Therefore, the Silk Road at sea is very important to the court or the people. Because of this, there are pirates in the East China Sea.

The Nanyue court has been helpless to the East Sea pirates. One is that the South Vietnamese sea soldiers are not strong enough, and the other is that there is no general who can really compete with the Pirate King.

Twenty years ago, Hou Jiangyan of Ding'an returned to the sea to regain the former pirate king Luo Longwang. Since then, the East China Sea has been calm for many years.

Twenty-four years ago, Hou Jiangyan of Ding'an went to sea again with the prince in the dust, assisting Mochuan, the little prince of Yimai Kingdom, to recapture the state of Yimai Kingdom, and killed the then pirate king Ximen Tower. It was also this battle that made the Emperor Jiaxiang look at Prince Edward's dust freely.

Although there are still robbers in the East China Sea, from the point of view of the South Vietnamese, it is no longer a problem. However, the South Vietnamese court did not expect that it was not enough because the pirates acted low-key. Only the past merchant ships faintly felt that the pirates were becoming more and more powerful, and the discipline was stricter, even more so than the commander of King Luo Long. What they limped was the tithe of the King of the Dragon, and as long as they paid one-tenth of the goods on board, they would **** them.

四 Since four years ago, Ding Anhou hanged himself in jail, South Vietnam no longer had a general who could command the sea soldiers, and King Wang Ye was smoke-free and had been guarding the north, and there were no less than ten wars of all sizes with Beilu.


The sea is endless, and the end of the sea is connected with the sky. Where the sea meets the sky, Bai Yun catches the green wave, like a damask, paving the waves of Pentium.

Many small black spots appeared on the sea level in front of me. Before I was approaching, I saw the first big ship, followed by numerous cargo ships. A flag fluttered on the flagpole of the ship, with an eagle embroidered on it.

This is the fleet of Ou Suoyang House, which is huge and well equipped, and the sailors are well trained. Above the East China Sea, no pirate has ever hijacked it.

But today, the record that has been maintained for many years seems to be broken.

The crew above the watchtower slammed the slogan, and ten ships with the banner "Lingbo Canghai" were found ahead. Immediately, the crew reported to Ouyang Beg in the cabin.

"Lingbo Canghai" is the banner of today's pirate king Ma Yue in the East China Sea, because they live on Shuilong Island, and Yima Yue is called the Shuilong King. Over the past few years, Ma Yue has opened his eyes and closed his eyes on the merchant ships in Ouyang House, and has not hijacked them. This has made Ouyang beggars quite frustrated. He did not want to return from overseas this time, but encountered Ma Yue.

After listening to the crew's obituary, Ouyang beg, patted the table, and said, "Okay, here is good." Then quickly ordered, ready to meet.

Ouyang begs the next team to watch the battle.

But the pirate ship in front of it was approaching, and faintly saw that on the lead ship stood a young pirate general, who was handsome in appearance, but had a dark complexion, which was the water dragon king Ma Yue. Holding a command flag in his hand, he directed the pirate ship to surround them.

Ouyang beg stood on the watchtower with a narrow hand and squinted with a smile: "Ma Yue, let there be no return today." Immediately passed the order to capture Ma Yue.

A fierce battle raged on the East China Sea.

Forget about the island of worry.

Forget-Me-Not Island is located in the Haisha Islands. It is an extremely hidden island surrounded by countless islands and countless reefs. Unfamiliar people will not find Wangyou Island even after ten days and a half here.

At this time, it is April, when the spring flowers are blooming.

The trees on the island are different from the land and cannot be named. The canopy is like a giant umbrella. On the side of the big tree, countless flower trees are blooming in the wild. This kind of flower tree is a unique tree on Wangyou Island, called Branch Sakura. Open in April every year, the flowers are pink, and the light wind blows, and the petals fall off, such as flying butterflies, hovering gently from the tree.

Among the flowers and trees, Jiang Cersi was dancing in the wind.

Leng Yanyan's exquisite sword light, graceful and enchanting figure, and light and light figure, make people wonder if the fairy is descending.

Her hair and her robe had been stained with a few pieces of pink fallen flowers, and there were still petals falling in the sky. She frowned, the sword wind with pink petals flying in the air into a pink flower belt, spinning around her.

In front of me, I suddenly remembered that the man in white shirt led a osmanthus full of trees with a sword, pointed his sword, blossomed flowers into a light yellow flower band, poured it straight into the glass, and said gently: " Make a good bite for you. "

Sui Su suddenly gathered her internal force, the petals drifted with the wind, and she was covered with red flowers and blue shirts.

He raised his machete, his clear eyes reflected in the light of the knife, and his eyes grew cold.

"Miss, Miss ..." Qingmei rushed to the ground with the falling flowers, and in front of them, said breathlessly, "Miss, Ma Yue, he ..."

Secondly put away the machete, condensing eyebrows: "Qingmei, have something to say slowly." By the way, he walked to a bamboo mat on the ground, intending to practice internal force.

