The World of Otome Games is Tough For Mobs
Protagonists and Villain Warrants
Well, a month has passed since the admissions ceremony.
A hasty day passes quickly, but there are no notable events or other mobs like me. Today I'm finally starting to get used to life in a school I can't be.
If we're going to talk about games, by now it's about the time the protagonists have a series of encounters with the men they're targeting.
By the time the villain warrant comes out and says, "Know who you are," I suppose. I don't remember the details of the detailed conversation because I used the skip feature in the game.
Well, let's put aside the stories of the protagonists who aren't involved like that.
I was finally getting used to living in a student dorm, and my friends were getting harder.
Daniel or Raymond, if I may say so.
There are differences in the circumstances in which they are placed, but the environment in which they grew up is much the same. That's why the conversation fits well.
bench in the courtyard in the school.
The three bastards sit back and talk to each other is a tea party scheduled for the beginning of May.
"Hey, what about the tea party? I figured you should choose who you want to invite, right?
The holidays in May are different for girls and boys, even on holidays. Invite them to tea to reduce their distance from the girls here.
Not everyone can be different from Napa, besides the need to have a tea party that was in their character.
It's like an informal event in the school.
Raymond was annoyed by Daniel's questioning, which seemed worrying.
"My parents sent me, but I can't have such a fancy tea party. I don't care if it's a girl who's going to join me."
School costs money. And only for boys, yes.
I can't say I have storage either, it doesn't mean I can use it like hot water. I don't even want to use it.
In the first place, most of the wealth I had was invested in my parents - territory.
However, this tea party...... Rumors spread on the girls' network when they run away. He can't even throw a tea party or anything like that spreads rumors against his marriage.
Even if you're not interested in them, you need to have a solid tea party.
As we share information, women share information with women. Turning a woman to her enemies spreads rumors all at once and it's a big deal.
Boys are disadvantaged even in these places.
And here's one problem.
I had won independence after graduation on merit and was considered quite rich around me. As a result, the expectations of the surrounding area are high or the hurdles are high.
"Are you saying I'm more of a formatted tea party? He said he had to do it. Honestly, you're so weird."
As the three of us were depressed before the Tea Party in May, I saw His Highness Julius, arguably the winner, walking around and taking women.
On his side was the trace of the Viscount family, which is a good friend and also a member of the SS - [Zirc Fir Marmoria], also a milk brother of His Royal Highness.
I want to ask if dark green hair is really ground hair. Green eyes are seemingly gentle dripping eyes, as opposed to sharp eyed lords.
The Viscount family of the court nobility, but it was clear that His Highness's dairy brothers and best friends would be given important positions in the future.
The girls were talking with a face that seemed to have a heart in their eyes, and some of them were surrounded by boys from the Counts and Borderline Uncles.
"Will Your Highness have a tea party in May?
"I'd like to join you, too"
"Wow, me too!
Seeing the girls like dogs waving their tails wanting to be invited to His Highness's Tea Party, we face reality.
Raymond was covering his face with both hands.
"... it's a hurdle this year because we have His Highness and prestigious nobles."
Daniel was also dropping his shoulder.
"You can compare. Give me a break."
Looking at the enviable sight, one woman came there. We have surroundings around us, but that number is really high.
The opponent is the Duke's lady - [Angelica Rafa Redgrave]. He put his shiny blonde hair up and put it together, wearing a red dress.
White skin is beautiful, but its red eyes are powerful.
Eyed sharp eyes quickly found themselves with something different from the others.
If anyone is born with something, it would be her or His Highness.
Inside, I thought the protagonist must have something amazing too.
I don't know if he might be here, but does he still say that the aura he's putting together is different?
"Your Highness Prince Wang's fiancée."
Faster than my words, the ladies who surrounded His Highness and the zirc take the distance. Apparently no fool invites you in front of your fiancée.
I want to tell you not to speak up in the first place.
Mr. Angelica's gaze got a little sharper.
"His Royal Highness Prince Wang, we need to talk a little about the May Tea Party. May I join you?
It is said that it is not possible to wear the power of parents outside the school, but there are things in the world that can't be cut off.
"Angelica, don't intimidate your surroundings. This is a school."
"Yeah, I know. It's just... there were a few May flies around His Royal Highness."
It would be the same in the school, and no fool defies the Duke's Lady.
The girls were distracting themselves from Mr. Angelica at first sight.
"Is this the main character's rival? You have a very powerful feeling."
As I was talking to myself, there was one girl away from the group. I narrow my gaze.
If you refer to Mr. Angelica as a beautiful woman, she felt adorable.
The blonde blue-eyed lady is the daughter of the Viscount family.
