The world of shelter under the glacier

Chapter 117 Earthworm Processing (Please subscribe)

Traditional earthworm processing methods are labor-intensive and inefficient.

Especially in the slaughtering step, there are more flaws.

This step is to cut the razor blade into a triangle, nail it to the wooden board, then hold the two ends of the earthworm with your hands, make a cut on the blade, and then cut the earthworm open.

In this way, the two ends cannot be completely cut open to remove the soil.

Even long-term contact with earthworms can cause the skin of human hands to be corroded by the mucous membranes on the earthworms' surface. Wearing gloves makes it impossible to accurately cut open earthworms. As a result, practitioners must perform hand care every time they work for a period of time.

Otherwise, not only will the surface of the skin be pitted, but one of your hands may become useless.

If treated like this, the taste will certainly not be good.

Although it is the end of the world, the only person who can eat earthworms is at least a middle-level cadre.

Therefore, mechanical processing came into being.

At least, the provincial shelters and three super dungeons are in use.

Must also be used.

There are too many people.

Manual work alone cannot meet normal consumption.

The loss of just being kept privately, or even being eaten on the spot, is something they cannot bear.


I haven’t put down my handwork either.

Even though it has such shortcomings, its biggest advantage is that it can provide a large number of jobs.

In the apocalypse, people at the bottom must find something to do. This is the top priority of every shelter.

Efficiency is no longer their primary concern.

Rather, make concessions for survival.

Just like the Dragon Kingdom before the apocalypse, technological changes must take the unemployment rate into consideration.

This is related to the survival of thousands of households.

No carelessness is allowed.

The latest, more efficient technology is not necessarily the most appropriate.

This is the case before the end.

This is still the case.

Of course, this is all bullshit to those shelters and even countries that have given up on those at the bottom.

If the Magic City had not been opened up, the material collection team would have absorbed a large amount of labor force.

In addition, the freight department is changing every day and is also looking for people.

At the same time, a group of elderly people were laid off, which promoted the development of the tertiary industry.

Chu Feng didn't dare to use full power, so he switched to a fully automatic production line.

After briefly demonstrating the traditional processing method, Su Long continued:

“The entire mechanical processing process in our shelter is divided into: separation, cleaning, slaughtering, cleaning again, baking, and finally vacuum packaging.”


Su Long said in a deep voice:

"Master Li, please demonstrate it to the city lord."


Li Weiguo, the technical supervisor in charge of the No. 1 earthworm production line, immediately walked out, quickly took out a box of earthworms of different sizes, mixed them with soil, and threw them all into the machine's feed port.

He pressed the start switch casually.

Then the drum screen starts to rotate, just like a rotating drum washing machine.

The soil is screened into material bags on one side and replaced when full.

The earthworms were screened one by one to the conveyor belt on the other side, heading towards the next station.

"City Lord, the earthworms will be soaked in the sterilization pool to kill the bacteria attached to the body surface."

Chu Feng nodded understandingly.

But not for a while.

"Master Li, what are you putting in this pool of water? Why are all of them dead?" Chu Feng pointed at the 'chopsticks' one by one and said in surprise.

This is not disinfection.

Is this probably poison?

"Oh, it's been powered on." Master Li said concisely and concisely.

Seeing Director Su's crazy wink, Master Li immediately reacted.

Then he explained in detail:

"During machine dissection, we need to hang them up one by one to facilitate the dissection, so we need to straighten the earthworms, at least not curled."

"After comprehensive experiments, electric shock is currently the most effective treatment method. Once an earthworm's body passes through a certain current, the nerves and various tissues will become necrotic and eventually stiff, which fully meets our needs."

"It is cleaner and more effective than the method of killing with drugs. There is no drug residue, so people can feel safe after taking it."

Coming out of the sterilization tank, the upright earthworms were washed with high pressure before being put on the conveyor belt again.

"City Lord, now we need to manually sort them one by one, eliminate the unqualified ones and hang up the earthworms about 10cm in size, so that they can be dissected in the next step."

Several people had already stood aside and waited.

As the conveyor belt rolled, I quickly picked up earthworms one by one and hung them on the barbs.

Organized, busy but not chaotic.

Once a row of 'earth drying racks' is full, they will be immediately taken away by the next conveyor belt and entered into the killing room.

The sharp blades quickly sliced ​​through the earthworms one by one from beginning to end, and they were immediately disembowelled.

However, there are still a few heads or tails that have not been cut open.

Master Li explained at the right time:

"City Lord, after slaughtering, there will still be a small number of earthworms that have not been thoroughly dissected. This is a manual error and cannot be avoided."

"The slaughtering machine we bought can only process earthworms between 7 and 15cm in size. If it is too big, the blade will not cut long enough, and there will always be a small section that is not dissected. If it is too small, the blade will cut too hard, and even Cut it in two, dry it and it’s gone.”


Ouyang Xiuer hurriedly covered her mouth.

She couldn't bear it anymore.

Think of what a small earthworm split into two looks like after being dried.

As thin as hair!

Nothing more than this.

But it’s gone.

She wanted to laugh inexplicably.

Master Li glanced at this beautiful girl and quickly looked away.

This came with the city lord, he didn't dare to look at it.

Who knows if it will annoy others and cause a big disaster for no reason.

There is a strong wind in the pillow. I have never seen it but I have heard it.

Even if you just put some eye drops on yourself, it is enough for you to drink a pot.

He cherished this job.


Something that can nourish and feed a family may not be found even with a lantern in the apocalypse.

That's right.

He has already listed Ouyang Xiuer as the city lord's forbidden wife.

This is too ordinary in the post-apocalyptic world.


Not only did he think so, but so did everyone else.

No matter how smiling Su Long was, he didn't dare to face Ouyang Xiu'er.

I am afraid that the city lord will misunderstand.

After Ouyang Xiuer's interruption, Chu Feng said nothing more.


After slaughtering, they are put on the conveyor belt again.

The inspectors who had been waiting on both sides picked out unqualified products one by one.

Master Li said:

"City Lord, here we will screen out earthworms that have not been completely slaughtered, or even earthworms with other problems."


After some screening, the earthworms entered another high-pressure washing room.

"It not only rinses, but also has a bactericidal effect, thoroughly washing away possible bacteria on the earthworms."


Chu Feng affirmed: "Although we don't eat the earthworms here, we can't produce questionable food without conscience, and then poison the people of our Dragon Kingdom. I don't know if other people have done this, but we, the Star Protector, Nothing you can do."

"I would rather waste more resources, but also ensure the safety of food!" Chu Feng said seriously as he looked at the few people.

"Yes, City Lord!"

Everyone promised again and again.

Since the city lord said so, of course they are willing to do it.

After all, no one wants to do such an immoral thing as having a son without sex.


It doesn't cost them a penny.

Of course he agreed wholeheartedly.

Chu Feng was not worried that they were playing tricks.

Not to mention that they have a monitoring system to protect them secretly, but they must know that their relatives left in other shelters will also eat the low-grade food they produce. Will they produce problematic food?

The answer is obviously opinion.

This is related to the lives of relatives, and I am afraid they are more concerned and nervous than Chu Feng.

Everyone wants to be strict and strict.

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