赫 "Helian ..." whispered whispered.

"Make me warm," Helian said proudly.

He smiled wryly and whispered, "Warm."

She is only a title, in fact she understands that even if he is warmed, they can never return to the original. At the time, she and him, as well as the Big Dipper Nan Xing, were gone forever in the days of the imperial capital.

Today, he is the Khan of Beilu Kingdom, the king of a country, and she, she is already the mother of a child.

暖 "Warm, I'm afraid I can't go with you." Secretly raised his eyes and smiled.

"Why? Is it because of him? Are you still thinking about him?" Helien Aotian's chest was dull, and his heart was deeply disappointed, his eyes staring at her as if to see her Deep in the soul.

She shook her head and said, "It's not because of him, it's me," Seser pointed to her chest, and said, "My heart is no longer the original heart." Her heart was full of scars I can't love anymore. Therefore, she can't miss the wind heater.

He Helian proudly looked up at Seser, only to see her look cold and calm. For a moment, he felt that the days she was closest to him were always the days when he lost his memory at that time, the night she invited him to wandering rivers and lakes. And those good days are gone forever as his memory recovers.

If there is a choice, he really wants to be the same wind warmer than the current Khan. That way, can he follow her forever, be her slave or friend. Does that touch her heart?

Alas, time will not go back, he will never go back.

He looked dimly under the candlelight. Quiet and clear, the body exudes a faint fragrance, light and long.

He waited for her for four years, looked for him for four years, and fell in love with him for four years. Today, facing the woman he loves, he feels that there are still thousands of miles between them.

There was also sadness and regret in his heart. Since they met each other, although they have been unhappy, he treated her with a simple heart.

The candlelight flickered quietly, Helien Aotian stared straight at Seul's face, and said quietly, "I will not give up, I will wait forever."

He was startled by his hot eyes and slowly backed away.

"Warm, don't be so stupid!"

He Liantian looked straight at her, only her beautiful face in her eyes, watching her back, he couldn't help pressing.

He rushed to the bedpost, retreating inexorably, and avoiding to the side. Unexpectedly, there was a desk case behind him, and there was a delicate flowering branch in the vase. Her loose hair was caught in the flower branch in the bottle.

He was a little stiff, and Helian proudly froze for a moment, leaning forward to get busy, and untied the hair. Who knew that the hair and the branches were tangled tightly, and for a while, it couldn't be undone.

He leaned tightly on the side of Selse, and Selly tilted his head slightly to see his Qingjun face. Sword eyebrows are like sculptures, but they are gentle and focused. That look was clearly trying to unravel the hair, but was afraid to hurt it.

Falcon's heart trembled, and she said softly, "You don't have to solve it," she took a step forward, dragging her hair with flower branches, "cut it off."

Suddenly, He Helian proudly said, "How can you cut off your body if your body is skinned?"

He was ruthless and ruthless, and said lightly: "Continuous repetition, but rebellion. Helian is proficient in Mandarin and should know the meaning of this sentence. Let's cut it."

He Helian proudly heard the words, and there was a pain in her chest, and he naturally knew what she said. He reached out and pulled a small dagger out of the riding boots, and handed it to Cersei, saying, "Okay, cut it off!"

Xun Se took the dagger, his eyes lightened, and he severed the hair. The strands of hair, along with the flowering branches in the bottle, fell to the ground. The beautiful red flowers are tangled with Ufa.

He Helian proudly bowed his head, picked up the black hairs from the ground, pinched intently, and rolled into the Jinpa. Standing up, eagle eyes froze, looking at Seery's beautiful eyes, and said, "Sir, don't you know that the hair is broken, will it still grow?"

I was sad in my heart.

If I die, it will still grow out!

Feng Nuan was so affectionate to her?

Wu Fengnuan leaned to her side and looked down at her beautiful face. For four years, the beautiful woman he admired was in sight, but she rejected him.

He just felt bored and extremely uncomfortable.

His nose was full of the faint scent of her body. For her, for four years, his harem was in vain. The sweetheart Chaomuxiang is in front of him, how can he hold it, only feel a burst of passion in his heart, mixed with a deep loss, caught his mind for a moment.

He did not hesitate to press Sel to himself, wrapped her in a big cock, and wrapped her slender body in his arms, and her hot lips took her lip, and never refused to leave.

He was surrounded by his strong arms, and his body was completely covered by his sister-in-law, all around him, his warm breath.

