"Yao Zhaohan?" Shangguan Lei's eyes widened, and his smiling face almost pressed the on-hook button: "Okay, okay, I will make her arrive on time."

Gao Yishen hung up the phone and carefully selected a nice suit.

When he pushed open the door of Shangguan Zhaohan's room, Qin Yi was talking to her on the phone and telling her about interesting things that happened in the school.

Hearing the voice at the door, Shangguan Zhaohan hurriedly said something, then hung up the phone after chatting.

When he looked back, it turned out to be his father, but he was still angry just now, and he was very happy at this moment, which made Shangguan Zhaohan feel a little strange.

Shangguan Zhaohan turned around and snorted coldly as if thinking of something, probably someone had asked him to accompany him for a drink.

"Is it President Chen or President Wang?" Shangguan Zhaohan smiled sarcastically.

"It's not President Chen, it's not President Wang, it's Young Master Gao." Shangguan Lei automatically ignored her sarcastic face, and the happy expression on his face made Shangguan Zhaohan look a little uncomfortable.

Not only did he think about it several times in his mind, did he actually regard himself as a daughter?

"Gao Yishen?" Shangguan Zhaohan couldn't help but sneer: "He also wants me to accompany the wine?"

Shangguan Zhaohan calmed down slightly, and that little face of peerless beauty was full of disdain and disgust.

"What are you talking about! Why does the young master of the Gao family think of you as that kind of person? He called me because he wanted to have dinner with you. Dress better tonight and go to the Tianlan Hotel." Shangguan Ray said angrily.

"I don't want to go." Shangguan Zhaohan was very tired, and his voice fell softly into his father's ears.

Shangguan Lei immediately got angry and said, "Don't want to go? I tell you Shangguan Zhaohan, this is a great opportunity for you! You must seize it! As I said earlier, you owe me! You made me bankrupt!"

Shangguan Lei pointed at her nose and cursed loudly. Shangguan Zhaohan took a deep breath and lowered her head. She wanted to cry, but couldn't cry a single tear. She had probably given up on her so-called father. What she is doing now is to quickly repay his gambling debts, and then leave this indifferent family completely.

"I promise you, I'll go." After a long silence, Shangguan Zhaohan's voice trembled slightly, his heart ached, but he still tried his best to maintain the calmness on his face.

Shangguan Zhaohan worked very hard.

Hearing what his daughter said, Shangguan Lei Cai smiled happily, "Isn't it better to promise to be so refreshing earlier? Go take a shower and change your clothes."

Shangguan Lei laughed happily and left.

The other side at that time.

Yimei fast food restaurant——

On the second floor, a doorway.

Chu Yaoxin knocked on the door and knocked hard, "Shen Dongyang, come out for me! You liar! You big liar! Come out quickly! I know you are inside! Come out quickly! I'm out!"

"Hey hey hey!! I said little girl, what are you yelling about?" Hearing the knock on the door on the second floor, the manager went upstairs with a puzzled look, but saw that the door of the room where Shen Dongyang lived was standing. A woman kept knocking on the door, and her voice became louder and louder, almost scaring away his guests.

Hearing the store manager's voice, Chu Yao's heart clenched her brows, and looked back with a puzzled look.

The store manager was a bit fat and looked a little funny.

"I'm looking for someone." Chu Yaoxin looked like a delicate young lady.

"Looking for someone? I think you're going to smash the door!" The store manager didn't speak very politely, and when he saw this delicate young lady in front of him, she looked domineering and knew that it was not a good thing.

"Humph." Chu Yaoxin sneered and walked into the store manager step by step, "Are you afraid of breaking the door?"

"Hey, is this enough money?" As Chu Yao said in her heart, she took out a wad of money from her expensive leather purse. She was doing exquisite manicures, holding a flash of safflower money in front of the store manager. tossed.

The store manager snorted disdainfully, "I said little girl, you look pretty, why do you always use money to pressure people?"

Chu Yao's heart was upset, and she took the money back and said, "What are you pretending to be arrogant? If you smash the door, you will pay for it? I'm afraid some people have done something scandalous and dare not see anyone!"

Chu Yao's heart said this, of course, meant something.

Thinking that it was Shen Dongyang's door that he knocked on, his face suddenly turned cold, "I said little girl, why are you so annoying when you talk? What scandal? Let me go! You are not welcome in my store!"

"You!" Chu Yaoxin has never been treated like this since she was a child. Whoever met him, the eldest miss of the Chu family, was not flattering.

Chu Yaoxin didn't even think about spending any time with him, she snorted coldly, Chu Yaoxin ignored him, went back up the stairs, and continued to knock on Shen Dongyang's door.

"Come out to me, you big liar! You big liar, come out quickly!"

"Let's go!" Usually the store manager is gentle and kind, with a kind-hearted look, but after encountering a vixen, he also has his own attitude.

Since this little girl is not self-respecting.

The store manager didn't need to give her any face, and immediately ran upstairs to grab Chu Yaoxin's hand that was knocking on the door.

"Let me go! I'm not welcome here!"

At this moment, Chu Yaoxin has already been carried away by the letter, and there is no place for the reserved appearance of the old lady in the past.

Chu Yaoxin is now full of anger, Chu Yaoxin was tightly grasped by the arm, and immediately resisted, "You let go! You hurt me!"

"Let's go!" The store manager gave a shoved push, "If you don't mind, say my store clerk is a big liar! I think you're a big liar! You let me go!"

Chu Yao staggered and held onto the railing before she stabilized, otherwise she would definitely be pushed down, and glared at the store manager with lingering fears.

Chu Yao said cruelly, "Tell Shen Dongyang about that fox spirit! I'm not afraid of him! I'll settle the account with him!"

With a cold snort, Chu Yaoxin turned around and left.

Shen Dongyang is not only a fox spirit, but also a coward and a big liar.

Brother Ling Ao's blindness is outrageous.

"Bah!" The store manager was very forceful, with a look of contempt, so he wouldn't tell Shen Dongyang about this, a crazy woman like this would only trouble him.

Such a good boy, I don't know how to provoke such a crazy woman.

The store manager was very tired and sighed helplessly, thinking that if she made trouble again in the future, she would go get her broom and hit her.

Dongyang has a good temper, but as a store manager, he must protect his employees well, not to mention Dongyang is the treasure of his own store.

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