She simply turned her head away, and did not look at her young lady's sadness and loneliness, but she was so arrogant and stubborn that she looked arrogant and stubborn, without any trace of sadness.

Shangguan Lei couldn't see it.

I never understood whether her smile was a genuine smile, a bitter smile, or whether there was despair or sadness in those calm-looking eyes, or something else.

"Isn't it? The young master of the Gao family likes you so much that he wants to spend 24 hours a day with you. How could you come back so soon? You must have made the young master of the Gao family angry! Didn't I say it? You have a great opportunity! But how did you seize this opportunity?! Tell me, why did the young master of the Gao family get angry? So I can apologize to them!"

Shangguan Lei's face was full of anger, and the small eyes on his fat face were wide open at this moment. He didn't care about Shangguan Zhaohan's emotions at all. What he wanted to know now was Shangguan Zhaohan. How did he make the young master of the Gao family angry?

Shangguan Zhaohan has repeatedly humiliated the young master of the Gao family. Sooner or later, the young master of the Gao family will give up on this money-losing goods.

By then his company will be completely doomed.

The power of the Gao family cannot be underestimated.

As for the Jun family, Shangguan Lei once really thought about connecting Shangguan Zhaohan with the prince of the Jun family, but... Jun Youchuan saw it through a long time ago.

Jun Lingao has a fiancée.

Shangguan Lei naturally dispelled this idea. The Gao family is rich and powerful, and being able to be listed in the Gao family is definitely something that can make him wake up with a smile from his dreams.

Seeing that Shangguan Zhaohan suddenly came back before he left for a long time, he didn't need to think to know that he angered the young master of the Gao family, so the young master of the Gao family got angry and drove her back.

"I..." Shangguan Zhaohan's throat tightened, and her father's indifference and strictness towards her for the sake of profit made her aching heart unable to breathe.

Shangguan Zhaohan wanted to cry.

She has been suppressed since she was a child, and she has never cried in front of anyone, and this time was no exception.

Think and just think.

Shangguan Zhaohan has his own backbone and his own pride.

Can't cry can't be embarrassed.

"What are you! Stop dawdling and say how did you provoke the young master of the Gao family?" Shangguan Lei's face was impatient, and the fat and funny face looked a little funny, but it was just so angry. , people can't laugh, only feel the cold seeping into the bones.

He looks like he can't wait to eat the daughter in front of him.

And the reason is just a suspicion.

He let out a slight sigh of relief, Shangguan Zhaohan calmed down, and his calm voice was full of pain: "Father, if the young master of the Gao family wants to force me, and I'm just resisting, my father also blames me?"

"Ah?!" Shangguan Lei was immediately shocked, and said, "You lose money! So you really made the young master of the Gao family angry? You even beat him?!"

Shangguan Zhaohan raised his head slowly, couldn't help but sneered, and asked sarcastically, "Why is my father asking that?"

"Isn't that what my father thought from the beginning?"

"You!" Shangguan Lei's scarlet eyes stared like a mad dog. He raised his hand and landed on her face, "You really dare to beat the young master of the Gao family!"

"Shangguan Zhaohan! Are you crazy?!"

The moment the maid opened the door, she saw her young lady, who was standing there as if she was in conflict with the master.

The maid Coco knew in her heart.

Miss has always been well-behaved and sensible, it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to hit someone, it must be the hypocrite from the Gao family who hurt Miss.

"Master! Don't hit the lady!" Coco said, and hurriedly ran down the corridor. Shangguan Zhaohan suppressed the anger in her heart. She told herself countless times that she owed him this. I owe it to the Shangguan family.

"Father, rest early." Rao had already reached this point, but Shangguan Zhaohan still placed his position at the lowest level.

My father didn't care whether she was forced by the young master of the Gao family, but only to beat Gao Yishen, probably because he was afraid that he would not be able to meet this big money in the future.

My heart hurts so badly I can't breathe.

Shangguan Zhaohan said calmly. To outsiders, it seemed that he had no emotions. Seeing that the maid Keke was about to come down again, Shangguan Zhaohan was worried that she would also be scolded by her father because of herself, so she went up when the words fell.

Shangguan Lei froze in place, suddenly came back to his senses, pointed to her back, and shouted, "Shangguan Zhaohan! Are your wings hard?!"

"I will repay my father's gambling debt." Shangguan Zhaohan paused, but he still didn't look back. He just dropped a few words coldly and then raised his footsteps upstairs.

The maid lowered her head sadly, knowing that now, the young lady must feel very uncomfortable, but at this moment she is also at a loss for words, and can't think of any good way to comfort the young lady.

Can only immediately follow in the footsteps of the lady.

Shangguan Zhaohan closed the door as soon as he got into the house, locked the maid Coco outside, like escaping from reality, and lived in a small room.

Coco looked like he was hesitating to speak, and knocked on the door, but there was no sound in the room. When he wanted to knock, he finally sighed and withdrew his hand.

She knew that the young lady had always been stubborn, and she was also very strong.

Still don't bother.

But still a little worried.

When Coco was about to leave, he stopped again and said, "Miss, don't think about it, life is still very beautiful."

Coco's voice fell, and there was no sound in the room. He sighed helplessly, and his head was drooping. Just when he was about to leave, he heard the lady's words.

"I'm not that vulnerable." She was indeed not that vulnerable, she just wanted to ask for a peace of mind and pay back what she owed him, so that she could let go.

In the days to come, no matter how hard or bad it was, she was unwilling to return to this indifferent place.

What she is doing now is forbearance, and if Shangguan Lei is clean, she can completely release the knots in her heart over the years.

"Then...Miss take a good rest, I'll retire first."

Coco left.

Shangguan Zhaohan sat quietly in front of the dressing table, and the dressing table reflected a stunning little face like a slap, but that little face was full of bitterness, full of forbearance, full of all is stubborn.

Shangguan Zhaohan tried his best to pull out a smiling face and smiled at himself in the mirror, "Shangguan Zhaohan! Remember, don't expect extravagantly!"

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