His name is [Marie Fou Larfan].
He was someone I couldn't like enough.
It's frustrating to watch. It's just frustrating, not hateful emotions.
Zilk finds him and informs His Highness that he is looking at you with blue eyes.
"Your Highness."
"Hmm? Oh, Marie? Just fine, I was looking for you. Will you come here, please?"
The person His Highness turned to smile was Marie.
Pickle and Mr. Angelica's eyebrows move.
One of the surrounding people frowned unnecessarily when he heard about Marie.
Marie had no choice but to come because she was called, to this place where she felt nervous.
Daniel was holding up around his stomach.
"Me, why don't you go home?
Mesmerisms are happening near the bench I was sitting on, and it stands out when I get up and run now. Raymond shakes his neck to the side.
"No. Don't move until it's over. Nevertheless, does she know His Royal Highness the King? I don't think she was a famous girl."
Marie speaks to Her Royal Highness in a pretty voice.
"What is it, Your Highness?
"Actually, the boys have to have a tea party in May. I'm just gonna call someone I know because I don't want to hold it too flashy."
Mr Angelica disputed the wording.
"His Royal Highness Prince Wang, the Tea Party also has its credentials. Such a person..."
His Royal Highness will not stop.
And I was remembering this sight.
Speaking of which, there was something similar to this at the coercive event, he said. But it should have been the protagonist who was called at that time.
Look around, but there was no such person.
Raymond looks at me.
"What are you doing?"
"No, there's someone I'm looking for... are you here for a special occasion?
Raymond looks around in the same way, but he shook his neck to the side.
"I'm not here. Is it something that privileged students mix with this occasion in the first place? Look, shut up and stay still. We wait for the storm to pass, and we endure it."
We can't escape.
In an attempt to enter the courtyard, I saw the students fleeing by turning right into an unusual atmosphere. As long as I envy you.
His Royal Highness, arguing with Mr. Angelica, seemed a little annoyed.
"Come on, Angelica. This is a school. I'm here as a student. You're my fiancée, but I'm not gonna let you interfere that much."
Mr. Angelica pulls back to the word.
"... excuse me"
Angelica leaves the scene saying so, staring at Marie like a kick at the end and then leaving.
The surrounding surroundings also had a tight gaze against Marie.
"I'm sorry, Marie. It made me feel bad."
"Yes, no, that's good. But were you sure I could have joined you?
Zilk was shrugging his shoulders.
"Your Highness doesn't like being tough. A lighter tea party would be nice. I want you to join me. Besides, it's unusual for His Royal Highness to invite you so far."
Couscous, his royal Highness, shy, was distracting himself from Zilk, who was laughing.
"And join us anyway. Look, the zirc's coming, too."
When His Royal Highness and Zilk begin to move, their surroundings also leave.
When Daniel and Raymond were both relieved that they were finally released, I saw Marie's side.
You didn't think anyone was watching, she was alarmed. Marie was thin - laughing.
Manners classes for tea parties.
The teacher was a male teacher who felt like a gentleman with a clean beard.
In fact, there are tables in the classroom, and sweets and teas are available.
"Is that good? Think of it as everything you see when you invite a woman to a tea party. They'll see what kind of education you've gotten from your standing behavior, and who you are. Conversely, if you entertain women here, they will be highly regarded."
Men are studying in manners classes with all their geese necks aligned.
He also learned manners with such a mustache, but he said he forgot about it at the same time as he graduated. Sure, you may see your normal attitude to life, but will they see you that far?
"Hey, mistarion! Be more nervous."
When I was noted and replied, I heard couscous and laughter around me. It was the rich and courtroom aristocrats who were laughing.
"Because this is what the countrymen are"
"You look great because you have a little bit of a handle."
"Barbarians are good for adventurers, but they don't deserve it."
A male teacher stretched his spine to continue the class.
"First of all, it's the whole atmosphere that counts at the tea party. In the meantime, it's out of the question that you've got all the tools, you've held up an empty room! Stick to each and every tool and invite women to a special space. Just remember, we have a place to be. It's less than third-class."
Does it even mean anything to such a good class? I won't use it anyway when I graduate, and the teacher seems to have spotted the sole.
"Misterion...... you don't seem to understand. Now let's put one thing into practice and see."
When they called me forward, I was entertained as a guest.
It's no big deal anyway.
Precisely, on the surface, I was going to bruise him with admiration.
"Wow, I'm looking forward to it"
"Yeah, have fun"
If that's what you think...
- After class.
Speak up to the male teacher who left the classroom.
"Doctor! I'm impressed!