"Don't ... warm, don't do this ..." The words didn't come out, they had been blocked back by wind and warm, and turned into a low sobbing.

His arms were holding her tightly, making her unable to move at all. His body was like a wall, making her unable to push.

He faintly heard Su Yue calling at the door, but he seemed immersed in the kiss and did not hear it at all, and her mouth was occupied and she could not speak. However, Su Yan came just right, hoping to rescue her, because she really couldn't bear to face him.

Su Suyi knocked for a while, and when no one answered, she pushed the door open. She smiled and said, "Crazy doctor came to see Cheer."

Unexpectedly, Helian Aotian simply ignored this sudden episode, and he reached out and pushed back in a volley, a force hit the past and closed the door again. His lips, however, refused to leave the sakura lips slightly, still kissed arrogantly.

The door squeaked, and was gently pushed open again. Two people stood quietly beside the door, but Su Yun retreated unwillingly to the back.

"Look, I really have a bad memory, Cheer is not in this room, you follow me!" Su Yue said with a smile, trying to close the door again. She doesn't know who this man who is lingering with her master is, but it looks domineering, but it's better not to disturb.

However, the two people standing in front of her did not move.

The two people, one was a mad doctor, the other looked like his follower, wearing a servant's shirt, but his eyes did not match that ordinary face, and they were long and narrow.

The two people, one was a mad doctor, the other looked like his follower, wearing a servant's shirt, but his eyes did not match that ordinary face, and they were long and narrow.

The candlelight was burning silently, and the dim yellowness was flowing in the room, looming over two lingering people. The man was tall and wild, the woman was slender and tender, and the woman's body was wrapped around her, revealing only the white side face and dark hair.

This scene, so lingering, lingering, hot ...

Burning the candlelight, a faint faint tinge came out, covering the follower's eyebrows, and the long eyelashes cast a heavy shadow on his face, covering the look under his eyes. However, his lip color faded in a flash and turned into a thrilling white. His thin lips trembled slightly, opening and closing, but never saying a word. The hand in the sleeve had already been clenched into a fist. It seemed that only the painful irritation of the nails in the meat could make him stand still.

Xuan Helian Aotian felt the heavy pressure behind him. This pressure made him extremely unhappy. He narrowed his eyes and let go of his lips. Without looking back, Volley patted it backwards with one palm. This time, the door was not closed as before. Instead, I encountered a great strength. He came out to close the door, so he didn't use all his strength. Therefore, as soon as he met the opponent's palm, Helien Aotian was stunned and shot from the side. He was frightened, and secretly transported his internal forces, which caused a catastrophe, so that he would not be stunned.

There was a flash of anger on the face of Xuan Helian Aotian, and his expression became annihilated in an instant. He looked back suddenly, staring at the door with a burning gaze.

By the door of the door, the man with the eyes full of medicine pouches with wide eyes recognized him as a famous mad doctor on the rivers and lakes of Nanyue, but he didn't think that he had just shot the palm. He played against him, knowing he hadn't had that much skill yet. So who is it?

He Helian proudly turned his eyes and stared sharply at the followers beside him. The man stood by the door with his eyes closed, his face strange, he didn't know. His shirt was rattled by the wind in the hallway, and he stood there motionlessly, his face seemed calm, but Helianth could feel the coldness of his body.

Who is he?

When Helian Aotian was slaped away by the palm of his hand, Seorui stepped out of his restraint. She took a deep breath and stared at the door, only to see Yun Qingkang carrying her medicine pouch, her eyes staring at her brightly. And the entourage beside him leaned coldly against the door.

"Yun Qiang is crazy, please go back, the evil boy's illness needn't be treated by you," said Seoreng coldly. She is not willful, and since he has nothing to do with Ye Wuyan, she does not want to rely on his favor. Of course, she won't let Ren Cheer be tortured by the illness. She doesn't believe that in this world, she can't find a cure for cold poison for Che Er!

The words were sloppy, Yun Qingkang was silent, and the followers on his side raised their eyelashes and looked at her deeply.

He looked at Seser coldly, his eyes were pure black, black seemed to attract Seul's soul, his eyes were so deep, as deep as a million years of cold pond. Seorui's heart trembled slightly, her eyes were as eagle-eyed, and the sadness and sorrow deep in the bottom of her eyes struck her chest like a hammer.

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