"Here!" A loud roar made the servants outside tremble all over. The sound was really terrifying.

Grandpa is really scary.

After that voice sounded, a person came quickly.

is a valet.

"Master." His appearance was ordinary and tall, and after all, he called out a master, and glanced casually, and saw that the maid Keke was pulling her young lady to the outside.

Step by step is difficult, very hard.

The lady is in a coma.

Miss is sick?

At this moment, the manservant couldn't think about anything, just looked at it like this, and it hurt his heart and his eyes.

Cocoa is shorter.

But it is a height of 1.5 meters.

It's a bit laborious to pull the lady who is more than 1.7 meters tall.

At first sight, the footman thought that the master wanted to help him.

Otherwise, why do you shout so loudly?

After all, the master has always regarded the young lady as his lucky cat and cash cow. If the young lady is sick, the master will definitely feel uncomfortable.

With that in mind, the footman has already taken his own steps.

Before Shangguan Lei could issue an order, Nanpu stepped forward and crossed Shangguan Zhaohan's arm with one hand, and lifted her up.

With the help of the valet, Coco is now a lot easier.

Can not help but feel a sore nose.

It turned out that she was not the only one who felt sorry for Miss. After all, she was no longer working alone or helping Miss.

But now the young lady is still in a coma, Coco hurriedly thanked her and started walking: "We have to hurry up."

Yes, hurry up.

Miss is now seriously injured, if you don't hurry, Miss's life is estimated to fall here.

The cutest and cutest lady in the world.

Cocoa didn't want to be harmed by this hateful Shangguan Lei.

Seeing that the servant had not heard his order, he had already left with the broom star.

Shangguan Lei was full of anger at this moment.

"Stop!" There was an angry roar, but Keke didn't stop at all, but the servant had already stopped.

In astonishment, he turned his head and glanced at the middle-aged and fat old man.

A trace of doubt flashed in the servant's eyes and asked, "Master?!"

"What did I tell you to do, what are you doing?!" They were full of angry questions. Shangguan Lei was angry that he hadn't given orders yet, but this humble servant dared to act rashly.

"I..." The servant was stunned again, "Miss is injured, didn't the master ask me to carry her to the hospital?"

Coco was shocked, and he really couldn't wait.

It is estimated that this man will not resist Shangguan Lei's order for the sake of the young lady.

Coco suddenly did not know where the strength came from.

I just feel that if the lady dies, she will collapse.

She will really collapse!

There is only one thought in her mind now, that is, Miss can't be in trouble, Miss must not be in trouble.

The person she would rather be hurt is the person she would rather be beaten and kicked by Shangguan Lei, and she would rather not see the young lady so ill and dying.

The milky white knitted clothes are full of Shangguan Lei's footprints.

There was blood still flowing from the corners of his mouth.

A morbid look, but it really hurts her to death.

"Master... Didn't you want me to take the young lady to the hospital?" The manservant swallowed, looking at his grandfather's angry look, he finally asked cautiously.

"I told you to get the family law! I told you to get the family law!" Shangguan Lei yelled.

"Family law?" The servant couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. Now that the lady is seriously injured, what kind of family law do you use?

So I didn't calm down for a while.

"Don't hurry up!" Shangguan Lei roared angrily, and his big fat hand slapped the servant's face again.

He frowned tightly, but the servant did not dare to say a word, and immediately went down to get the family law.

family law.

is a whip.

It's a barbed whip.

It's very long and thick, and it's terrifying and terrifying to throw on people.

In an instant, the skin and flesh were ripped apart, which made people feel unbearable pain.

Who is this whip for? Is it the lady?

But the young lady is already ill now, how can she bear this kind of family law.

Even though he thought so, the valet had already acted.

The voice of the middle-aged fat man came from behind.

With an extremely angry voice, Coco quickened his pace.

Very tired, she is now breathing heavily.

Coco is only 1.5 meters tall, and only 1.5 meters tall when wearing shoes, which is indeed short.

Shangguan Zhaohan was completely unable to move.

Coco originally thought about picking her up horizontally, but she was a petite girl, and her strength was naturally not as strong as a man's.

So I can only carry her away.

It is better to say that it is dragging instead of walking.

Coco dragged the beautiful and beautiful woman all the way, but at this moment, she was as pale as paper.

Shangguan Zhaohan was very weak.

Qi Ruo gossamer seemed to die at the slightest touch.

Completely lost all consciousness.

Coco bit his lip tightly.

I really know it's not good.

Shangguan Lei definitely didn't, so he planned to let the lady go so easily.

Shangguan Lei, that **** old man wants family law, he must have to deal with the young lady.

Hurry up and go faster.

Coco was naive, how could he think that if they couldn't go, it was just a word from him.

When approaching the door.

The middle-aged man with a gloomy face that came out like a fat poisonous snake finally gave the order.

"Close the door and stop them!"

Looking back, at this moment, the man leaning on the guardrail is the master.

The maid who was closest to the gate blinked to signal Coco to hurry up. They had indeed heard the voice just now.

Although I work here, who doesn't have a strong heart?

At this moment, seeing the wonderful and unparalleled woman in the past, so pale at this moment, my heart hurts even more.

Coco wanted to hurry up, but she couldn't hurry if she was not physically strong.

The heart is more than enough.

Coco has always been brilliant, and has never been angry or sad because of her strength and height, this is the first time.

It was the most painful time for her.

A few words of ruthlessness almost shattered all of Cocoa's hopes.

Faster and faster, she wished she was a strong man at this moment.

But not.

Just a 14-year-old girl.

But just a little girl 1.5 meters tall.

But just a helpless mediocrity.

Cocoa is painful, very painful.

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