The male teacher, stretched out his spine, had a proud mustache when he looked back beautifully.
"Misterion, I see you understand."
"Yes! I was licking a tea. I'm very reflective now. I want to have the perfect tea party, like my teacher!
The male teacher smiles and nods.
"Very good. But you're wrong."
When the male teacher turned to me, he put his right hand on his chest.
"It's the hospitality heart that counts. And I'm still halfway down the road. I've never had a satisfactory hospitality."
"Oh, no. Isn't it perfect, Doctor?
Male teacher snorts.
"Yeah, that's right. I, too, aspire to be the best hospitality on the spot, at that moment, but I have yet to reach that frontier. But the basics are taught. Misterion, why don't we go down the road of tea together"
When me and my male teacher were smiling and talking, I heard Daniel and Raymond from behind.
"Hey, did he even decide on some kind of shitty pill?
"Come on? Well, it's not gonna be a waste, is it good?
Tea Party in May.
I had received a response from the person who sent the invitation, so I rented a room to invite him and prepare him.
The school has a number of rooms reserved for tea parties, which are mainstream for students to rent.
I would like to rent some real place if I were supposed to, but I can't because everywhere gets crowded this time of year.
Set of tea utensils. Confectionery in tea leaves.
This is the stage where you consult with your teacher to align them and wait for them to be rearranged from cleaning the room.
In the center of the room is floating Luxion, checking the interior.
'You've been working on it for a long time. Until a few weeks ago, I don't think I was the master trying to get the vendor in and get it over with quickly.'
"There's a May fly. Tell me if you notice anything, too."
I took out my pocket watch and checked the time.
If you have enough, the woman you invited will come.
This time, the second daughter of the Baron's family is the opponent.
Clearly, I hate my second daughter or something, but it's not about them.
'It's a world I don't understand. Shouldn't we be choosing the best partner from genetic information?
"You can't because no one can verify that gene."
"Then I have nothing to say."
When I finished talking to Luxion, a woman came.
"Chi ~"
However, the attitude is not favorable, and it is in the attitude that it came reluctantly.
But I don't panic.
Easy, me. My teacher said the beginning of entertaining any other person sincerely.
"Welcome - what, huh?
When I looked closely, behind the woman I invited there were two figures of women.
The other person is laughing hella.
"Ah, my friend. Let me kill you some time. I've got a pretty big tea party, but you've got time for that."
The tea party held by the trail of prestigious aristocrats was no longer on a party scale. He wants to kill time in order to get a carriage ready to leave.
"Oh, did I? So, what time do we leave?
"About thirty minutes. When I told you I was free, I remembered saying I was going to a tea party."
The other two take their own chairs and take their seats.
I started eating the sweets I keep.
"Oh, it's nice to have tea, too"
Keep the three of us surrounding the table, and there's no place for me to sit. The three of us were excited about the tea party we were going to go to, and I was doing tea replacements and adding sweets as if I were three servants.
When the time comes, the three people who have eaten all over them leave the room without thanks.
"Well, good luck. The treat was delicious, but the girl wouldn't be happy if I didn't buy a higher one."
The three of us leaving.
I dropped my shoulder.
"How much do you think this treat will do on the set? It's a treat I got made today at a decent store. More expensive..."
View leftover treats.
"... Doctor, the tea path is still going to be long overdue"
As I was cleaning up as I was about to cry in regret, I heard voices from the outside. Several female students are saying something to each other.
"... you are disproportionate!
"But I have an invitation..."
"Let it distract you there, civilians!
I hear butterflies and footsteps.
Several female students say, "Let's go, the carriage is leaving," etc., and leave. From the voice of an earlier civilian, I tried to get out of the room in anticipation of a possible protagonist.
I'm sure there's more aura and more beautiful than rival Angelica - and there's one girl sitting in the hallway, even though I was hoping that much.
Bright brown hair had a middle bob-cut, a normal woman figure there with no hegemony or aura.
The eyes also look brown and tender, but the opposite is true compared to Mr. Angelica. She was a plain girl.
She's beautiful... but she's a normal kid.
There is a torn and discarded invitation in the hallway.
Luxion, who had earlier been silent and thorough in his figurine, was riding on my shoulder to see how it was.
'... this is bullying, is it? I hear she's a privileged student, but not an aristocrat. I guess you can't allow ordinary people to attend this school.'
"Well, that's the way it is. But... don't be too normal."
When I saw her sadly picking up and collecting the invitations, I turned my gaze inside the room.
"Can you still invite about one person"
From the remaining sweets and tea leaves, I thought I'd have one. I called.
"Hey, there she is! I'm not going to have tea!
