Can you say that Mo Xunhuan lives in the main hall of this palace? If so, it ’s really strange. Seeing Mo Xunhuan ’s makeup, he walked in the palace not as the monarch of Yimai but as a guard leader. How can he live in such a luxurious palace as such Inside?

He was bewildered, the door of the temple was wide open, and a sharp figure greeted quickly from the temple.

"The king ..." Qing Ling's soft voice came over.

At this moment, the surviving petrified!

The person in front of me wore an emerald gown, slender and erect, with a very narrow waist, just like a woman's waist. A face is beautiful and picturesque, handsome eyes gather water with affection, and the corners of lips sway with a flower-like smile.

This is a beautiful young man, and, still knowing him, he is the young man he saw when he went to Yimai Island in Lianchi, the young man dressed as an old lady dancing a funny dance.

少年 This boy unexpectedly lived in the palace with Mo Xunhuan, which was unexpected. Looking at the handsome and flowery face of the young man, he suddenly remembered the rumors about Ye Wuchen's favor with the male pet. It seems that the rumors are true. The male pet is about the young man in Yimai Kingdom. Otherwise, how could he live in such a palace, returning to Jinyihuafu, and the palace people were around.

He Mo Xunhuan said, "Oh," and took him hurriedly past the boy, walking towards the temple. Persistent, followed closely, she wanted to find out exactly what Mo Xunhuan used to control the night dust. Just this male pet? Somewhat incredible! If Ye Chenchen really cherishes this male pet, can she escape by holding the male pet.

The magnificent arrangement in the hall, Mo Xunhuan pulled Seser and turned straight to the left. Inside was a dormitory. The thick pins and red tent curtains hang down to the ground. Under the feet, there are white stone bricks like a mirror. The light yellow candlelight gently jumping on the wooden case was reflected.

He hurriedly looked at the furnishings in the room, found a chair by himself, sat down, and stared at the young man who followed him lightly.

The young man seemed to glance at him inadvertently, and there was a hint of resentment under his eyes. Surprisingly, this boy seemed to hate her very much.

"The king, Masako has died." The young man's eyes turned to Mo Xunhuan, the trace of hatred had disappeared, only grief remained.

"Oh, send someone to be buried." Mo Xun Huan faintly, there is no wave in the quiet voice, it seems that what the young man said is not life or death but cold and windy, it can't be more dull.

Unexpectedly, only the one who saved her had stabbed Masako with a sword. Although they were hostile, the young and gentle woman had disappeared in an instant, and her heart was somewhat stunned.

If there is no war, if not Mo Xunhuan is trying to plot South Vietnam, Masako and the sinking fish should be happy and alive. Thinking of the innocent pirates of Shuilong Island, and thinking of Shenyu and Masako, Sirei asked coldly, "Mo Xunhuan, Shenyu and Masako, aren't you sad for them at all?"

Mo Moxuan turned his eyes slightly, calmly concentrating on his face, and said so solemnly: "This is the life of the dead, and they should be proud to die for the country! I should be the same!"

She was completely speechless. She thought that she and Mo Xunhuan could not talk about each other.

"Lan Ting, you just came back from the front and talk about the war ahead!" Mo Xunhuan smiled slightly, reached out and lifted off the human leather mask on his face, exposing the delicate and picturesque face.

He didn't shy away at all.

"Yes!" Lan Ting responded: "The 150,000 soldiers and horses of the King of Kings were besieged in Huangcheng. They have not fought for a few days, but they just kept on to Huangcheng. Lan Ting believes that the King of Kings must have been afraid."

Mo Xunhuan chuckled and said, "Why are you afraid of the smokeless night after battles? I'm afraid this is his strategy. He dragged half a million soldiers and horses, I'm afraid ..." He turned his head suddenly, coldly Asked, "Lan Ting, after Huangcheng was besieged, have you ever seen No-Smoke appear in the tower at night?"

"I've seen it. I was so far away, and it was snowing all over the sky. The appearance is not very clear! King, what's wrong, do you suspect that Yewuyan was not besieged in Huangcheng at night?" Lan Ting glared. A pair of beautiful eyes asked in surprise.

Mo Moxuan hovered around the room with a frowning hand, his brows froze deeply, he turned around and glanced at the quietly sitting in the chair, and suddenly said, "I'm afraid, he's already at Scarcity!"

He whispered, his heart murmured, and he felt only a heart that was suspended instantly.

Is n’t Ye Wuyan not leading a battle in the north, but instead coming to the Scarlet City?

Will he come back for her?

"Lan Ting, go out first!" Mo Xunhuan frowned and ordered coldly.

Qi Lanting's handsome black eyes glanced at Mo Xunhuan resentfully, bowed back, and gave a cold glance before leaving. That gaze clearly made Seir feel that he had snatched him.

