It's just that the originally open window was open, as if nothing had happened, and everything returned to its original calm.

Coco put down the mop, opened her sleeves to check, where it was red, even purple, she was in pain.



Tianlan Huangdu Hotel.

"Zhaohan is so pretty." The bosses who were originally talking about business, when they entered the venue, saw how good-looking the women who accompanied the wine were so good-looking, their eyes widened.

Looking straight at her, it seems that her eyeballs are about to fall out. Shangguan Zhaohan smiled mechanically, "Mr. Chen has won the prize."

"Come on, Zhaohan, have a drink." The man put his rough hands around her waist, retching in his stomach, Shangguan Zhaohan forced a smile, and took a glass of white wine from the fat-brained man. He gulped down his drink.

It's already the seventh cup.

Still not drunk.

Several men looked at each other, the filth in their eyes was not hidden in the slightest.

"Come on, Zhao Han is really good at drinking, I admire it."

"Have a glass of wine? Come on." The blue-faced man looked like the kind of person who has been obsessed with sexual **** for a long time and has kidney deficiency.

The voice fell, and the person had already stepped forward to Shangguan Zhaohan's side, tilted his head, Shangguan Zhaohan smiled stiffly, "Mr. Zhao, this..."

"I'm embarrassing you?" President Zhao's expression changed, how dare a wine **** girl be disobedient?

"No." Shangguan Zhaohan could only smile.

In the smile on his lips, there were clenched teeth.

"Come on." Said, the man raised his hand, and the other hand held the red wine glass and handed it to her.

Shangguan Zhaohan took it, the pain on his face was well concealed.

A whole glass of red wine was poured into his stomach, and it was very uncomfortable.

"Hahaha." The man looked up to the sky and laughed, his harsh voice was very uncomfortable in Shangguan Zhaohan's ears.

"Come on! I'll have a drink with the lady of Shangguan's family too!"

Today is different from the past. In the past, these people were rushing to negotiate contracts, but this time, Shangguan Zhaohan felt a little bad in his heart. They never said they wanted to negotiate contracts since they entered the venue, but kept drinking.

Obviously just want to get drunk.

She clenched her fists tightly, and the tingling of her nails could wake her up a bit.

If it goes on like this, she is afraid that she will really get drunk.

She was drinking in a daze, Shangguan Zhaohan was already full of alcohol, and seeing that she was immediately drunk, those men worked even harder.

Some people even turned their hands from her waist to her hips again, wanting to pinch to feel the feel.

Feeling the hand on the waist slide down, Shangguan Zhaohan's pupils shrank, the displeasure between his eyebrows suddenly burst, and he turned his head to pull down his hand.

A glass of red wine suddenly appeared in front of her.

"Stop!" His voice was gloomy and angry, Shen Dongyang's Zhang Qingjun's complexion was a little weak and pale, but the coldness written all over his body made people involuntarily want to surrender.

this sound?

this sound?

Shangguan Zhaohan looked back suddenly, and sure enough it was her.

is her.

The corners of his lips twitched into a smile, and Shangguan Zhaohan looked at her, "Why are you here?"

Her smile also had a hint of escape, with a hint of embarrassment like being broken.

Shen Dongyang didn't respond, and took a step forward with a certain aura of asking for guilt. Shangguan Zhaohan was taken aback for a moment, and called her name softly: "...Dongyang."

"Scumbag!" But she had already made a move, and she smashed her fists at the man who had just touched Shangguan Zhaohan!

"Ah!" Shangguan Zhaohan screamed.

The man's face was even more painful, and there was a trace of blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

The man who was holding the wine glass and wanted to get her drunk was startled by the sudden scene in front of him, and the red wine glass in his hand immediately fell to the ground.

Scattered red liquid splashed and fell on Shen Dongyang's trouser legs.

The scene was once in chaos.

The person next to him immediately went to check the injury of the big man.

"what are you doing?"

"Who are you?"

"Get out!" The host of the banquet immediately couldn't do it anymore, and shouted loudly, full of anger.

Shen Dongyang didn't say a word, his face was sullen and cold, he couldn't help but grab Shangguan Zhaohan's wrist, grabbed her and left.

Those people are still a little confused, and they don't know what to do. They can only ask about the injury of the boss who was beaten in that cup.

One step or two steps, Shen Dongyang's speed is very fast, Shangguan Zhaohan's voice is helpless, "Don't do this!"

Shen Dongyang's footsteps did not stop, and he continued to move forward.

Shangguan Zhaohan could only increase his strength, "Don't do this!"

Stopping without warning, Shen Dongyang turned around and looked sad: "I don't want to do that?"

"You calm down first."

Shen Dongyang was silent for a while, "I'm very calm."

"Go back." Shangguan Zhaohan lowered his head, so that no one could see her emotions, but from the sound alone, it was very sad.

"I'm going back? You continue to be bullied by those people?" Shen Dongyang frowned, guessing she couldn't figure it out.

"That's not bullying, it's all my willingness." Shangguan Zhaohan's eyes were calm, he forced himself to raise his head, and looked at Shen Dongyang's hurt and sad eyes.

"I am willing..." Shen Dongyang murmured, his throat rolled, and he lowered his head and choked up, "Okay."

Without another word, Shen Dongyang turned around and left.

Trying to widen his eyes to keep himself from crying, Shangguan Zhaohan turned his head back in despair, a smile on the corner of his mouth, and returned to the dinner.

Mr. Liu, who was beaten, was sitting in his seat at this time, holding a soft tissue to wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry today." Shangguan Zhaohan said with an apologetic look on his face. corners of the mouth.

Originally, there was still a lot of anger, and he wanted to kill Shen Dongyang. At this time, seeing the beauty was so gentle, most of his anger was relieved at once.

"Miss Shangguan can be treated so kindly, my fist is not in vain." The man said, and his coveted eyes fell on her handsome face very rudely.

His hands were very irregular and he wanted to touch her body again, suddenly thinking of the man who had just punched him in his mind.

The pain has not dissipated, and the **** has a lot of strength.

There was a sudden jolt, and the man shook uncontrollably.

The hand that just wanted to touch her body quickly shrank back.

Mr. Liu was full of anger now, and when he thought of the man who just punched him, he felt very uncomfortable. He tilted his head and looked at Shangguan Zhaohan. Mr. Liu said with a dissatisfied face, "I said, Miss Shangguan, that man just now. Who is it? Damn it, it hurts me to death."

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