The order of the guards was to win her, in order to make a capture. It was not fierce to make a move and did not mean to kill her. However, after all, she is a highly-selected master in the Night Smoke-Free Silver Wing Army, and she has to retreat from her whole body.

After fighting for a while, it was hard to avoid some minor injuries, and his clothes gradually became a little bit scarlet, but Seder couldn't feel the pain at all. How much pain was just as painful as the whole body fell off the cliff that day ? Maybe, her people and heart are already numb with pain.

Yan Ye stood on the outskirts of Yan Zhan without smoke, holding one hand with Huai Shu, and a pair of phoenix eyes staring coldly in the battle group. The tree beside me was hurled by the wind, and even the trunk seemed to tremble.

"Stop!" Ye Wuyan suddenly trembled, "I'll wait for you to retreat, and the King will come in person!"

The guards bowed their feet when they heard the words, and squinted, staring at the smokeless night, walking towards her step by step. Finally, she stood in front of her, and her beautiful and immaculate face was not shocked. Only the black eyes were rolled with incomprehensible complex emotions.

"If you are fascinated, you will be arrested. My lord may open up one side and save you a life!" Ye Wuyan glanced coldly from Seser, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, it turns out that King 璿 is very kind, but unfortunately, I really don't know it!" Secretly said, holding up his machete.

Yan Ye's smoke-free black eyes darkened, and there was a flash of pain in his eyes.

At this moment, I saw a green maid rushing over, rushing to kneel in front of Yewuyan, and anxiously proclaimed: "Master, it's not good!"

He sneered sneer, but today the palace is lively!

"What's the matter?" Ye Wuyan heard the words, his deep eyes were frozen, and he asked coldly, "Come on!"

"The princess heard that Mrs. Yi was in danger, so she came to see with slaves. Who knew that as soon as she left the back door, she was taken away by several masked people. Those people were very martial arts, and slaves were not their opponents."

Yan Ye stood with his hands in a smoke-free night, and his erect body suddenly burst into the cold. At some point, he seemed like a sharp blade. Seeers were trembling, without the courage to refuse at all, they could only choose to surrender.

"Let's spare this little thief, find the princess quickly!" Ye Wuyan said slowly, but his tone was chilling.

I dare not to dare to rob someone at the King's Mansion. Ye Wuyan couldn't think of anyone else who had so much courage.

He smiled slightly, and ink dye was taken away? Inkran's identity at this time is himself, who will come to hijack himself?

The original siege of the guards had to be ordered to go away. Of course, the king's palace did not lack guards, and a wave of guards came up, but these were obviously weaker than those of others. After wandering for a while, they jumped up and escaped from the alley. Ye Wuyan had no time to chase her, let her step on a tree branch and drift away.

The west of Feicheng is a place where civilians live. The high-door white walls without official houses are all ordinary houses. An ordinary carriage went through the streets, walked around, and finally stopped in front of an ordinary courtyard.

The coachman jumped off the cart, the curtains opened, and a man in black helped a woman in Tsing Yi come out. Gently buttoned the door, a woman in Cuiyi stepped out, reached for the woman in Tsing Yi who had been clicked, and stepped slowly into the hospital. Pass through the tree-lined path, and reach the middle of the chamber.

"Master, you are here!" The woman in Cuiyi whispered in a deep voice.

The sound of the words fell, the door of the room "squeaked" was opened, and a man appeared at the door. He was tall and handsome, with features like a knife and axe. He wore black robes, collar cuffs and robe corners, all rolled with gold thread, looking noble and domineering.

At this time the night had come, he stood at the door, and the candlelight shone behind him. He stood like a god. In the sharp eyes of the eagle, an unbelievable tenderness was revealed, and the eyes gently passed over the woman's face in Tsing Yi. The bottom of his eyes was full of joy.

He stretched his arms around the slender waist of the woman in Tsing Yi, and said to the woman in Cui Yi, "Lark, please go down. Don't bother Ben Khan if you have nothing to do."

"Yes!" Lark responded slowly, then stepped back slowly.

The man in black is the Khan Helian proud of the Northern Lu Kingdom. He never expected that this trip to South Vietnam would have such an unexpected surprise.

His subordinates heard that on the day of King Wang ’s birthday, he had found the princess who had disappeared for four years. Although it was said that the woman had lost her memory and did not remember who she was, even the King Wang did not reveal her name. . Of course, Helien Aotian knew who she was?

Twenty-four years, I thought she was no longer here, but she was still alive.

The candlelight in the room was a little dark, swaying the face of the woman in the blue shirt. Dai Mei's eyes were clear, Qiongbi's lips were all lips, everything was the face in his dream. Moreover, even the hair bun is still with the cloud, the shirt is also a blue skirt, and it is still the same as before, without any change.

