Looking at the gas mask that the members brought over, Shen Dongyang frowned, remembering Ji You Qin Li.

The woman who is free and easy, the woman who is arrogant and arrogant.

At this moment.

Where did you go again?

I haven't seen her for a long time.

Shen Dongyang missed her too.

"Boss!" Suddenly, a sweet, greasy and tender voice suddenly reminded the boss of a sentence that can make people's bones soft and sweet.

The woman who spoke was the nine-tailed mercenary sent by Shen Dongyang to spy on the town of Loss.

I just saw the dazzling figure of my boss.

Kyuubi almost jumped into her arms.

I have long thought that Qin Wang and the boss are playing handsome, there must be nothing to do with men, and the fact is that it is true.

I haven't seen the boss for a long time.

The moment Shen Dongyang just came in.

The mercenary Nine Tails rubbed his eyes, almost not recognizing his boss.


Really handsome!

Ever since he met Qin Li once when he was mourning Jiang Fu, and saw that arrogant red-haired handsome appearance, Jiuwei wanted to see what his eldest brother looked like with short hair.

This is really the two most handsome people Kuo has ever seen in a woman disguised as a man.

Unlike Qin Wang's arrogance and arrogance, her eldest family is more gentle and abstinent, and looks very approachable.

"You..." Shen Dongyang was stunned, and when Jiuwei shouted these words, it immediately caught her attention.

Looking at the source of the sound, Jiuwei is dressed very casually, and an ordinary little face is full of nympho.

Shen Dongyang's voice has not fallen.

But it was Jiuwei who had already put the instant noodles in her hand to the younger brother next to her. She had wanted to hug her eldest for a long time, and she did so.

"Boss! You are so handsome!" A few words popped out of Jiuwei's throat immediately, without giving Shen Dongyang any chance to react, the whole person was like an octopus, rushing towards her.

Shen Dongyang smiled helplessly, and patted her on the back, "Okay."

Nine tails reluctantly got down from her.

He widened a pair of round eyes and looked at her carefully.

I looked at it for a while.

Just now, he shook his head and sighed, "Boss, boss! You pretend to be a man, but you really don't leave a way for men to survive!"

"My heart, I was completely captured by you and Qin Wang, the two men's clothing bigwigs!"

"Boss! You are so handsome!"

The people around were blushing.

Hall Master Kazubu... Nine tails, I didn't expect to be such a nympho.

Chu Kuo coughed twice, and raised his bushy eyebrows: "Nine tails, don't I look handsome?"

Chu Kuo cared about his face the most.

Although the boss and Qin Wang are really handsome.

But I'm not too bad, okay?

Nine tails giggled, "You're handsome, you're also handsome! The members of our Jue An are all beautiful women and handsome guys!"

Shen Dongyang was serious and looked at her, "Why are you back?"

I heard the boss say this.

Jiuwei pouted very sadly, and threw a very resentful look at Shen Dongyang, "Boss, didn't I miss you? You haven't contacted us recently, Qin Juan said that you also cut your hair short. , I've always wanted to watch it."

"God!" Jiuwei looked at Shen Dongyang's handsome face like a god, and was almost incoherent, "Boss! Why are you so handsome?! Why do you have to look so handsome?! You didn't mean to break it. me?!"

Nine tails are still excited, oh my god! The boss man's clothes are also really handsome.

Ah ah ah! ! ! !

Her little heart.

Ah ah ah ah ah! ! !

Chu Kuo clenched his brows and bumped Jiuwei who was still staring at the star with his elbow, "Don't you have information?"

"Oh, oh, oh!!! That's right!" Nine tails suddenly came back to their senses, and nodded quickly, almost forgot to tell the boss.

"Yes, boss!" Jiuwei blinked, and the eyes of a pair of **** gradually recovered a bit of clarity.

"Huh?" Shen Dongyang listened attentively.

"Boss, I found out that someone created the virus, because the zombies were already wiped out by us two years ago, so the probability of recurrence is really small. Later, I kept investigating in the small town of Los, only to find out that the small town of Los The town is an experimental center, they are developing the virus to control more people, and,... They seem to be looking for a person, looking for an inducer, it is said that the first virus was planted many years ago, this person is absolutely It can't fall into their hands, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable, but I still don't know who that person is, as for the others, I have been tracking down, and try to find this person one step ahead of them." Nine tails said this very solemnly .

It can be seen that this matter is really serious.

Shen Dongyang frowned.

"Can't you find out who's behind the scenes?"

Kyuubi shook his head helplessly and sighed: "I can't find it, it's too mysterious, and the ones released are all stand-ins. Moreover, the town of Loss seems to be ordinary, and there is no change at all, but when those people suddenly fell ill, Just like the devil, he fell into a murder machine."

"I have already communicated with the captain of the secret team sent by Xuanguo about this matter, but... it's just that captain, it's a little weird."

"What's weird?" Shen Dongyang asked with a frown.

"The captain said that everything was fine and that I was suspicious. At that time, he was angry with me. I thought he didn't trust me, but later I found out that he actually started investigating again."

"What's your name?" Shen Dongyang asked.

"No moon." Nine tails replied.

Shen Dongyang's pupils shrank, and his emotions were a little excited: "Are you sure it's Wuyue? You said he was the captain of the team?"

Seeing her such a reaction, Jiuwei couldn't help but be puzzled and nodded, "Boss? You... do you know him?"

Shen Dongyang quickly calmed down, "I don't know."

In fact, Shen Dongyang knew it.

At that time, she was the captain and proprietor of Xuanguo's secret team.

There are five members in total.

The coach Luo Ye is subordinate to her immediate superior.

She is the captain.

Then there is Lu frivolous, Wuyue, and Huaying.


Wuyue made a mistake, causing most casualties, and has been dismissed.

Even if she and Lu frivolously died, but...

But captain, it shouldn't be Wuyue.

Shen Dongyang felt strange.

In her rebirth, she had long since made a clear distinction with the past. Except for Lu Qingkuang who couldn't forget, she had completely thrown away everything as the proprietor.

Therefore, the internal affairs of the secret team are not clear.


Wuyue is actually the captain.

Wuyue is actually the captain? ?

Shen Dongyang was greatly shocked, it could be described as unbelievable.

At that time, such a big mistake was made, more than 100 innocent people were killed and injured, and they have been dismissed from their posts. Actually...

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