Hagiwara had some inexplicable feelings about Lan Ting's hatred for her. When he looked at Mo Xunhuan's resentful look, his heart suddenly moved. For example, if Lan Ting is really a man's favorite in the night, then he probably likes men. And his king Mo Xunhuan is undoubtedly a very attractive man. Isn't he admiring him?

He suddenly remembered that day, at the invitation of Mo Xunhuan, he was invited to Yimai Kingdom as a guest. In Lianchi, Mo Xunhuan begged himself for marriage. At that time, this Lanting was hiding in the lotus pond. He may have heard their conversation, so later, in the boat, puffed at the lotus flower. No wonder, he listened to his words as if scolding himself.

In my opinion, he really likes Mo Xunhuan.

He was very incomprehensible to their feelings, and was terrified in his heart.

Mo Xunhuan didn't know what he was thinking about. Seeing the almost bewildered expression on her face, he strolled and walked in front of him, with a charming and sorrowful smile on his picturesque face, like the ecstasy in the night. It is very beautiful and dangerous.

怎么 "Why, thinking that there is no smoke at night, do you think he returned to Heicheng for you?" He asked leisurely.

He frowned and said coldly, "Naturally, I said, Ye Wuyan and I have nothing to do now!"

"Nothing to do?" Mo Xun smiled, his smile was very gentle under the candlelight. This devil, no matter how bad he is, has given birth to a good-looking skinny bag, which is really a pity.

"Sir, how about we make a bet, if ... if Ruo Ye Ye didn't come back because of you, then marry me, how about? I can give up trying to dominate the world for you, how?" He stretched out, evoking With a stern jaw, the slender eyes narrowed slightly, and the bottom of the eyes was deep.

He smirked softly, stretched out his hand and swept away Mo Xunhuan's hand, and said coldly, "Mo Xunhuan, this joke is not very nice!"

However, as far as the eyes are concerned, this beautiful face does not have a hint of joking, but is serious and serious.

Mo Xunhuan heard the words, and there was a gloom in the bottom of his eyes. He stood up, walked two steps slowly, and suddenly leaned down, catching Cather's wrist unexpectedly, cutting her hands behind her back, tightly restraining her In his arms, the corners of his lips are raised, with ambiguous smiles. He was too close to her, and a burning breath blew her ears.

"What are you going to do?" Secretly narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

Mo Moxuan laughed and smiled: "Sir, since I took you to my bedroom, what do you say I want to do?"

Although he couldn't move, he wasn't panic, smiled coldly, and condensed, "Mo Xunhuan, do you mean to be frivolous to me? You won't!"

Mo Moxuan raised his eyebrows, a deep smile lit from the corner of his lips, and he smiled lowly: "How can I see?"

"Although you are shameful, at any cost for a purpose of nothingness, but in the bones, he is not a stupid villain. Even, he is more arrogant than anyone else. How can you be frivolous to me like this!" Suppressed the frantic heartbeat, said Dingding. In fact, her heart was very tense. Right now, she didn't even have the strength to resist, and she was really afraid of Mo Xunhuan's violence against her.

Mo Moxuan heard the words for a moment, and then suddenly smiled, his voice was bleak in the dumb voice.

He was right, he would never do anything to force her. However, what he said was innocent and arrogant, maybe it was before, but now, does he still have it?

"Sir, don't you know your charm? No matter how lofty and arrogant a person is, when you see you, you will become a puppet villain, don't you know?" He said lowly, a hint of cynical in his voice. The taste, bowing, will be pressed against the crow's lips.

He looked at her coldly, without fear under his eyes, but with contempt and disdain.

The smile on the corner of Mo Xunhuan's lips condensed, and he let go of his arm, and said coldly, "Jiang Seser, hurry up, otherwise, I can't guarantee that, in the next moment, will I ..."

She hurriedly heard that she got up in a hurry, but she did not dare to challenge the man's patience.

"Go to the holy!" The scream of a vocal promise came from the door, the voice of Guan Ning, the **** chief executive who had no dust at night.

Ye Ye was so deep, how did Ye Ye come?

Mo Mo Xuanhuan's body was obviously stiff, and for a moment, he could detect the coldness bursting out of him suddenly. Suddenly he turned his head and reached for a bit on the sleepy sleeping hole, and he felt dizzy for a while. Before falling asleep, she felt that Mo Xunhuan hugged her and hid in the dark room behind the bookshelf.

I didn't know how long I had slept. When I woke up, I felt dark around me and touched my hands, only to remember that I was hiding here by Mo Xunhuan. Ye Wuchen already knew that she was in the palace, and wondered what Mo Xunhuan would have hidden her for.

She faintly heard someone talking outside. She listened to her ears, only to hear the sound of no dust at night. "Okay, as soon as it disperses, I will ask someone to paste this imperial robe."

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