Xun Helian Aotian helped the woman in Tsing Yi to place her on the bed in the house, and stared at her gently.

Looking at the familiar face, all the past events came, and he fluttered across his mind. More than a thousand days, nights and nights of thought seemed to finally be relieved at this instant. He trembled and unlocked her acupuncture point. I didn't know what to say for a long time. Finally, it turned into a long sigh: "You can it is good?"

Wu inkan stared at the man in front of her, she knew who he was? Although I haven't seen him personally, I have seen his portrait. After all, in this world, he is a very important person, and his lame mountains and rivers will tremble.

The light of her eyes glanced lightly from his face, a faint smile appeared on her lips, and she asked indifferently, "Who are you? Why should you hold me here and let me go back."

Xuan Helian proudly heard the words, and there was a hint of loss in the bright eyes of the eagle. The subordinate had already accused him, and she had forgotten the past. However, when he heard that she didn't know him, his heart was still sour. He took hold of her jade hand and said softly, "The next day is gentle and windy, and the warmth is pleasing. You call it wind warm. I just hope that you will not encounter the coldness of the world in the future. Have you forgotten this sentence?"

A man who is so powerful and domineering, once gentle, is somewhat at a loss.

She gently pulled out his clenched hand and said coldly, "I don't remember anything! Please let me go!"

Xuan Helian Aotian's face calmed and stood up quietly. Qing Jun's face was hidden in the shadow of the candlelight, and her eyebrows were all lost.

She really has forgotten him. If she finds her first, can she touch her heart first. It's a pity, but she found her first without smoke. However, she would not be happy with the smokeless night. She believed that if she remembered everything four years ago, she would not stay at the King's Palace.

"You still love King 璿!" Helien Aotian asked lowly.

Mo ink dyed for a moment, and said lightly, "I am her consort, naturally I love him. Please let me go!"

Helien Aotian grabbed Mo Yan's arm, took her to his arms, and said in a deep voice, "You won't feel better following him. Four years ago, he photographed you off the cliff with one palm. Me, I will love you! "

There was a gleam of fear in Mo Yan's eyes, and she lifted her eyes and said, "I really don't remember you!"

Xuan Helian's eyes suddenly condensed, looking at the scare between Mo Ran's eyes. For a moment, I felt this strange face in front of me.

When he was with her, he never saw her look like that, terrified. She never seemed to be afraid of anything, but now, is she afraid of him?

He squinted his eyes and said coldly, "Are you afraid of me?"

He Moran heard a word, smiled, and said, "Please let me go! Otherwise, King Wang won't bypass you!"

"You threaten me?" Helianth proudly held Mo dyed wrists and took her under the candlelight, her eyes narrowed, and she looked at her coldly.

It was her face, but it was still slightly different. Moreover, although her temperament was also cold, her stubbornness was not in her black eyes.

He suddenly laughed, it turned out to be an empty joy. Disappointment suddenly caught his heart, and he slowly released Ink dye's wrist and threw her to the ground.

"Come!" He yelled.

Lark opened the door and walked in slowly.

He Liantian coldly commanded: "Call everyone who is going to do business today!"

"Yes!" Lark responded, and five people came along with her shortly after.

He Helian proudly said, "Lark, you take her down first."

Ying Bailing echoed the ink and went out.

Lei Helian proudly leaned lazily on a chair and asked coldly, "Are you sure, this is the princess that was lost and restored in the King's Palace?"

This time in South Vietnam, he brought six of the 12 birds on the grassland. Both Bailing, Bai Peng, Goshawk, Grey Kite, Yellow Wren, and Sea Eagle are all his loyal iron guards. Acting today, with the exception of Lark, everyone else was involved.

"It is indeed the princess in the house, it can't be wrong." Huang Yan said crisply.

He Helian proudly squinted his eyes, so to speak, it was fake that someone had come to confuse Ye Wuyan, but even he could recognize it as fake, could it be said that Ye Wuyan could not recognize it?

"Night smoke is extremely fond of her?" Helien Aotian continued to ask.


"Talk about the process of doing today." Helianau asked lightly.

"The princess rarely left the house, so we contacted Yi Lengxue. She said that there might be a chance today, waiting for an afternoon until dusk, she said that the opportunity had come, and then heard a riot, which attracted 璿We won't succeed until the king and concubine queen. "Bai Peng said.

"Perhaps, she didn't know that the princess was fake!" Huang Yan said.

"Impossible!" Helien Aotian said coldly. "What happened to that riot?"

"Yi Lengxue seems to have been assassinated. The other side is a young man, and the king's life guard is besieging the man. The man is not weak, using a soft blade, it seems to be a crescent machete! I wonder how I know This man's actually accompanied her to perform the play. "Huang Zhi was the best performer among the twelve birds, and after seeing it, he saw the killing.

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