Xi Qingmei followed the breath and exclaimed: "Miss, something happened, that Ma Yue, he led ten warships and went to ... hijack the fleet of Ouyang House."

He frowned and frowned, and said coldly, "What are you talking about?"

"Ma Yue went to hijack the caravan in Ouyang House." Qing Mei said again.

Seirei got up from the bamboo mat and ordered Qingmei to say, "Prepare the ship and call the Southern Star and Beidou. Let's go and see."

I spent a few months in Chunshuilou. Ouyang Beggar was a dude dude. Even if no one told her that she had appeared on the merchant ship of Ouyang Beggar as Ming Chunshui from Ye Wuyan, she had long been skeptical.

Ouyang Beggar is a smoke-free person at night, and Ma Yue is not their opponent.

Twenty-four years ago, Seser returned to Water Dragon Island, and Ma Yue returned his temporary pirate king to Seser. Seser refused with a smile, found this hidden island and stayed. However, for several years, Ma Yue has always regarded Thurse as the real pirate king. Whenever important things come, she will come and tell her. They also clamored repeatedly, telling Ma Yue not to plunder merchant ships in Ouyang.

Luo Mayue also knows the power of Ouyang House. For several years, he has never moved the warship of Ouyang House. What is happening today?

Tong Nanxing and Beidou got the orders of Selse, and they had already prepared the boat, carrying Selce and Ome, and headed for the naval battle.

As the battle progressed, it was clear that Ma Yue had already shown defeat. Ouyang beg commanded the ship to rush to the stolen ship headed by him. Several martial arts sailors had rushed to the watchtower and stood with Ma Yue, who directed the stolen ship.

此时 At this moment, a small boat was like an arrow off the string.

There was a blue-shirted boy standing on the bow of the bow, his face was strange, but his luxurious and elegant temperament made Ouyang beg a little familiar. His eyes were as deep as the sea and as clean as the sky. Now that he is so far apart, he can feel his proud and erect style unlike other people.

"Pina is astonished, Wanru as a dragon ... as if the moon is covered by light clouds, and the drifting wind is like snow from the wind. If the skin is ice and snow, it is like a virgin, and you do n’t eat grains. This is the look and manner. "Ouyang beg said like a nightmare.

His subordinates laughed and said, "My son, that's a man. And, our enemy."

"I know." Ouyang beg smiled. Is the enemy unable to admire his presence?

When Xunzheng was talking, he saw the T-shirt leaping up from the boat, dressed in clothes and trampled on the shoulders of the pirates, and instantly jumped to the watchtower of the ship where Ma Yue was. He and Ma Yue joined forces, and in a few strokes, they managed to attack the elite soldiers on the ship.

Ma Mayue held up the flag in his hand and handed it to the blue shirt man with great respect. The blue shirt boy took the order flag, and the flag began to give orders. He commanded the pirate ship to take advantage of the east wind to set off the ship and dispersed the fleet of Ouyang Beggar. After that, they directed the ships to block and intercept the single ships.

Ou Ouyang saw that Ma Yue would make the flag into the hands of the T-shirt, and his brows froze. What's going on? Isn't Ma Yue the first pirate of the East? Is there another king?

He was thinking, the guard beside him said, "Son, we are surrounded again."

Ouyang begged a glance, and sure enough, in an instant, the pirate ships surrounded their ships again. He had never expected that the commander of this blue shirt was so powerful that the pirates were as cheered as they were and cheered up.

"My son!" Said the guard beside him anxiously.

Ouyang beggar took up the order flag, so that the ship was gathered into two round arrays, with the bows facing outward, echoing each other, and fully facing the enemy. At the same time, the crew closed the cargo doors and windows tightly to guard the cargo.

The Lord gave him so many elite soldiers. The first time he was attacked by a pirate, if he lost, it would be a shame.

命令 He ordered the guards on his side to blow the horn.

The bright horn sounded at sea, and the window of the hull of the ship where Ouyang was living opened. The sailor fired the bamboo tube filled with sake to the nearest pirate ship with a crossbow. As time went by, the bamboo tubes flew in the air and hit the deck. .

The sailor retreated, and the archer filled it up. A rocket fired at the stolen ship, hitting the deck of sake all over the place, and a fire ignited. In the wind, the whole ship was surrounded by the blazing fire.

Ma Yue, who was looking upstairs, was startled, and saw that the pirates on the burning ship jumped into the sea. That warship was considered dead. He was distressed at once, how difficult it was to build a warship.

She frowned and gave a glance at Ma Yue, saying: "I told you that the merchant ship in Ouyang House should not be underestimated, this time you know it!"

She lifted her eyes and looked at it, and saw Ouyang Beggar commanding his big ship, turning her direction, intending to burn the battleship where she and Ma Yue were in.

He smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and grabbed a thick cable, raised his arm, the cable was shaken straight, with a strong momentum, pumped towards Ouyang beggar. Ouyang Bian was taken aback, and apparently did not expect such a quick and fierce shot. The guards on the side rushed up and took hold of the blade in his hand, trying to block the cable. Unfortunately, they were swept to the ground by cables.

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