The World of Masks

After the battle,

You can see Jinsuk rushing towards the refugee procession. Since then, the undead have been chasing us. You hear refugees screaming for their lives outside the screen. It was the voice of worry and cheer. The undead cling to the rear of the fence. Yoo Rin shouted briefly, looking like she could be caught right away. At that moment, the dust collapsed and slipped as if sliding.


A large telegraph was swung over the top of the stone. The undead crumble into a heap of terrifying noises. Through that gap, he was able to safely escape behind the superpowers.

You hear the cheers of the refugees as one. The screen was turned off with a close-up of the girl tightly held by the scary Jin and the calming of her true self.


Yurin sighs as if clearing his tension. Her tightly clenched fist is filled with sweat.

On the screen, the announcer was praising the authentic behavior to dry up. The fact that Jin, who is rich and powerful, literally a high society, saved a child in that fierce battlefield was a noble act.

However, it was a dry lightning bolt for Yoo Rin, Sang-seok and Ga-young, the people who were best friends with Jin Jin.

“I thought you said not to worry! ”

I shouted in a voice mixed with musical instruments. But his voice was engraved with worry. I don't get angry if I'm not interested. Rather than having sincere acts, they were making their hearts flustered by actions that might be life threatening.

Yoo Rin and Ga Young also did not speak openly, but emotionally agreed with the top story. Yurin even cried. A loved one literally died on the battlefield. Ga Young asked for such a Yoo Rin next to her, and Sang-seop looked at her with a mischievous face.

The three people who had been in a panic for a while but gradually calmed down as time went by. But that didn't mean the anger subsided.

“Did you really mean to nail my daughter's breasts? ”

Normally, even Ga-young, who was soft in the oblique muscles, was not as angry as she was. She turns her head and shoots at the top.

“If you keep doing this, I can't let my kids get married. I don't see my child's tears, no matter what. I don't know when I'll be a widow if I'm going to marry you. ”

“Uh, Mom? ”

She was even more embarrassed because she didn't think it would progress to talk about marriage permits. I nodded my head and was even more embarrassed because I heard Ga Young say yes.

“I agree. If you're going to keep acting like you gave up your life working like that, I really need to rethink it. ”

“Even Dad!”

The couple went to the battlefield this time and believed that they would be safe because they fell behind. You can't help but notice that the front was inadvertently stretched out to Canberra, but I never wanted the couple to do anything as dangerous as it appeared on the screen. It was likely that his only daughter would become a widow who had lost her husband.

Only Yoo Rin was forced to make a tear in the middle of the two.

* * *

The act of propagating authenticity produced a great resonance. Most praised the acts of authenticity. But the sound of protest was also quite loud. He said he was responsible for the PPSO, but he committed dangerous acts. I even heard that the high places are not right for Jinseok.

One thing was certain, his nomination for authenticity was endless, and at least his personality was no doubt gone.

Jin, the controversial party, was now at the headquarters of the United Nations.

Now that the situation was being cleared up, each country wanted to receive an accurate report from its leader. As well as attracting more support, Jin joyfully decided to join the United Nations.

Jinsuk stood on one side and looked at the meeting. It wasn't just the truth that brought him here. Called General Manager of the Allied Forces, I looked at Miller, who is eating all kinds of insults right now. I heard the sound of my tongue kicking. As a struggling American adult, when have I ever felt such humiliation? A red face represented his feelings. Specifically, the Chinese and Russian ambassadors criticized him vigorously. As a military force, the two countries tried to overestimate and influence the world, and this time dispatched forces that could not be compared to other countries. There would have been pride in not wanting to be impressed by the United States. And the result came back as annihilation. The result alone would make you want to catch a backbone, but the commander who screwed those troops was the spiteful American man. Of course, I set up a bloodbath and scouted it. Of course, there was a voice of advocacy. There were many unpredictable variables, such as giant sea monsters and flying monsters. Of course, this voice came from the center of the United States.

This is fun. ’

His face remained silent and steady, but he laughed and applauded inside. I was willing to throw a few billion in return for seeing that funny human military theater. I didn't mean to make fun of Humans who are filthy, lustful creatures. Purely without any other intent, the purely chaotic clay fight was fun.

There was already talk about Miller and the meeting was an emotional struggle between countries. Like a barley sack, Miller had to stand tall. Perhaps the only person who is willing to sit in this general assembly is a legislator.

The ambassadors who fought for a long time only let Miller go. Like a boxer who climbed into the ring and hit him all 12 rounds, Miller could barely walk in a groggy state. He had listened to questions and insults that sparked the hearing for almost a few hours. Perhaps he would be replaced in no time. Honestly, if there hadn't been an ambush to Australia, he would have already given up his command.

After Miller goes down, a few more people go up, and after a while, it's his turn to take a seat.

Jinsuk got up from his seat and moved his feet to a place where the ambassadors' eyes were focused. Unlike those who went ahead, including Miller, the ambassadors had their first favorable feelings. I was straightening my shoulders differently from those who came out before.

