Fortunately, things were not as bad as Shen Dongyang thought.

Just the moment when the door was slammed open, Jun Lingao was stirring constantly in front of the casserole, staring at the pot with all his attention.

Heart slightly relieved.

"You..." Shen Dongyang choked and settled down.

Is she right?

Are her eyes blooming?

The prince of the dignified Junshi Group actually knows how to cook and what to do.

Hear movement at the door.

Jun Lingao didn't seem too surprised. There were only the two of them in this room. Apart from himself doing things here, the other man, of course, was the man she was thinking of, who had already come out of the shower.

Jun Lingao had a smile on his face, turned around and gave him a very gentle and bright smile. He was accustomed to seeing his usual gentle appearance to himself. At this moment, he was soaked all over his body and his hair was dripping with water droplets. A handsome face has already appeared a little pale, but this smile is extraordinarily bright.

Shen Dongyang shook his head for a moment.

Step towards him.

Looking at the fire under the casserole he stirred, his brows could not help frowning slightly. There was a huge fire, the vigorous flames were almost all purple, and the howling fierce flames made Shen Dongyang feel a little scared.

taste like this.

With such a big fire again, he stayed in this house for a long time?

will it be okay?

"Jun Lingao." Shen Dongyang called to him, Jun Lingao turned around and smiled at her again.

This time the smile didn't make her stunned, all she wanted to know was his body.

"Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that he was still not stunned by the smell of this gas, Shen Dongyang asked while frowning, and turned off the gas tank.

Open the house again.

Jun Lingao looked at her so worried about himself, the corner of his mouth was smiling until his ears, and Zhang Junrong looked a little flattered: "It's okay, it's okay."

Nervous attitude is like a child who often makes mistakes, and finally gets a compliment from the teacher.

Shen Dongyang breathed a sigh of relief.

The strong gas smell made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She had to wonder how Jun Lingao's body structure was caused?

As usual.

Like such a strong taste.

There must be some bad reactions, even vomiting or even shock.

However, Jun Lingao really seemed to be nothing.

Shen Dongyang was a little suspicious, but he didn't go into it. It had nothing to do with her, and he didn't want to know him in depth.

The cold and thorough wind and rain blew in, and Jun Lingao turned to look at her, "Aren't you panicking? Hurry up and go to the room, you just got wet after taking a shower."

Jun Lingao said as he pushed her away with both hands.

Shen Dongyang moved his steps and wanted to leave at first, but he didn't resist when he pushed him like this, and walked out of the kitchen very obedient.

But after all, he is the young master of the Jun family.

Is it really okay to cook?

Thinking like this, Shen Dongyang turned around again.

This time back.

Immediately let the pair of bright eyes shrink instantly. If she used her own skills and the mental power used by the power ring in the past, there would be no problem in wanting to flash back to Jun Lingao, but after this day, she was already too tired. Shen Dongyang's mind was completely empty.

Physically and mentally.

All are exhausted.

Seeing the smile on Jun Lingao's face, he didn't realize any danger, so he took the casserole with both hands, thinking that it wasn't hot at all.

As everyone knows, this fire has been burning for so long, and if you only take it with these plain hands, you will definitely be burned to the ground.

Touch it, it hurts to my heart.

Shen Dongyang lunged forward, rushed forward in a hurry, and shouted, "Be careful!"

The moment Jun Lingao touched the casserole, he bared his teeth in pain, feeling as if his hands were about to be crippled, but he was still very careful, pinching both sides desperately until he put it down smoothly before he was willing to let go.

"Jun Lingao! Are you crazy?!" Shen Dongyang shouted, stretched out a hand and grabbed her wrist tightly, checking his wound.

His hand was badly injured.

has been burnt.

Instantly swollen blisters.

Hot and bloody.

It doesn't look creepy.

Jun Lingao shook his head, but he didn't take it seriously, he smiled stupidly, "I'm fine, just don't sprinkle the soup."

Seeing him so nervous about this soup.

Shen Dongyang couldn't help but look at the soup again in doubt, "What kind of treasure is this soup? A few strands of ginger, what kind of treasure?"

Jun Lingao smiled and said, "Of course it's a good baby, it can make Ayang dispel the chill."

A short sentence.

It hit Shen Dongyang's little heart like a boulder.

Shen Dongyang suddenly raised his head and looked at Jun Lingao again.

The complexion is very complicated, looking at this stupid man, looking at the man who treats him so well.

Shen Dongyang had mixed feelings in his heart.

"Come out with me." The voice fell, and Shen Dongyang was about to take his hand and walk out.

Jun Lingao didn't move, instead he broke free of her hand again. Shen Dongyang was slightly surprised, but he saw him running to the cupboard and took out a small bowl.

But there was something odd about the way he walked.


As if injured.

Only then did Shen Dongyang realize that Jun Lingao's legs and feet seemed a little sticky, like blood.

he is injured.

His leg was injured.

Jun Lingao didn't care about it, he didn't care about the injury on his leg at all, anxiously put the bowl between his two wrists, and picked up a spoon with his mouth.

Don't let the soup get cold.

Shen Dongyang narrowed his eyes.

He must have been in pain, and the palms of his fingers did not dare to touch anything at all.

Jun Lingao put the things aside, and began to hold the spoon between his two wrists, scooping into the casserole, but his movements were a bit funny, and the **** soup with two wrists looked a bit clumsy, but he was so careful, he didn't dare to let him Soup spilled.

Shen Dongyang looked at him quietly, clenching his fists tightly.

But in the end, it was a wrist, not a flexible finger. Jun Lingao's hand was unstable for a while, and he even landed on the ground with a spoon.

"Bang dang." With a crisp sound, Jun Lingao looked down at the spoon, his eyes were a little wet, he raised a pair of misty eyes to look at Shen Dongyang, his eyes were full of self-blame, and he stared at her pair carefully. The deep eyes thought she was angry.

"Ayan, I'm sorry, I'm too stupid."

Looking at her complicated face, and then looking down at the spoon, Jun Lingao bent over to use his two wrists to lift the spoon again.

Shen Dongyang was already one step ahead of him, as if he sighed helplessly, he reached out and picked up the spoon.

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