或许 He may be right, the world is chaotic and there is a place to stay, but she is not a woman who wants others to protect her. Therefore, she will never leave.

"Okay, if that is the case, then let Ouyang beg to take Cheer, but I won't go, I want to stay." Seiring said.

Yan Ye looked back at Suther without a smoke and sighed silently. For a long time, he said lowly, "Sir, you are very stubborn. But I also like your stubbornness!"

The night came soon.

It's very nice tonight, the sky is cold and the sky is bright, the seaside is bright, the waves are rolling up, and then slowly receding.

As the night was smokeless, carrying Cheer, the group came to the beach.

Seiren squatted down, holding Che'er's face, and said in a deep voice, "Cheer, when you go overseas, listen to Qingmei and Aunt Xiao's words, don't be capricious. Soon, your mother will pick you up, you know?"

"Ma'am, Cheer knows, will you pick me up with Dad soon?" Cheer asked crisply, but she didn't watch the night without smoke.

I didn't expect Cheer to ask this question, and I didn't know how to answer it. She had long guessed that Cheer knew Ye Wuyanji was his father, but still didn't expect Cheer to ask that.

Yan Ye no smoke heard that the body was shocked, he leaned over and hugged Cheer.

The moonlight, like a veil, shrouded two people, one big and one small, similar eyebrows, the same expression, the same eyes, looking at each other. At this moment, some words are self-evident.

Ye Yan's smoke-free hand touched Cheer's head and said pettiously, "Daddy will go to pick you up with your mother, soon." By the way, a gentle kiss was printed on Cheer's forehead. . He couldn't believe it, the father in Cheer's mouth was referring to him.

"That Cheer is waiting for you!" Cheer said with a smile, striding towards the beach and trotting away.

Tong Qingmei and Xiaoyu accompanied Che'er to the ship and headed for the ship Ouyang Bage who was not far away. The sinker and Zi Mi stayed and did not follow.

As the big ship slowly left the field of vision, her heart was trembling. I hope Cheer is happy overseas, and she is relieved that she and Xiaomei take care of it.

The next night, she walked to Selse without smoke, holding Selly's cool fingers, holding her tightly, and warming her little hands with the warmth in his palm.

"Rest assured, they will protect Cheer. There are many new things overseas. Cheer has gone, so it is better to gain some insight." Ye Wuyan said lowly.

"Boss, something is wrong, and the sinking fish is gone." Beidou hurriedly rushed over, and Shen Sheng whispered.

"When's the matter?" Arthur asked with an eyebrow, Cheer went out to sea this time, and Arthur didn't intentionally hide the sinking fish, and wanted to test her. Didn't expect that she was so anxious to confess to her master?

"When did she not see?" Seder asked intently.

"It's not a long time ago, Nan Xing has taken the ship to chase after him, and I'm here to tell the boss." Beidou Lang said.

"Beidou, prepare a ship, I'll take a look!" Cried coldly.

Bei Beidou immediately prepared a ship to come over, and watched Seosu look dignified at no smoke at night, knowing that things were by no means a trivial matter, and boarded the ship together with Seosu.

"Who is the sinking fish?" In the silent night, no smoke stood on the bow of the ship, asked lightly.

"It was a girl I brought back from Tianjiacun." Said slowly.

Ye Wuyan's eyes went deep, and he said coldly, "It must catch up. It seems that the flash flood was by no means an accident. Before that, I was still wondering why the other party had to be so hard to kill everyone in the village. ... but it turned out to just cover up such a fact. "

"What fact?"

Yan Ye's smokeless channel: "The couple you said may not have such a child at all. Therefore, the other party was afraid that we would investigate and kill everyone in the village. Sadly, we were almost fooled."

There was a trace of coldness in her heart, in fact she had thought about it, but she always secretly rejected this idea, she did not want to believe that the naive fish was actually a spy sent by the other party.

This night, the sky is clear and the moon is bright.

The murmur of ships galloping across the sea, making waves of bleak waves. The ship was extremely fast, and after a short while, there were two small black spots ahead. Gradually approached, and saw two ships.

The boat in front of her was a sinking fish. She steered the boat steadily and moved forward on the sea. The speed was not slow. The ship behind was Nan Xing, who followed the sinking fish's ship in the waves.

"Fish, what are you going to do?" Seir's voice came from the sea, clear and lingering, over the sound of the waves, and reached the ears of the sinking fish.

Shenyu looked back, waiting to see the surging and nightless smoke standing on the bow of the ship, a horror in his heart. She didn't know that Beidou and Nanxing were watching her deliberately, and tonight's actions were exposed. What's more frightening to her is that Seser catches up so quickly.

