月 Yueer is not bright tonight, hanging high in the sky, exuding a cold gloom. Suddenly, she felt something was wrong and pulled Feng Mian to hide behind the reef.

The moonlight was faint and hazy. Not far from her and Feng Meng, she saw several boats passing by in front of them silently. The boards were painted in dark blue, as if blending with the sea. Together, everyone on the ship was dressed in a black night clothes, and the body was tightly wrapped, showing only a pair of eyes, shining with a chilling sharp light.

Fortunately, the submarine they had just taken had sunk under the sea, and had not been found by these people.

He looked up again and again, and he saw a lot of small boats in front of him, all densely packed, and all of them were in black. It seems that someone is going to attack Sulong Island, and it seems to be huge.

He was very shocked, and what made him even more shocked was that these ships could safely pass the reef group around Shulong Island. The reefs surrounding Shuilong Island are heavy, and since Shuilong Island was in charge, the array of reefs has been placed in the reef group. If you are not familiar with the location of the reefs and the leader of the array, it will be difficult to pass.

Well, none of these boats hit the reef.

Didn't the defense map where the sunken fish was sent out clearly said? Perhaps there is another possibility, that is, the sinking fish has already sent out the defense map, and the unsent one is just to confuse her?

But now, there is no time to think about it. Secretly, the pirates patrolling on Water Dragon Island blew the conch horn, the sound of whining sounded in the cold wind, and it sounded an unspeakable desolation. From afar, I saw a torch on Shuilong Island, and the sound of throbbing came down the sea wind.

Turning resolutely, he said to Feng Mian: "Feng Mian, leave on a submarine, and see today's scene, this is a large-scale attack, I'm afraid it is difficult to protect you from leaving safely. You leave quickly, we are not here now Besieged, they haven't found us yet, you go quickly, otherwise if you are found, you will be too late. "

Wu Fengmian raised her eyelids, and saw the expression of Ling Ruohan's face through the faint moonlight, and the extremely bright light contained in her clear eyes reflected the unshakable firmness.

Feng Mian's heart shuddered, and she reached out and held Seor's hand, she said, "These black people have strange personalities. They are obviously Ninjas of Yimai Island. This surprise attack seems to be prepared. You must be extremely careful. You must hold me back! "After he said it, he turned to the submarine.

When she heard Feng Mian was coming back, she grabbed his arm and whispered in his ear: "Feng Mian, listen to me, don't come back!" She really didn't want Feng Mian to have any accident.

Xun Fengmian looked down at the jade hand holding his arm, and the corner of his lips evoked an intoxicating smile, "Are you concerned about me?" There was a deep joy in his voice.

"Yes! I care about you, I don't want you to be okay, I have to take care." Secretly answered.

"Did I not say that this submarine is the most suitable tool for escape? It has everything in it. Therefore, you can rest assured that you must be careful. Be sure to hold on!" Feng Mianyan said , Quickly walked into the submarine, waved his hands to Seser, the submarine slowly sank into the sea, and disappeared instantly.

He watched Fung Mian's submarine sink into the sea surface, and left safely, then turned safely to Shuilong Island.

The dark night locked the sea, and the sea water was beating slowly and forcefully. The waves were not big, but it seemed to contain the power that even the sky could crush. The sea breeze swayed, **** swaying down the sea breeze, and his face turned pale in a flash. Fang Cai's heart was still beating. At this moment, she became strangely calm. She clenched her fists. She knew that tonight, there was going to be a fight.

As soon as she bit her teeth, she leaped up, raised her air, and took several steps in the volley, her light work has taken her to the next level. She can breathe in the air, change her figure several times, and her large skirt flutters in the wind. Like a sea hawk against the wind, he jumped towards the nearest boat.

There are five ninjas on that boat. They are driving the boat and are fully absorbed in avoiding the reefs. Seser jumped slightly to the stern, the boat swayed, and a man in black looked back. Seser reached out and kicked continuously, only to hear a few "sounds", the ninjas were kicked into the acupoint one after another, and they stiffly fell Into the sea.

A boat in front heard the movement of the boat in the back, and looked back in horror. The helm of the helm was a little bit. The boat hit the reef, and was instantly shattered.

Sedately standing on the bow of the ship, tending to cross the ships of the ninjas, wherever she went, she took the ropes of the ship, waving continuously, and struck the ninja's ship in a short time. After a while, she galloped to the water dragon. On the island.

On Lishui Long Island, the torches are bright, and the pirates and ninjas have already started a deadly battle.

The ninjas of Yimai Kingdom are simply demons.