The report of authenticity continued with confidence and the ambassadors focused on the report. And the time of the subsequent question. Until now, the question time has been a time when ambassadors were unilaterally conflicted, but now I have stopped feeling calm. Either way, the leader in Canberra's defense was the PPSO and the man in the top spot of the organization. He came directly to the front of the chaos and rescued a child from the Skeleton horde. He was also the one who set the stage for counterattack by analyzing the battlefield with just one communicator.

Ordinary questions came and went. Jinsuk answered the question in a quiet voice. But there were no aggressive questions that came to him.

“This PPSO didn't appear until later in the battle. Are you sure there was no way to get him on the wire? You didn't intentionally avoid combat, did you? ”

Definitely an aggressive question. However, Jinsuk shakes his head quietly.

“Not at all. Of course, I wished I could avoid combat, but that's it. In fact, it was the general commander of the coalition that opposed our deployment, and we were in a situation where we were being commanded by the coalition forces, and we had to do it. As you can see, I've continued to insist on PPSO deployment, and with that I wanted to see Commander Miller. I've never met him, of course. I just kept getting answers that PPSO was impossible. ”

The ambassadors shouted in unison. The American ambassador put his head on the line, and the Chinese and Russian ambassadors drenched him.

“I was only ordered to send PPSO in the latter, but the undead had already entered Canberra by then. ”

Jinsuk spoke boldly without expressing any other emotions.

As soon as I finished answering, the next question came up.

“I understand you saved a child among the undead this time. I saw the screen. Obviously a noble gesture, and I personally have good feelings for the president, but I can't help but wonder if that's appropriate as a top ranking member of an organization. ”

There was a commotion in the ambassadors. Some of the ambassadors frowned and looked at the ambassador who asked the question. The ambassador's question seemed to convince him that saving the child was not justified. Of course, the Ambassador's intention to ask the question was justified. I could have said enough. However, the tone of accusing many people that Jin had done something wrong was disturbing.

“You're right. In fact, I've been nagged by a superpower. I'll be careful from now on.”

Jinseok only said that he would be careful without adding Katabuta. In a way, it could have sounded like a word that avoided the answer. But even the ambassador who asked the question quietly moved on.

This was a sensitive matter. If Jinsuk says that it will not happen again, he may accept that he will leave the person in front of the danger. No, it's not that different. However, no one can take it lightly. Even if it's the right thing to do on a macro level. Even the ambassador who asked the question knows that so quietly. The intention he asked was not to discourage the truth, but to literally call attention forward. Already, the life of the legitimate is too great for that one person.

Jinsuk stood still as if he was waiting for the next question. Then another ambassador asked the question.

“We're talking about the people who raided the airport this time, but they weren't monsters or undead. They talked to each other and encouraged the Allied forces to surrender. It was said to be human-like. Now, it is argued that most of the opinions have come from the other universe, just like monsters do, but at first there are also opinions that they are superpowers in partnership with the beings in the other world. Do you know anything about that? ”

Once again, the meeting chairman murmured. The question now was the story of the traitor, who first came out of this war. Even superpowers are fundamentally human beings. The question now was a shocking question of the possibility of a traitor betraying his people. The comment was straightened and said with a serious expression.

“I know you have that opinion, to be honest. It's just too bad I don't have any grounds to call it nonsense. And it's dangerous. And once I answer that question, I'm going to say no. It's true that PPSO is the organization that manages the superpowers, but not all superpowers in the world are part of PPSO. There are a lot of superpowers we haven't found yet. It's quite possible that some of them may have joined other beings in this world. ”

When Jin answered that there was enough chance that there was a traitor among humanity, the murmur of the meeting chairman grew even louder. But he kept saying what he thought was right.

“But for the record, they're not superpowers in the PPSO right now. Exactly 341 superpowers, who are now part of the PPSO, were deployed to the Canberra operation, and were in buildings that were assigned to the PPSO before the command came down. ”

“Are you sure?”

“I bet on my name. No matter how extra-powered they were in the first place, they were ensuring their control because they didn't know when something urgent was going to happen. ”

“Then at least it has nothing to do with the people who raided the airport. ”

“That's right.”

The ambassador who asked the question nodded and accepted.

“But like I said, the Ambassador's question is also valid. It's also possible that the people who raided the airport were superpowers not yet part of the PPSO. In the future, in case we don't know, we'll have to prioritize finding superpowers that we haven't discovered yet at the level of power, and make sure they're human beings on the planet. However . ”

Jinseok hung up for a moment, then slowly spoke again.

“I really, really hope that doesn't happen. ”

In the words of Jin piled up to the spleen, several ambassadors unconsciously nodded. Even though they were piling up, supporting, and stirring each other up, they were definitely human beings living on Earth. The fact that there was a traitor inside, I didn't want to believe it even as a joke.

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Those traitors are right in front of you!

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