The woman with her face up - the main character looked a little surprised when she saw me.
"Phew, I received an invitation from Uncle Borderline."
"Yes. You told me it wasn't a bad idea to talk to a privileged student, but you guys didn't deserve it, so I told you to quit."
In the room, unlike earlier, calm time was flowing.
Eating sweets made me smile. She was looking at my prepared tea.
"This is expensive tea leaves."
"It's expensive, but I almost drank alone, so it's just fine. That sounds like a tough one."
I'm not even going to get deeply involved, but I wanted to know who she was involved with. It's not bad to know what the protagonist will do in the future.
Speaking of Borderline Uncle, it would be [Brad Fow Field].
A narcissist characterised by long purple hair, a rich man with a wide land even as a lord nobleman. It's a big house anyway.
I'm not even dealing with my parents.
Brad himself is more of a warrior type of person than he is out front. Also called a staff officer, but the type who commands the army because he's smart.
He is not very strong in person, but as a lord nobleman he has a complex about it.
He's a pain in the ass if you say so in a nutshell.
No, when I thought about it, all the boys on the offense were troublesome ones.
The cloud-faced protagonist [Olivia] got annoyed.
"I really shouldn't have come here? I'm working hard, but I'm finally following you around... and I don't know how I got into school."
That being said, at first it is a time when the status is low and the school part also struggles.
Both bastards follow me, headed by His Highness, but Mr. Olivia seems to be basically alone right now.
We don't get involved, either, and I thought we were doing well in the first place.
But if you listen to me, he's been alone for almost a month.
It was more tragic than me.
Well, from the same class of boys, she can't be married. Somehow he's too low. From us boys desperately looking for someone to marry, it was someone we didn't have time to be involved with.
That would explain why the attacking characters, whose fiancées were there, were involved in the main character because they could afford it.
As much as I envy you.
But it's a little crazy.
You should have met the character being attacked by May. Some were like forced events. That's all I remember, I remember Marie.
The side of Marie that was laughing was so creepy.
Olivia was in a hurry to see if I got anxious to keep quiet. I blame myself for doing something crude.
I want the selfish other girls to apprentice me.
"I was thinking a little bit. Well, it's my first time at school, so there's a hand-driven part, and now I just have to do what I can."
Olivia nods at my advice, "That's right," but she doesn't seem convinced. In the first place, there's no way I can say an answer that would impress them in a nutshell.
I have a lot of life experience, but amateurs are a good place for female opponents.
"... me, can I stay here?
I answer such questions instantly.
"Huh? That's a good one."
The protagonist of this world is you in the first place.
I don't have much to do with my life because of who you attack... Not at all.Well, I wanted to know it as a story as much as I dated anyone.
"Duh, why not? 'Cause I don't deserve to be here every day."
From me, naturally, but from Olivia, maybe it's strange. I'll explain for the right reasons.
"No, 'cause look... yes! Your admission is the intention of the school or the royal palace! I mean, the student side doesn't have a decision, so neither the royal palace nor the school allowed admission! It's not your fault if they complain."
Mr. Olivia was patting his eyes.
"So, but around..."
"If you can't stand it, you can drop out. To the guy who told me to leave, I can't because it's my intention up there. But I'll tell him you had a complaint, why don't you tell him?
At any rate, the protagonist will surely be protected by the man who is the target of the attack.
So fine.
I'm sure...... maybe.
Now it's a different flow than the game, but the flow that got Luxion was also quite different. Again, there are parts of the game that are different.
That being the case, caution should continue to be exercised.
Mr. Olivia talks to Potspot.
"I... I want to learn more about magic. But I'm neglecting school rules, tacit understandings..."
There are also implicit rules and things within men.
But women will be tough with women.
"Implicit rules...... oh, you have one in mind if you say so. I'll figure it out."
"Is it true!
I decided to call my second daughter.
Sometimes I get in trouble if you don't help me. I don't know how much I paid for him... I'll try to get a little loan back.
It's a woman who moves if she flips the money.
I'm sure you'll tell me even if you don't like it.
I can fry tea for my second daughter.
The truth is that I can fry it in clutter or I want to serve it all up, but I thought of the teacher's face, so I stopped. You shouldn't do that at a tea party.
A second daughter who seems abominable.
Behind it stood a servant with lumpy cat ears and muscles in his arms.
"You've been great calling me, fool."
I laugh with my nose.
"I commend you for being rational enough to respond to the call. Look, just tell me about the girls' rules."
I got to my seat telling Olivia that I didn't have to worry about her.
The second daughter puts her hand on her forehead.
"... it's good to teach, but what do you gain by putting your shoulders in a privileged student?