They each carried a black cloth bag on their backs, and they gently pulled, and two wings made of black cloth were pulled out from behind, their arms opened, and the wings were suddenly filled with wind, and they flew along the wind. In the dark night, like black bats flying around in the air. It flies like this without consuming the slightest internal force in the body. With bows and arrows in their hands, they kept firing over the pirates' heads.

There are also some ninjas hidden in the shadow of the torch and in the deep bushes. They have strange ways of attacking and attacking the pirates from time to time. They are struck by a blow and then walk away.

These ninjas are light and nimble. Through the cover of the night, they can use all kinds of ninja skills to the extreme. With a huge machete in his hand, under the light of the torch, it shone with a terrible cold light.

This situation seems to be detrimental to the pirates.

He could almost see that death was spreading its huge wings, hobbled in the sea breeze, and rushed straight towards them.

Xi Ma Yue and Ning put on their armor, calmly commanding the pirates to meet the ninjas. The pirates are not idle, and the martial arts are not weak. Although they were caught off guard by these sudden attacking demons, they calmed down and performed their best moves to fight with the ninjas.

Seirei hit several ninjas in a row. Under the fire in front of him, Zi Mi was holding iron blood flute in his hands and was fighting with six ninjas. Those six ninjas are obviously the elite among the ninjas, and the water surrounded by the purple fans cannot be drained.

Qi Zifan screamed angrily, waving the iron blood flute, and the dark red flute shadow danced under the torch in dark red light and shadow.

Several pirates suddenly pulled the cloth bag behind them, the black wings behind them spread, three flew into the air, three on the ground, and attacked from all directions, like a dense net, vowing to purple Stuck to death.

The purple fan in a purple suit shrank in the shadow of the sword. The fight was a bit laborious and caught off guard. In the left arm was a knife, and blood ran down the wound. Zi Mi's action was slow for a moment. At this moment, the six-handed machete was chopped towards Zi Mi at the same time.

A faint sigh sounded at this moment.

Qi Yihong's cold light was like ice, flying in front of everyone. Very soft, very light, very light, but it was terribly cold.

The shadow of the six-handed machete was cut into pieces by Lengguang, and the machete has been broken into two pieces, one of which fell to the ground, and the other penetrated into the heart of the ninja.

The figure of their rampant madness suddenly changed from extreme movement to extreme silence, and slowly fell to the ground. Until death, they do not know who died in their hands!

The whispering conch sound suddenly raised a few syllables, and the pirates shouted and shouted: "Dragon Girl King, Dragon Girl King!"

The ninjas couldn't help but stand still and looked away.

A woman in a plain clothes was walking slowly, her figure was long and gaunt, she was holding a crescent machete in her hand, the machete was still dripping blood, but she was spotless and not bloody.

Ye Yefeng raised her long hair, exposing her beautiful face, and there was a gentle smile of shining flowers in the corners of her lips, but the chill in her eyes was cold and dreadful.

It turned out that this was the woman who killed six Nimai Ninjas in one shot.

This graceful and elegant woman actually made those ninjas chill from the bottom of her heart. Especially in the face of these quiet eyes, they couldn't help but fear and shudder, just trying to escape.

"You are the Bihai Dragon Girl?" A ninja asked in a condensed voice, and his eyes exposed outside the black scarf looked coldly.

"Yes!" Said quietly.

The ninja looked at Seser for a moment and waved his hands, and numerous ninjas rushed towards Seser. They were hidden in the wind, in the trees, some like birds, some like gophers, rushed towards them in all directions.

"Miss, please be careful, these ninjas are not easy to deal with." Zi Mi shouted loudly, reached out and held down the bleeding wound.

Suddenly lifting her internal force, the scimitar became cold and lonely for a moment. She wielded the scimitar, used the strong cloud sword method, and fought with the ninjas.

Xu Mayue and Ning Fang tried to stop the ninjas, but the ninjas seemed to have identified them and attacked them constantly.

"Sir, you are here, but I have been looking for you for a long time!" A clear voice sounded, colorless and phaseless, like a cool wind, without the earth's filthy air, rushing to the face.

The fighting crowd was silent for a while, and they stabbed a ninja with a knife and looked back.

I saw in the sword light sword shadow, a man stepping on the torch of dim light slowly approached. He was in a blue suit, with a glorious style, with a faint smile on his face. The light of the torch was reflected deep in his eyes, just like the reflection of a beautiful rainbow in the water.

Secret eyes stayed on Mo Xunhuan, this man who always loves wearing coarse cloths, now wearing a sky blue shirt, the blue color in the dirty blood on the ground, looks so clean, as if clear The blue sky was never contaminated by dust.

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