Shangguan Zhaohan replied, "I'm here." Then he edited a message and sent it, "Do you remember what you promised me?"

The weather has warmed up these days.

She has been under a lot of stress lately.

It's time to relax too.

Shen Dongyang has not replied yet.

I looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock, and I probably fell asleep.

A few words were typed out on his hand, "Love Building at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, I'll wait for you."

After staring at the screen for a while, Shen Dongyang's news still hadn't come, Shangguan Zhaohan put down the phone a little disappointed, she woke up and saw that she would definitely make an appointment.

The maid, Coco, has already put the bath water for her.

Shangguan Zhaohan soaked in the bathtub, spit out a long mouthful of turbid air, and soaked his whole body in the warm water, leaving only one head to ease some fatigue.


These days, Chu Yaoxin has been squatting, trying to catch Shen Dongyang and question him, but she did not show up for two days in a row, which made Chu Yaoxin convinced that she went to school.

She had already made plans in her heart, Chu Yaoxin took out her mobile phone and set an alarm for herself, and she would block that vixen tomorrow no matter what.

Time flies.

Shen Dongyang had no dreams all night.

When I woke up the next day, it was already 7 am.

Chu Yaoxin had been waiting outside for a long time, but did not dare to go up rashly, for fear of being blasted away by the fat store manager, so she could only wait not far away.

Shen Dongyang is not a person who touches his mobile phone as soon as he wakes up.

Get up and wash as usual, put on a simple home clothes, and only touch the phone at this time.

Turning on the phone, the text message from Shangguan Zhaohan was reflected in her pupils.

I looked nervously at the time, it was already 7:30.

It takes at least twenty minutes to get there by taxi.

Not to mention the clothes he was wearing.

There was a bad feeling in my heart.

Shen Dongyang immediately rushed into the bathroom again, took a shower very quickly, and put on a nice suit again.

If you want to go shopping with Shangguan Zhaohan, of course you have to dress up beautifully.

Shen Dongyang, who has always been facing the sky, also put on a foundation, painted his eyebrows, and lightly painted a lipstick.

The already delicate face is even more brilliant.

Looking at the handsome young man in the mirror, Shen Dongyang nodded with satisfaction.

It may be late today, Shen Dongyang has been very nervous in his heart. When he was about to go out, he forgot to touch his mobile phone. It was not until the door was closed that he remembered that he had not brought his mobile phone.

I looked at the time, and before I knew it, it was already 7:50.


Just when Shen Dongyang was about to touch the phone on the bed, he slipped his hand and fell to the ground.

Broken screen.

Also black screen.

No matter how you turn it on, it won't turn on.

With a sullen sigh, Shen Dongyang regretted that he didn't remember her number in his mind, otherwise he could use the store manager's mobile phone to call her in an emergency.

Frustrated, he threw the phone on the bed again.

Shen Dongyang rushed downstairs quickly.

That swift figure was like a black cheetah.

I saw the black figure with the shape of Shen Dongyang running out in an instant, as if there were motors on his feet.

Chu Yao's expression froze, and she rubbed her eyes, as if she didn't believe that someone would be so fast.

Xing Xing's big eyes cooed twice, the back figure just now came out from there, yes, it came out of his room, but is Shen Dongyang's vixen who kills a thousand knives so fast?

What Chu Yao didn't know was that she slowed down a bit because she was going down the stairs.

Chu Yao secretly thought to himself that he was in such a hurry, was he rushing to see his brother Ling Ao?

Angrily, he patted his forehead.

Chu Yao has always been a little nervous in her heart, so she went out today and deliberately wore a pair of high heels that could set off her aura, so as to strengthen herself.

But now it seems that it is really a misstep.

Really misguided.

Angrily stomped his feet.

Chu Yaoxin quickened her trot pace and hurried to the car.


on the wide avenue.

"Hey, I said driver, can you drive faster? Everyone else can run faster than our car." A woman who was a little fat called out in dissatisfaction.

"What? Don't talk about it." The driver shook his head needlessly, with a look of disdain. The moment he shook his head, he glanced from the corner of the eye, but just caught a glimpse of the person who ran past like an afterimage.

The driver's eyes widened.

Unbelievable, he looked at his speed again, he was already very fast, the speed of 80 miles.

Looking at the front windshield, Shen Dongyang's figure came into his eyes again.

The driver was almost unsteady driving in one direction, and was about to hit the car next to him. Fortunately, the woman next to him caught him in time and made him come back to avoid this accident.

He swallowed in disbelief.

The driver suddenly slammed on the brakes, and looked suspicious of life. The little heart in his stomach was thumping wildly. He tilted his head and stared at the woman next to him with a dumbfounded expression, "Are you sure what happened just now? A person? Is that shadow a person? My God! I'm not a ghost!"

"What? Isn't it just a person?!" The woman clearly saw that she had been looking outside because of dizziness, and the person displayed in the rearview mirror was like a black afterimage, quickly moving towards this side Pull over.

Really fast.

It's just that the woman didn't pay attention at first, and even now, she doesn't know how to drive, she just thought that the driver was driving very slowly, so even a person who was passing by and exercising could easily surpass the car when running.

"But I'm already driving at 80 mph. Even a cheetah can't catch up with this speed, let alone a person! Damn it! Damn it!" , all stand up.

He didn't believe anyone could be so fast.


Humans can't be that fast.

Shen Dongyang has been using this black power ring all the time, all of which is consuming mental energy. Although it is very mentally and physically exhausting at the same time, it makes her tired enough, but what she doesn't want is to let Shangguan Zhaohan wait for a long time. go down.

She couldn't see herself coming, thinking that she would not make the appointment, what should she do if she left?

Looking down at his watch, Shen Dongyang finally stopped at the door of the building, looked up at the four characters, and Shen Dongyang confirmed the four characters of Love Building sent to him by Shangguan Zhaohan.

He put his hands on his hips, breathing heavily.

Although the weather is getting warmer, it is almost impossible to sweat at this time.

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