan from the bank. The scale of the factory has expanded, and there are more workers. But it’s all about money. I also acquired textile factories and chemical fiber factories. The equipment is more expensive, and there are also researchers doing experiments, and the experimental equipment is not easy to get. Oh, don’t mention the extra headaches.”

"Who makes you want to make branded clothing? I heard from Mr. Bao that you made a lot of money in Russia. Now, it's all invested in clothing companies and logistics companies. I haven't seen the money. How much? There are thousands of employees. If one person is not good, you will lose everything."

Miss Wang curled her lips, then smiled and said, "But it's only because of your courage that you can do what you are doing now. You are the best."

"Miss Wang is still discerning."

"If I were really discerning, I wouldn't have said so many harsh words to you."

Wang Yan smiled and shook his head: "I'm talking about you praising me for my ability and discernment!" As he spoke, he gave a thumbs up and pointed it in front of Miss Wang.

With a snap, Miss Wang opened her hand, and Wang Yan helped take the things from the boss who came over with a smile.

"Eat it, your favorite."

Miss Wang put her chopsticks on the plate: "It's my favorite. Hey, Boss Wang, don't you like eating pork ribs rice cake?"

"When we first met here, you asked a similar question. At that time, I said, it's not bad."

"It's not bad, it's delicious. Then why don't you come here often? No matter how busy you are, you always have time to rest. It won't take long to drive here for a meal."

"I think there are a lot of delicious things. Once you eat the same thing continuously, you will lose the good taste. So I like to extend the time and eat occasionally, which will retain my expectation for delicious food. .”

"I'm different. My favorite is the spareribs rice cake. Well, it's my favorite!" Ms. Wang emphasized her tone. She said, "I told you, I have eaten this pork ribs rice cake since I was a child. I eat everything. It’s not enough.”

Wang Yan nodded with a smile: "Go to Huanghe Road for dinner another day?"

"There are so many good restaurants, but isn't there on Zhapu Road? Isn't there on Yunnan South Road? Why do you have to go to Huanghe Road? Besides, I can't afford to eat. It's okay to eat occasionally. It can be said to be a business negotiation. It's always You will make a mistake if you go."

"It's okay to eat occasionally, as long as you can go." Wang Yan nodded, "In this case, let's go to Golden Phoenix tomorrow to see how they are doing."

Miss Wang turned to look at Wang Yan who was smiling. She did not refuse, but she did not agree with Wang Yan's choice: "Mr. Bao and I have been there. It's not me who says that the chefs at Golden Phoenix are not as good as your boss Wang." .Why go to Huanghe Road?"

"I'm afraid Miss Wang has forgotten that Boss Wang made his fortune selling mutton skewers on Huanghe Road." The boss who served the dishes answered, "Now that Boss Wang's business has gone abroad, of course he has to visit the place where he started. Look."

"Oh, yes, yes, how could I forget." Miss Wang patted her head, "So you are going to Huanghe Road to regain your face?"

"That's wrong. I have never lost face. I set up a kebab stall on Huanghe Road and got rich through hard work. Later, Jin Meilin's boss lady came to trouble me, and she paid me a settlement fee of 10,000 yuan. But I can I understand what you mean."

Wang Yan said with a smile, "When I first arrived in Shanghai two years ago, I only had more than a thousand yuan in savings. At that time, Huanghe Road was so prosperous, but I couldn't afford it. There were hundreds of restaurants on the 755-meter Huanghe Road. I only tried Jin Meilin, but they couldn't stand the discussion and asked me to come over to show off to everyone. I went with Tao Tao at the time.

Later, I got rich and could afford to spend money, but I didn’t have the time. Going to the Soviet Union to do business was a busy year and a half. Now that I have money and time, I have to try it. Not only Huanghe Road, Zhapu Road, but also the current Yunnan South Road, I want to eat it again.

Even if the golden phoenix doesn't taste good, what about the red egret? I heard that that’s the restaurant Mr. Bao goes to most often. The food should be pretty good, right? "

Miss Wang nodded: "It tastes better than what you make."

Wang Yan shook his head in a funny way: "Have I become a measuring stick?"

"That's right, your craftsmanship is very good."

"Then make an appointment to go to Night Tokyo next time. I will cook it again to consolidate it for you. It would be bad if you forget what my cooking tastes like."

"Okay, that's it. What's your best thing? Is it the one you ate last time?"

"Of course not." Wang Yan, who was eating rice cakes, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Actually, what I'm best at is stewed old hen soup. It's a medicinal diet, it's a great tonic, and it's also an ancestral recipe."

"Your ancestors are so kind. They have passed everything down to you."

"No, it's mainly because I didn't study well enough."

Miss Wang smiled, knowing that Wang Yan was being modest, and asked, "Can you try it next time?"

"This won't work. Normal people can't eat well. They have to be in confinement, injured, etc., and they need to supplement nutrition. And it's very troublesome to do. Let's talk about it later when we have the opportunity."

"Then go to Red Heron tomorrow?"

"Go to Red Heron. If I remember correctly, you get off work at half-past five, right? I'll wait for you downstairs."

"That's it, let's do it." Miss Wang raised the soda bottle.

Wang Yan smiled and nodded, and very cooperatively raised the soda bottle and touched it with Miss Wang.

The glass collided and made a crisp sound. Shakes the soda, flipping bubbles from the bottom up.

Miss Wang was very happy to meet each other for the fifth time. They didn't feel unfamiliar at all after not seeing each other for a long time. They seemed to be closer to each other. It was so natural...

I would like to express my daily gratitude to the good brothers who vote monthly, recommend and read quietly for their strong support!

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