I don't get it.
But it wouldn't be a bad idea to keep to the point of getting to know each other. That way, a lot of information should come in from Mr. Olivia in the future.
Thanksgiving is a person who has no harm in selling. And it's at least a sin against her who might have gotten the Luxion originally.
"This is why I don't like people who move at a loss. Why don't you have a kinder heart?
When I stirred it up, my second daughter pounded her tongue.
Thanks to me, a fine slave behind me - a mistress could have bought it. He knows about it, too, and I saw Mr. Olivia.
"You, class girl...... did you say hello or something to the greatest girl anyway?
Mr. Olivia shakes his head to the side.
"I can't get close."
"Send me a proper letter. The rule is to say hello with a souvenir. If you have a big group, ask someone to mediate. I'd prefer a kid in a pretty important position as a surrounding person. Give her a letter and give her a souvenir. Yeah, find out what they like about souvenirs."
When I heard about my second daughter, I thought,
"Isn't that a bribe!
"May flies are nice. If that's how it works in the world, it's no problem. Then stop because you obviously don't have any money or goods. They'll get angry, too. Popular store treats and tea leaves are easy. It's troublesome to make a mistake about salt plums."
Taking notes Mr. Olivia's hand stopped.
"Wow, me, that kind of money..."
My second daughter looked at my face and raised her chin small.
"You can let this fool buy it. You called me in, so you have to let that happen."
I panic when suddenly I get spoken to.
It's hard to think that it doesn't matter anymore and women - that's how I felt to hear it.
"Hey, what..."
The second daughter continues the conversation.
"Tell me you want to see me in person, or when something comes back, that's it. After that, if you don't do something that's disturbing them, you can graduate safely."
Mr. Olivia looks at me with her crying eyes.
"... because I'll have the money"
"Thank you. I will definitely give it back!
Look at Olivia for thanking me. I wish I was as kind as this girl.
I look back at my second daughter eating sweets, and I shake my neck to the side. When I made it feel like a man, my second daughter gave a signal to her own servant.
Macho Man has reached out to me, so I run right off the spot.
I can't compare myself to the Beast Man.
Later, Olivia receives a call from Angelica.
Angelica was gracefully drinking tea watching Olivia look nervous. Both the cups and contents you have are of a higher grade than those prepared by Lyon.
Angelica, like it's normal to use them, puts a sharp glance at Olivia when she puts the cup down.
"I don't know whose wisdom to put in, but I'll compliment you for coming to say hello. It's about living in a way that fits your length. This is not the place where people like you are. But if you can forgive me, I'll forgive you for what I've done to you in the corner."
The school was a little strange, isolated from the outside.
Unique rules. There are rules that don't pass outside.
Greeting Angelica is something like that.
It wasn't necessary, but it was necessary to facilitate school life.
Olivia has no power, no back shield.
Because we are in a really weak position within the school.
"Uh, does that allow you to be in school?
When Olivia was in trouble, Angelica looked a little dizzy.
There were a few girls in the room who were Angelica's surroundings, but let them out of the room and be alone.
Then he started talking in a somewhat gentler tone than earlier.
"... nod over there and drink some tea and go home. That's all it took. It would have been easier for me to talk to you because you asked questions."
Angelica exhales.
He looked a little tired.
"Forgive me or nothing, did you think I was going to kick you out? Honestly, I'm not interested in the privileged student thing. I'm not free enough to get involved with you either."
When Olivia was in trouble, Angelica spilled a word.
"Better than that woman who leans against His Royal Highness, Prince Wang."
"Oh, you know, something?
"No, it's nothing"
Angelica smiled and showed Olivia a small smile.
The figure also looks year-to-year.
Olivia usually had a more hegemonic and sharply elevated image. In fact, Angelica has yelled and scattered several times in the school.
"Specialist, who taught you to say hello? Oh, don't get me wrong, it doesn't mean there are places to include. I was just curious about the guy who helped you as I distanced myself from you being a privileged student around. This is personal."
Boys are obsessed with finding someone to marry and can't afford it, a privileged student hated by girls. Says the person who helped her like that honestly wants to know.
Olivia worried a little, but put Lion's name in her mouth.
Lion introduced me to my own sister, he said.
"The three men of Bartofalto? You're a weirdo. Well, I can like it."
"You know what?
Angelica was laughing couscous.
"You, you don't know? He's definitely the most born guy of our generation. I don't know how many people will be able to be independent on their own like him in the future... but if it's not too bad for you, you can set up an opportunity to talk to His Royal Highness Prince Wang"
Olivia looked a little strange at Angelica smiling like that.
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