Squinting as the ships docked, they were about to catch up. The sinking fish gritted his teeth and jumped into the sea with a bang. Seeing that the sinking fish disappeared into the sea like a fish, it became clear that the name of the sinking fish did not arise randomly. No wonder it was a sinking fish. Her water was so good that she dived directly into the sea.

On the barge, Beidou had ordered dozens of people to pull their bows and arrows, and only when the sunken fish emerged from the sea to breathe, they opened their bows and shot arrows. Persistent in her heart, she shook her head and said, "Let down the bow and arrow, I'll catch her!"

"Boss, the sea is dangerous, not to mention, now it's night!" Beidou said anxiously. Although he knew that he could swim, he had never seen it personally and was very worried.

He frowned and said, "No matter! Nothing will happen."

She turned back and got into the cabin, and after a while came out, changed her skirt, and was wearing a tight silver-white fish skin. The silvery moonlight hugs her, hazy, making her look like the legendary mermaid.

She stared quietly on the side of the ship, staring at the sea and seeing the sinking fish coming out of the sea for ventilation, she spotted the direction and jumped into the sea.

Yan Ye Wuyan's eyes squinted for a moment, until he leaped into the water before he realized that he was in a daze.

Bei Beidou was dumbfounded. He didn't expect to be in the water with his waist and legs swaying like a mermaid. He swam toward the arrow in front of him.

After a while, Seir seemed to dive deep, the sea was calm and dark, and no one could see what was happening under the sea.

Yan Ye stood on the ship's side with smokeless hands, and the night wind swayed his white shirt, hula-hooking, the cold eyes shining in the black eyes under the mask, staring straight at the sea.

There was a sound of water in front of me. I saw a figure popping out of the water. It seemed to be ventilating. I could see it without smoke at night. It was a sinking fish. The internal force of the sinking fish is not as good as the whistle, and the breath holding time is naturally not as good as the whispering.

In the Erhai Lake, Seosu flexed around to the side of the sinking fish, grabbed her shoulder, the finger of the jade finger, and sealed the cave of the sinking fish. Seoring out of the water, she caught the sinking fish in one hand and swam over to the boat.

When he got to the boat, he set the sinking fish on the board and was about to ask about the sinking fish. No smoke at night stretched out his hands and pulled Seor into the cabin.

"What's the matter?" Secretly asked.

"Changing clothes!" Ye Wuyan said lightly, and walked out in no time.

Only then did he realize that the fish skin water he was wearing revealed his body without any obstruction, and frowned slightly, then got up and changed into a skirt.

When I came out again, I saw Shen Yu sitting on the ship's board, and Ren Beidou asked nothing.

He walked slowly to the sinking fish, her eyes fixed on her quietly, and asked softly, "Fish, what's up with you so late?"

Shenyu heard Tser's gentle words, and suddenly her throat was suddenly raised. She slowly raised her eyes, and her fascinating eyes lingered on Tser's face for a moment, and her head dropped slowly.

"Fish, I'm sorry Miss." Between the eyes, two lines of tears slowly slipped.

"Fish, the Tians in Tianjiacun aren't your father and mother, are you?" Seser asked softly.

"No, Yuer didn't have father and mother! No relatives," Shen Yu said astringently.

Suddenly a pain in her heart, she naturally understood this feeling without relatives.

"Fish, how do I treat you over the years?" Clariously asked.

"Miss treats me like a real sister!"

"Even so, do you want to betray me? And Cheer, you grew up watching him, how could you be so cruel to hurt him?" Said painfully. If Shen Yu spreads the news that Che Er sailed out to sea at this time, it will inevitably be hijacked.

Shenyu snorted and said, "I didn't want to harm the little boy. The master just wanted the little boy to be taken hostage."

Bei Beidou snorted and said, "You are so childish."

Falcon stared at the light, and said softly, "Who is your master? Who is that dude in your mouth when I wake up?"

Shenyu stared at Seul's face, with a guilty guilt flashing in his eyes, "Miss, sorry, I really can't tell you."

"Fish ..." Annoyed in her heart, at this moment, she was still defending her master.

Beidou condensed his eyebrows. After all, he did n’t spend a short time with Shenyu. Seeing her so stubborn, his heart was anxious, and he said coldly: "Shenyu, at this point, you have n’t honestly explained, maybe A life to stay. "

Shenyu smiled and looked at Beidou, with a smile on his lips, and said slowly, "Beidou, do you think I still want to live? Can I still live?"

Falcon's heart sank, and he moved forward, saying, "Don't do stupid things!"

Shenyu smiled, "Miss, I can't help you. With this affection, the fish can't repay this life, only the next life will return." Then, a touch of purple and black blood swirled from the corner of the lips.

"Fish ..." Suddenly in his heart was stunned.

Pu Shenyu looked at Seoren, Hitomi gradually spread out, her voice was weak, but a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips, slowly spreading like a spring flower.

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